Ubuntu :: Cannot Format Hard Drives ?

Jun 2, 2011

I am trying to install windows 7 over Ubuntu, however when i run the install disk it tells me that my hard drive is not formatted in the correct format. I have then loaded up Ubuntu, tried to re-format using Gparted and it won't let me re-format my hard drive when I right click on it. The only option I get when right-clicking is to unmount the drive.

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Ubuntu :: Two Hard Drives - Format One Of Them ?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a nice computer i have been dual booting between either ubuntu or win7. i am wanting to remove win7 and install winxp sp3, so i can use media center with my xbox. i preferred that win7 work, but since my copy is not genuine, its authenticity is believed to be the culprit in connection errors with the xbox. i have not been able to find a linux alternative, which i doubt even exists due to the proprietary nature of the xbox.

So, my question is how do i reformat the win7 hard drive? are there issues i need to worry about that may reformat both hard drives on accident? and when the hard drive is formatted, will i be prompted to choose which hard drive to install win xp on?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cant Mount Or Partition Or Format Hard Drives

Apr 8, 2010

I have a server with 3 hard drives

1 400GB
2 1TB

The 400GB has the OS and SWAP while the 1TB are going to be used as storage....

Now for the problem, when I have both the 1TB drives in I can not format or mount either 1TB drives. Says Device is in use or "The device file '/dev/sdc1' does not exist"

Now if I take one of the 1TB drives out I can format, partition, and mount it no problem...it only seems to be a problem when both drives are connected...

Ubuntu Server Linux 9.10




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General :: Dos Option - Format Hard Drives - Load Out Side Of A Windows Program

Mar 25, 2011

what are all the options dos- ect! to format a HD. for the Linux platform is there not a way to load Linux out side of a Windows program .

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General :: Format A USB Hard Drive To Vfat Format But Can't?

Sep 15, 2010

I need some assistance in trying to format a USB hard drive to vfat format but can't seem to do so. I am currently using RHEL 5.3. I have tried the following commands and they all come back as "command not found"

mke2fs vfat /dev/sc1
fdisk vfat /dev/sdc1
mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc1

What am I doing incorrectly?? Can someone please point me in the right direction??

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Server :: 2 Separate External Hard Drives With ESata To Minimize An Electrical Failure To The Drives?

Mar 26, 2011

I am building a home server that will host a multitude of files; from mp3s to ebooks to FEA software and files. I don't know if RAID is the right thing for me. This server will have all the files that I have accumulated over the years and if the drive fails than I will be S.O.L. I have seen discussions where someone has RAID 1 setup but they don't have their drives internally (to the case), they bought 2 separate external hard drives with eSata to minimize an electrical failure to the drives. (I guess this is a good idea)I have also read about having one drive then using a second to rsync data every week. I planned on purchasing 2 enterprise hard drives of 500 MB to 1 GB but I don't have any experience with how I should handle my data

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Fedora :: Can't Access Any Of The Other Hard Drives From The Other Drives?

Jul 5, 2011

I have Fedora 14 installed on my main internal drive. I have one Fedora 14 and one Fedora 15 installed on two separate USB drives.When I boot into any of these drives, I can't access any of the other hard drives from the other drivesll I can, but just the boot partitions.Is there any way of mounting the other partitions so I can access the information?---------- Post added at 12:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 AM ----------I guess even an explanation on why I can't view them would be good too.

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General :: Hard Drive Malfunctions When Other Hard Drives Are Connected?

Aug 23, 2010

I have a SATA drive that worked fine. Then I installed two more hard drives into my system. When these hard drives are installed, if I try to access the SATA drive in Linux, it will start lightly clicking and then the drive will become unavailable. If I power on the machine without the other two hard drives then it works fine. What could be causing this to happen? I don't think it's heat because the two hard drives are far away from the SATA drive.

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Ubuntu :: Format Flash Drives/memory Cards ?

Jan 4, 2010

how to format flash drives in ubuntu. In windows there was a "format" on the right click menu but I did not find one in ubuntu. i am using ubuntu jaunty.

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Ubuntu :: Converting 2 Mirrored NTFS Drives To Ext Format?

Mar 15, 2011

I have 2 drives mirrored via windows software raid and I plan to toss the drives into an Ubuntu server soon where they will also be mirrored. The server will have another drive for booting. What is the best way to get these mirrored drives into ext format while preserving my data? I plan to use software raid in Ubuntu as well. My only idea is to format a 3rd drive as ext and copy all the files over, seems inefficient though.

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Ubuntu Security :: Shared Drives (low / High Level Format)?

Jun 10, 2010

i need to shred (or at least do a low/high level format) the drives before giving them to my parents (because they know about undelete and stuff). so, what apps can i use in ubuntu to do this?

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Fedora :: UUID Format Of Drives Changed With New Motherboard?

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to recover some data on some drives that are in the same LVM. When I upgraded the motherboard, I had complications getting the drives to all load under the LVM, and in the process I made the mistake of formatting one of the drives. The problem now is that the UUID changed on the drive so when I try to mount the LVM it can't find device with a certain UUID. When I try to set the UUID back to the old one it says 'Invalid UUID format'.

I can set it to a UUID generated through 'uuidgen', si I then noticed that the format of that UUID is different than the old one which I'm trying to set it to. Why is that? Is there a way I can get it to change to the old one in the different format?
The old format: yQtrVB-5jCk-vF10-05c2-AcDL-GNn1-ivdxxh
The new format: d5224587-a6cd-4a66-a12b-d7b75eec5871

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Fedora Installation :: Software RAID With Advanced Format WD-EARS Drives?

Dec 31, 2010

My System Intel Core Duo E5300 Mobo - Gigabyte G31M-ES2L 1GB DDR2 800MHz RAM 4 x WD20EARS HDD I have been trying to install Fedora or Ubuntu for over a week. I thought it would take an hour and i would be away. I have been trying to install using the mdadm Software RAID feature. Everytime it takes about a day to format the drives and then i get an installation error. The drives state they are ready to use as is on any operating system other then WinXP, but this does not appear to be the case.

I am very new to Fedora... I have been doing some reading.[URL].. That information has been promising. I have been able to get into Fdisk off the live CD but i can't figure out how or if it is possible to do what i want it to.

Has anyone had any luck getting these drives to function correctly in a software RAID? I have had good luck with WD drives in the past and just assumed these drives would do what i wanted to but alas i have been proven wrong.

The partitions i wanted was...
- A 2GB swap parition
- A 10 GB RAID 1 partition for Fedora
- The remaining space as a Raid 5 for files.

Am i just banging my head against a wall here, or is this possible.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Hard Drives - Creating "alternate" Boot Partitions And "alternate" Root File-systems On The New Drives

Aug 10, 2010

I have a Centos 5.5 system with 2* 250 gig sata physical drives, sda and sdb. Each drive has a linux raid boot partition and a Linux raid LVM partition. Both pairs of partitions are set up with raid 1 mirroring. I want to add more data capacity - and I propose to add a second pair of physical drives - this time 1.5 terabyte drives presumably sdc and sdd. I assume I can just plug in the new hardware - reboot the system and set up the new partitions, raid arrays and LVMs on the live system. My first question:

1) Is there any danger - that adding these drives to arbitrary sata ports on the motherboard will cause the re-enumeration of the "sdx" series in such a way that the system will get confused about where to find the existing raid components and/or the boot or root file-systems? If anyone can point me to a tutorial on how the enumeration of the "sdx" sequence works and how the system finds the raid arrays and root file-system at boot time

2) I intend to use the majority of the new raid array as an LVM "Data Volume" to isolate "data" from "system" files for backup and maintenance purposes. Is there any merit in creating "alternate" boot partitions and "alternate" root file-systems on the new drives so that the system can be backed up there periodically? The intent here is to boot from the newer partition in the event of a corruption or other failure of the current boot or root file-system. If this is a good idea - how would the system know where to find the root file-system if the original one gets corrupted. i.e. At boot time - how does the system know what root file-system to use and where to find it?

3) If I create new LVM /raid partitions on the new drives - should the new LVM be part of the same "volgroup" - or would it be better to make it a separate "volgroup"? What are the issues to consider in making that decision?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Format Hard Drive After Using It With Xbox

May 14, 2010

I have an 80gb hard drive that I used in an xbox for xbmc and it was formatted to whatever it needed to be formatted to for it. Now that I want to use it in my computer, I can't format it back to ext4 or NTFS. It's somewhat recognized, but the partition shows up as unknown. Is there a program that I can get to reformat it? idk if gparted will work cuz it won't startup on the live CD. I will give it a shot once I install ubuntu onto the computer.

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Ubuntu :: Format Hard Drive To - APPLE?

Nov 23, 2010

I was looking in the disk utility today, and i was looking in the hard drive formatting section. in the drop down box, i noticed Apple. does that mean that i could format the rest of my hard drive to be OSX compliant?

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Ubuntu :: Format A New External Hard Drive?

Dec 18, 2010

I just bought a new 320gb laptop hard drive and mounted it into an external enclosure. The hard drive has never been formatted. I plugged it into my computer running Ubuntu 10.10 and nothing happens. I expected something toopup and say the drive has not been formatted and give me formatting choices. I looked in Places>Computer and it's not there. I even looked in Gparted and it does not show it. So how on earth do I format a new external hard drive?

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Ubuntu :: Format Alignment Of Hard Disks?

May 27, 2011

I thought that alignment of 4096-byte sector Advanced Format hard drives was automatically taken care of via Gparted or Disk Utility until I bought a Hitachi HTS547575A9E384 (Travelstar 5K750) and saw that Disk Utility showed my partitions to be out of alignment. I then realized that my WD, which I had bought a few months ago, probably had its jumper set to emulate a 512-byte sector legacy drive (512e) and is probably not set to the AF setting.

Straight to the problem.

I've searched many sites, some of which suggest using fdisk (others the proprietary software of the hard drive's manufacturer). It is essential that one change the arguments prior to changing the partition table as there is no way back (yet, as far as I know) without having to move data to another drive and starting all over:


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Ubuntu :: Cannot Format External Hard Drive ?

Aug 10, 2011

I wanted to get started with Ubuntu so I partitioned an external hard drive with Ubuntu 11.04 onto it. After finding out my computer couldn't but up from a external hard drive I wanted to format my drive. When I plugged it into my computer, Windows would not recognize it. I then dual booted Ubuntu 11.04 onto my laptop and attached my drive. Ubuntu found it a recognized it as 3 separate disks. I then opened up disk utility and told it to format the drive. After clicking a couple "OKs" I got an error message: An error occured while performing an operation on "500 GB Hard Disk" (Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex): The device is busy I clicked details and got:One or more partitions are busy on /dev/sdb. I was wondering what I could do since it isn't doing anything in the first place. I just want to format the whole thing.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Unmout Hard Drives

May 23, 2010

i have 2 hard drives showing up on my desk top and when i try to unmount them i get an error

Error unmounting: umount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: umount: only root can unmount /dev/sdc1 from /media/new movie storage


Error unmounting: umount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: umount: only root can unmount /dev/sdb1 from /media/STUFF

when i try to unmount the other one. now one problem i see is that the labels are wrong the error for /media/stuff came up when i tried to unmount /media/new movie storage, and and the other way around for /media/stuff. also new movie storage is labeled as safe every ware else including inside windows

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find One Of Hard Drives

Sep 27, 2010

Earlier I had two physical hard drives in my computer, one with Windows and one with Ubuntu. Now I have a new computer and have installed these hard drives in it. I run Windows 7, and I can find the Windows disk, but not the Ubuntu disk. This doesn't surprise me, as Ubuntu is another filesystem, however, earlier I could format it with a partition manager, but now I didn't even find it with that!

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Ubuntu :: Booting Two Hard Drives?

Jan 23, 2011

I have installed two hard drives. One is a Sata drive and the other an IDE drive.They are both functional drives. On boot up only the Sata drive shows up. How do I get both drives to boot up together please.The Sata drive has Ubuntu on it and the IDE drive has Fedora on it' I would like to access all of them.

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Ubuntu :: Set Up A Backup With Two 2TB Hard Drives?

Mar 11, 2011

I'm looking for a way to set up a backup with two 2TB hard drives. What I want to do is basically mirror two drives. What ever I copy to the one drive I want it to be "cloned" with the other drive.

Is there any software that could help me with this? Does anyone know of a better to do something like this?

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Ubuntu :: Using Multiple Hard Drives?

Apr 29, 2011

My computer has 2 40GB hard drives (yes, it's really old). One of these hard drives has Ubuntu installed on it, and I would like to use the second hard drive as a data storage device that is usable by anyone who just wants a random place to drop random stuff. How do I do this?

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Ubuntu :: With Two Hard Drives Won't Boot ?

Jul 22, 2011

I have ubuntu 11.04 installed on a 80gb hard drive and everything was running fine. I then installed a second drive (1gb) for storage. It worked fine after a reboot but now it won't boot. I'm pretty sure it's just confused as to which drive is the boot drive. I'm not sure as to how to fix it in GRUB2.

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Ubuntu :: Reset The System Which Will Also Format The Hard Drive?

Jan 28, 2010

I've currently got 9.10 and have (somehow) managed to mess the system up already!It's a new computer so I'm not fussed about data loss etc, but is there a way to completely reset the system which will also format the hard drive (as it was a download that has messed it up!) without losing the O/S?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Format The Hard Drive And Re-Install?

Jun 23, 2010

An upgrade %100 pwnd my system: I performed an upgrade to Lucid from Karmic and I lost my keyboard input and sound etc etc etc. I then made a Karmic boot-run/install CD, & a USB startup stick. I then backed up my important information on flashdrives etc. At this point in time I have 2 partitions one with my old user account & info on it, and the other as a new (re)installed Karmic partition. My question is: What is the procedure for:

a) formatting the drive,
b) not keeping the 2 partitions, and
c) re-installing Ubuntu (karmic) back onto it?

I have GParted ( but I can't see how to use it to format ), and I have no clue how to format the Drive from either within the GUI or at the command-line. How do I format & re-install Ubuntu? What is the sequence or steps? I can probably do the re-install intuitively but I'm concerned there may be Ubuntu tricks I don't know about! Also- does this 2 partition thing cause any complications to formatting?? So honestly my question is simply how to format the drive from within the system.

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Ubuntu :: Format A USB Flashdisk Or External Hard Drive?

Jul 28, 2010

and am running Ubuntu 9.04 version. My wife's USB flashdisk has picked up viruses from computers running Windows in her office. My quick solution is to format it (and external hard disks as well) in my machine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Xubuntu Cannot Format Hard Drive?

Aug 29, 2010

I have a PC with really low specs ( it's a back up computer) that's running puppy linux but I don't really like it. It's hard to navigate/get things you could easily do on Windows Xp done, it's menus are crowded and well it can't even shut off properly which is a shame. I've had it on for only a week.

Anyways, I've downnloaded the Xubuntu . Iso and burnt it at 1x speed. I pop it in and it does take a long time to go through the install. ( I'm not sure if it's because of the disc read speed or because of the memory and what not) I chose the option to delete everything and install Xubuntu. It works and then I get a couple of error message and then the last one says something like " Can not format sda1" or something like that.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Format FC Hard Drive - Unable To Read

Sep 8, 2010

Below is results from attempt at formatting my hard drive. As you can see a driver is installed, but not working. Perhaps something is missing? Seems a bit odd that a "unable to read" comes back when disk data is reported. The drive just went through a low level format. BTW this is a fiber channel drive. Also on board are 5 scsi drives. Adaptec raid card. Not sure if that would have any relevance, but there you are.

barry@vm1:~$ sudo lshw -C disk
description: SCSI Disk
product: ST173404 CLAR72
vendor: SEAGATE
physical id: 0.0.0
bus info: scsi@1:0.0.0
logical name: /dev/sdb
version: 3A98
serial: 3CE0SRYL00007142FHAW
capacity: 67GiB (72GB)
capabilities: 10000rpm
configuration: ansiversion=3
barry@vm1:~$ sudo fdisk /dev/sdb
Unable to read /dev/sdb .....

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