Ubuntu Installation :: Configuration For 10.10 At Legacy Partition

Feb 2, 2011

I used to have dual boot of Windows XP and Ubuntu 10.04 which encounters some severe problems working extremely slow.... Last night I tried install Ubuntu 10.10 with live CD into the existing partition of the previous 10.04. But the 'GRUB Loading Stage 1.5, error 15' appeared. With the help from the following link, still couldn't fix it. [URL] Unfortunately, I can not get into either of the OS afterwards..... Now I am trying to reinstall again step by step. Anyhow, I am quite a beginner at non-windows OS, could guess the meaning of each command line rather than understand them well.

1. I deleted the partition /dev/sda8 and added it again in ext4 format with choosing 'Format the partition'
2. Should I set the 'Mount Point' with any options? "/", "/boot", "/home" or any others?
3. How shall I set Boot loader -> Device for boot loader installation:

/dev/sda8 or
/dev/sda ATA Hitachi HTS54323 (320.1 GB)

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Upgrade Legacy VGA With (less) Legacy VGA?

Jan 2, 2011

I have an ATI Radeon 9200 AGP card. I plan to upgrade it mainly because the 2D performance in KDE (3.x without Beryl or Compiz) is just bad. Since we are talking about a relatively old desktop, I do not want to completely upgrade it. So, I want to just upgrade the VGA card. I have found the following cards: Nvidia GeForce 6200

Radeon HD 2400 Pro
Radeon X1600 Pro Avivo Edition

Now, the simple question: Their prices are just OK (just a couple of � separate them). Which chip is better? And which chip is better supported from our beloved distro?

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Legacy Not Showing New OS (10.10)

Dec 18, 2010

My laptop came with Vista and I added Linux Mint 6 (based on Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex) all is good for a year or so. Added Ubuntu 10.10 to my desktop, loved it, wanted to add it to my laptop...oops.

Installed the main version from a LiveCD, did the the easy multi-OS installation.

GRUB-0.97 is what boots my system though looking at boot script I do have GRUB2 somewhere.

Currently, my boot options are:

1. Mint 6

2. Mint 6 (recovered)

3. Mint 6

4. Mint 6 (recovered)

5. memtest 86+

Other operating systems

6. Vista/Longhorn loader

7. Vista/Longhorn loader

Sda7 is where Ubuntu should be installed. GPARTED says its ext3 file system and bootscript says ext4.

I did find the forum post on purging and installing GRUB2 though I'm not sure if that's what I need to do, or try to reinstall Ubuntu w/o also doing partition resizing at the same time.

The output from my bootscript:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 0.97 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition #5 for /boot/grub/stage2 and /boot/grub/menu.lst.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Understanding Legacy GRUB 'chainloader'

Jun 8, 2010

The O'Reilly book, Linux in a Nutshell, Sixth Edition has this excerpted section (on Legacy GRUB):If GRUB is installed in the MBR, you can chainload Windows by setting the root device to the partition that has the Windows boot loader, making it the active partition, and then using the chainloader command to read the Windows boot sector.If GRUB has been installed to (hd0,0)'s MBR, then I am confused what "file" chainloader +1 is pointing to. Obviously, it is not the MBR but that is confusing to me. When one boots a Linux system with GRUB in the MBR, what file does chainloader +1 point to?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Keep Sda First But To Place Grub2 Instead Of Grub Legacy?

Mar 11, 2011

I installed yesterday the 11.4 openSUSE to my desktop pC (in my 160hdd that previous had WinVista).The bad thing was that I used grub from opensuse to be installed to MBR.openSUSE uses Grub 1.5 and I want grub2.Now I cannot see Ubuntu when grub legacy loads.I will post the results from

fdisk -l
later today (cause i am not in my pc)


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Configuration - Partition No Longer Shows Up In Chameleon?

Sep 24, 2010

boot up in to chameleon, lists only Mac OS X as a boot option. Reboot, load Ubuntu 10.4 install cd, get to a terminal, mount /dev/sda3 /mnt grub-install --force --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda3

reboot, let chameleon come up, it sees both Mac OS X & Ubuntu partitions and I can boot to either or happily, now here is the problem... If I select linux and boot in to linux from chameleon, i am brought to the grub menu, where i can select the first choice which is normal ubuntu 10.4 and every thing is great... until I reboot and my linux partition no longer shows up in chameleon, as if tthe act of booting in to grub is changing something / deleting itself from the partition? and I have to do the whole thing over again. SO, not having to even go in to OS X, I'm not sure thats really the concerns more as I'm doing something wrong with grub.

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Fedora Installation :: Encrypted Partition Configuration On Kickstart?

Feb 16, 2011

couldn't find anything similar on the forum.I am writing a kickstart for fedora 14 with a partition table similar to:

part / --asprimary --fstype="ext4" --size=10000 --encrypted --passphrase=pass1
part /boot --asprimary --fstype="ext4" --size=130
part /var --fstype="ext4" --size=5000 --encrypted --passphrase=pass1


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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.04 - Lost Grub Legacy In Windows Reinstall

Jun 19, 2010

I dual-boot ubuntu 9.04 and windows 7. I recently reinstalled windows, and it wiped grub-legacy off of my MBR. Reinstalling grub shouldn't be tough, right, especially with clear instructions? Anyway, I can't get anywhere with the official instructions here: [URL]. The first issue is that the current live CD has no program "grub" in terminal. I dug up an old live cd, but I couldn't get anything with the directions:

Find where Grub is. If this gives a few different answers then you will need to find the correct one, perhaps by trial-and-error.
find /boot/grub/stage1
That command didn't find anything, nor did some similar commands found on google.

So I'm really at a loss. What should I do?
-Can I install Grub 2 on my MBR? Will that work with 9.04?
-Can I access my 9.04 install, copy files to Windows, and then just format the partition and clean install 10.04?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Failure After Trying To Upgrade From Legacy Grub To Grub2

May 21, 2011

I moved from 8.04.2 to 10.04.2 and tried to upgrade from GRUB Legacy to Grub2. I must have made a mis-step somewhere in the process as on boot it now tells me

GRUB Loading stage1.5.
GRUB Loading,
Error 15
Is there a nuke from orbit, no finesse way of just ripping all the existing GRUB mess out and installing GRUB2 from Boot disk? for instance should I be just be able to boot with a LIVE CD mount the primary disk of this machine and enter the below in a terminal without messing up any further?

sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/PRIMARY_DISK /dev/sda

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Debian Installation :: Can I Uninstall GRUB-2 And Install Legacy

Apr 5, 2011

I am new to Debian. I have installed Debian on sda1, grub installed in /dev/sda . /dev/sda6 is SalixOs.

My fdisk -l report is this code...

I boot from sda, Debian recognised windows Xp installed on sdb1, but when I choose to boot from it, it simply reboots.

What could be the reason ? I am a newbie, please be patient with me.

I have solve the problem by installing EasyBCD in WinXp and added the Linux entries to it and booting from sdb.(changed in BIOS)

So, is it possible to uninstall GRUB-2 and install GRUB-Legacy ? Would it work on Debian-Squeeze ?

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Fedora Installation :: 11 - Can't Get The Nvidia Legacy Drivers Running

Oct 3, 2009

I can't get the Nvidia legacy drivers running. I've the following packages, which are the right ones for my kernel:


and I added nouveau to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and created a new mkinitrd which boots. But the X11 window system doesn't start up, so I checked if nouveau is loaded and it's really blacklisted. When I manually modprobe nvidia kernel driver I get the following error:


FATAL: Error inserting nvidia (/lib/modules/ No such device

and some warnings from the module that 185.18.36 doesn't support my CPU.

My video card is:


Try to figure this out for two days now. Rpmfusion is really frustrating for me

Adding vmalloc=256m to the kernel parameters and Option "ConstantFrameRateHint" "True" in xorg.conf also didn't help.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Without Grub2 (use Existing Fine Working Grub Legacy)

Oct 2, 2010

I have a dual boot config with

sda1 /boot
sda2 Win7
sda3 /
sda4 Truecrypt Partition

i have grub1 working and chaonloading truecrypt loader if i choose "win7" in grub1 menu I want to install a new kubuntu (no upgrade) I have read that that there are problems with grub2 and truecrypt actually a bug that grub2 dont chainloads truecrypt boot loader many ppl seem to have problems with grub2 then i read somewhere that ubuntu install is not asking for grub2 to be installed and just installing it. is this right?

i think at least for the alternative install cd its wrong. i installed it on another pc and it asked me! it works for win7 and Ubuntu and i guess its grub2 but there is no truecrypt installed anyway, i wanted to ask is the live cd installer asks me for grub2 and what is the best and easiest way to stay with my grub and just change the menu.lst to the new kernel (i guess there will be one)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gallium 3D Driver For ATI Legacy R300-R500 - Mobility Radeon X1400

May 24, 2010

I have recently installed 10.04 on my Fujitsu E8210 laptop and now have a problem with the flickering and noisy screen. I have narrowed down the issue to my ATI mobility Radeon x1400 drivers and seen a suggestion to install Gallium3D drivers. Up 'till now I have installed new kernel from [url].

And now am looking for directions on how to install Gallium3D drivers for my video card.

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Debian Installation :: BIOS Settings EUFI Or Legacy - Secure Boot Enabled

Oct 3, 2015

debian 8 64bit

Should bios setting be eufi or legacy?

Should secure boot be enabled?

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General :: Automating USB Drive Configuration Of Partition Table, Partition And File System

Jan 26, 2011

I have tried to automate the configuration of a usb drive with not much success.

The problem that I have is that I have a large amount of usb drives that have a partition table of type "loop" and I need to change them to "msdos". The size of the drives vary and I need to use FAT32 or FAT16 file system.

I've tried various partitioning commands and gui applications but cant find one that I can give a one line command to to set the partition table, maximum partition size and file system.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Location Legacy Nvidia-xconfig Or Using Nvidia-gfx-71 In 9.10

Jan 2, 2010

I have 9.10 running on an old computer with a Nvidia Vanta-graphics card. Unfortunately these appearently aren't supported by 9.10, since the oldest nvidia drivers in the repository for this build are nvidia-gfx-96, while vanta seem to supported up to nvidia-gfx-71. After some hours of following tutorials, fiddling around and testing I managed to install the 71-drivers. But, the nvidia-settings require nvidia-xconfig to be around, which is embedded with later driver-builds but not with 71.

Fortunately I found a tar.gz at this page, so I downloaded it... but -and here is finally my question- where am I supposed to extract it to and are there other things I should do to get it working? Or, if I'm overcomplicating things, feel free to give me directions on what to do. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything on Ubuntu 9.10 and nvidia-gfx-71, hence I'm messing around for hours by now.

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Debian Installation :: Boot Jessie Without Legacy Boot

Nov 8, 2015

I've been using linux distros on my desktop forever, and got a windows 10 laptop recently. I want to dual-boot debain (jessie), so I installed it and it worked fine. Unfortunately, I have to enable Legacy mode in BIOS to boot into my grub then linux machine. Is there a way I can have my computer boot without legacy boot?

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Fedora Installation :: Replace Grub 2 With Grub Legacy?

Jun 2, 2011

I had Fedora 14 (x86) and Windows XP with Grub Legacy (Grub) for dual boot in my desktop.

I installed Debian and Grub 2 replaced Grub in the MBR.

Must I reinstall F14 to recover Grub as bootloader or is there another lighter way to do it?

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Fedora Installation :: 13 Using GRuB 2 Or Still Uses GRuB Legacy?

May 25, 2010

Is fedora 13 using GRuB 2 or still uses GRuB legacy?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 "upgrade From Legacy" Wants To "GRUB Install Devices"?

May 2, 2010

I've installed grub2 on 10.04, when I restarted I selected that option in the menu that seems to go for testing the chainloader. The system seemed to start ok, so I ran upgrade-from-grub-legacy. Now it's asking me for "GRUB install devices" and listing my hard drive (/dev/sda) and the 5 partitions on it as possible options. Which should I choose? I have Linux and Windoze running on this desktop,

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Fedora Installation :: Installation - Creating A Swap Partition Or A Boot Partition?

Jul 27, 2009

I have a brand new thinkpad X301 with 4GB of RAM and thinking of getting fedora 11 on it. The plan is to have it triple boot with vista/seven and hopefully OSx86. I am aware of the 4 primary partitions limit on an MBR disk. I was thinking of having a swap file instead of swap partition and not creating a boot partition as well. If I install the boot loader(GRUB?) on the root partition will I be able to boot it without any problems by using vista's boot loader?

Or Maybe I should install GRUB on the MBR and add all the other operating systems on it? Does anyone have any objections for not creating a swap partition or a boot partition? When comes to desktop environment I've been using KDE in the past, is there any major advantage of using Gnome over it? KDE seems to look really nice on fedora where Gnome is maybe more stable?

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 And 10.10 Legacy Hardware?

Apr 21, 2011

Legacy Hardware I have a chunk of hardware I bought in 2005 that came with Windoze verzhun Whatever. Very soon after buying it I decided to discard the trash that came with it, and installed Mandrake. I lived with Mandrake for a while until I decided to install Debian. Debian lasted me very well, until Lenny became Squeeze.All of a sudden, my hardware was slow. I couldn't keep up. Lenny had seen my applications crash more and more often, but Squeeze just couldn't keep me in the race. I chose to go to Ubuntu.

With my hardware, Ubuntu 10.10 just would not see my disks. Ubuntu 9.10 could not install grub. I tried everything - take a look at a google forum that I didn't look at, if you can.Ubuntu 8.04 loads and runs without any special work. I suggest that Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.10 have special hardware requirements.

root@gizmo:~# lshw
description: Desktop Computer
product: System Product Name


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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Took Over Grub Legacy?

Jul 17, 2010

I had Arch Linux installed on my machine on sda1 and the Grub legacy that came on their install image on the MBA at sda/. I just did a Ubuntu update and it wanted me to do an update and me thinking grub-install referred to grub legacy, went along with it but now I have Grub2 for my boot menu. There are a few guides on restoring Grub2 I've found but how do I put Grub back on to how I had it? (I thought installing grub legacy from Arch's usb image I have would be simple and fairly automated/easy but it won't let me without doing the previous steps of partitioning drives and selecting packages to install and such so it looks like I'm going to have to do it manually which I haven't done before).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Os_prober Calls The Vista Partition The Windows Recovery Partition

Feb 20, 2011

Two days ago I repartitioned my laptop HD and added the latest Ubuntu (2.6.35-25-generic) to the existing Vista and existing Ubuntu (2.6.32-28-generic via upgrades from 9.14(?)). Prior to this install it was using Grub with menu.lst from the old/upgrade Ubuntu. After the install the boot menu labels the partition with Vista as the Windows Recovery partition and the recovery partition item is no longer present.

At first I wondered how I could get Vista to boot. I found that SuperGrub cd would boot it OK. Then, it dawned on me that the boot menu item was not the recovery partition, but instead the Vista OS partition mislabelled . Vista loads just fine from it. The recovery partition is no longer listed as it was with Grub/menu.lst. SuperGrub will not boot the recovery partition, showing an error "missing BOOTMGR".

'os-prober' produces--
root@Toshiba:/home/deh# os-prober
/dev/sda2:Windows Recovery Environment (loader):Windows:chain
/dev/sda7:Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS (10.04):Ubuntu:linux


I edited boot/grub/grub.cfg so the boot menu item is labelled correctly, but suspect that it will revert back when there is an upgrade.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Format Windows Partition To Be The Home Partition And Changed The Nfts To Ext

Sep 1, 2011

i have instaled ubuntu 11.04 wubi on my pc with windows 7. i installed and everything was going ok i navigate on ubuntu already. but the problems star here i went on my ubuntu to the partition section and i format my windows partion to be the home partion and changed the nfts to ext, i did the upgrades but i forgot that theyr running yet and i restart my computer when it boot again it gaves me an error:

try (0,0) : nfts5 : wubildr
try (0,1) : ext2 :

and the windows7 says that i have to instal again. so i went to another pc and i made a cd boot and a pen boot. i burned the iso (downloaded from the ubuntu oficial site the 11.04 32 bit version) image to the cd and pen drive prperly, i adjust my boot options to star from usb or cd rom and nothing im struck.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create A New Partition In Front Of A Windows Partition Without Trouble?

Oct 25, 2010

This is my partition table:

/dev/sda1 1 4255 34178256 83 Linux
/dev/sda2 4256 4437 1461915 5 Extended
/dev/sda3 * 4438 9964 44395627+ 7 HPFS/NTFS


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Ubuntu Installation :: Add Unallocated Space To Storage Partition And Not Boot Partition?

Apr 20, 2011

using onboard windows disk management i have made 75gb unallocated to add to the aforementioned ntfs data partition. but, after resizing extended partition, will i need to fix grub even though i will be adding the unallocated space to a storage partition and not the ubuntu boot partition?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition Multiple Distros To Share One Home Partition

May 11, 2011

I was wondering what the best way is to partition multiple distros to share one home partition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Partition And Go Back To Just Full Windows Xp Partition

Jun 4, 2011

I have an Acer Aspire Netbook running a dual boot with Xp and Ubuntu Netbook Version (Lucid Lynx if I am not mistaken?) Anyway I plan on selling this netbook and I need to remove the Ubuntu Partition and go back to just a full Windows Xp partition with it's recovery partition also.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Wubi - Windows 7 Partition Along With The Lenovo Recovery Partition

Aug 1, 2011

I tried installing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on my girlfriend's lenovo using a live disc. First we tried it out to show her the wireless would work fine (her previous lenovo was not ubuntu friendly at all). She's interested in keeping her windows 7 partition along with the lenovo recovery partition, so I tried doing a dual boot install. I manually moved the cursors setting the disk space on each partition, and we allowed Ubuntu to do the rest. Much to my dismay, the installation failed.

I've done some reading over the internet, and I think in our case it would be best to use a Wubi installation. We're interested in using 10.04, so where can we find a wubi installer of Ubuntu 10.04?

Also, any ideas why the installation might have failed? The iso was downloaded off the ubuntu main site, and we burned it using infrarecorder.

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