Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Cannot Login To Desktop (Stuck In Loop)

Nov 4, 2010

I have installed ubuntu 10.10 on my pc and whenever I login to the desktop it shows the gnome panels, icons, wallpaper and then immediately goes back to the login screen. If I try to login again, it does the same thing all over again but sometimes it works. Is there any way to fix this?

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Fedora :: Stuck In Infinite Loop On Login After Changing Wallpaper?

Aug 17, 2011

Fedora 15, fresh install.I changed the wallpaper from default to a solid colour. After switching between gradient to colour the system crashed logged me out and upon logging in it simply runs endlessly accessing my harddisk but never actually loading the desktop.I can kill X and reboot, but it's the same problem waiting for me on restart. I really don't want to re-install or delete users (to put it in context, I just spent 3 days trying to install Fedora because Anaconda doesn't know how to install GRUB correctly).

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Ubuntu :: Stuck In Loop After Upgrade

Sep 19, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.04 Netbook Remix.When I boot, it gets past the splash screen and to the desktop. Before it can load anything, it acts as if it is looping. The wallpaper loads, the screen blinks white and then it loads the wallpaper again... then a white screen, then the wallpaper.I've tried to bring up the terminal and can't do that. I've also rebooted in recovery mode which didn't help.I'm at a loss. I'm on a windoze machine now since I can't get on my netbook.

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Ubuntu :: Stuck In A Log-in Screen Loop?

Dec 26, 2010

Not sure exactly how to describe it. I'll try to get a video for reference. The log-in screen comes up, I type in my password, hit enter, and the screen goes black and the log-in screen comes back up. I'm currently using a BackTrack installation (it sucks) and I'd like to go back to an OS that connects to the internet automatically, instead of me having to redo everything from a terminal upon startup

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Stuck In Loop As No Net Connection?

Jan 22, 2010

I haven't come across this bit of 'elitism' before but it seems with this install one MUST have a working net connection. Why is this? How do people without net at all get to install Karmic Koala?

I am using the alternate install from a USB stick (UNetbootin) and I have to use a separate USB WiFi dongle (not the Wifi built into this Thinkpad T43). The installer does not recognise the difference, so consequently it fails to find the dongle and gets stuck in a loop between 'Net access failed' and 'Searching for a local mirror' - I don't understand why it needs a mirror at this stage anyway as I downloaded the correct and complete .iso

Major catch22 for me as I am attempting a fresh install due to the upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 having totally screwed up my system - no ALSA, App menu gone doo-lally, etc etc - far too much mess to sort out.

On top of that, the trackpoint button has stopped working altogether and no amount of Fn+F8 switching makes any difference. Hmm.

Edit: Trackpoint somehow got disabled in BIOS during above aborted install.

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Ubuntu :: Stuck At Log-in Loop / Is GNOME Broken?

Dec 28, 2010

When I boot into Ubuntu, it goes to the log in screen. I can type in my password and then the screen flashes black and then the log-in screen comes back. If I boot into recovery mode, I can log in via terminal, but if I type startx it just brings up a black screen and a mouse cursor and that's it. Did GNOME get messed up? How would I fix it? I have an Ubuntu LiveCD that I can use, so if I have to install any packages or something, would I be able to download them in the livecd and just install them on my broken installation instead of having to figure out connecting to wifi in a terminal?

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 Clean Install - Stuck In Password Loop

Feb 2, 2011

I have been trying to get ubuntu 10.4 running on a Packard Bell Easynote r1004. Having had problems with 9.10 I tried 10.4 first booting from the live cd to test compatibility and was supprised when I was presented with a logon screen. Of cause I could not logon as there was no password setup. So I rebooted and went for a clean install. I set a username and password in the install process. When installed I entered the correct password, and it looked for about a second that all was going to be well, but then the password screen reappeared. I tried entering again in case of a type and even entering an incorrect password. The incorrect password was correctly rejected. I have reinstalled 3 times with 3 different copies of the cd all copies are official copies and they work on other pc's. It just returns to the passsword screen each time you enter the password.

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Slackware :: EQ Overflowing Server Is Probably Stuck In An Infinite Loop?

Oct 28, 2010

It happens really randomly. Suddenly keyboard and mouse stop to react. Screen freezes. However if I have for instance skype running during that "crash", I can still continue to talk over internet. For me looks like x serwer crash. Xorg logs however are empty. I had to hard reboot only to get control over pc (magic sys key + SUB) only works. Trying switch to another session is not working. I run Slackware 13.1. Kindly asking to help me to solve that irritating issue. I pasted errors usually I find at Xorg.0.log.old after hard reboot only

Code: #2 SMP Tue Sep 14 19:33:55 CEST 2010 i686 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL renderer string: GeForce 8800 GT/PCI/SSE2
OpenGL version string: 3.2.0 NVIDIA 195.36.15
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.50 NVIDIA via Cg compiler


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Ubuntu Installation :: Resizing Partition - Vista Boot Stuck In Loop

Feb 19, 2010

I recently used a GParted CD to resize my partition with Vista installed on it in order to make room for another partition in which I installed Linux onto. I, unfortunately, did not back up my data. My Vista partition now does not show up in Grub and when I set it to just boot to the Vista install it will never boot and is stuck in a loop.

I tried using this guide to try to get it back. My problem comes about halfway through this guide when I go to repair my Vista installation nothing shows up under installations. I would really like to get my data from the Vista partition. I guess if I'm SOL then at least I'll remember to backup my data next time..

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Fedora X86/64bit :: F13 EQ Overflowing - The Server Is Probably Stuck In An Infinite Loop

Sep 16, 2010

I have recently been running into the "EQ overflowing" message. It has been happening when I open an image with gimp or a xls with open office. I noticed some were having this issue with earlier kernels. I am using the nouveau driver to run two nvidia cards with three monitors. I am currently running the kernel. Here is the output of my Xorg.0.log file:


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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Login - Enter Password - Login Sound Plays And Stuck Looking At The Wallpaper

Oct 10, 2010

I just finished installing 10.10 on my pc. the problem is that i cant login to the desktop i enter the password, the login sound plays and im stuck looking at the wallpaper. nothing else. i tried logging in safe mode and it worked. how can i get it to work normally?

pc specs:
Pentium 4 2.6 ghz
512mb ram
ati radeon 9600 graphics card

And i installed it using wubi.

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Ubuntu :: Loop On Login - 10.04.1 LTS

Sep 23, 2010

I am using Kubuntu. When I came back from the States -- where I stay for long while -- I had to update the system to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. So I did.

I have now a loop problem for the login process.

On a terminal I can read such a message about BASH :

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Login Loop With VIA Video?

Jun 25, 2010

I have a box built by a local shop (AMD Sempron 2400+, 1.? gig RAM). It used to have XP on it, but I replaced that with 9.10. I tried installing 10.04 from CD and encountered the login loop problem many others have experienced. I had it working once when I re-installed 9.10 and then ran the upgrade to 10.04. I got the login loop that had music up to the cymbal crash, which was clipped near the end. I tried the recommendation to switch to a command line terminal, log in, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm, and then restart gdm. It worked, and I should have left well enough alone. However, I thought that it would be cleaner to install from the CD. Unfortunately, when I got to the login screen I only got a blank screen when trying <ctrl><alt><F1> (or <F2, etc). <ctrl><alt><F8> took me back to the login screen where I still encounter the login loop.

I also tried the recommendation to run the install with the F6 parameter nomodset selected. That resulted in loosing the music during the login loop, although I've discovered that sometimes it's simply because the sound is starting out muted.

Another recommendation was to drop into GRUB when first powering up. It took me a while, but I finally found out that one must hold down the shift key on power up to get to GRUB. While that did let me log in to a command line screen, running dpkg-reconfigure gdm did not work, this time. Neither did the idea of editing the GRUB command line to replace quiet splash with nomodeset.

I have read many posts on this forum talking about this problem as it applies to Nvidia or ATI graphics cards. Has anyone had any experience with the VIA video built into a motherboard? Running lshw -C Display while booted from the 9.10 CD says that I have a VIA KM400/KN400/P4M800 [S3 UniChrome] video system.

A recommendation from one of my local PLUG friends was to revert to an earlier video driver that works. Is this possible? Can I take the video driver from 9.10 and use it for 10.04? If so, how do I find it -- what's it called, where is it, what is the 10.04 driver called, and where is it, and can I just change the name of 9.10's driver (if it is different from 10.04's)? If it isn't obvious that I really don't know how this level of things work, let me confess that I don't.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Login Loop After Upgrade To 11.04?

Apr 28, 2011

I just finished the upgrade of 10.10 to 11.04, restarted and now i can't login anymore, i'm stuck in an endless login loop.

1) Boot
2) Xorg starts
3) I see my user, login
4) Screen goes black like it's loading
5) Loop back to login

It's not a password issue, i can login in command line It's not a profile issue cause i tried creating a new user from the command line and it still loops. I looks briefly at the /var/log/... but i couldn't find anything relevant,respond ASAP this is my work PC.

I thought it would be simple since it's a very simple a relatively new machine (2months ago)

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Ubuntu :: Disable Auto Login 'loop'?

May 23, 2011

Still learning OS. I had auto login set and noticed at the login screen an option to boot straight to XBMC. Now I cannot boot normally anymore. Walk me through fixing this please. I'm not afraid of the command line.

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Ubuntu :: Caught In Login Screen Loop - Karmic 9.10

Mar 16, 2010

I have a real issue and need urgent help. I am stuck in a login loop and have looked in several threads in order to find a solution for my issue. I am relatively new to Ubuntu/Linux and do not really know my way around especially when it comes to command prompt. Thus I need someone with patience and who can guide me step by step in order to get to the bottom of the issue and to fix it.

The issue started all of a sudden, no particular reason. I only uninstalled evolution before and then rebooted. The shutting down process got stuck forever and I turn off the PC by holding the power button. Then I attempted to start, the PC boots to the login screen and I select my name and enter the correct password as usual. Then the screen changes for a split of a second to the back command screen and I can see the word crypto or so. Then the screen returns to the login screen and this loops.

Karmic 9.10, fully updated
Thinkpad x61s

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Ubuntu :: Login Cycle Loop After Username / Password Entered

Aug 12, 2010

The login cycles- I already have a problem with mounting something connected with USB (long term minor annoyance, but everything works), but suddenly I cannot log in. When I put my username and password in, the screen flashes black for about half a second, then the login screen re-appears. If I put the wrong password in, I get an authentication error message (as expected) without turning black and then cycling again.

I have no problems going into terminal mode and logging in. I've tried all sorts of suggestions related to this problem- reinstalling ubuntu-desktop, apt-get clean, sudo startx, and the last indicates that x-windows is already running. I've found a couple more things to try, but I'm not too sure how well they'll work. It seems to be connected with x-windows, but I don't know what is causing it. Last night I had a big problem that required reinstalling nautilus (couldn't set up a connection to a remote server), and that problem was fixed- but this developed when I booted this morning.

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Debian :: Graphical Login Screen On An Infinite Loop?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm using debian etch and I've installed some automatic updates, after that some programs weren't running. So I restarted the pc. Now that the computer boot up normally but when it reaches the login screen it just emit a sound in the pc's speaker,he login screen flickers and is showed another login screen again and again and again (it's automatic). I can logon using the option single-user mode in the grub options, any idead on how can I fix it?

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Fedora Installation :: GUI And F14 Won't Boot - Goes Into A Loop Between The Login Page

Feb 19, 2011

I removed the LXDE and XFCE packages and now when I try to boot into F14 it goes into a loop between the login page and the fedora icon with blue background showing a X over the icon. In other words, it is looping between the login screen and the previous screen. I think I broke it good. Is there anyway to recover from this?

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Ubuntu :: 9.04 Stuck Before Login?

Oct 19, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.04, when i start up the computer in boots up gives me 2errors on something. it shows the light orange screen, with loading mouse for 15 secs. then it shows 10 line of words on a blank screen, then loops back and forth. it never gets out

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Ubuntu :: Gets Stuck At Login Screen?

Aug 15, 2010

I've tried searching the forums, but that didn't help. Pretty much what happened was I installed ubuntu 10.04 32bit version, rebooted my computer, try to login, and I am not able to since I can not even use my mouse or keyboard, it's stuck.Then, I reboot, and it gets stuck at not even loading to the login screen.Could someone have a solution to this?My system specs:

AMD Phenom II x4 955
ATI Radeon HD 5750


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Ubuntu :: Stuck In Login Screen?

Nov 21, 2010

I'm using ubuntu 10.04 and I recently tried installing certain python libraries. The installation of pyXML failed because python.h wasn't present. I thought I could solve this problem by reinstalling python. So I did:

sudo apt-get remove python
Unexpectedly, this command caused all kinds of other things to be uninstalled (like gnome)


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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Stuck At Login Splash / AMD 5870

Oct 5, 2010

I just installed 10.04, 64-bit on a work computer that has an AMD 5870 GPU with the latest drivers from AMD (possibly relevant). I keep getting stuck on login at the Ubuntu logo with the five red dots beneath it. I can SSH into the machine from another machine, and I can hit Ctrl-Alt-Delete, which reboots after flashing some text.

I can also log in by amending Grub to remove the "quiet splash" and by hitting ctrl-X, but I can't get the X server to start from a text prompt. It generally gives me a blank screen after I type "startx," and I have to force-reset the computer. (I've been reading the forum for all the hints about how to fix this issue).

Interestingly, sometimes when I reboot I get a "...disk drives are being checked for errors..." message under the Ubuntu splash logo, and if I let this go to completion, I can log into the GUI without any problem. If I hit ctrl-C during the check, it won't log in.

So, right now I'm logged in to the GUI, but I'm afraid to reboot for fear of the dreaded red dots and no login.

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Ubuntu :: Stuck At Login Screen After Enabling It 10.10?

Nov 7, 2010

I been having this problem with the login screen after i enabled it. It shows a little window with the the ubuntu logo with my computer's name underneath with the login button. Clicking the button does nothing but when I hit enter it seems like its booting up but freezes after it says "checking battery [done]" or something like that. is it a problem with the login screen? If so how do I fix it? If not what is the problem?

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Ubuntu :: Karmic Stuck Past Login Screen

Jan 29, 2010

I made a little change this morning on my karmic laptop, and now after it boots up and I enter my username/psswd, it remains perpetually stuck on the loading page that usually shows only for a couple of seconds. I never actually get to my desktop.

This morning, I thought I would try adding another panel to my Desktop, but I thought that if I added it with the position 'top', it would automatically pop underneath my default top panel. So I would have two panels one under the other, like you often do in firefox. I also immediately set my new panel on 'auto-hide'. Right after, the new panel showed up ABOVE my default panel (like z-axis, covering my default panel) and my screen was absolutely frozen. All my desktop icons disappeared and mouse clicks and keyboard strokes would do nothing.

I was forced to hit ctrl+alt+f3 and do a reboot. Ever since, I have been stuck in this mode. Perhaps if I could access the config file for desktop panels (if there is one), then I could try and revert my changes.

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Ubuntu :: Stuck At Login Screen 10.04 LTS After Pulseaudio Uninstall?

Jun 16, 2010

While trying to fix the audio lag problem with skype I have created a new problem. This is what I did.Everything was working fine until I uninstalled pulseaudiorom pplications>Ubuntu Software Centre>Installed Software. I removed just about everything pulseaudio. I than restarted ubuntu 10.04LTS. When I attempt to login it seems to go black for a sec then kicks me back to the login screen again. I get no errors. If I do "ctrl, alt, F1" I can login no problem so I know it's not my password.

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Ubuntu :: GUI Disappeared When Rebooted - Stuck In Login Screen With Nothing

Mar 31, 2011

Let me reassume what I just did, because it will be easier for you to understand my problem. Today I played a bit with my Ubuntu (10.04, latest kernel) because I wanted to try xmms. I tried to install it manually, but since i couldn't make some libraries work I went for


I don't know where something went wrong, but when i rebooted my GUI disappeared. I'm stuck in login screen with nothing in there. I tried to do this [URL].... , but it doesn't work (if i'm not wrong those folders are inside /home, so after login I have to do [cd ..] and then using the rm command) I tried also pkill gnome-panel before coming back to desktop, but it doesn't work either. I tried to

Code: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop but it says I've got the latest one already installed.

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General :: Ubuntu - Desktop Nav Bar Stuck On Right

Jan 23, 2010

I am using Gnome desktop on Hardy Heron. My desktop nav bar (that normally is at the top) is stuck on the right. There are so many packed icons there is no place to grab the nav bar. I have removed several icons but I am getting down to the essentials. Is there an alternative way to move the nav bar that doesn't involve dragging it with my mouse pointer?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get Stuck At Black Flickering Login Screen?

Mar 10, 2010

so i have been trying to install ubuntu for quite some time now and i have run into a bit of a roadblock.

I have tried to install 9.10 and it installs just fine (the GUI works just fine and everything seemingly goes ok), however when i go to boot it, i get to a flickering screen asking for my username and password (this is not the gnome login screen, it is just a blank black prompt asking for me to login). however, the flickering is inhibiting me from easily entering anything in from my keyboard. Thus, i cannot log in to fix the problem (i cannot enter my password because i dont know if the keys i am entering are being accepted or not). and recovery mode does the same thing.

This happens if i try installing it straight up, or if i install it inside windows. I have tried all kinds of boot options and install options (all that acpi crap) but none of it works.

i even tried installing some of my old copies of ubuntu (8.04), but when i do that the grub cannot load the linux kernel. I have also tried both the 64-bit and the 32-bit versions to no avail.

I am running an ASUS motherboard, AMD quad core x64, dual Nvidia geforce 8600's, 6 gigs of ram, and PLENTY of hard disk space.

I am not a noob to linux at all, but i have never encountered a problem like this and i have no clue how to fix it. Hell, i dont even know how to go about fixing it without logging in.

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Ubuntu :: Home Folder Stuck As Desktop?

May 21, 2010

I've been trying to fix nautilus which is crashing, so deleted the ~/Desktop folder, thinking it would reset as in karmicnot in lucid. Now have home folder as the desktop. Tried recreating ~/Desktop, but no luck. Gconf-editor no luck either since checking or unchecking the home folder as destop does nothing. Any ideas how to fix this problem?

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