Ubuntu Installation :: 9.04 Won't Read DVD's?

Feb 28, 2010

I recently picked up an HP 8510p laptop, and installed 9.04. Generally, the machine works well, but today I tried to install the Ultimate Edition, and found that the machine won't read DVD's. It reads and boots CD's just fine; that's how I installed Jaunty. When I open the fstab file, I notice at the bottom:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'vol_id --uuid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).


I notice a "cdrom0" at the bottom. I also notice that the /cdrom folder is empty.

Sysinfo id's the drive as a Matshita DVD-RAM UJ-861H. Do I need another driver? Where do I find one, and how do I install it?

This is a similar issue to:


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Ubuntu :: Read A Usb Flash Drive In The Windows O/S I Want To Read Mp3 Player?

Aug 5, 2011

Ubuntu main O/S windows 7 running in Virtualbox how or can i read a usb flash drive in the windows O/S i want to read my mp3 player

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Read A CD/DVD

Feb 14, 2010

I got a big question, when I put CD into my drive it was not showing the contents of the drive.I think we have to mount, but how? I run the following commands:Quote:

nani@ubuntu:~$ sudo mkdir /media/CD
mkdir: cannot create directory `/media/CD': File exists
nani@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/CD


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Ubuntu Installation :: Loading The ISO CD But It Won't Read?

Apr 30, 2010

After my 2nd attempt to install from a CD my screen is now blank, my cooling fan is on full blast, and my hard drive light is on! Tried another hard drive from a different machine running Windows XP and the same thing happens. Also tried loading the ISO CD again but it won't read that as well.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Won't Read Most Discs?

Dec 9, 2010

I have several old poweredge 2450 servers I bought recently, used. I have made several Ubuntu 8.04 or 8.04.4 server cds. They all hang on the packages.gz file trying to install. I used the check disc function on the 2450s and it can't read the file, it thinks it is corrupt, though it works fine on a more modern computer.have tried several similar computers. I have burned to CD-R and CD-RW. I have burned at 8x (slowest on my drive).I have checked the MD5. I just don't understand why these computers won't read this disc properly. Or several other discs, like SMS server or tiny core. Won't read them either. Oh, but it reads Ubuntu 10.10 server just fine, installs ok, well slowly, but it works.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Read DVDs, Able To Read CDs?

Mar 15, 2011

The titles says about everything. CD's are perfectly automounted.WhenI insert a DVD however (I tried various DVDs), absolutely nothing happens, as if I would have inserted nothing or a blank DVD.I already read lots of threads and nothing o help... Here are the outputs of a few commands that might or might not be useful.A line I added myself in fstab which appears completely useless:

/dev/sr0 /media/dvd auto utf8,user,noauto,exec 0 0


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General :: Samba Does Not Keep Windows Attributes (read Only Files As Read Only For Example)?

Jul 16, 2011

I want my samba to keep my windows attributes exactly what the user setted in windows I mean if it has read only file in win box and copy it to samba share ,samba keep it read only and same for other attributes but it does not do it now with my configuration:Quote:

workgroup = DOMAIN
server string = File Server


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Ubuntu Installation :: Apache Read Error On 10.04

May 4, 2010

I've just install Ubuntu 10.04 on my machine and I have a problem with apache, when i try to browse localhost I get this error



You don't have permission to access / on this server. Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 80

I now that is an old problem, but i didn't find a working solution on web.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Doesn't Read Win 7 Disc

Jul 25, 2010

I've had some problems with my ubuntu lately (>.<) and would like to use my Windows 7 disc to install windows side by side with ubuntu (for compatibility reasons). The problem is, my computer won't boot the disc on startup, won't read it at all, and thus I can't install it. How can I make Ubuntu read the Windows 7 disc? All other discs work fine.

Its not just my disc- I've used this disc on other computers no problem, and my Ubuntu reads other discs without any problems.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Errno 30 - Read Only Filesystem

Mar 11, 2011

I am installing Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop on my system. using entire disk. my disk is new one. first time i installed ubuntu on it successfully, used it and installed new kernel and some upgrades. all were successful.but on installing some drivers, its files system corrupted. so I had the need to re-install the OS again. NOW , when i am installing the OS, it gives error "(Errno 30] Read only filesystem" explaining that either CD/DVD is corrupt or HDD is corrupt. temperature of the environment may be high. I changed the system , ehanged the environment, moved to some cool place, changed CD drive and CD (after making new one from ISO), changed the HDD but all useless, error is there,

while installation is in progress my sda1 is mount on /target. when i see fstab, here in the line of /dev/sda1 ,error=remount-ro is observed. sometime installation gives error no 5 sometimes it gives error no 30 but both the errors convey almost same message explaining that either HDD is corrupt or CD. As i have explained that I changed every thing including HDD and CD but the error is same.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue Won't Read From USB

Mar 19, 2011

I've tried reading other threads about grub rescue but it seems like it only works if the USB stick can actually be read. Sorry if I sound dumb, I'm really new to all of this.I installed Jolicloud (it's based off Ubuntu, apparently) to dual boot with Windows 7 which I got with my netbook. When I tried to get rid of Jolicloud, I think I accidentally deleted a partition-- now whenever I boot up my netbook, I get the black "grub rescue" screen of death.

I tried getting the netbook to boot from my USB but it won't do it. The USB light flashes but nothing happens. I know there's things in there because I can boot from the USB using my desktop. Jolicloud was initially installed from the USB so I don't know why it won't read it anymore.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Micro SD Card Can Not Be Read From PC

Jul 8, 2011

I am trying to read my SD car trough the external car reader but it does not work.A bit of maybe relevant info:it a SD adaptor with a micro SD memory of 1 G.It came from a nokia phone.what I know its working:the micro SD card is working came out my mobile phone the reader is working I have tested with other SD card
the only left is the adaptor but very unlikely.Could some one help to with the command from the terminal to find the SD car drive name, mount it, and formatted?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Read Partition Table (10.04)

May 1, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu Linux 10.04 on my computer with following specs:

160 GB Hitachi Harddisk (SATA)
500 GB Hitachi Harddisk (SATA) - Only for Data.

The 160 GB Harddisk is currently split into 3 main partitions: i) 200 MB created by Win7 setup.

1) Windows 7

2) Leopard OSX

3) Partition formatted in Leopard as Journal which is empty, meaning I can convert this if I want and onto which I will install Ubuntu.

My problem is that despite booting up fine, installer starting and working fine, it cannot however detect my partition table, it thinks its unallocated.

The funny thing is that I can mount the partitions and view the data but the installer however can't see it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Read From CDROM Error During USB Install

Jun 6, 2010

I downloaded the Ubuntu Server 10.04 64bit ISO and the universal USB installer, created a USB install disk and booted from it. I started the installation and right after keyboard setup I got an error saying Unable to read from CD-ROM, retry/abort. Looking at the alt-f4 log it was unable to find a file, fs-secondary.udeb I hit alt-f2 and cd'd to /cdrom/pool/main/l/linux (I think, this is all from memory) and found that file, almost. The file there was fs-secondaryblahblahblah.ude, no b on the end. I tried renaming it but the filesystem was mounted read-only.

So, cd back to /
Type mount and hit enter.
Take note of the cdrom entry, at the beginning of that line it will say /dev/? Mine was like /dev/svd0 or something like that. Remember whatever that is.
Then type umount /cdrom
Then type mount -t vfat /dev/????? (whatever your device was from earlier) /cdrom
That will mount the cdrom rw so you can rename the file to .udeb
Then press alt-F1 and press enter to retry and the installation will continue like normal.

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Ubuntu :: Read Windows Drive From WUBI Installation?

Oct 22, 2010

I installed ubuntu by WUBI on windows...now i want to read and write on my windows drive where ubuntu is installed... but i want to view other things like the softwares installed in windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot With Usb Slot It Doesn't Get Read?

Jan 2, 2011

I have a sandisk cruzer 4gb and everytime i try to boot with it in the usb slot it doesn't get read. after bootup i have to pull it out and put it back in and then it recognizes and reads it. have usb device selected as first boot order and have even hit esc during bootup and selected usb as boot device. trying to install the unbuntu 10.10 on the netbook.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Checked The Version Number Read 11.04, But No Changes?

Jun 16, 2011

I booted up my Ubuntu VM today expecting to upgrade to 11.04 and play with the new desktop, but to my surprise when I checked the version number read 11.04. It's definitely the old interface though.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade - Can't Read Anything - Touchpad Doesn't Work

Feb 8, 2010

This weekend I did a distribution upgrade to Karmic, but it didn't go very well. Upon reboot, I see a white ubuntu logo on a black screen. I hear the speakers pop, and the screen flashes several times, sorta like the blank screen is maybe changing video modes. After a while I see what I think is garbled text but is unreadable, and it looks like I can log on even though I can't read anything. Now, booting into recovery mode gets me to a readable prompt. There are no upgrades to apply. Typing gdm from here gets me to the desktop just fine. Also when booting, if I choose an earlier kernel the system boots fine also, except the touchpad doesn't work.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot XP And 10 - Can't Read From Windows Partitions

May 19, 2010

I am editing this post to save people time and effort. This is one of those "Pilot Error" issues or faulty readout issue, not sure which. It turns out that when I saved a document in PDF format to my NTFS Drive (the one I want to share between Windows XP and Ubuntu 10) the .PDF file extension was missing.

1. Ubuntu identified the files as a PDF document (even though the file extension was not there)

2. When trying to access it by double clicking it, the message was "Unable to open document, Permission Denied"

The problem was not permissions, and it was not a PDF file according to the default Document Viewer, but it WAS a PDF file according to the directory listing. The permissions message really had nothing to do with the problem, and identifying the file as a PDF document when it didn't have an extension, was another problem. What SHOULD have happened is a file without an extension should not be identified as a PDF file or If Ubuntu says it's a PDF file, and I double click it, why is the message "Permission Denied" ?? How about "No File Extension" or something like that?

Read the following if you want to see what my problem WAS before I just appended ,PDF to the filename, and now it works fine. On the positive side, installing XP first, then setting aside a large chunk of space for a shared NTFS drive, and THEN installing Ubuntu in the free space works fine. I installed a new 320 GB drive on laptop. Installed Win XP in 32 GB Set aside 250 GB for another Windows partition using MANAGE and formatted D: as an NTFS drive Then successfully Installed ubuntu 10 into remaining unused space. Problem: Ubuntu cannot access files from D: (NTFS Windows) partition. but it can WRITE files without problems, and create directories, just not read them. Have set properties of the Windows drive to shared, still nada. Any trick I'm missing? If I plug in an external USB drive, Ubuntu can read/write to it easily, it just can't read from the 250 GB partition formatted in Windows XP that I wanted to share between operating systems.

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Ubuntu :: DVD/CD Game Installation Fails (Read-only/unmarked Executable)?

Nov 5, 2010

I am trying to install a game to use with WINE from a CD I have lying around. However, the game installer isn't a marked executable file, and I am unable to make it one because I only have read access to the disk.(Using Ubuntu 10.10)Is there anything I can do hereDIT:Nevermind, Just like me, I try for hours and solve it the moment I tell someone about it.running wine setup.exe from the terminal seems to have done the trick.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Failed Upgrade: Partition Locked As Read-only?

Nov 26, 2010

I was updating from 10.04 to 10.10 earlier today when my laptop shutoff in the middle. I fixed a grub error by reinstalling it with a live-cd, and found out I had a "kernel panic-not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on" waiting for me. I booted an alternative kernel and tried fixing things from there, but got "general error mounting filesystem". So, I tried a live-cd and when I mount the partition, it is read-only. I tried running fcsk to no availThe only thing I could find helpful was this."It's probably because your filesystem has suffered a failure - it is configured by default (in /etc/fstab) to remount as read-only in such cases in order to minimise the risk of data loss."

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 SSD Error: Read-only File System: '/target/bin'

Nov 28, 2010

I'm having real issues installing 10.04 to an SSD - I had one SSD fail, and have replaced it with a brand new one, but the 10.04 installer fails at beginning to write files to the disk with this error:

[Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/target/bin'.


* Windows XP will install to this SSD with no issues

* I can install 10.04 to a standard HDD with no errors.

What is happening that is stopping me from installing 10.04 to this drive? I am fairly sure that there is no issue with the SSD (I have two brand new, identical OCZ Vertex II 60gb drives which both encounter this error.)

I have tried partitioning the drive using gparted on another machine, leaving 5mb free at the start of the drive, and having a single partition for /, and a 1gb swap partition. "Round to cylinders" was unchecked. The partitioning was successful, and the drives can be mounted on my other machine, but the 10.04 installer encounters the same error.

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Ubuntu Installation :: "(initramsfs) Failed To Read Last Sector?

Jun 7, 2011

I'm trying to do an installation of Ubuntu 11.04 on my Windows 7 setup. I have another harddrive, which only has one partition. It is fresh formatted with NTFS, I launch Wubi, choose the partition, everything's fine, reboot, and when I choose Ubuntu for the first time, I get this error[URL]My Windows 7 installation is on a SSD harddrive, and my Ubuntu installation is a Western Digital WD360 SATA disk. In my BIOS I have "SATA Mode" set to "IDE".

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General :: Redhat Installation Using USB - Did Not Read

Jun 29, 2010

i have a usb hardisk of 320 gb and when i tried to install redhat using it my desktop did not read my usb. in other words i wish to know how to boot using usb since my cd/dvd rom is not working. is it that we have to make our device boot-able before using it .

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General :: Windows Access The File From Ubuntu Got Read Only Even Though Have A Full Permission To Read, Write And Execute The File?

Feb 4, 2010

What are the possible problem when Windows access the file from Ubuntu got Read Only even though have a full permission to read, write and execute the file? Ubuntu to Ubuntu accessing the file there is no problem only Windows got a problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Roms "cd/dvd" Stop Read'n After Installation

Jul 26, 2010

I donate my time for an organization that rebuilds old discarded PC's from either person upgrading or replace due to PC failure and business for same reason. At one time we used to load Windows XP as the OS. Due to licensing problems we have started loading Ubuntu 10 as the OS. We have noticed an increasing amount of rom's that after installing Ubuntu 10 the rom's stop reading installation disc, data and music disc. We never experienced this problem when we installed Win XP. We have for a couple of PC's reinstalled XP over Unbuntu to see if rom's are bad,and after installation roms played all types of disc. My question is why or what is causing such an increasing amount of roms "cd/dvd" to stop working after installation of Ubuntu and what can we do to correct this problem? We realize there are some that were bad and didn't work even under XP installation that didn't work even from the beginning of installation those we replaced then stopped working after Ubuntu installation.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Mint8/XP - WinXP Loading As A Read Only

Feb 22, 2010

WinXP Partition loading as a read only and can't fix it with PYSDM (storage device manager) Let me provide some history as to how everything was installed: From my old WIN XP hard drive I used clonezilla to clone the drive to a partition on my new hard drive for Linux. Windows is on SDA4 which is the last partition of the drive, it is mounted at sda4/windows using ntfs. I then loaded Mint 8 gnome on the 2nd partition sda2 using ext3 mounted at /, sda1 is my Linux swap, and sda3 is mounted at /home using ext3. While installing I selected to mount Linux ext3 at /

When I choose to load winXP from the grub boot loader I get dev/sda4 no such device 10CDR36778638F73. Also when I try to unmount from disk utility I get the following error: Error unmounting: umount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: umount: only root can unmount UUID=10CDF36778638F73 from /windows Seemslike I need to rename the drive but it won't let me in disk utility.

My Problem is that within PYSDM (storage device manager) I uncheck Mount file system (sda4/windows) as a read only but it will not stay unchecked. I have unchecked it hit unmount and mount and it still is checked to mount as a read only. This is the code in options for sda4 in PYSDM (storage device manager) nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46

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Ubuntu Installation :: Md5sum: WARNING: 1 Of 62 Listed Files Couldn't Be Read

Oct 17, 2010

In order to upgrade a machine that can not successfully upgrade to 10.4 I downloaded and burned the 10.04.1 iso image off the ubuntu alternate download site. In my first attempt I unsuccessfully burned the image with it failing at the very end. I did perform an md5sum on it and received the precise output I got from my second burn attenpt which DID complete successfully. Here is the output:


I did research this last night and it seems the common wisdom was to reburn the iso (which I did twice) or copy down the iso again. This I also did and it came down precisely, bit for bit, the same as the first one. Here are the two cksums


Is there something wrong with this image on the website or is the error about 1 file being unreadable (could that also mean missing?) be erroneous?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Fails To Read Pre-existent Partition Table?

Feb 3, 2011

So I decided to reinstall my 10.10 to undo the 'encrypted home folder feature.' I know are other ways to undo the encryption, but for various reasons I'd rather just do a quick reinstall and start fresh.Currently, I dual boot linux and windows, each with their respective partitions. There is also a storage partition that is fat32 to swap files between the two OSes. So the partitions are:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Mount Exited With Code 12 - Failed To Read Last Sector

Mar 20, 2011

I am a beginner in ubuntu and only recently did i install Ubuntu 10.10 using Wubi. I am dual booting along with Windows 7 64bit. Before I got to know of Wubi, I created a free 20GB partition for installing linux. But since it was of no use, I decided to extend another partition adding this 20GB space. The problem now is that I am getting the following error while trying to access the partition.

"Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 12: Failed to read last sector (605949951): Invalid argument
HINTS: Either the volume is a RAID/LDM but it wasn't setup yet,
or it was not setup correctly (e.g. by not using mdadm --build ...),
or a wrong device is tried to be mounted,
or the partition table is corrupt (partition is smaller than NTFS),
or the NTFS boot sector is corrupt (NTFS size is not valid).
Failed to mount '/dev/sda5': Invalid argument
The device '/dev/sda5' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.
Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a
partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?"

These are the results after running sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda:
"Disk /dev/sda: 640.1 GB, 640135028736 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 77825 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x76c4009c

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 1 1 992+ 42 SFS
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda2 * 1 13 102400 42 SFS
Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda3 13 6528 52326400 42 SFS
Partition 3 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda4 6528 42717 290694144 42 SFS

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