Ubuntu Installation :: Boot With Usb Slot It Doesn't Get Read?

Jan 2, 2011

I have a sandisk cruzer 4gb and everytime i try to boot with it in the usb slot it doesn't get read. after bootup i have to pull it out and put it back in and then it recognizes and reads it. have usb device selected as first boot order and have even hit esc during bootup and selected usb as boot device. trying to install the unbuntu 10.10 on the netbook.

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Hardware :: USB Pendrive Doesn't Mount Unless In USB Slot Prior To Boot

Apr 16, 2011

Acer Aspire One Netbook 532h
Ubuntu 10.10

USB pendrive doesn't mount unless in USB slot prior to boot.

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Fedora Installation :: Boot After Hdd Change To Second Slot?

Jan 31, 2009

I tried to install Fedora 10 with an encrypted root-filesystem on my Laptop. The problem was, that I wanted to install to the second hdd which resides in the extension slot of the laptop. I can either have the dvd-drive or the hdd in the slot. So I removed the internal hdd, and inserted the second one in its place. That way I could use the dvd. The installation went fine and I could boot into the OS. Then I removed the hdd again and inserted the original hdd to the internal slot, and the fedora-hdd in the extension slot. I can select during power-on from which hdd i want to boot, but I cannot boot fedora. After the first dialog, where I can enter the password to decrypt the disk, I get an error message (something like drive not found). I tried to change the grub settings in the /boot partition (which is not encrypted), but without success.

So, is there a way to boot the system? Or how do I install Fedora on the second hdd without the dvd-drive?

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Fedora Installation :: 14 Live CD Freezes On Boot Probing PCMCIA Slot?

Apr 3, 2011

I have a Toshiba a105-s2236 laptop and am trying to install Fedora 14. Is there any way to tell Fedora not to look for the pcmcia slots on boot? My live CD is freezing at the point where it tries to probe the pcmcia socket IO port.

I tried adding the 3 to get to a console, but that fails as well. I had to add acpi=off to the kernel boot args to even get it to go this far.
Even using the nopcmcia option, it still tries to probe the socket's IO port.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Doesn't Read Win 7 Disc

Jul 25, 2010

I've had some problems with my ubuntu lately (>.<) and would like to use my Windows 7 disc to install windows side by side with ubuntu (for compatibility reasons). The problem is, my computer won't boot the disc on startup, won't read it at all, and thus I can't install it. How can I make Ubuntu read the Windows 7 disc? All other discs work fine.

Its not just my disc- I've used this disc on other computers no problem, and my Ubuntu reads other discs without any problems.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade - Can't Read Anything - Touchpad Doesn't Work

Feb 8, 2010

This weekend I did a distribution upgrade to Karmic, but it didn't go very well. Upon reboot, I see a white ubuntu logo on a black screen. I hear the speakers pop, and the screen flashes several times, sorta like the blank screen is maybe changing video modes. After a while I see what I think is garbled text but is unreadable, and it looks like I can log on even though I can't read anything. Now, booting into recovery mode gets me to a readable prompt. There are no upgrades to apply. Typing gdm from here gets me to the desktop just fine. Also when booting, if I choose an earlier kernel the system boots fine also, except the touchpad doesn't work.

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General :: Boot An SD Card On A Notebook That Does Not Have BIOS Support For Booting From The SD Slot?

Feb 9, 2011

I'm trying to boot an SD card on a notebook that does not have BIOS support for booting from the SD slot. Using various how-to's I've figured out how to add additional SD card modules to the initrd.img file on a bootable USB drive such that I can boot Linux installed on the SD card.

However, best I can tell, it loads the kernel and initrd.img from the USB and everything else from the SD card. What I really want is to load the necessary SD modules from the USB and then chainload the SD card such that whatever kernel is on the SD card is loaded instead. Is it possible to chainload to another bootable device after the kernel (with the SD module additions) has already been loaded?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Doesn't See Windows 7 - Doesn't Appear In Boot Menu

Jun 10, 2010

i wiped my entire hard drive that had xp as its only OS. I freshly installed a Windows 7 ultimate and everything went perfectly. I then decided to install 10.4. I split the partitions correctly (i had experience doing this already with my laptop, which has xp/10.4). Ubuntu 10.4 install went flawlessly, except for one thing. Now when i boot up the pc, it goes straight into 10.4. I have tried holding shift during the start up to force the boot menu, and it just shows the Ubuntu 10.4 OS as choices. Any clue what i could do to make Win7 appear in the boot menu?

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Fedora Installation :: Boot From Installation DVD - Boot Process Doesn't Make It Even To Anaconda

Jun 15, 2009

I'm trying to install F11 on a machine that was running well under F10 just a few hours ago. I made some changes to the disk configuration, involving the addition of a dmraid-controllable fakeRAID card (SiL 3124 I think) and creating a RAID 0 array out of the two drives connected to the motherboard itself (Intel ICH7R). Otherwise the machine's configuration is identical to the way it was when running F10. My problem is thus: when I boot from the installation DVD (64-bit), the boot process doesn't make it even to anaconda. Here is the error I get, right after md devices are autoconfigured:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Separate Boot Partition - Doesn't Care About The Boot Flag On The Disk

Feb 14, 2010

Ubuntu 8.04.4

Added an SSD (dev/sdc) and decided to move some less often changed directories there. Started with /usr and /boot, leaving / on a primary in the first drive, for now. All started ok, and my changed fstab mounted the right ones, and the system works.

However, grub is actually using the original /boot on / on sda1. I cannot see any way to change this. (Which makes it sorta hard to update the kernel

From grub:

Okay, since it has two choices, I tried to tell it which one to use. But, grub> root (hd2,5) does nothing.

Disk /dev/sda:

what I seem to recall, grub doesn't care about the boot flag on the disk. Nor does it care about primary vs. logical (except GNU doc says "makeactive" only works on a primary?).

The GNU doc also indicates that it looks for a directory /boot on the partition, so if you're mounting a partition as /boot, it also needs to contain a /boot directory under it. Tried that, but no change.

Is my problem the logical partition? Does that prevent "grub> root" from changing it? I'm afraid to wipe out the old /boot and find that I can't start up.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot XP And 10 - Can't Read From Windows Partitions

May 19, 2010

I am editing this post to save people time and effort. This is one of those "Pilot Error" issues or faulty readout issue, not sure which. It turns out that when I saved a document in PDF format to my NTFS Drive (the one I want to share between Windows XP and Ubuntu 10) the .PDF file extension was missing.

1. Ubuntu identified the files as a PDF document (even though the file extension was not there)

2. When trying to access it by double clicking it, the message was "Unable to open document, Permission Denied"

The problem was not permissions, and it was not a PDF file according to the default Document Viewer, but it WAS a PDF file according to the directory listing. The permissions message really had nothing to do with the problem, and identifying the file as a PDF document when it didn't have an extension, was another problem. What SHOULD have happened is a file without an extension should not be identified as a PDF file or If Ubuntu says it's a PDF file, and I double click it, why is the message "Permission Denied" ?? How about "No File Extension" or something like that?

Read the following if you want to see what my problem WAS before I just appended ,PDF to the filename, and now it works fine. On the positive side, installing XP first, then setting aside a large chunk of space for a shared NTFS drive, and THEN installing Ubuntu in the free space works fine. I installed a new 320 GB drive on laptop. Installed Win XP in 32 GB Set aside 250 GB for another Windows partition using MANAGE and formatted D: as an NTFS drive Then successfully Installed ubuntu 10 into remaining unused space. Problem: Ubuntu cannot access files from D: (NTFS Windows) partition. but it can WRITE files without problems, and create directories, just not read them. Have set properties of the Windows drive to shared, still nada. Any trick I'm missing? If I plug in an external USB drive, Ubuntu can read/write to it easily, it just can't read from the 250 GB partition formatted in Windows XP that I wanted to share between operating systems.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Mint8/XP - WinXP Loading As A Read Only

Feb 22, 2010

WinXP Partition loading as a read only and can't fix it with PYSDM (storage device manager) Let me provide some history as to how everything was installed: From my old WIN XP hard drive I used clonezilla to clone the drive to a partition on my new hard drive for Linux. Windows is on SDA4 which is the last partition of the drive, it is mounted at sda4/windows using ntfs. I then loaded Mint 8 gnome on the 2nd partition sda2 using ext3 mounted at /, sda1 is my Linux swap, and sda3 is mounted at /home using ext3. While installing I selected to mount Linux ext3 at /

When I choose to load winXP from the grub boot loader I get dev/sda4 no such device 10CDR36778638F73. Also when I try to unmount from disk utility I get the following error: Error unmounting: umount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: umount: only root can unmount UUID=10CDF36778638F73 from /windows Seemslike I need to rename the drive but it won't let me in disk utility.

My Problem is that within PYSDM (storage device manager) I uncheck Mount file system (sda4/windows) as a read only but it will not stay unchecked. I have unchecked it hit unmount and mount and it still is checked to mount as a read only. This is the code in options for sda4 in PYSDM (storage device manager) nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Not Booting / LiveCD Doesn't Boot / Grub Recovery Mode Doesn't Boot

Jan 4, 2011

Ubuntu 10.10 doesn't boot at all. The liveCD only boots once every like 30 attempts, installing from liveCD froze, but the Alternate CD worked and installed ubuntu. Now when I try to boot into it using GRUB, it freezes at the beginning of the boot process.With normal boot it freezes at line: Starting AppArmor profiles Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox.With recovery mode it freezes even before showing me anything

A little kinda like the liveCD, if I try like 30 times, it might manage to boot once in normal mode.That line keeps on repeating, the the xxx.xxx integer changes each time, and this goes on forever.I tried removing my floppy drive, but it didn't help.I tried to boot with fd0=noprobeThe one time it booted, when I restarted, it froze while trying to restart.

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Installation :: 8GB Flash Drive Because My D Drive Doesn't Read DVDs?

Jun 20, 2010

I bought an 8GB flash drive because my D drive doesn't read DVDs. Anyway, my goal is to install Linux ubuntu and have it be my OS (replacing Windows XP). Last night I went to the Ubuntu homepage and downloaded the Ubuntu desktop edition 32-bit and put it on my flash drive. I followed the instructions on how to open and run it, but I was never asked about whether I want Linux to run side by side with Windows or if I want it to replace Windows. It downloaded the whole program, my computer restarted and then (on a black screen) it asked if I wanted to use Windows XP Home Edition or Linux Ubuntu. It's really frustrating because it took a while to download and install it in the first place AND to top that off, when I tried to use Ubuntu it went to a black screen and at the top said that there was an error. So I uninstalled all the ubuntu program and software and now I have a clean slate and want to try this again. I am a complete n00b. Could someone please walk me through how I can go about downloading (w/ links plz), installing and making ubuntu my ONLY OS on my computer via a flash drive? I'm desperate and I don't want to go through all of that and make the same mistake again!

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Debian Installation :: Daily Netinst Iso Can't Be Read For Boot On Virtualbox

Sep 17, 2010

I am trying to build a test VM with VirtualBox 3.2.8, hosted on Ubuntu 10.04 amd64. I am trying to install Debian Squeeze from the daily build (specifically, from the following URL):


(I've also tried the netinst ISO in the same directory.) The sha1sums are correct for each image.

When I start the VM, it refuses to boot, giving me the message "FATAL: No bootable medium found! System halted."

I would like to note that I've used VirtualBox for several years now, and GNU/Linux since 1995. So I have some experience in the field. (Of course experience is not much guard against brown-bag mistakes.) I've tried this same VM with an Ubuntu ISO (simply switching the attached ISO in the config), and it boots and installs OK.

Is there a known problem with the daily builds vs. VirtualBox?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Option Doesn't Appear In Installation / Solve This?

Dec 30, 2010

I have a MSI a6000 Laptop (that has given me a lot of problems installing Ubuntu.

I finally had to run Ubuntu from a CD in nomodeset

Then when I go to install Ubuntu the only options it gives (regarding my harddrive) are to format my whole hardrive or do the partitioning. I have seen screenshots though where there is a third option on the same page to install ubuntu alongside a prior OS and dual boot.

Does anyone know why the "install alongside a prior OS (dual boot)" option doesn't show up?

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Ubuntu Installation :: New Installation - Doesn't Boot Up Completely?

May 10, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 11.04 from a downloaded CD onto an old computer. It replaced the old Windows that was on it (that is what a wanted). The machine is a AMD-64, I think the video is a Radeon.When I reboot it only gives meubuntu login: I give the name, and then the password, and what I get is the following:gilles@ubuntu:`$How do I get my Ubuntu desktop?

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Fedora Installation :: Boot Prompt Information Read Automatically From Isolinux.cfg Without User Intervention?

Oct 4, 2009

building an install cd or dvd media that will automatically install the Linux software on a client pc. There is no network connectivity so the client can only be loaded with Linux from CD or DVD media. The crux of the matter is that I can not automatically install the Linux software on client WITHOUT typing linux ks=cdrom:/ks.cfg at the boot prompt.

I want to avoid any user prompts and just have the software install with the RPMS that I need for this client pc at the boot prompt. Actually, when the boot prompt commences, I would like the software install to start with no user intervention. I've tried several different methods in isolinux.cfg, but the OS always wants boot prompt for the cdrom. Can the boot prompt information be read automatically from the isolinux.cfg with out user intervention? I'm looking for the same behavior as a LIVE CD that kicks off with no boot prompts after a few seconds. Here's a copy of my isolinux.cfg

default linux
prompt 1
timeout 600
display boot.msg
F1 boot.msg
F2 options.msg
F3 general.msg
F4 param.msg

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Ubuntu Installation :: Doesn't Boot After Install?

Dec 7, 2010

installed Ubuntu 10.10 with my old System ( Windows 7 ) , the installation was successful , but when i run my pc i just find windows 7 without Ubuntu

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Ubuntu Installation :: Netbook 10.10 Doesn't Boot Up?

Dec 11, 2010

I just downloaded Ubuntu Netbook 10.10 and created a boot usb stick.

My netbook runs ok from the stick (i.e. "Live CD" mode) and all seemed OK, so I went for an installation.

The install process appeared to complete ok, but when I restart the machine without the usb stick nothing happens - after inputting my power-on password, nothing at all: no disk activity or anything, just blank screen.

The netbook is an Acer Aspire One, the solid-state disk version, no hard-disk (110Ab ZG5)

I previously had the EasyPeasy implementation of Ubuntu NBR 10.04 running without problem (and NBR Karmic before that)

How do I begin to trouble-shoot this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Laptop Doesn't Boot 10.10 CD?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm currently having problems trying to install Ubuntu on my laptop.I have burnt off a CD that contains the latest Ubuntu 10.10 iso using the exact way the website tells me to.However, I can't boot from that CD. I can, however, boot from other CD's. For example i ran my Gparted Live CD to create a partition on my hard drive about an hour ago and that worked fine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: USB Doesn't Appear Under Boot Options

Mar 14, 2011

I've recently been trying to attempt to install Ubuntu on a partition on my macbook pro OS X 10.6.6. I have attempted to create a bootable USB stick (as I currently do not have any CD's/DVD's to use). I have followed the guide on the Ubuntu installation page twice, word for word, command for command. Everything goes flawlessly, all the files are visible on the drive when I checked, and I have never received any errors in the terminal. The problem arises when I attempt to boot from the USB, it simply does not appear under the options when I attempt to boot. I have also checked the Start up Disk under system preferences.

I have attempted the installation on two different USB sticks, and the same problem on both, flawless to install to USB, but then it is somehow not booting. I have checked with the USB company and directly from the website it says that the PNY attache is capable of this. It is the 4GB model.

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Installation :: Ubuntu Doesn't Boot After Install / Resolve This?

Jan 5, 2010

I'm trying to dual boot 9.10 with Vista on an HP Pavilion Slimline (AMD64). I've tried both booting from a disk and using Wubi, and neither has worked. Booting from the disk takes me through the screen where I can choose to try Ubuntu without installing, but after selecting that, the desktop didn't load, the screen just went to black.

I decided to try Wubi, and it went well enough. Everything in windows worked, and upon rebooting, it was able to finish checking the installation. After one more reboot, I selected Ubuntu from the Windows boot manager, and then the grub command prompt appears. I can't seem do anything after that except reboot.

I have no idea what's going on with this computer.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub 2 Doesn't Use Boot Default?

Feb 26, 2010

I loaded Kubuntu 9.1 and got a mess in the Grub 2 Boot Menu, which I can't correct.

I get extra choices in the Boot menu, and the first few, which are supposedly for Kubuntu Karmic Koala all put me in a shell, which ends in a black screen, then shows up a shell once I hit "enter". Then I just have a "intramfs" (?) prompt.

So I went into Grub2 to change it, and it refuses to do it. All I get is a screen full of error messages every time I try, with no change. Apparently it is looking to access drive sdb8, which is non-existent. I DO have a drive sda8, though.

So with all the wonderfulness of the indirect system to change Grub 2 how am I supposed to set it right? The old Grub worked fine, and just took simple changes to the menu.lst file.

Can't somebody write a program that lets Grub 2 be changed from within the program, rather than all this running around trying to find what file to change, and how to get the change to work?

Just to be clear, here are the errors as they show up when grub-update is flailing around:
"error: cannot open '/dev/sdb' while attempting to get disk size
error: cannot open '/dev/sdb' while attempting to get disk size
Generating grub.cfg
error: cannot open '/dev/sdb' while attempting to get disk size


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 - BIOS Doesn't Allow To Boot Form USB

May 6, 2010

I donwload the Ubuntu 10.04 *32bits ISO image, and i burned each image with diferent speeds. Then, i tried to install, appears the Language Selection screen, all good. then, the Localization screen, I select Colombia (I'm from Colombia), clic on forward and the mouse shows the "loading animation", but the PC doesn't do anything (I let it for 30 minutes). I tried with the 2 CD, but ever the same result. And in some times when I try to out and reboot appears an error, so I have to reboot manually (with a button ).

And other problem, is that my BIOS doesn't let me boot form USB, so I can't install form USB. The last opportunity, and tried to install it, upgrading from Ubuntu 9.10, but in the instalation it gave me some errors, and in the 80% (or something like that), appears a window asking me to install GRUB AND EVERYTHING FREEZES, so I had to rebbot manually, and reinstall Ubuntu 9.10.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 On PS3 No Boot - Install CD Doesn't Load

Oct 14, 2010

has anybody tried 10.10 on their PS3 (FW 3.15)? I first ran an update from 10.04 (which was working fine, including ext4 FS), and upon rebooting after the update, all I had was a black screen after PetitBoot. I then tried to do a clean install with the 10.10 PPC+PS3 Alternate CD, but same black screen after selecting any type of install from CD in PetitBoot. I then installed the OtherOS that's on the 10.10 CD (KBoot); same black screen. Went back to PetitBoot and tried the PS3 desktop 10.10 CD; same problem. I was almost ready to give up and reinstall 10.04 when I thought of using the "linux-old" option in PetitBoot. This loaded the newly upgraded Ubuntu 10.10 on my HD, with the difference that it's using kernel 2.6.32 instead of 2.6.35. This works fine. So here's my question (at last ): was the PS3 port of 10.10 tested by anyone before being pushed as a release on cdimage.ubuntu.com, or is there an incompatibility with kernel 2.6.35 that was never noticed, except for here where it didn't seem to go anywhere: [URL]? If I'm the only one left on earth with firmware 3.15 and interested in Ubuntu on PS3 at this point.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lubuntu Live CD Doesn't Boot

Nov 15, 2010

I downloaded the Lubuntu 10.10 Live-CD ISO and burned it to a CD-RW disc. The Lubuntu Live-CD fails to boot on my secondary PC. It boots fine on my primary PC. The PC on which Lubuntu fails to boot is a Dell Dimension L (year 2000). Celeron 566 MHz. 192 MB RAM. That PC has Xubuntu 10.10 installed on HDD. Xubuntu runs fine. The PC on which Lubuntu boots OK is a Dell Dimension 4100 (year 2000). PIII 733 MHz. 512 MB RAM. The failing boot progresses to a point where I get a purple screen showing "Ubuntu 10.10". Underneath the "Ubuntu 10.10" is a progress bar consisting of four dots. The progress bar continually shows progress, but after a few minutes there is no HDD or CD activity. After about seven minutes I get a blank bluish-gray screen. After waiting an additional five minutes I pressed "Enter" and was returned to my original purple screen. The progress bar continued to show progress, but there was no HDD or CD activity.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB2 Doesn't Boot After Clonning?

Dec 7, 2010

I'm installing Ubuntu server 10.04 LTS in several machines with identical hardware using clonezilla.Every thing is ok except than wen starting a cloned machine, grub waits the user to make a selection to boot from.The hard disk has 3 partition:

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 14 112423+ 83 Linux
/dev/sda2 15 1059 8393962+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris[code].....

how to do to start automaticaly? This is the content of grub configuration file (/boot/grub/grub.cfg)[code]...........

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Doesn't Boot And Wants To Recover?

Jan 6, 2011

I downloaded Ubuntu 10.10. Initially, I had the problem on the "Who are You" screen and was told that lower case letters were needed. Long story short, I was given a work-around since there was a partition on my hard drive. Ubuntu installed correctly - works just fine. However, upon booting up, if I choose Windows 7, it takes me to Recovery and wants to reinstall factory specs. What's the best way to resolve this? Is going back to factory specs and then reinstalling Ubuntu a viable option? This is brand new computer and I've downloaded nothing - wanted to make sure everything was working fine before I did that - so I would have no problem with doing that.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot From Usb When BIOS Doesn't Support It?

Mar 13, 2011

i just downloaded Ubuntu10.10,i used to burn the .iso file to a cd and then boot using the CD. recently my cd/dvd writer crashed and i was wondering could i boot from my pen drive in such cases,i also prepared a bootable pen drive but in my BIOS settings there is no option visble for such booting.

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