Fedora Installation :: 11 - Can't Get The Nvidia Legacy Drivers Running

Oct 3, 2009

I can't get the Nvidia legacy drivers running. I've the following packages, which are the right ones for my kernel:


and I added nouveau to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and created a new mkinitrd which boots. But the X11 window system doesn't start up, so I checked if nouveau is loaded and it's really blacklisted. When I manually modprobe nvidia kernel driver I get the following error:


FATAL: Error inserting nvidia (/lib/modules/ No such device

and some warnings from the module that 185.18.36 doesn't support my CPU.

My video card is:


Try to figure this out for two days now. Rpmfusion is really frustrating for me

Adding vmalloc=256m to the kernel parameters and Option "ConstantFrameRateHint" "True" in xorg.conf also didn't help.

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Debian Hardware :: When The Nvidia Legacy Drivers Are Going Into Squeeze

Feb 13, 2010

Does anyone know when or if the nvidia legacy drivers are going into Squeeze? I tried the ones in the Sid repos but ran into unresolvable dependencies. Lots of people were telling me that testing works just fine so I've been trying it out, but to be honest I've run into quite a few problems of this nature. I admit that I'm running a real Rube Goldberg mix of older and newer hardware on this box, but I wouldn't think it would be this much of a problem.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.10 - Drivers For Legacy NVidia Card

Nov 22, 2010

Got a Gforce4 Ti 4400 graphics card. After installing 10.10 everything works but not optimal:
I cannot choose any visual effects under appearances. I don't have a NVIDIA menu. Can't use any of the features. When looking in the 'additional drivers' section, nothing shows up. Looking at some threads, I tried what is described in: p {margin-bottom: 0.08in;} [URL]

However, the result is crap. As described further down that thread, my screen goes to crap. So, re-installed everything again and I am now wondering if I should just give up. Not my nature though so here is my question:
My card is supported with the Legacy NVIDIA driver: 96.43.xx driver
Latest version on their website:
Version: 96.43.19 Certified
Release Date: 2010.11.16
Operating System: Linux
Language: English (U.S.)
File Size: 15.7 MB

This file is a .bin file. So what should I do. I read something like if you don't use something from the repository you have to re-install it every time Ubuntu's kernel is updated. However, does the driver in the repository support my legacy card. Is it wise to install the certified driver and how do I do that?

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Ubuntu :: Wrong Screen Resolution At Startup After Installing NVidia Legacy Drivers

Jan 8, 2011

I just installed drivers for this nVidia GPU from the website. Now, whenever I boot, the screen resolution goes to 1024x768 instead of 1280x800 like I want it to. I have to change the screen resolution every time I boot into Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Location Legacy Nvidia-xconfig Or Using Nvidia-gfx-71 In 9.10

Jan 2, 2010

I have 9.10 running on an old computer with a Nvidia Vanta-graphics card. Unfortunately these appearently aren't supported by 9.10, since the oldest nvidia drivers in the repository for this build are nvidia-gfx-96, while vanta seem to supported up to nvidia-gfx-71. After some hours of following tutorials, fiddling around and testing I managed to install the 71-drivers. But, the nvidia-settings require nvidia-xconfig to be around, which is embedded with later driver-builds but not with 71.

Fortunately I found a tar.gz at this page, so I downloaded it... but -and here is finally my question- where am I supposed to extract it to and are there other things I should do to get it working? Or, if I'm overcomplicating things, feel free to give me directions on what to do. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything on Ubuntu 9.10 and nvidia-gfx-71, hence I'm messing around for hours by now.

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OpenSUSE :: Running A Nvidia Gtx260 And Have Installed Nvidia Drivers For Series 6 And Up?

Jun 9, 2010

opensuse 11.2 ,my monitor keeps going to sleep or somthing and this is a problem when im watching videos,ive set screens power setting but they dont seem to be whats doing it.im running a nvidia gtx260 and have installed nvidia drivers for series 6 and up.dont know if its the divers or somthing else.

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Fedora :: F11 To F12 Doesn't Seem To Like Legacy Nvidia Cards?

Nov 18, 2009

Greets all and congrats on the developers on bringing us another great version of Fedora. My box has an Nvidia GForce4 MMX 440 SE 64MB SDRam. I downloaded and updated from F11 to F12 last night. Before I went to bed It booted to a blank screen, GDM didn't want to start. I decided to investigate in the morning and went to bed. The first problem I found was that the F11 Legacy Nvidia Drivers were causing a problem, so I had to remove those. I also did an update with yum to get everything 100% updated. Then rebooted, more problems. GDM did NOT want to start for anything. More investigating found that the culprit was this nouveau kernel mod. Well, I had the xorg nouveau driver installed and I thought that this might be one in the same so I removed the xorg one with no avail, the nouveau kernal mod still loading. Seems that they are different and one is used for the xorg server and the other is used for the framebuffer console. I had to pass nouveau.modset=0 to the kernel at boot time to rid myself of the framebuffer. GDM starts now and I have resinstalled the xorg Nvidia nouveau driver though I have not tested it as of yet. Is there a better way at disabling the framebuffer boot up then by passing things to the kernel?

Edit: I take all that back. Upon further tinkering, reading, and investigation. The problem seems to be two fold: 1) The legacy nvidia drivers pissed and moaned about permission so I removed them. 2). This one I over looked and was causing me most of my grief. I didn't change the xorg.conf video driver from nv to nouveau. I did this and it works fine now. It seems that the "Linva-config-display" And I am sorry that I do not know exactly what this is at the moment. But this would automatically change the video driver from nvidia to nv if I manually changed it in the xorg.conf file after I removed the nvidia drivers. So I ASSUMED(my big mistake) that it would automatically see the nouveau driver and replace the nv with that. I was very wrong. After I added it manually, I rebooted and it runs fine now.

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Get Nvidia Drivers Installed In 10?

Feb 19, 2009

This is my first post, as I've finally become fed up with trying to get the nvidia drivers installed on Fedora 10. I've read through all the posts here about how people have had problems. I know about the rpmfusion repository, and have followed leigh123's instructions to the letter at this link:[URL]The exact stepsI have taken before following his sage advice follows this way: install off the CD image I burned of Fedora 10, run from the menus "System-->Administration-->Update System" to get the system up to date, reboot to make sure everything is working fine.

Then I follow the above instructions (only because they have gotten me the closest to getting the drivers working). After the reboot from following those instructions, the system starts up, and I have a desktop. But when I restart again, either because I'm shutting down for the night, or just to check again that everything is fine,I get nothing but a flashing cursor in the upper left of my screen. I'm able to CTRL+ALT+F2 and get to a login that way, but can't get into the GUI. I've searched the forums (both here and on The Web generally), and can't find a fix for this that works for me. I have gone back and erased the partition and reinstalled, so I'm at the basic install with all the updates for my system, and needing help with getting the drivers installed and working.

Just to give a run down of what I have on my system:Two NVidia 8500 GT cards connected with the SLI bridgeAMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800+Runningl (I'm typing this up as I reinstall updates as I listed above).Before anyone starts giving suggestions, please make sure to give the full instructions, as I'm new to Fedora/Linux. And if there is anything else you wish to know about my configuration

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Fedora Installation :: Two Ways Of Installing Nvidia Drivers In Fedora 12?

Nov 20, 2009

After searching online and in these forums I found two different ways of installing the Nvidia drivers in fedora 12. If you haven't yet installed the the repos then:

rpm -Uvh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-stable.noarch.rpm
First way:
as su
yum --enablerepo=rp*g install kmod-nvidia.$(uname -m) xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686 xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.x86_64


I used the first way and everything seems to work fine. Compiz-fusion works good but i did have to add vga=795 to /boot/grub/grub.conf to get the graphical boot loader to work again. Should I have used the second method? What is the difference in these two ways? Most notably the second steps. Is one way better or preferred over the other? From my understanding you must do this because of the nouveau driver.

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Ubuntu :: Flash Video Stutters - Running Without The NVidia Graphics Drivers?

Jun 8, 2011

First off, I'll come clean and admit that I am still relatively green to Linux, but I'm not afraid to tackle the complex. I have a few stroke-inducing issues that I haven't been able to resolve as a usually do by eye-grepping Google and the various forums. Of course, I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 with Unity - which is fairly new and undiscovered country.

I've got this no-name brand, sample laptop from a manufacturing partner of ours out of Shenzhen China. It's rocking a Core i3 M350 with an nVidia GT 330M (discreet-ish?)& apparently some flavor of Intel integrated graphics.

Now, there are so many variables at play, I'm not quite sure where to begin - so please bear with this post a bit longer as I unravel the details. Loading the nVidia drivers (both proprietary and the experimental open varieties) results in Unity no longer working and dumping me back to the classic Ubuntu desktop. I believe it has something to do with the fact that I have no ability to disable the integrated graphics through the BIOS and Ubuntu has set its hopes and dreams upon using Intel graphics for the rest of all time.

That said, running without the nVidia graphics drivers, I am able to use Unity and it runs pretty well.The only caveat being that on occasion (read: intermittently), when the laptop wakes up from suspend/hibernate mode, playing Flash video in full screen gets choppy (stutters). Restarting Ubuntu resolves the issue. I suppose I should verify that I am using Firefox 4.

In addition, there are times that the WiFi adapter will not wake, and using the keyboard function key to power cycle it ceases to function. A complete shutdown is required to address this one. i.e. Restarting and warm-booting does not fix it.

Did I mention Skype is a terd? I don't actually expect a fix for this pile of hot mess - just thought it might make someone laugh. If there is anyone here that could lend me a hand with any or all of these issues, not only will you have the satisfaction of knowing that you are one bad Mambajamba (TM), but I'll buy you a drink or something via Dwolla or bitcoin.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install Nvidia Drivers For Nvidia 8800 GT Video Card

Apr 3, 2011

I can't figure out how to install the nvidia drivers for my nvidia 8800 GT video card. I've followed some other posts and all the posts seemed either incomplete, or led me down a path of which eventually broke my installation, that I needed to reinstall the entire ubuntu system.Again, it may not have been broken, i just didnt know how to get back in to the gui version of ubuntu, the instructions took me to the console terminal

1.) I've installed the ubuntu 10.10 64bit for i386 in an oracle virtualBox..

2.) downloaded from nvidia.com "NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-260.19.44.run"

3.) Stuck don't know what to do.

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Fedora :: NVIDIA Recalls Drivers Over Fan Speed Bug - Install Kmod With Beta Drivers?

Mar 7, 2010

[URL] I just updated and then saw this news , whats the solution for me, I either want to go beta or downgrade, If i try to boot to previous kernel, boot hangs in graphic mode, I cant start X and gdm . How to install kmod with beta drivers? Or whats the solution, nvidia ver: 195.36.08


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Fedora Installation :: Update The New Nvidia Drivers Since Dont Seem To Work In The Newer Kernel?

Jul 7, 2011

I was trying to update the new nvidia drivers since they dont seem to work in the newer kernel, or to try to fix it but now when i run yum update I get a screen like this:

Downloading Packages:
Running rpm_check_debug
ERROR with rpm_check_debug vs depsolve:
kernel-uname-r = is needed by (installed) kmod-nvidia-


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Fedora :: Uninstall Nvidia Drivers (kmod-nvidia)?

Mar 12, 2010

I've tried to install nvidia drivers using this commands:


yum install kmod-nvidia
yum install akmod-nvidia
yum install nvidia-xconfig

After rdblacklist=nouveau in grub it runs, but I am having several issues and therefore I would like to downgrade to nouveau or whatever I had running with basic fedora 12 installation.

My GPU is nvidia gtx 280:


[root@localhost ~]# /sbin/lspci | grep VGA
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GT200 [GeForce GTX 280] (rev a1)

My kernel is:

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Fedora Installation :: Nouveau And NVidia Drivers - Jet-black Screen And A Completely Inexpressive Blinking White Cursor

Nov 29, 2009

Although I managed fairly quickly to get 3D enabled on the GF 7600GS of my desktop, it took me longer to get 3D up on the GF 9650M GT of my Asus laptop M70Vn. Although I made extensive use of the numerous procedures outlined here, none of them worked and booting my laptop always ended up with me facing a jet-black screen and a completely inexpressive blinking white cursor. My solution was simple: I did not blacklist Nouveau and problems mysteriously disappeared.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Escape ATI Legacy Drivers Nightmares Thread?

Nov 16, 2010

I went through really a lot of Linux systems, and I think I am going to settle on Opensuse OS. I must say Opensuse 11.3 is fantastic! However I have this lousy in the top 5 of evil graphic cards list ATI Radeon XPRESS 200 card. This version of Opensuse seems to best realize what creature it is and gives the biggest description of it in the hardware information from all Linux distros I have tried. Unfortunately I have a big trouble to install proprietary drivers. I downloaded the recommended drives from amd-ati homepage but on debian and ubuntu installing via terminal simply reports an error while Opensuse doens;t even try to run the ati run file of drivers.

Could somebody please assist me and give recommendations what to do in order to install proprietary legacy drivers? Keep in mind I am a complete newbie. The only thing I am good at with terminal is copy/paste. I learned how to add repos to the yeast and successfully added amd ati repo to the lsit, but it still doens;t seem to give anything suitable in my case.

I do believe it would be a valuable source for people looking for steps instruction related to legacy drivers so lets consider this something like How To Escape ATI Legacy Drivers Nightmares thread.

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Debian Multimedia :: Nvidia Legacy 304 Under Jessie Is Broken

Feb 2, 2015

I recently updated my Debian Jessie and somehow that update broke my Debian. I have a Gtx 465 and this has been working fine under Jessie for a year.

After the update I no longer have X running. I tried removing all the Nvida stuff and reinstalling 304-legacy which did not get the Xserver back. I also tried to install Nvidia 304 driver binary but this time it refuses to compile ;( So I am out of luck at the moment.

I am runing Jessie Linux 3.18 Nvidia 465 Gtx Intel Cpu

Code: Select all     built-ins
[    41.306] (==) ModulePath set to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
[    41.306] (II) The server relies on udev to provide the list of input devices.
        If no devices become available, reconfigure udev or disable AutoAddDevices.
[    41.306] (II) Loader magic: 0x7ff757496d80

[Code] .....

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Can't Install Legacy Nvidia Driver

Mar 13, 2011

i tried installing the driver through the one click install (SDB:NVIDIA drivers - openSUSE) and through zipper, but system info says that the display driver is nouveau. here are my specs

opensuse 11.4
RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro

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Debian Multimedia :: Nvidia Legacy 96 - Starting Gdm - Xserver Fails

May 26, 2011

I recently installed the Nvidia proprietary drivers and I have a problem starting gdm. Xserver fails, only throwing a warning concerned to xkbcomp, something about ralt having two symbols... but just a warning anyway. Then, after waiting the screen flash between the tty and a black screen a few times;

i'm on the tty, from where I can "startx" without problem. I tried using the nv driver and gdm worked.. so i think it has relation with the nvidia drivers... If I start gdm from the tty, instead of using the startx command, then gdm appears but if I try to log in.. all freezes up.. Here's my xorg.conf generated by nvidia-xconfig: [URL]

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Hardware :: Slowdown With Nvidia's Legacy Driver 173.14.27. Geforce FX 5900 Ultra

Oct 9, 2010

I'm running a Geforce FX 5900 Ultra with nvidias 173.14.27 driver. I'm running slackware 13.1 with kernel

I get a horrible slowdown which is noticeable in emulators such as bsnes and kega fusion. I also think it's responsible for other issues that involve zsnes flickering like mad and hanging. Zsnes will actually crash if I select any filter plugins with opengl output modes.

Kega Fusion slows down to a crawl (we're talking 10 fps) immediately before loading a rom. Playing a rom makes it even slower.

Bsnes has the same kinda slowdown as kega fusion (even worse since it's so cpu intensive) when I activate scanlines or any type of output filter with opengl. Otherwise with no filters and just plain opengl it seems to run fast like it should...

Gens-GS doesn't seem to enable any filters in fullscreen mode... They work however in windowed mode with no slowdown issues...

I've compiled and installed SDL 1.3 from hg repository, then recompiled bsnes just to test it with newer SDL. Unfortunately the problem persists even with a newer SDL version which thankfully for me means I can revert to the older stock SDL without having to recompile everything else haha!

It's funny because I thought these issues were related to the emulators and not the video card drivers. I had these issues for a couple years running ubuntu and trying other distros. When I installed Slackware 13.1 I decided to try my Radeon 9700 pro and kega fusion no longer had this slowdown issue! I switched back to my Geforce and installed nvidia's drivers and immediately had slowdown issues... I'm gonna switch back to the radeon card and test the other emulators but otherwise it'd be nice to know if there's a solution to this issue...

Ok I installed my radeon card: nvidia-installer --uninstall, then updated xf86-video-ati from 6.13.0 to 6.13.2. Even though kega fusion runs fine I get even worse problems with everything else! LOL so I'm going back to my geforce card.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Nvidia 260.19.12 Drivers In 10.10?

Oct 14, 2010

I have got to install nvidia 260.19.12 drivers in ubuntu 10.10 64 bit. I have got a GTX 460, so I think these are the right drivers [URl]..The question is: how do I download and install 260.19.12 drivers? I would need a step by step guide, because I'm not familiar at all with Ubuntu, so it can be difficult for me, even if I will try my best.

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Debian Installation :: NVidia Drivers Not Being Loaded

Sep 2, 2014

When I tried to rescue an old laptop that kept crashing (turned out to be HDD failure), a problem with the graphics quickly revealed itself. A graphical install was already impossible, and it looked like the image was starting halfway and wrapping around the screen, together with all kinds of artefacts. It's hard to describe, but impossible to work with. I did notice that all was okay when I booted into GParted live in the safe graphics mode (vga=normal).By the way, the system specs: AMD Turion64, NVidia 7150M.

When I had succesfully installed Debian using the normal non-graphical installer, the same effects showed up as soon as Nouveau was loaded, so I SSH'd into it to uninstall them and install the proprietary NVidia drivers. After purging nouveau and rebooting, the effects were gone! It clearly was a Nouveau issue. However, after I installed NVidia drivers successfully (X also started fine), I wanted to change the resolution using nvidia-settings which prompted:

"You do not appear to be using NVIDIA X driver. Please edit you X configuration file (just run nvidia-xconfig as root), and restart the X server."

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: INSTALLATION About Nvidia Drivers

Jul 23, 2010

To install the proprietary drivers must be change before the grub?

SDB:NVIDIA drivers - openSUSE

I do not understand where I put the option nomodeset

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot - Need NVidia Drivers

Mar 15, 2010

After installing I could not boot. In reading several posts I came to the conclusion that I needed nVidia drivers. I installed v173 nVidia drivers & after a few tries got it to boot. But, not somethings didn't work, like Hardware Drivers, Synaptic Package Manage wouldn't search & some software wouldn't open. I tried to update in terminal sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade (I did this before installing v173).

It says:
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of nvidia-glx-173:
nvidia-glx-173 depends on nvidia-173-kernel-source (>= 173.14.20);
Package nvidia-173-kernel-source is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing nvidia-glx-173 (--configure):
dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:

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Ubuntu Installation :: NVidia Drivers For Lucid?

May 23, 2010

Do you think if I do an upgrade from 9.1 to 10.04 and then add i915.modeset=0 ( works with the live CD) to the boot sequence and then load the proprietary NVidia drivers from sys/admin/hardware drivers, that I'll get full screen resolution.
BTW if I don't use the modeset=0 I get a blank screen after update reboot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get The Nvidia Drivers Installed?

Sep 9, 2010

I'm installing 10.4 fresh but I can't get the Nvidia drivers installed. I'm using a 9400 GT. Ubuntu installs normally but when I try to enable to the proprietary driver, I get an error on reboot "Failed to initialize NVIDIA graphics device" and have to restart X. Any suggestions on how to get this working?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Use The NVidia Drivers

Oct 8, 2010

Since 2 weeks now i decide to roll back to my favorite Ubuntu OS.Of course i kept the windows for my creative suite of Adobe that i am working on.So, i downloaded and installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and everything went ok.(Even the dual boot with grub).Then i tried to install latest nVidia drivers and after reboot the max.res. i have is 640X480X60Hz. My composition is Intel P4 2.8 --- Gigabyte PE8100 --- GeForce 5700 FX The monitor is Philips CW220 22". I tried many of the guides of Ubuntu forums and some of them made my system unfunctional and some other had no result.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Won't Recognize NVIDIA Drivers

Oct 15, 2010

I recently updated to 10.10 and ubuntu will not regonize my NVIDIA drivers. Under apperance "no effects" are filled in. When I try to enable effects it searches for a while but then tells me "Desktop effects could not be enabled". Thing is "NVIDIA x server settings" tells me everything is okey. I tried updating to the latest NVIDIA drivers manually but the problem persists.

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Hardware :: Need Drivers For Nvidia Gpu In Fedora

May 12, 2010

I have nividea 8400 gs geforce gpu. i need some help about my graphic driver. what driver i need for mu gpu in fedora. i did not find any drivers for fedora linux, all drivers is for windows platform.

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Fedora :: Can't Install Nvidia Drivers

Feb 13, 2011

when i try to install the nvidia drivers with 'yum install kmod-nvidia' its worked before, but now i get this (look at the bottom for where it goes wrong)

[root@localhost Tom]# yum install kmod-nvidia
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Adding en_US to language list
Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies


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