Ubuntu Networking :: Out Of The Loop Wifi?

Aug 4, 2011

i know this is probably listed somewhere, but after several hours looking around, noone has this same issue.long story short, my girlfriends gateway laptop (bleh) had a hdd fail and crashed. best buy said shed have to wait ANOTHER week, after she had already been out a comp for 2 weeks, to get the factory install windows 7 disc. so she asked me to put ubuntu on it. finished it yesterday, updated etc. heres the issue.its a gateway nv55c w/ built in wifi card ( not sure on type) attempting to connect to a wrt54g linksys wifi router. it tries to connect, takes 3 mins then says disconnected.

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General :: For Loop Or While Loop To Read The Fields Of A File?

Sep 1, 2010

I have a mytext file with month and year as two separate fields. likemytext fil

08 2010
09 2010
10 2010

I want to read the values of each field i.e., month and year into an awk script.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Stop Wifi Radio Killswitch From Disabling USB Wifi Device

Jul 3, 2010

My laptop has an internal wireless device and a button to turn it on/off, but since it has bad reception I use an external USB wireless adapter.The problem is that if I turn the internal wireless device off using the button, it also turns the USB wireless adapter off.Is there anyway to use the killswitch (the button) only for the internal wireless device?This only started to happen in Ubuntu 10.04.

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Networking :: Ubuntu 9.04 Can't Connect To Wifi With Intel Wireless WiFi Link 5100?

Aug 29, 2009

I have only had a few weeks worth of experience with linux, so I'm probably considered a newbie at this but I felt like giving it a shot. I just configured my new Toshiba Satellite A505-S6969 to jaunty. Most of the transition is going well but I'm stuck with a few issues, one of which is getting my wifi to work. Right now I'm working off of an ethernet cable.spci returns

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Memory Controller Hub (rev 07)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset PCI Express Graphics Port


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Ubuntu Networking :: Sager NP9280 Intel N6300 WiFi 9.10 No WiFi

Mar 6, 2010

Installed ubuntu 9.10 dual boot with win7 yesterday. Everything working but Wifi. Wifi works fine with Win7. No Wifi in Ubuntu. Very confused. I have info from the wifi trouble ticket post.There does not seem to be a driver for this card anywhere.

lawrence@lawrence-laptop:~$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation X58 I/O Hub to ESI Port (rev 13)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub PCI Express Root Port 1 (rev 13)


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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin Usb Wifi - Install The Driver Or Finding The Wifi Card On The System ?

Sep 16, 2010

I cant seam to find out how to get my card to work i cant find out how to install the driver or finding the wifi card on the system.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Very Slow WiFi Using Broadcom Wifi Card?

May 12, 2011

get WIFI working on my Dell D600 with Ubuntu 11.04 freshly installed. I some limited sucched following the this post t=1621331 this got the card working but it was very very slow over 70% packet loss to the WIFIrouter. 1. Machine details Dell Latitude D6002 Wireless Broadband and Chip setlspci -nn | grep Broadcom - 02:03.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4309 802.11a/b/g [14e4:4324] (rev 02)3. Check interfaces

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0b:db:e0:1c:5b
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0


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Ubuntu Networking :: Share Wifi Over LAN To Wifi Router?

Sep 1, 2011

I have a pc which has 2 network cards, 1 wifi and 1 ethernet card.

I'm using wifi card to connect to wifi network (internet) and i'm planing to share this wifi/internet connection via ethernet to wireless router (siemens sx763) so i can have internet on my other devices, e.g. mobile phone, laptop.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Intel 5100 WiFi Card - Dell Latitude E6400 - Suddenly WiFi LED On The Computer Stops Blinking

May 4, 2011

I am running (K)Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 64bit on a Dell Latitude E6400, WiFi Card Intel 5100. Never had any problems with networking. Up to about 2 weeks ago. I do realize there have been quite a few posts with this network adaptor, but non really described the problem I have here.

What happens is that suddenly the WiFi LED on the computer stops blinking, the WiFi connection gets disrupted, and the device is not recognized anymore when checking ifconfig. Only cold restarting the machine helps then... it will work for a while (between 1 and 20 minutes) and then crash again.

On Windows 7 the card works perfectly fine. With Ubuntu 11.04 in Live CD mode I have the same effects (connection crashes after a while). Also tried booting an older kernel, no success.

My exact hardware:


I notived the following problems in /var/log/kern.log


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Networking :: Dual Wifi And Wired Connection: Make A Specific Website Use Only Wifi?

Apr 8, 2010

I have 2 connections, wlan and wired, and I'd want to have a few websites (in my browser) to connect through the wireless connection while other go through the wired rj45 connection. s it possible? (without unplugging the rj45 cable...)

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Networking :: Can't Access Public Wifi BUT Wifi Works On Router At Home?

May 13, 2009

the only error message I can find comes from "dmesg|tail"all it shows is
"no IPv6 router"any body know what is going on here or where where to look for more clues the next time I get around public wifi Oh the windoze washers and apple polishers don't seem to have any problems at all

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Networking :: Using Ethernet To Power WiFi Network And Setting Up WiFi?

Aug 23, 2009

I have an old PowerBook G4 that I would like to use as a 'dummy' computer for learning wireless penetration (WEP/WPA attacks) more effectively. I had been using a wireless router, but I gave it away I can use Mac OS X to share an ethernet connection over wifi, but this is _very_ un-configurable. You get two options only, WEP and a key-length. So, I would like to install someway to make this wireless connection more configurable.

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Networking :: Use FTP Script Using While Loop?

Dec 1, 2010

how to use FTP script using while loop.

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Ubuntu Networking :: NFS Mounting With Fstab > Loop On Shutdown

May 20, 2010

I have this configuration on my Ubuntu server:

1. Physical HDD1, mounted in /media/MYDATA
2. Physical HDD2, mounted in /media/MYDATA/MYMOVIES

This works, and has all my information. Unfortunately I can not use CIFS to get my data, because of a bug with wireless connection and umounting at shutdown. Until yesterday, I have no problem at all, mounting my NFS unit automatically in /media/MYDATA perfectly. But, when I go to /media/MYDATA/MYMOVIES in my laptops, filesystem is empty. I've included /media/MYMOVIES in the exports file (server) and in the fstab (client) and...it worked!!

But...system does not shutdown at all. If I manually try to umount /media/MYDATA the message received is "resource busy". :/ so...I guess this is the problem. If I manually umount /media/MYDATA/MYMOVIES first, laptop shutdown perfectly.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba & SSH Endless Password Loop

Jun 15, 2010

Prior to Karmic I had samba working well. Karmic upgrade broke samba with an endless password loop when trying to connect to a samba server. I have not been able to get it working since, including after upgrade to Lucid. I've now encountered a similar problem attempting to login into an SSH server. Laptop to desktop, (Karmic to Lucid),ssh ok, reverse no joy. (sshd running on both).

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Samba Password Infinate Loop From Windows

Nov 12, 2009

I have just started a job as an IT tech, and have inherited a linux server running CEntOS 5.3 -- I have some experiance with linux, but am a little at sea. I'm using Webmin 1.490.The main use of the server is to samba share file space to windows clients, running XP.Everyone can happily connect to their home share, however the other shares have problems. One of the shares "staff" fails intermittently (to some staff members) and some of the other shares fail always.

The failure is that when a user tries to connect to the share, it pops up a username and password dialog (even if they just successfully viewed their home dir) then on entering correct details and clicking ok, the box refreshes with <domain><user name> (where braced values are replaced by literal values). If a user is connecting from outside via vpn (hosted though a different department's server) the domain is replaced by their computer name.If the password is re-entered, the same happens, in an infinite loop, and no access is ever given.When I say the staff share is intermittent, there likely is some pattern, but I haven't been able to work it out yet -- I think it may have something to do with how recently the account was set up, or physical location.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Could No Go Online Using Wifi

Jan 4, 2010

My icon shows that the connection is good using wifi. However, I could not go online. What's wrong?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Works OK For 9.04 And 9.10 But Not In 8.04?

Jan 4, 2010

i am always using the latest version of ubuntu,but my main board of my acer5520g broke down under 9.10 last month,the acer company changed my main board and i installed 8.04-i386 LST for safety. but i find the wireless card does not work, i search the google for help,it seems i should install madwifi,but i found no valid download,after a lot of attempts i surrender. SO i put up this question i need a driver for my wireless card (notebook type acer5520g ,wireless card AR 5B91(detected under windows (though i am a big fan of linux and a supporter,i am using two systems and waiting for the 10.04 LST to save me from virus braced windows)
i even can not detect the wireless card under ubuntu 8.04 but it works ok in 9.04 and 9.10 after the installation.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Signal Very Low

Jan 15, 2010

I was running windows vista 32 bit (NOW UBUNTU 9.10) on my custom built pc with a TP-LINK TL-WN353GD wireless pci card, before on vista my wifi signal strength would be in the low 70% range with a speed of 54 Mbps from a access point roughly 250 yards away, now with ubuntu 9.10 signal strength in the 15-20% range with a speed of 1 Mbps. My question is, what is the best way to overcome this wifi signal strength and speed problem, it is a noticable performance disadvatange easily seen on a website like ..... where as before videos would play 95% of the time without having to stop and catch up, would a different wireless pci card be a better choice than what I have, or is the problem in the software as in a driver incompatability or lack of correct driver, not sure how to remedy the problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Get Wifi To Work

Jan 19, 2010

I have a Compaq Presario with an Atheros AR5002 wireless card. I just installed Karmic and the wifi is the only thing not working. Wireless does work in 9.04. Here's what I get with iwconf

lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.
wmaster0 no wireless extensions.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Network OS Over Wifi ?

Jan 26, 2010

I run ubuntu over network with pxe boot and I thought that maybe if I connect to my wifi and then disconnect the ethernet, the nfs connection will reconnect over the wifi.. but that didn't work. Anyone know how to make it work? seems like it should be simple.

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Ubuntu Networking :: WiFi But No Internet?

Feb 17, 2010

I am new to Ubuntu, but because of my familiarity with Vista's Command Prompt, I was able to adapt easily.But there was a problem. My WiFi card didn't work. As it turned out, I was missing drivers.So I plugged into my dad's Gigabit Ethernet port and got ndiswrapper.That worked well, and my wireless card is working. The problem is that I can access the network in my house, but not the Internet. Everybody else (running Windows) can access the Internet wirelessly. But I have to steal my dad's wired work line. Is there any way to solve this? info about my computer, here it is:

OS: Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala
Computer: (Laptop) Dell Vostro 1000
Wireless card: Dell 1390 wireless
Router: Netgear... some model or another

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Keeps Disconnecting ?

Mar 9, 2010

Wifi seems to disconnect fairly requently, sometimes reconnecting automatically and sometimes requiring me to re-enter the wep password.

I would like to make it so it stays connected.

The router is not very close, but I think it's close enough. I even moved it closer. Other devices (such as my N900 mobile phone) hold the connection without issue.

One complication is that there are several devices all with the same SSID, though there should be one which is clearly stonger.

Details below.

1 ) Machine Brand and Model (PC/Laptop):


2 ) Wireless Brand, Model and Wireless Chipset:


3 ) check interface:


4 ) Check for modules:


5 ) Kernel boot messages


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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Use Wifi Modem

Mar 21, 2010

I have a WiFi modem. Its Chinese(non-brand) modem. I can use this modem in windows Xp easily. Just need to install a software given with this modem. but cann't use it in Linux as using ubuntu 9.10 below is my lsusb report.


ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ lsusb
Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Is Not Connected?

Mar 23, 2010

WiFi on this laptop worked fine for a few months then went out; after a reinstall of ubuntu (since 9.xx had come out since then anyway) the wireless still refused to even see networks, let alone connect to them; under Wireless Networks in the NM, I just see a greyed out 'disconnected'. This got me to thinking that it may have just been a hardware issue, but I find that hard to believe. Anyway, here's the pertinent information:

Started off with an lshw command just to see if a network adapter is even listed as being connected: `lshw`

description: Wireless interface
product: PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection[code]....

As an addendum : I found this driver project but they claim to require a 2.6.8+ kernel; a quick `uname -r` shows that mine is 2.6.31, and an `apt-cache search linux-image` reveals that to be the highest available from repos; do Debian/Ubuntu distros not use more recent kernels or is this an Ubuntu-specific kernel naming scheme? If so, to what would it be comparable? I'm hesitant to try to install this and change my firmware if it's likely I'll be borking something.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use The Wifi On 9.10

Mar 27, 2010

I have tried installing the original CD os 8.04 (Dell system restore) again hoping that everything was on there in order to get me connected to wifi again. Connecting to wifi seems to be the main issue that people have trouble with.I feel that I have 3 options now:

1. Sell the laptop (it is a month old!)
2. Pay for support
3. Put windows on it

It is a shame as I liked Ubuntu 9.10

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Isn't Working?

Apr 19, 2010

For the past almost year, once in a while my wifi won't work.At home,I use an ethernet cable. When I go out, or am out of town, about 1/3 times the wifi won't connect, and won't even find access points. Once this happens, no matter how many times I restart, the wifi won't work. The ONLY way I can get it to work again is if I reboot with the ethernet cord plugged into the laptop and into a router/switch/hub. My neighbor (the one who got me into Ubuntu) is a pretty experienced linux network admin who looked a my laptop and has no idea what is causing this. I've attached my syslog log entry for the last time this happened. Does anyone know why this is? I LOVE ubuntu but I may need to switch back to Windows because I NEED wifi to work.You will see in the logfile I tried connecting to two different APs. The one that always works is the second one, called linksys.

Apr 19 12:04:07 ubuntu NetworkManager: <info> Activation (wlan0) starting connection 'Auto sammysosa'
Apr 19 12:04:07 ubuntu NetworkManager: <info> (wlan0): device state change: 3 -> 4 (reason 0)
Apr 19 12:04:07 ubuntu NetworkManager: <info> Activation (wlan0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
Apr 19 12:04:07 ubuntu NetworkManager: <info> Activation (wlan0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Which WiFi Drivers Do I Need?

Apr 22, 2010

i just installed ubuntu studio but i don't think it includes wifi drivers by default.the laptop i am using has worked well using vanilla ubuntu 9.10 including WiFi.i just need to know what driver packages to install.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use DWA-125 Wifi In 10.04 LTS

Apr 29, 2010

unable to use DWA-125 Wifi in 10.04 LTS

lo no Wireless extensions
eth0 no Wireless extensions

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Not Detected On 10.04?

Apr 29, 2010

just installed ubuntu 10.04 and the wifi networks are not detected as in 9.10.In 9.10 installing bcm-wl helped me.. but here the pacakage does not even install succesfully....i have installed b43..

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