Apr 13, 2010

I know this is the ubuntu forums but bt4 is based on ubuntu and I'm having problems with GRUB and windows 7 So i installed BT4 with grub on my acer aspire one532h not knowing there was a recovey partition my GRUB has Ubuntu (bt4) and two Windows Loader options both of which lead to the recovery partition.

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Ubuntu :: Install Vlc Player In Backtrack4?

Jan 7, 2011

how to install vlc player in backtrack4 which is ubuntu based.

I tried using apt-get install vlc

but got the following error :-

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Package vlc is not available, but is referred to by another package.


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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wifi In Backtrack4 Based On 8.10

Oct 23, 2010

i just installed backtrack 4 and had some noob doubts. I am having a Dell Vostro 1510 laptop.


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General :: Backtrack4 Vm Or Livecd?

Jan 13, 2011

Ok after stumbling around for 2 days in the dark i have both a working vm and live cd, well almost working. I cant access the internet.

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General :: Install Backtrack4 Or Any Other In Ubuntu10.10?

Nov 28, 2010

how to install all backtracktools in ubuntu 10.10...

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General :: Backtrack4 Similar To Fedora?

Jun 8, 2010

install an o.s called Backtrack4,which basically consist of tools such as metasploit,nmap etc since i am interested in knowing and improving my knowlege on such programs,BUT what stops me from installing backtrack4 is that i am bothered whether the commands that work in redhat/fedora(yum,grep,ps,etc) will work in backtrack4??Is Backtrack one of the distros of linux?

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General :: Enabling More Than Two Desktops On Backtrack4 R2

Dec 4, 2010

When I try to set my number of desktops to "4" on the KDE control module, it reverts back to having only two. I downloaded and installed the current ATI driver (ati-driver-installer-10-11-x86.x86_64.run) and everything works as it should with compiz, except for desktop cube, because I only have two desktops. I never had a problem while running Ubuntu, just with backtrack 4 r2. By the way, I have it installed and not running on a virtual box.

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Networking :: WIFI Card Is Not Working In Backtrack4?

Feb 1, 2011

i m using backtrack 4 in vmware.i want to use my laptop in built wireless card to search for the near by wifi access point which it is not doing,, my wifi card is " Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection"

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General :: Wireless Network Adapter Is Not Detected In Hp CQ40-416 Using Backtrack4?

Feb 19, 2010

I am a newbie in linux and I curious to learning all about linux, but I have a little trouble. I've just installed my first linux, its Backtrack 4 and my wirelesss network adapter was not detected..please help what I'm soppost to do..i'm using HP CQ40-416AMD Turion X2Broadcom 802.11 b/g WLAN Adapternote :

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Ubuntu :: Get The Version Of GRUB / GRUB-legacy To Boot Any Recent Windows 64 Beyond XP (Vista Or 7)

Dec 20, 2010

I've been using Linux for over a decade, so no need to worry about the obvious. I'm positive that I have my partitions/install correct. What has me baffled is that Fedora 14, which uses GRUB 0.97 (GRUB legacy) - boots Windows flawlessly every single time on the same hardware, but Ubuntu's (or the upstream Debian's) GRUB legacy do not - even though they are based on the same upstream code from the GNU Savannah servers.

No matter what I've tried I cannot get the Debian or Ubuntu version of GRUB/GRUB-legacy to boot any recent Windows 64 beyond XP (Vista or 7). All that it does is resets the computer when Windows attempts to boot, without an error. GRUB is notoriously difficult to compile, so before I try to compile code from RedHat's archives - any thoughts,experiences, similar issues - whatever?

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Ubuntu :: Grub - Lost My Windows Partition - Can't Find Menu.lst In /boot/grub

Nov 1, 2010

I got ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx along with windows (dual boot) and using Grub. On my computer, I have my C:/ (programs) and D:/ (data). I've never used my D:/ before that day that I've lost my windows partition on my grub menu. I usually use my D:/ with windows. The first time I used my D:/ to store data with linux, I lost my windows option in my grub menu. I'm not sure what I did wrong but I do want to restore my windows option in my grub menu.

After "fdisk -l",

I checked in /boot/grub and there is no menu.lst to modify. how I can get back my windows option in my grub menu ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot With Backtrack4 - Partition Drive To Make Room For Bt4?

Nov 28, 2010

finally got mostly everything fixed on my opensuse 11.3. 11.3 is my only os on my laptop right now and I want to be able to dual boot with backtrack4. I used to have bt3 but it was on a usb loading up with winxp. Anyway, I've downloaded the iso image and after hours of forum reading I figured out how to mount the iso image. Doing so allows me just to look at the files. Is there an install file somewhere I'm missing?

Also, couldn't ever figure out how to partition my drive to make room for bt4. Tried downloading gparted and failed. Tried using the expert partitioner program that came with this system but it won't allow me to create another partition. Couldn't ever find a reason why. Will bt4 allow me to create a partition upon installation? How do I install?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Not Detecting Windows 7 Even After Updating Grub

Apr 22, 2010

installed windows 7..then tried restoring grub using live cd....mounted partition somewhere else....then installed ubuntu again where it was installed previously and now grub is not detecting windows 7 but i am able use my windows files

used sudo update-grub2.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Not Found - Recover Grub After Windows 7 Install?

Aug 24, 2010

I had to dual boot my computer again with windows unfortunately for school. This is something I've dealt with dozens of times in the past but when I try to recover grub 2 with the ubuntu live cd I get this:

sudo grub
sudo: grub: command not found

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Loads Grub Instead Of Windows?

May 24, 2010

I do not know what to do, i cannot load windows partition. it just loads grub again. this must have been something that happened when i upgraded to the 10.04 or w/e. can someoen help me out with what i can do to stop this or fix it. maybe i can reinstall but i want to know what will work first, i do not have a lot of time to fool with my computer like this again. i spent a week getting ubuntu on my computer the first time so i do not ever want to spend that much time again especially in finals week. !

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OpenSUSE Install :: Not Mess Up GRUB And Still Add Windows 98 To GRUB Menu?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a used PC that came pre-installed with suse 11.2.Unfortunately, I do not have the install disk to use in case of whatever.I already know that when configuring a dual boot with Windows and Linux, it is recommended to install Windows first.I do not have that luxury now as 11.2 is installed and GRUB is the boot loader.Question is, if I boot the Windows 98 install disk on boot, how to not mess up GRUB and still add Windows 98 to GRUB menu?

One hard drive only here. 98gb free.It seems that W98 install will overwrite GRUB in this situation - causing problems. Maybe not, I don't really know for sure.I just need to install windows 98 on the same hard drive and if possible, have suse and w98 visible on boot in GRUB.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Overriden By Old Windows XP Entry - After Reinstall Grub

Oct 7, 2010

I am actually facing a vague problem here. I was previously running Windows XP and Ubuntu . Ubuntu was installed Windows XP The problem is

1. First I tried to do some disk partitioning. That ended up with some error.

2. Ignoring that, I went to install Windows 7 over Windows XP but I was not able to proceed with Windows 7 , because the partitions were corrupted.

3. So I used Ubuntu LIVE CD (Grub was lost at this point )and used 'testdisk' and recovered the partitions.

4. Now installed the Windows 7 successfully.

5. Now again I moved to Ubuntu Live CD to write the GRUB. After which I tried restarting

6. Now Ubuntu is booting perfectly as before. But the problem is with Windows

7. The GRUB loader instead of showing Windows 7, it shows Windows XP !!! . and there is no other entry for windows. When I tried opening it, it says "error, cant read file" and further inout moves back to the grub loader list again.

"How do I change the entry to Windows 7 from Windows XP and boot Windows7 successfully " I tried it a couple of times, same thing happens . So how to change the entry?

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Ubuntu :: Windows 7 Won't Boot - Displays Windows Logo And Then Drops Back To The Grub Menu

Jan 9, 2010

I have a Compaq Presario CQ60 with Nvidia GeForce 8200M graphics card. When I first installed Windows 7 followed by Karmic in dual boot I could boot into both OS. Now when I try to boot into Windows, it displays the Windows logo and then drops back to the grub menu. It may have started happening after Windows 7 installed updates. I tried reinstalling both Windows and Karmic again and it again worked initially but now Windows no longer boots. Does anyone have any suggestions about what may be causing this or how I can fix the problem without reinstalling?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Windows Vista / Lucid 10.04, Grub Doesnt See Windows?

May 7, 2010

I had 9.10 installed and I did an upgrade to 10.04. However I cannot see anymore my Windows Vista partition with grub.. I have a Toshiba laptop Satellite p305.This is my boot script output:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010

============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================

=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in [code].......

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Won't Boot Into Windows 7, And Windows 7 Recovery Erases?

Jan 1, 2010

Whenever I select Windows 7 under GRUB, it just hangs at a flashing underscore windows 7 is installed under my first primary partition, what should the GRUB section look like for it? I can't check what mine looked like because this happened:I started up the windows 7 recover (another option under GRUB, on hd(0,3). 7 is on hd(0,1)) and it worked. I decided that i wanted to try something else before i restore my windows 7 partition to its factory state, so i exit the recovery thing. Next thing I know, my Ubuntu partition is completely gone, along with my grub.cfg files -.-

Partitions are like this in this order:
sda1: Windows 7 (can't boot into)
sda8: ubuntu (gets erased)
sda5: partition i'm going to use soon for another distro


oh, and by default, there was like 20 MB of free space in front of my windows partition (idk why asus did that) and when i shrunk my first partition (the windows one) it moved it all to the left -.- do you think something when wrong while doing that?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Add Windows 7 To My Grub Menu Or To Even Be Able To Boot To Windows 7?

Mar 5, 2011

how to be able to add windows 7 to my grub menu or to even be able to boot to windows 7. I am currently unable to do it and my system just automatically goes straight to ubuntu. I've tried holding down SHIFT during startup and all that appears in my list is ubuntu entries and a memtest entry. My windows 7 files are still intact because I can see the drive through ubuntu and see all my files. I am trying to have Windows 7 on one hard disk that is 640GB and ubuntu on a second hard disk that is 160GB


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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Will Not Work While Grub/windows Installed?

Aug 5, 2011

Ive been running windows 7/Ubuntu dualboot for some years now and never had any problems.Some months ago I got a new Patriot Inferno ssd. Ofc the first thing I did was to installl windows 7, it had no problems, ran fast and smooth. Then when I reinstalled grub I started to get error when trying to start windows, the logo never apeared and all I got was the message "Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software"Status: 0x00.00F" "Info: The boot selection failed because a required device was inaccessible.". It does not matter what order I install windows and ubuntu in, or how many times Ive tried to reinstall grub. Windows 7 will not work while I have grub/windows installed. Right now Ive got them installed on separate drives, ubuntu on the ssd and windows on a partition on a 1tb hdd. Unfortunately I need to have windows for .net programing and gaming..


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Dual Booting SL6.1 And Windows - After Editing The Grub.config To Include Windows

Jul 2, 2011

i am having some issues with dual booting my SL6.1 and Windows. The situation is that i recently acquired an old hard drive from a non-working computer of mine with Windows already installed (i know the windows is functional, as i tested it on my new PC with SL6.1 currently installed & everything runs fine)

The problem is that after editing the grub.config to include windows, windows will no longer boot after an attempt to install a legit version of McAffee anti-virus software which coincidently was only after the first attempt at running both OS's in a dual-boot fashion. Except past the windows start up screen before the dreaded blue-screen.
Which is weird because SL6.1 OS will still boot & works perfectly fine like always, so it doesn't really make sense.

My current setup is:
Disk 1: Solid-State:
Boot Partition
SL6 LVM1: Root Partition
Disk 2: Hard Drive:
SL6 LVM2: User, Temp & Swap Space Partitions (Different LVM to Root)
Disk 3: Hard Drive:
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

My guess is its windows MBR. The reason i say this is because the Hard Drive contents of the Windows software still appears intact when accessing the drive from the Linux OS. I don't won't to go through the rigmarole of re-installing both OS's. So hopefully their is a relatively simple solution.

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General :: Dual Boot And Windows 7 But Use The Windows Bootloader Instead Of GRUB?

Sep 11, 2010

Is it possible to have the Windows bootloader point to Windows 7 and a Linux partition instead of using GRUB to point to Windows 7 and Linux?

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General :: Unable To Boot Windows / Grub Error Saying GRub Loading Stage2 Read Error

Jul 8, 2011

I am new to Linux. I have installed RHEL 5.4 on my PC with preloaded Windows XP.

Windows was set as the first boot kernel. So if i do not choose which OS to be loaded it will load Windows by Default.

Today I got an error saying GRub Loading Stage2 read error.

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General :: Uninstall Windows Black "GRUB" And Use The Purple Grub Instead?

May 16, 2011

When i turn on my laptop the dell logo comes up, and then it goes to the Windows black "grub" (i have ubuntu and 7), if i click on "Windows 7" it starts, but if i click on "Ubuntu 11.04" it goes to the nice and purple grub that we all know, and i also have two options: Ubuntu or windows. It seems stupid and pointless to have 2 grubs.Is there any way to uninstall Window's black grub so the computer will go direct to Ubuntu's purple grub?

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General :: Windows - Deleting Linux Partition And Grub Boot Loader Without Affecting The Windows Partition At All?

Aug 30, 2011

I am currently running a dual boot machine with Ubuntu 11.04 and Windows Vista.Is there any way I can delete the Linux partition and Grub boot loader without affecting the Windows partition at all?I would also like to be able to repartition all of the space that was previously occupied by Linux.

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Ubuntu :: Fix GRUB Using Windows?

Jan 13, 2010

I deleted wrong kernel. how do I fix this ig Windows? I tried the terminal method from an Ubuntu live cd but it didnt work.

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Ubuntu :: Can't See Windows On Grub

Jun 10, 2010

i installed Ubuntu Lucid on a partition on my machine which was formerly running windows XP on another partition. after a successfull installation, it happens i ubuntu loads at boot up without showing me GRUB to select my preferred partition or OS.

i have checked for menu.lst to set GRUB to load windows XP but i cant discover it only to read that Lucid uses GRUB 2 with different configurations.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Go To Windows Through Grub

Jun 17, 2010

i have windows xp on one disk, and installed ubuntu 9.1 on another disk. grub worked fine (it was an older version). i downloaded 10 must not have selected the right item, because i restarted as directed and ubuntu went to a shell. i tried several things but to no avail. i then reloaded 9.1 from my dvd and during installation it asked if i wanted to load 9.1 only(erase 10) on the disk. so i did that. it gave me some options for grub and obviously i selected the wrong one. grub comes up and will go to ubuntu and that works fine. if i select windows xp i get a blank screen with a blinking curser in the upper left for al long as i wait. the windows option on grub indicates the disk that it is on but nothing happens.

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