Ubuntu :: How To Edit Gurb To Boot On Window 7

Apr 18, 2010

Having 2 hard disk , WD and SGate.Before I install ubuntu .I had install window 7 on Seagate hard disk. I took out the seagate hard disk and left WD on my pc.Installed ubuntu hardy on WD hard disk without a seagate since i have it as a backup external drive.Now I plan to but back the seagate hard disk into the pc but when I boot , I didn't see any window 7 option.How to boot back window 7 WD ( Window xp , Ubuntu hardy 8.04)Seagate ( window 7 )

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General :: How To Add MS-DOS To Gurb Boot List

May 4, 2010

I've searched around, and I can't find anyone attempting just a flat dual boot between the two. Technically, I'm trying to have MS-DOS, vista, and ubuntu living happily together. I installed DOS to the first partition, windows second, to the third partition, and ubuntu third to the second partition. When I start my system, I get the grub menu, but only ubuntu and vista are listed. How would I go about adding MS-DOS 6.0 to the list?

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Ubuntu :: Configuring GURB After Fedora 12 Dual Boot?

Jan 4, 2010

I had Ubuntu 9.10 installed on my laptop. A while ago I dual installed Fedora 12 on the laptop & now I can't enter Ubuntu. I don't get an option to select the OS at start up, Fedora loads automatically. Can anyone help me configuring my GRUB? This is my grub.conf file in fedora -

# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE: You have a /boot partition. This means that


Also, the Ubuntu installation is 64bit, whereas the Fedora installation is 32bit, don't think that should cause any problems, but I want to be sure.

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Ubuntu :: Can Access Window's HDD - Add / Edit / Manage Files

Jul 9, 2010

Ubuntu is installed on my external. Can I add/edit/manage files on the internal drive that Windows is on without messing anything up (provided I don't mess with system files)?

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Programming :: Split Open Same File And Edit Only 1 Window?

May 14, 2011

whether it is possible to split open a file and edit only one of the open windows.

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Fedora :: Change Nautilus To Default Ubuntu And Not Open Each Folder In Separate Window But Can't Go To Edit/Preferences?

Sep 20, 2009

I have just installed F11 and want to change Nautilus to default Ubuntu and not open each folder in separate window. But I can't go to Edit/Preferences.Nautilus keeps crashing and I get this report:Quote:

Distribution: Fedora release 11 (Leonidas)
Gnome Release: 2.26.3 2009-07-07 (Red Hat, Inc)
BugBuddy Version: 2.26.0


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Software :: Can't Click On Anything In The Window's Toolbar (ie File, Edit, Options, Help, Etc)The Rest Seems To Work Just Fine?

Nov 16, 2010

OS: Ubuntu 10.04 LTSEmulator: Wine 1.2Program: Propellerhead's Reason 5.0After some toil, I successfully installed Reason on linux. Hurrah.However, the default audio drive failed, and now it doesn't have an audio card selected. .. but this isn't my problem.I would love to go into Options to try and tinker with the settings, but I can't click on it. In fact, I can't click on anything in the window's toolbar (ie File, Edit, Options, Help, etc)The rest seems to work just fine.

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Ubuntu :: Edit To Change Boot Order And Various Boot Selections?

Jan 6, 2010

I upgraded from XP to Windows 7 (I need this for legacy business) and decided to install Ubuntu permanently rather than using from CD. During an Ubuntu session I was prompted to upgrade, which I did, but when I boot up now, there seems to be 2 versions of Ubuntu which I can choose from the boot up menu, plus the usual mem test, safe mode etc, plus the option to boot Windows 7.

Firstly, is there in fact more than one Ubuntu image (and therefore precious disk space taken up), how do I find out, and if so what action should I take?If there is only one Ubuntu and one Windows 7 image, how do I edit (and where is the file) to change the boot order and the various boot selections?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install And Boot From External HD While Still Boot Window Off Internal HD?

Oct 23, 2010

Can Ubuntu install and boot from external HD while still booting windows off internal HD?In an attempt to spread Ubuntu my friend wants to use ubuntu off an external HD and still have windows fully operational on the internal HD. Questions:1) Can Ubuntu install on external HD without tricky mounting methods and if so how doabout it?2) The bois have the capability to boot from usb, will grub work?

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Ubuntu :: Edit My Boot Options In 10.04?

Aug 3, 2010

How can i edit my boot options in Ubuntu 10.04

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Ubuntu :: How To Edit GRUB Boot List

Mar 5, 2010

I'm using HP Pavilion dv2108tx I have ubuntu and Win7 dual boot. The problem is every time I change setting to the BIOS there will be a new list of ubuntu boot came up and now I scroll trough the whole list. Is there anyway to edit GURB boot list.

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Ubuntu :: How To Edit Kernel Boot Parameters

Jun 18, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 Gnome IBM Thinkpad 600e.I am trying to get sound going in my 600e which has the wrong chips in the sound card. I found some notes from 2008 that said in one of the steps to add the following to my kernel boot parameters: noapci nolapci notsc acpi=off pnpbios=off pci=noacpi

It said to hit the Esc key when I see the Grub Count on boot up to get into the kernel boot parameter's editor. However, I am not seeing any Grub Count and pressing the Esc key every second during boot up doesn't seem to get me there either. I have been searching for how to edit the boot parameters but no luck so far.

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Ubuntu :: Edit The Boot Screen So Instead Of 14 Seconds

Nov 12, 2010

I dual boot Ubuntu with Windows, so every time I turn on my computer, I have to choose a system.

I rarely use Windows, but I still need it on here for some applications. Being that I'm going to be using Ubuntu 90% of the time, I was wondering if there was a way to boot directly to Ubuntu without erasing Windows.

Is this possible? I'd want to be able to press a key at start up or something so I can still use Windows if I want to.

If that's not possible, how do I edit the boot screen so instead of 14 seconds (or whatever it is), it boots Ubuntu in one or two seconds?

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Ubuntu :: Edit GRUB Boot Options

Jul 1, 2011

I recently switched my laptop from Ubuntu 11.04 to 10.04.2, and during the process, I used GPARTED to partition the drive so that I could have both versions installed simultaneously while I transferred files and settings and such. A few days ago, I removed the 11.04 partition, formatted and added that disk space to 10.04's /home partition. However, when I boot up, GRUB still gives me the option of loading into the newer 11.04 partition with the newer kernels. How do I remove those options from the GRUB menu? I checked the Ubuntu GRUB help pages, but didn't feel confident that I could do edits without messing up the 10.04 boot settings.

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OpenSUSE Install :: LVM - Can't Boot Into X Window - Only GRUB Command Line During Boot

Nov 4, 2010

Out of curiosity and stupidity, I configured 2 extended partitions to LVM in gparted. Now, I can't boot into X window, and there's only GRUB command line during boot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Edit Grub.cfg To Boot Win7 First?

Feb 20, 2010

I set up a dual boot system with Win7 and Ubuntu 9.10. Ubuntu is the first OS listed in the boot menu. I would like to change the boot order so Windows is first. Also after running a few updates I now have multiple boot items listed for Ubuntu that I'm sure are no longer needed. Having never edited Grub and searching through the forum, I'm asking help. I going to guess that I want to edit grub.cfg. If so, what do I need to change within the following information?


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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot - Edit Default OS In Menu

Apr 8, 2010

I would like to be able to edit which OS is set as default on the first selection menu. I installed Ubuntu via windows xp. and have Grub 2 installed. When I start my computer, first I see is the BIOS, then I have a menu which allows me to select either windows xp or Ubuntu (windows xp is the default which I'd like to change to Ubuntu). Once I select Ubuntu, then I get the menu allowing me to select between the different upgrade versions.

From all the pages I read through on editing grub2 defaults, they only refer to the second menu that I get to pick between the upgrade versions or kernels (I think they are referred to). What I'd like to do is set Ubuntu as the defualt on the first menu screen, as Ubuntu is my preferred OS and it can load automatically, then I don't care what the default upgrade version is loaded (this i have understood how to edit).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Edit Grub To Boot Different Partition?

Feb 3, 2011

I'm dual boot with Vista(TM) and UBUNTU(tm) and ran out of space on Ubuntu partition:I booted Ubuntu 10.04LTS live CD and shrank the VISTA. It would NOT let me grow the extended partition? So now I have:

sda1 ntfs /media/TOSHIBA_SYSTEM_VOLUME 1.46GB
sda2 ntfs /media/SQ004588V03 88GB


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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Edit Grub Default Boot?

May 2, 2011

I think my Natty 64 bit install is missing a dependency for gk, even though it shows up install in Synaptic. I have also tried using Start up Manager and the changes I make there don't show up after restarting either. I just want to change the default boot to number 4, Windows. Any suggestions are welcome, but I have tried all the ones I've found on this forum so far and none have worked, including editing etc/grub/default and saving with sudo update-grub. That's when I get a "gk not found" error.

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Ubuntu :: How To Edit Clean Up Boot Screen Menu

Oct 7, 2010

I have a simple question, what is the best way to clean up or edit my boot screen menu on Ubuntu...? I'm running 2.6.32-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux. I have run about 5 upgrades and the older Kernels still show up.

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Fedora :: Can't Boot - Need To Edit Fstab

Oct 2, 2009

I really need some help here, this is driving me mad. I edited my fstab file to boot a partition on start up, only instead of typing sda7 I typed sda1 by mistake and now can't boot.
The problem that is driving me mad is I cannot save changes to fstab from a live cd because I do not have root permissions.
I am relatively new to Linux and have no idea how to use the fedora install disk or the commands to use or if it will let me save changes to the file.
I cannot believe something so easy to fix does not appear to be possible because i can't save changes to the fstab on my fedora install.

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General :: How To Edit The Boot File

May 2, 2011

I installed 3 OS in my computer, first Windows xp, second Ubuntu 10.10 up to here I could go in to each one of them, but I installed Fedora 14 x64 after Ubuntu. Now I can only go to Fedora and XP, but I am not able to even see Ubuntu only in the shell, it is not in my boot options.

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Ubuntu :: Edit The Grub Listing That Appears During Computer Boot?

May 26, 2011

how to edit the grub listing that appears during computer boot.

My listing shows 3 OS:-

1. Ubuntu 10.04
2. Ubuntu 9.10
3. Windows XP

I have deleted Windows XP, meaning that my system does not contain Windows XP.

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General :: Edit Default GRUB Boot Order In Ubuntu 9.10 64 Bit?

Mar 25, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 64 Bit, and I also have Windows 7, and I want to make Win7 boot first and without having to manually choose it every time I restart, for my non-linux using family. I have tried the guides where it says you have to edit the "menu.lfg(or whatever it is)" and I don't have that file. I have looked, it's not there, the closest I found was "grub.cfg" and I can't make any sense out of it. I'm not unfamiliar with computers, I'm just relatively new to Ubuntu, and want to make the best out of it I can, I love it. I've tried going into GRUB, and and editing the Win7 Loader, but it doesn't work.

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Server :: Boot Ubuntu-10.04 In Rescue Mode To Edit Ftab?

Aug 28, 2010

I have an issue with the fstab on Ubuntu 10.4 - I need to mount the system with a rescur cd and edit the fstab I have the CD for 10.4 but am afraid the process on mounting the system will overwrite the system. With all the information about Ubuntu I can not find information about this process

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Debian :: Edit Grub To Make The Other OS Boot Again?

Sep 14, 2010

I just installed Debian on the unused part of my HDD. It did not pick up the other OS I have on this PC, but the installer said I could later edit GRUB to make the other OS boot again. I have looked around and done some searches with no luck.

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Fedora :: Edit Boot Options Permanently?

May 11, 2010

how do I edit my kernel boot options permanently? I need to keep adding "nodmraid" to my grub kernel options on each boot... what file do I edit to make it permanent?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Edit Boot Menu Entries

Oct 21, 2010

I have installed two OS on my PC. Windows 7 and fedora 12,but when I boot it shows 3 entries for fedora and one for windows to select. How can I remove redundant menu entries without affecting boot loader.

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General :: Edit Boot Option For 2 OS Install?

Apr 19, 2011

how to edit boot option. I had install Win7 and Ubuntu in my laptop. I want to change boot order win7 at up and ubuntu at down. so if i turn on laptop in 8sec if i not choose which OS to enter, by default it will choose win7 to boot.

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Software :: How To Edit Boot Menu For Grub2

Mar 5, 2011

I just installed Debian squeeze. I installed grub to the MBR. It uses Grub 2. Apparently I'm not supposed to edit /boot/grub/grub.cnf, but /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d. I looked at these and read The Readme as well as a tutorial at [URL]. I'm still not sure of what to do. When I boot up I get 4 choices: 2 for Squeeze and two for another linux distro. I would like to edit the print out I get when I boot up, as well as add the partition for XP which wasn't included.

This is /etc/default/grub:
# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

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