Ubuntu :: Dell DJ Won't Work With 11.04?

Jul 14, 2011

Since I upgraded my Asus 1201N to 11.04, I lost Gnomad2, which I used to sync my Dell DJ, and used to work perfectly. I can't get Gnomad2 to install in 11.04, and Banshee doesn't detect my DJ. When I run lsusb, it's there, but that's as far as I get. Please respond with as close to step-by-step instructions as you can; I'm not an expert

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Won't Work On Dell?

Apr 18, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a flash drive along with Compiz for the eye catching effects. Everything works fine on my home IBM and (a rather newer) Dell. When I try to boot from the usb at school it works fine on our Acer computers, but on the Dells we have I get an error message after the Ubuntu splash screen. However, after the error message Ubuntu loads up, but Compiz doesn't work (A few examples are I can't do ctrl + alt + click for the cube, windows special effects like burn don't work, or anything else Compiz related).

Is this simply because of the Dell's hardware (like it doesn't have a strong enough graphics card?) or is it something I could change to make it work? (Ubuntu version, boot order, or something like that?) I know I am lacking a lot of details as to what type of Dell it is and the exact error message, but I will supply these in a day if needed.

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Ubuntu :: Wireless On Dell D420 Doesn't Work With 11.04?

May 14, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my Dell Latitude D420 and installed the restricted driver for WiFi but it still doesn't work. It worked great on 10.10.0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Get Dell Vostro 1520 WLAN To Work

Mar 31, 2010

I just installed 9.10 on a brand new Dell Vostro 1520. The WLAN card does NOT work out of the box.

Here is what you have to do.
After install and rebooting insert the live CD
Go to software sources (system > software sources)and check the "officially supported restricted copyright" box
You are then asked to update the available software list, do so.
You will receive an error message since you are not (yet) connected to the internet and all the other repositories are not available.

Now you should be notified that restricted drivers are available, if not you can go to system > hardware. Anyway, now you should be able to activate the Broadcom STA driver. After rebooting you can connect to available wireless networks.

Alternative (in case you are not asked, which happened to me on another Vostro system) system>administration>syaptic package manager
Search for broadcom
Mark b43-fwcutter and bcmwl-kernel-sources for installation
Reboot (who said there is no rebooting required in linux)
The adapter should be up and running ...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Dell Inspiron 1150 Wireless Won't Work

May 7, 2010

My dell inspiron 1150 internal wireless won't work and ive tried ndiswrapper. link to an open source driver?

My ubuntu distro is 9.10 (soon to be 10.04 as soon as i get the video drivers )

dell inspiron 1150
ubuntu 9.10/10.04
512 mb ram
40 gb hd
intel centrino cpu 2.80 ghz

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Getting Mic Jack To Work On Dell Studio 1535?

Jun 8, 2010

I have a Dell Studio 1535 and can't seem to get recording from the mic jack to work. I was wondering if anyone has got it to work or not on Ubuntu 8.10 64 bit. I fiddled with the settings in System->Preferences->Sound and in Volume Control: HDA Intel (Alsa mixer), as well as the settings in the semi-CLI program alsamixer, but it doesn't matter what I do. I have failed to get it to record from the mic jack. It will only record from my internal mics, and I don't want that at all.

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Ubuntu :: Dell Inspiron B130 Wireless Wont Work?

Oct 15, 2010

i installed Ubuntu on my whole hard drive its the only OS i am running i can not get my internal wireless card to work i have tried to follow the post i have seen on here about the same computer but how to install/program my wireless card so i can get on the internet .

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 StartX Does Not Work On Dell Latitude E5510

Jan 10, 2011

I'm trying to install the magnificent ubuntu 10.10 on my brand new Dell LATITUDE E5510. The installation works fine. I installed it with a working internet connexion ... so the drivers should be there. Then when booting, the GUI does not start I get the console instead...

I tried several things:
- run startx --> I get a blank screen where even CTRL+ALT+F1 does not work anymore

sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
--> just returns without anything on the screen, no error no nothing

- run in failsafeX mode, I get:
Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode. Your screen, graphics card, and input device settings could not be detected correctly. You will need to configure them yourself.

Then I get the login page but it doesn't go any further, when I type my login/password it comes back to the login page...

When I do:
lspci | grep VGA
I get :
VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev02)

That's all I could see... apart from that I'm not getting any error messages and I'm really stuck.. I'm running on intel Celeron 32 bit, I have checked the checksum of my CD...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get Nvidia Card To Work On Dell With Integrated Graphics?

May 25, 2010

I have a PCI graphics card, Nvidia Geforce FX 5500, but can't get it to work. I have 10.04 installed on a Dell Dimension 3000, P4, 1Gb RAM, integrated graphics. I installed 10.04 without the card in the machine, then shut down and plugged the card in and booted it up again (BIOS setting is 'onboard' for integrated graphics, 8Mb; only other option is 'auto'). Checking the hardware drivers I can see the recommended Nvidia drivers (v173, not yet activated) and lspci gives me the integrated as well as the Nvidia listing:

01:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Nvidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5500] (rev a1)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 8286G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)

So far so good, but that's where it ends. Changing the BIOS setting to 'auto' turns the screen off on reboot, both for the monitor connected to the VGA port of the Nvidia card and for the monitor connected to the VGA port of the motherboard. I have to shutdown, take the card out and set the BIOS back to 'onboard' to be able to boot again (and shutdown, plug the card back in and boot up again to get back to where I was).

Activating the recommended hardware driver and rebooting (still with BIOS set to onboard) gives a blank screen (screen is still on and there may have been a flash of the purple screen with the ubuntu logo); nothing else happens no matter how long I wait. Rebooting doesn't help, it turns off the screen; same result for booting in recovery mode. I can get to the GRUB bootloader and when I replace 'quiet splash' with 'nomodeset' I manage to boot again with the monitor connected to the VGA port of the motherboard, but am not anywhere closer to getting my monitor working on the Nvidea card.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Dell WLAN Card - Ethernet Port Does Work

Jul 28, 2010

I have a Dell WLAN 1397 Half Minicard, 802.11 b/g card in my laptop, and I can't seem to get ubuntu to work with it. I tried this method:

1. Synaptic Pack Manager
2. Check "Install from Boot Disc"
3. Reload
4. Install and apply bcmwl-kernel-source
5. Reboot

This didn't work for me, so I tried entering sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source and that also didn't work. Another thing I tried is formatting my Ubuntu partition and reinstalling, and retrying both of those methods. The ethernet port does work, however.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Get Wireless Internet To Work On A Dell Studio 1535

Feb 5, 2011

I am having trouble getting my wireless internet working on Ubuntu 9.10 on a Dell Studio 1535 laptop. My wireless card works just fine in an earlier version (8.10) of Ubuntu. In fact, it worked right out of the box on Intrepid. However, in 9.10, I can not get it to work. I have installed Wicd Network Manager in it, and it shows no networks visible, even though if I reboot and go into my 8.10 version (I have a multiboot), opening Wicd will immediately show several wireless networks within range. So I'm thinking that the 9.10 version is missing a driver for my wireless card, which 8.10 has.

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Hardware :: Getting Wifi Card To Work On Dell Latitude D610 Using Ubuntu 9.10?

Mar 15, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu 9.10 a a Dell D610 that is running a broadcom BMC943 internal wifi adapter. I've tried installing the wifi drivers off of Dell's website using the ndisgtk gui setup. It appears that whenever I setup the driver the OS can't apply it. It states that the wifi adapter is not on or installed. Here is what I get when I run iwconfig and lspci -n.

lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.
lspci -n:
00:00.0 0600: 8086:2590 (rev 03)
00:02.0 0300: 8086:2592 (rev 03)


I've also edited the blacklist.conf file as well with no luck. I've spent 2 days trying to figure this out with no luck at all.

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Debian Hardware :: Dell XPS L501X - Can't Get The Microphone To Work

Jan 25, 2011

I can't get the microphone to work... Everything else related to sound works fine! Here is a picture of GNOME ALSA Mixer...

Output of lspci:

root@amljdebian:/home/amlj# lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor DMI (rev 11)
00:03.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor PCI Express Root Port 1 (rev 11)
00:08.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Core Processor System Management Registers (rev 11)


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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Ceased To Work On Dell 2110?

Oct 14, 2010

I have installed Suse 11.3 on my Dell 2110, and everything went fine (wireless network included). After a couple of weeks, while I was trying to access a wireless network, the wireless module ceased to work.Now on knetworkmanager the option to enable wireless network is grey and cannot be selected. Following some indications I found in this forum for a similar issue, I uninstalled the broadcom drivers and re-install them again, with a cold start between the two phases as suggested, without success. After that, the option on knetworkmanager is still grey, and from yast the wireless module appears as "not configured". If I switch to ifup and configure it, the situation does not change.

This is my current configuration:
Suse 11.3, kernel, 64 bit version.
KDE 4.4.4 "release 3"
I am using the following drivers:
b43-fwcutter 012-6.1


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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Dell Vostro 420 Sound Does Not Work

Jun 11, 2009

setting up CentOS 5.3 (x86_64) on a Dell Vostro 420 Workstation, I came across a few problems/questions:

1. I am using software RAID1 (including sda and sdb), following the tutorial on CentOS Wiki. However, in my case, GRUB wants to install on /dev/md0 (the RAID device mounted as /boot) instead of /dev/sda (which would be the MBR, as usual). This is confusing, since installing to a partition is completely different from installing to the MBR. I suspect it *does* write to the MBR since the system does boot afterwards and the MBR was empty before. So maybe /dev/md0 is just a bit imprecise If yes, is the MBR still written to sda only, so that it is necessary to setup grub on sdb separately, as indicated in the documentation?

2. Sound does not work. The sound controller (ICH10 family) seems to be recognized, but the sound test behaves strangely: Normally, you have the three test sounds, and only after that a window will appear asking for confirmation. On my machine, the confirmation window appears immediately (!) so it seems the system is not even trying to play the sounds. Very strange...

3. I am seeing this damned "BIOS Bug: MCFG area at f0000000 is not E820-reserved" message. (May or may not be related to issue #2) It seems many people have this problem, but there is no real solution. In few cases, a BIOS update did the trick, but I think most hardware manufacturers are not even considering this a bug as long as there are no problems in Windows. It does seem to depend on the distribution, however, so newer kernels obviously have learned to handle the situation. Is this being considered by the upstream provider? Switching to Fedora is not really an option here

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Ubuntu Networking :: Install Of Kubuntu On An Old Dell Dimension 2400 - Connection Does Not Work ?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a fresh install of Kubuntu on an old Dell Dimension 2400 that seems to be working perfectly except for the network connection. I have a wired network connection to a linksys router connected to a cable modem. This connection works on other devices.

Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0b:db:b6:cf:09


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.04 JACK On Dell Inspiron 6400 With Intel HDA Doesn't Work?

Sep 1, 2011

I am trying to use JACK for some audio applications, but I have had no success until now I'am using Ubuntu 10.04 on my Dell Inspiron 6400. Kernel 2.6.32-33.

The following is the QjackCtl log:
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } 14:38:48.196 Steckfeld deaktiviert.
14:38:48.377 Statistik zurckgesetzt.


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Debian Hardware :: Onboard Dell 0K095G PS/2 Will Not Work After Install

Feb 26, 2014

I bought a used Dell Precision T3500 after I had a positive experience with it at a previous job. Since my AMD motherboard died recently, I'm interested in using the Dell as my full time machine.

However, I cannot seem to get my PS/2 keyboard to work; this is crucial as I use a fully mechanical keyboard and need my N-key rollover that PS/2 provides.

The weird thing is that the PS/2 keyboard works perfectly during a text-based installation of Debian GNU/Linux. When I boot into a newly installed system if I press any key on my keyboard my Caps lock and scroll lock LEDs flash and no keystrokes are registered (?).

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Fedora :: FC11 - Dell M1330 - Can't Get Suspend To Work Correctly

Aug 26, 2009

My Configuration: FC11 - Dell M1330

- Can't get suspend to work correctly...
- What I need is to be able to either:press Fn+Esc or Fn+F1 to get the computer to suspend

Current situation:

- So last time I learned ACPI and HAL doesn't work nicely togheter
- My solution was to disable ACPI. (This gets things working, but not to my satisfaction)...
- Currently if I press Fn+F1 this calls: pm-hibernate This takes quite some time, and annoys me.
- I want to use: pm-suspend
- But I haven't figure out how...?
- If I configure power options through gnome-power-management and set the option to Suspend when I press Sleep...

I get the following behavior:

+ PC goes to Hibernate
+ When I Resume ("thaw"), this goes ok but..
+ PC goes back to hibernate automatically....
+ Need to resume to get it back up....

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Hardware :: Get Dell V305 Printer To Work - Generic Drivers?

Nov 20, 2010

Did anyone have any luck getting dell v305 printer to work on linux ? do u guys know any generic drivers for it?

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Fedora Installation :: Installed Ubuntu On A Dell Inspiron 6400 But Wireless Doesnt Work

Mar 26, 2010

just installed ubuntu on a dell inspiron 6400 but the wireless doesnt work.

However, it works 100% when running from the live cd.

Can i install/copy the driver from livecd to hard drive, or is there another soultion for this?

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Fedora Networking :: Stuck Dell 1440 Wireless - Decipher Won't Work

Aug 10, 2010

I did what i did before but cant decipher why it wont work. It did work after the initial kmod PAE install, but after the update and I assume kernel change it wont work.


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Fedora Installation :: Microphone Doesn't Work With FC14 On Dell Laptop

Nov 18, 2010

How to make the mics work on a Dell XPX M1330 laptop. This seems to be a common problem with built in mics on laptops. I've tried all the obvious things with alsamixer and pulseaudio.

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Slackware :: Will Dell 1558 Internal UMTS Modem Work Straight After 13.37 Install

May 15, 2011

I am currently running slackware 13.37 in virtualbox on my Dell 1558. I would really like to install it for real to my HDD to get the speed benefit. My only way to connect to the internet is via my internal Dell UMTS modem. Will this work after the install or do I need to take some precautions before the time and download the right apps files now while I have access?

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Fedora Hardware :: Video Driver Intel GM965/GL960 Not Work On Dell 1525

Apr 20, 2010

I cant install or do to work the compiz...

my driver is Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)

what can i do to have all effects and working fine?

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Networking :: Unable To Get Intel 3945 To Work On Dell Laptop - SIOCSIFFLAGS: No Such File Or Directory

Feb 25, 2010

how to make intel 3945 to work on RHEL5 ? Apparently that hardware is not officially supported by Red Hat so they do not provide drivers. what happens on my PC is after login I do not have the wireless card led is off and when I try to start the wireless connection I get

SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory

I'm not a real linux expert but I do use it since long time.

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Fedora Installation :: Dell Vostro 1700 - Input Doesn't Work Correctly Neither Built In Microphone

Mar 20, 2009

I've installed fc10 but I got some problem with the audio driver for my Dell Vostro 1700. In particular line input doesn't work correctly neither the built in microphone, neither the line input. Is there a special driver?

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Ubuntu :: Get A Dell M610 Running 9.1 64bit To Talk To A Dell EMC Fibre Channel Array

Jan 22, 2010

I find myself in unfamiliar territory. I am attempting to get a Dell M610 (in an M100e) running Ubuntu 9.1 64bit to talk to a Dell EMC Fibre Channel Array. The Dell has an Emulex card in it and it appears that the driver is loaded OK. What I am not sure on is what to do next! I have the SAN end configured but how do I get my LUN mounted on Ubuntu ?

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Connect To Internet On Dell Laptop With Dell Wireless Card

Dec 23, 2009

I am using a dell laptop which has Dell 1397 802.11B/G Wireless Mini Card. I not able to connect to internet and was not able to detect what actual problem is weather card is not supported (i.e. drivers are not available) .

Also, if any one can point to exact process to connect to wireless Lan using fedora12.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Windoze Driver From Dell's Site Dell Inspiron 5160?

May 24, 2010

This card has been the bane of my existence for a while. In the old days I could get it to work with Fedora using a generic video driver. A friend recommended OpenSuse because of my love for KDE.

The good news is that install went greeeeat. But after that, I once again got a black screen with a line randomly done it. Is there a way to change? I tried changing those resolution options but it didn't work. I have the Windoze driver from Dell's site. Its Dell Inspiron 5160.

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