Ubuntu :: GRUB Error 2 - Two Sata HDDs

Feb 28, 2010

I have read others getting Grub error 2, but i cant fix the problem. I have 2 sata HDDs. I suspect the problem is something to do with RAID?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Error Installing CentOS 5.2 On ICH7R With 4 SATA HDDs RAID 5?

Feb 15, 2009

The installer can't see my raid controller (I assume) as I'm getting the following error:"Error opening /dev/mapper/isw_jbhgjgjj_Vol0: No such device or address"It just sees them as 4 individual drives: sda, sdb, sdc and sdd.Please note that I have set up the RAID 5 in the controller bios interface and the image name is Vol0, which it seems that it tries to load but for some particular reason it can't.I have also tried different bios settings and nothing worked.

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Ubuntu :: Auto Mount Partitions Or SATA HDDs On Startup?

Mar 12, 2011

Is there a way to auto mount partitions or SATA HDDs on startup, using 10.10?

I have no problems reading the drives.

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Ubuntu :: SATA II / Error "ata4: Limiting SATA Link Speed To 1.5 Gbps" - Allowing The SSD To Run At SATA II Speeds?

May 1, 2011

I keep getting this error in my log viewer every 2 seconds: Code: ata4: limiting SATA link speed to 1.5 Gbps I have a dual boot SSD and I have run many SMART tests in windows and linux, (using smartmon tools and the disk utility) and the reports are all 100% healthy..... My research shows that this error represents one of the following:

1. Problem with SATA controller
2. Changing BIOS to allow SATA
3. Changing SATA mode to PATA or AHCI
4. Replacing the SATA cable
5. Allowing the SSD to run at SATA II speeds, i.e. 3 Gbps

- Does anyone know how to try number 5, i.e. allowing the SSD to run at SATA II speeds? I am lost here and this problem has caused my machine to crash twice when watching a movie in linux/ ubuntu. (It is worth noting that the crashes have only occurred in linux and I have never had an issue in windows, so it does seem to be a linux setting somewhere, hence why I think it is a "allowing SATA II to run at correct speeds issue")

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Server :: GRUB Read Error After Adding SATA Drives?

Apr 2, 2010

I installed debian 5.0.4 server on a PC that has both IDE and SATA controllers. I used an IDE HD to install the OS. The input device was a USB DVD unit. The IDE drive showed as /dev/hda and the 4 SATA HDs showed as /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, /dev/sda3 and /dev/sda4. After the OS was installed the reboot started which brought up an error: GRUB GRUB Read Error

I then disconnected the SATA HDs and rebooted successfully. So no PROBLEMS with just the IDE drive connected, grub works fine. If I reconnect the SATA HDs though grub fails with:

GRUB GRUB Read Error

The problem originated when the installation got to the GRUB implementation. Here the installer engine asked me If I wanted GRUB to be installed on the MBR, to which I said YES. The installer had listed the IDE drive (/dev/hda) before the SATA drives (/dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, /dev/sdd). After the installation finished and the machine was restarted, BIOS looked at the SATA drives first could not find the grub stages and it displayed an "Read Error".

After realising what was happening I looked at the BIOS settings to see if the HD booting sequence could be altered. The BIOS did indeed list the 4 SATA drives first and the IDE HD last. BUT it would not let me alter the booting sequence. So I was stuck with what the BIOS doing. So I decided I take the IDE drive out and create a 20G partition on the first SATA to accommodate the OS. So now everything works OK.

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Hardware :: Can SATA 3 (SATA III) Hard Disk Be Run On Motherboard Which Only Support SATA II

Aug 13, 2010

Can SATA 3 (SATA III) Hard disk be run on motherboard which only supports SATA II, except sacrificing the speed (throughput)?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub With Full USB Install 10.04 - If Hdds Are Attached, Boot Hangs On "checking Dmi Pool Data..."

Feb 18, 2011

I've recently tried to do a full install to a USB stick using a 10.04 cd.

2 things happen as I boot:

1. if Hdds are attached, boot hangs on "checking dmi pool data..."
2. if hdds not attached, "hdd error" scrolls across screen

boots normally w/o the usb stick. I've set up my partitions on usb stick as

1: fat32 2gb <<windows/storage
2: fat32 1.5gb << future persistent install
3: ext4 4gb << hoped-for full install

1 is the first partition so windows finds it nicely. Before install, i unplugged my hdds so that grub wouldn't get confused. I told the installer to put the full install on sda3 with no swap space. I checked (advanced button on summary page) that bootloader is being installed to the usb on dev/sda (sda since no other drives attached). This should put it in the MBR (i think?)

Seems like I pressed all the right buttons huh? Is there a way to diagnose grub and see what's wrong? is there a reason grub may not initialize properly from a usb drive?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Using Grub On IDE Drive And SATA

Aug 1, 2010

I have tried to install ubuntu onto my computer using the live CD. It installed fine, and it put grub on sda (which linux sees as my SATA drive). Windows is installed on the ide drive which linux see's as the sdb drive. It was a successful install and in theory it should work, except it find the windows install first so it boots into windows without using grub. I think that linux assigns the drives using the sata first and the ide second, but windows does the opposite and the ide drive is first and the sata is second.

Is it possible to install grub onto the ide drive and get it to dual boot linux or is it possible to use the windows bootloader to recognize the linux install and chainload grub? I am thinking that if I use grub on the ide drive it will throw an error like what happened during my wubi install and it is unable to find the kernel because it is looking for it on sda, but from a windows install it is sdb. I have tried to get the computer to boot from the sata drive, but the mobo is a bit old and I do not think it is supported.

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Ubuntu :: Installing From USB Into SATA SSD, But GRUB Never Start?

May 23, 2011

I'm trying to install Natty from a USB thumb drive on a SATA SSD. My main system is OS X. The method to create an instal USB disk on the download page didn't yield a bootable disk (the partition was readble, with the right files, but GRUB never started). The quick method from the clemsonlinux wiki gave me a minimal bootable drive, though.From there, I tried to install Natty on my SSD.

Once again, the partitioning process appears to work fine, the files are copied, no problem, but the GRUB install fails silently.I think that the problem comes from the fact that, when I boot from the USB drive (even if the SSD is set as the first boot device), the SSD ends up at /dev/sdb, whereas it would be at /dev/sda if the machine could be booted from the SSD.I chose the automatic partitioning method and ends up with sda1 (/), sda2 (ext) and sda5 (swap).If I launch the installer in recovery mode and ask to mount /dev/sdb1 as root, mount reports that sda1 is / (sda1 doesn't even exist), but blkid reports the SSD as /dev/sdb.

The output of the boot_inf_script is clearly pathological, but I didn't manage to get it out of the machine with what I have (gmail is broken in lynx).I've also tried to install LILO instead of GRUB. LILO boots, but doesn't find /dev/sdb (which is now /dev/sda) and gives me a busybox prompt.I've tried to install GRUB from there, but, once again, I get a black screen at boot time.

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Hardware :: SATA Error -> Sys Hard Reboot On Suse 11.3. Board + Hdd Changed - Error

Feb 1, 2011

i actually registered here because i'm done with my knowledge of linux, errors which cause my sys to hang and/or reboot randomly after some time. They occur while the system is under heavy cpu, heavy mem-read-write, mediocre mem fill, heavy hdd io (for ~20 seconds every ~5 minutes).

problem background we ordered two identical PCs (specs below), one of them brought those sata errors quoted below from /var/log/messages, the other one runs flawlessly. Same Hardware and Software Configuration. Faulty one brought reallocated sectors right at start, mass seek errors, read errors. 1st try: swap cables, change bios mode ata_piix <-> AHCI. Didn't work. Went away for repair. Stupid Techie did only swap hdd, so problems occured again. Shipping for repair again. Board AND hdd exchanged. no more seek/read errors, no more reallocated sectors. But similar sata problems right after 3 days of previously described workload. Following logs are from after the last repair.


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Fedora Installation :: Sata 1 Was NOT Installed With Grub?

Feb 15, 2010

Prefactory note - I've also posted this question on the Ubuntu forum, but so far no solutions have been provided.

My system has several hard drives. The important ones are these:

Sata 1 - Fedora 12
Sata 3 - Windows 7
Slave 1 - Storage

Sata 1 was NOT installed with grub. When I switch OSs, I do it by rebooting and choosing the other drive as primary.

I downloaded an ISO of Ubuntu 9.10 (64 bit) and burned the DVD of it. I backed up Slave 1 and then booted off the Ubuntu DVD. I clicked on "Install Ubuntu", selected Slave 1, and installed onto it.

Subsequently I rebooted the machine, going into the BIOS to boot off Sata 1, so I could get my Fedora Firefox settings to replicate them under Ubuntu.

Instead of Fedora 12 booting, Grub 1.97 came up. It had 5 choices, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Repair, Memtest, some other Memtest, and Windows 7.

Subsequently I tried cracking the box and physically disconnecting Slave 1. When I rebooted Sata 1, it crashed to a grub command line. Apparently when Ubuntu installed, it infected Sata 1 with grub, even though it installed the rest of Ubuntu on Slave 1.

I really, really, REALLY need to get access to the Fedora 12 drive. It's got my work on it.

how I can get grub out of Sata 1 and regain access, or maybe reconfigure it so it recognizes the existence of Sata 1? Personally, I don't want it there; that's why I never installed it in the first place.

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General :: Using GRUB To Boot From An Pci Sata Raid Card?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a DL380 G3 HP server and I need to attach a 1TB hard drive. Of course the server only accepts SCSI and since I don't have a few thousand pounds to splash about I am looking at alternate methods. What I have done so far is buy a PCI SATA raid card and attach the 1TB drive to it. The BIOS seemed to be playing nice detecting it and allowing me to select the card. But it won�t see the drive.

Funnily enough though when I installed Linux on the SCSI drive during the install it saw the 1TB just fine and I could write to it. This has led me to believe that I could use GRUB (installed on the SCSI) to boot the 1TB as the hardware setup is working but the BIOS just can't handle it. So here I am with no real knowledge of GRUB. I was hoping someone could tell me where to begin with this and if it is even possible

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Error: Unknown Filesystem And Grub Error: No Such Disc

Nov 23, 2010

I have a dual boot system with ubuntu 9.10 x64 and Windows 7. Everything has been working fine for a a long time but yesterday I tried to delete an unused partition through the Disk Utility in ubuntu (System->Adminstration->Disk Utility) and everything was messed up. I used to get the "Grub error: Unknown filesystem". I managed to create an ubuntu bootable usb and followed some tutorials for fixing grub but all i managed to do is to get another error: "Grub error: No such disc". After some experimentation i got
"Grub stage 1.5" which gave me a grub> command prompt./dev/sda is the drive containing Windows and Ubuntu.


[ Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 0.97 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive
in partition #6 for /boot/grub/stage2 and /boot/grub/menu.lst.


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OpenSUSE Install :: GRUB Freezes After Adding SATA Drive?

Jan 15, 2010

So I installed SUSE 11.1 a few weeks back with two SATA drives andit's been working great. I recently received another SATA drive and wanted to add the space to my /home directory. I installed the drive and then booted up my computer. It goes through BIOS and POST just fine but when I get to GRUB my computer just hangs there. It doesn't throw any errors, it just sits until I hard reboot it. If I disconnect the extra SATA drive and then try to boot again everything starts successfully. I've done a little bit of searchingbut couldn't find much on this problem.pretty new to linux so I could definitely be missing something. Let me know if more details are needed.

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General :: Unable To Boot Windows / Grub Error Saying GRub Loading Stage2 Read Error

Jul 8, 2011

I am new to Linux. I have installed RHEL 5.4 on my PC with preloaded Windows XP.

Windows was set as the first boot kernel. So if i do not choose which OS to be loaded it will load Windows by Default.

Today I got an error saying GRub Loading Stage2 read error.

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Ubuntu :: SATA Libata Verses Silicom Images SATA Module

Jun 21, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04, and happened to have an Silicom Images PCXpress card plugged in, and it kindly added the sil_sata module.This is fine for this chip set.I think that my earlier installation of Ubuntu 9.04 used Libata, which does support NCQ and also has good legacy support for the Intel Intel ICH7 chipset I have inside my Sony Vaio SZ notebook. Also, libata also support Silicon Image chipsets as far as I can tell from URL...I wish to remove the Silicom Images SATA modules and replace this with libata and then test the performance between the two device drivers.

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Debian :: Grub Load Error "Grub Loading Stage1.5. Grub Loading, Please Wait... Error 15"

May 23, 2010

When I try and boot my Debian computer I get the messages: Grub Loading stage1.5. Grub loading, please wait... Error 15 Is there any way of recovering from this - or is it simply a fresh install? I was attempting an upgrade from Lenny to Squeeze and despite a few hurdles it looked like it was all happening. Got the new kernel loading, and the new grub. It looked as though grub2 was working so I ran the grub-remove-legacy-support command (something like that) and now my computer won't boot grub or Linux.

I'm assuming the MBR on my harddrive is lost, however I don't know what state the partition is in. I'm guessing that maybe this has been lost as well. I tried a few tools from the Ultimate Boot CD but nothing here was able to re-install my grub or boot from any partition or even mount my file-system. I'm fearing the worst but would like it confirmed before I blow it all away with a new install.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Random Error - Could Not See SATA Drive ?

May 6, 2011

I experienced a strange random error that appears to have been my PC losing contact with the PC's 1.5 TB SATA drive.

This happened once (thus far only once - about two hours ago) on my Intel Core i7 920 PC with a Asus P6T Deluxe V2 mother board running openSUSE-11.4 with KDE-4.4.4. A reboot failed to fix the problem but a cold shut down restart did.

Some details ...

I had a zillion apps open, connected to my mother's PC in North America (from here in Europe) using vnc, had thunderbird, firefox, many konsole sessions, and various leafpad editor sessions.

Firefox appeared to hang, so I tried to close the Firefox page, but the PC appeared frozen (although the mouse would move). Then after about 60 seconds, the screen flashed, firefox closed (crashed may be more accurate) and I had my desktop back, ... sort of .... And I was able to go to the desktop area where vnc was running and access my mother's PC. But I was missing almost all the icons off my KDE destkop and most the icons off the panel at the bottom of the desktop.

I tried going to <CTRL><ALT><F1> and then <CTRL><ALT><F7> but that made no difference. I tried going to <CTRL><ALT><F1> to login but it would not let me login as a regular user, nor as root. Nor could I ssh into the PC. After <CTRL><ALT><F7> back at the crippled GUI, I typed 'shutdown -r now' (as root) but the command was not recognized. Neither was 'top' (as a regular user), nor 'fdisk' (as root). Dir was recognized as a regular user as was CD. But I did not believe the information those commands were giving me (it did not appear up to date).

Eventually I killed X with <CTRL><ALT><Backspace> (twice) and then forced a shutdown start with <CTRL><ALT><DELETE>, but then the PC hung during the shutdown, with the hard drive light on solid. That never happens. After a minute of that I decided to hit the 'hardware' reset. The PC restarted, but was incredibly slow to go through the motherboard boot menu's and it reported the hard drive not detected and would not boot. I did a <CTRL><ALT><DELETE> to restart, and pressed DEL to go to BIOS, and then noted in BIOS that the SATA drive was not detected.

I checked the temperature and the PC was a nominal cool temperature (38 to 40 deg c).

I then switched OFF the PC. I also turned the OFF switch on the back OFF for good measure. I waited a minute. And I turned ON again the PC.

The PC booted normally as if nothing had happened.

Most bizarre and a bit of a fright. My Linux is usually rock solid.

Anyway, ... no more investigation for now. I'm doing a massive backup of all data since my last backup. This will take a while as I have about 400 GB of home movies (at various stages of processing) from my home video camera to backup to an external hard drive.

I may pickup another 2TB external drive this weekend, just to ensure I have multiple backups.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: SATA Error - When Kernel Is Loading

Jul 29, 2009

I've installed CentOS 5.3 in a new machine....

But i got these errors when kernel is loading

The machine is a dual core 2.6 Ghz, mainboard is intel DG31PR, SATA disk SAMsung 500 GB, 4 GB RAM.

I've checked other errors in different distributions, but everyone has a different criteria about the problem.

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Debian :: Check If Mainboard Supports SATA-I Or SATA-II?

Jun 1, 2010

My motherboard supports SATA but I do not know which version: SATA-I or SATA-II. I want to buy a SSD so it would be pointless to buy a fast SSD if my motherboard only suports SATA-I

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Debian :: SATA Raid, /home Partition Mounting Error?

Nov 9, 2010

I've installed debian squeezy recently and for some reason I have problems with mounting /home partition during startup.

There's an error:Mounting local filesystems...mount: special device /dev/mapper/isw_bbfedcffgi_Volume0p6 does not exist. failed

I've tried using fsck - no result the file system is healthy, I've tried formatting it once again (fresh copy, no user data) and it's not working. What is more mounting the partition manually goes well - I can read the data and write to it. All other partitions are ok.

I have no idea what's going on and why mounting /home fails. I've written this post on Polish debian users forum, but no response - only to give more info, so I'll put it here also:

ls -al /dev/mapper

crw------- 1 root root 10, 59 Nov 9 19:34 control
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Nov 9 19:34 isw_bbfedcffgi_Volume0 -> ../dm-0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Nov 9 19:34 isw_bbfedcffgi_Volume01 -> ../dm-2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Nov 9 19:34 isw_bbfedcffgi_Volume05 -> ../dm-3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Nov 9 19:34 isw_bbfedcffgi_Volume06 -> ../dm-4

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Fedora :: F12 K3b Error - Can't Burn Any Kind Of Disc Using Internal Sata Burner (sr0)

Mar 3, 2010

It seems I can't burn any kind of disc (cd/dvd, audio/video/data) usgin my internal sata burner (sr0). I treied googling around and reinstalling everything from dvd+rw-tools up but the error is still there. the burner works fine with windows on the very same pc (dual boot). I tried different media and different speeds. when using an usb burner everything's fine...


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OpenSUSE Install :: Error 11.2 On Raid 0 / EM2001 2 Poorts PCI Controller SATA Fails?

Mar 1, 2010

I want to stop using Windows because it sucks so i have downloaded all kind of distibutions from Linux. They give all the same error because it seems Linux has problems with Fakeraid. Now i have running OpenSuse in VmWare 7.0.1 but i want it as the only OS.

The installation goes fine but in the end it gives a Grub error because it cannot create the bootloader. It seems to be a common problem and i have done all the steps that i could find on Google.

I have two raid controllers. One is integrated in the mainboard from Asrock ALiveNF7G-HD720p R5.0 and OpenSuse sees it as a Jmicron controller.I have bought also a EM2001 2 Poorts PCI Controller SATA card with two harddisks in Raid 0 because Linux failed to install on the JMicron. On the EM2001 2 Poorts PCI Controller SATA it also fails with the same error.

I want OpenSuse 11.2 working on Raid 0. I know it must be some simple commands in the terminal through a live cd to correct the bootloader and do it manualy by Linux users but i'm a Windows user.

Can somewhone please tell me the exact steps and commands to install Linux on Raid 0 Fakeraid?

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General :: SATA Drives Or Chipset Throwing DRDY Error And ICRC ABRT?

Mar 18, 2010

I have an SD-VIA-1A2S PCI card with 2 sata ports (and one ATA-133 that isn't used). Two new Western Digital Caviar Green drives (WD10EARS 1TB) throw repeated errors in kern.log (removed date/time/host info for brevity):

[ 7.376475] ata2.00: exception Emask 0x12 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x1000500 action 0x6
[ 7.376480] ata2.00: BMDMA stat 0x5
[ 7.376483] ata2: SError: { UnrecovData Proto TrStaTrns }[code]....

I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 - 2.6.28-18-generic, though I have tried live cds of Ubuntu 9.10, Fedora 12 and OpenSUSE 11.2 - all running various 2.6.31 kernels - and all received the same error.Based on testing these drives and this card in two other machines and combos of connecting the drives directly to the motherboard or the add-in card, I'm relatively convinced that it's the VIA chipset that is the problem.Another computer that also has an onboard VIA SATA chipset (like the add-in card) produces the same errors when the drives are directly on that motherboard. I have been able to verify that the drives are perfectly good, and I tried everything I can think of in terms of swapping cables, psu isn't overloaded, etc.

The error happens on boot once or twice, after using fdisk on the drive once or twice, and constantly when attempting to sync a new mdadm raid 1 array created on the two drives.I'm completely open to buying a new PCI add-in card if someone can recommend one with 2 internal sata ports that works well in Debian/Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Update Error "update-grub Head: Cannot Open `/boot/grub/video.lst' For Reading: No Such File Or Directory"

Apr 7, 2010

after doing an upgrade to 10.4 and updating grub I get this message. how do I address this


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Ubuntu Installation :: Ubunto 8.04 Cannot Detect Sata Hard Drive Or Sata Drive Cdrw?

May 28, 2011

ubuntu 8.04 server can not detect seagate sata hard drive 2tb or sata Lg dvdrw x22 sata drive .is it possible to install it without buying a pci ide sata card?is it possible to get a driver for sata driver and sata drive that can be recognise by ubunto 8.04 server ?or to get the files for 1.44 floppy diskdoes the late edition of unbutu recognise sate hdd and sata cdrw drive automaticly during the installation of the unbutu?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Messed Up - Error: Can't Find GRUB Drive For /sdd1

Jan 31, 2010

I've trawled the internet but can't seem to find the exact same issue, so I've made a new thread. So, I installed Ubuntu onto a 160gb drive. I have other drives in the system, but I disconnected them so that the system drive would be sda. Ubuntu installed perfectly with no issues whatsoever. I connected the other drives in the system, and again it booted up perfectly (although I can't remember whether the 160gb drive remained as sda or became sdd). Then I attached some extra drives temporarily to do some data shuffling.

This moved my system drive to become sdf. My computer booted fine multiple times like this, but when I was finished with the drives I rebooted and suddenly everything broke. For some reason my ubuntu installation showed up in the GRUB twice, and neither of them booted. So, I popped in the Live CD (which I'm using to type this post), and decided to update the grub. I chrooted into my system drive and ran update-grub, but it simply returned something like this:


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OpenSUSE Install :: New (sata) Install Can't Find Grub

Jan 10, 2011

My friend has had an HP Pavilion Slimline for about two years -- recently he suffered a power surge and had to replace his (dsl) modem and harddrive -- he can't find the Vista media that may or may not have come with the PC, so I offered to put opensuse on it for him. I used a dvd I had burned last July with 11.3 on it, and the install went without apparent problems. Then I tried an update, and was greeted with


Download failed:
File '/repodata/repomd.xml.asc' not found on medium


- [AbstractCommand.cc:224]

That was bad, as I was unable to update. Then we tried a reboot and things got worse. Immediately after the bios info the message

Error loading operating system.

appeared and the boot halted. The drive is new, we wrote to it and read from it during the install (I formatted it as ext3), but the box can't seem to find grub on it at boot, or it finds it and doesn't like it. If I reboot with the install DVD in the drive I can get a menu and "repair" (I think that was the choice) which gives me a login prompt, which I can tell "root", at which it responds with a shell prompt, but I don't know what I can do at that point to fix grub, or the SATA driver, or whatever needs fixing.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue Mode - Error: Cannot Find A Device For /boot/grub (is /dev Mounted?)

Dec 16, 2010

I updated yesterday and now when I start my laptop it goes in to grub rescue mode. I have booted from a 'live cd' and thought I could repair grub from there. In gparted however the partition with ubuntu (sda1) is seen as unknown file system, in terminal when I list the partition table it shows up as FAT16 type. When I try a grub-install it gives this error message:


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Ubuntu :: GRUB Loading ... Error: No Such Disk Grub Recover

Feb 9, 2010

I know nothing about this at all. I have never programmed a computer.. I loaned my tower to a friend who put this on ...now i have it back and cant get to my windows 98. all i get each time i boot is ...

GRUB loading ... error:no such disk grub recover>

I have tried ubuntu sec 8.4 recover mode and all i get is unreconized command.. i do not know how to set anything.. i have no disks for this not even the orginal windows recover disk.. is their anything i can do to get win to run as it use to??

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