Ubuntu :: Boot Hangs But Console (alt F2) Available?

Aug 21, 2011

I have an updated Ubuntu server and had problems with the windowmanger. Now treated the system and now it will not start anymore.

Starts up to "Checking battery state... // Running local boot scripts (etc/rc.local)
than it hangs.
> which logfile should I look in?


If I start X with startx a gray screen with a mouse X comes up, but there is nothing. No keystrokes or mouse buttons effects anything.

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Fedora :: 15 Console Extended Hangs?

Jun 22, 2011

I still haven't put my finger on the details, but I wanted to see if this rings any bells. When I leave my Fedora 15 system for several hours and then come back, it is sometimes unresponsive for several minutes before it finally thaws out. This is beyond get-a-cup-of-coffee slow - drop-off-the-dry-cleaning-and-pick-up-some-milk slow would probably be a more accurate characterization. It's basically a stock F15 install with vmware player installed and running two virtual machines. One of the virtual machines is also stock F15, and I've been waiting on it for over an hour since thawing out the host system this morning. The clock at the top says "Tue 03:53" (the current time is Wed 11:00).

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General :: Background Process Execution Hangs Console And Ip Communication?

Feb 9, 2011

I have 3 processes to be executed in a particular sequence.


The requirement is that all the processes should run as background processes.

ProcessA talks to ProcessB and ProcessC using sockets.
ProcessB talsk to ProcessA only using sockets.
ProcessC talsk to ProcessA only using sockets.


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Ubuntu :: Boot Hangs (sometimes) After Dual Boot Screen?

May 25, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and a small Windows 7 partition (cuz I can't get Ubuntu to run my MSI TV@nywhere plus card but that's another issue).I can log into Windows fine. If I choose Ubuntu, however, the boot process will go thru a few screen flickers. Then one of two things happens:1) I get a scrambled up pixelated image (not sure what it is) for about 3 second, then it goes into the login screen and I can log in normally.2) I get the scrambled up pixelated image and it hangs. This happens about 4 times out of 5 when rebooting.

I do have an nVidia card and a beta driver (they published it the 21st, I believe, of this month) but this happened long before that. It's happened ever since I installed any of the drivers (I've tried a couple different versions, hoping to fix this) for my card.

My system is a frankenputer:
Phenom II quad core 3.0 cpu
nVidia GeForce BFG 6600
500G drive

Note: I do have 3D rendering when I finally get into the desktop. Everything works great, except that when I'm playing my mmorpg, Regnum Online, it freezes the entire computer and I have to reboot (not sure if that has anything to do with it or not).In case it's needed, this is my grub:(Second note: I'm sorry for the length of the post but I don't know how to upload documents/files to show)

# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub
### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/00_header ###


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Debian Hardware :: When Boot Plaptop Whith Memorycards In Slots Boot Hangs

Aug 28, 2010

When I boot up my laptop whith memorycards in the slots the boot hangs at "Wating for /dev to be fully populated", "Activating swap" or somewhere in between.If I take out the memorycards so the slots are empty, the laptop boots just fine...Its a CFCard and a SDcard in a PCIMAslot.Does anyone have a clue?Its not a big problem just very annoing to have to take out the memcards all the the time.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: GRUB To Dual Boot 11.2 And Windows XP But Hangs On Boot

Apr 20, 2010

HW config is: AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Black Edition, MSI 785GTM-E45, 2X 1Gb Kingston HyperX PC2-8500. I have set up GRUB to dualboot openSUSE 11.2 and WindowsXP. Initially i had set up system with defaults: CPU@2600MHz (200X13) and therefore RAM@800MHz. Both openSUSE 11.2 and WindowsXP worked just fine. Memtest86 found no problems.

But after a while i decided to change this setup to: CPU@2500MHz (250X10) and therefore RAM@1000MHz, as it promised better overall performance. And now Windows still boots and works better then before. Memtest86 still can't find any problem. But openSUSE 11.2 hangs at boot. I've suspected cpufreq governor, but changing from Ondemand to Conservative in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq doesn't help.

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Ubuntu :: Won't Boot With Bash - Turn Into Console Mode

Oct 21, 2010

I've got a problem with bash, when I run my terminal or I turn into console mode, I get:


And I have to type "bash" and after I got:


How to make that bash alway running?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 (Tty1) Console Login Prompt At Boot

Nov 20, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my 32gb flash drive. Just one large partition for the OS and about a gig for swap. Worked fine. Booted to USB on two computers and a laptop at home. Fine. Figured I'd try it on a work pc for the sake of testing a random computer. Well I stick the drive in, boot up, select usb from the boot menu and bam Ubuntu starts loading. I look away, it's cool ubuntu's loading. Well I turn back and it's a black screen. It's "<username>@whatever login:" or something close.

I use the username and password I created during installation and what I used to login to the computer like fifty million times while booted into Ubuntu. Well, invalid login. The first time I installed this OS on this drive I updated it through the update manager and rebooted. Next thing I know I type in my username and password, hit enter, and bam black screen, some stuff, then im asked to login again. Now after this next iteration I am faced with yet another faulty login screen. What is up with this OS?

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Ubuntu :: Run Perl Script In Console At Boot Time

Aug 2, 2011

I have the following command in my rc.local file.
xterm -e perl /home/user/email2sms.pl
If I run rc.local from nautilus it works as expected. However when I boot nothing happens. I would like a console to popup and show the activity of the perl script.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot Into Console - No GUI

Feb 25, 2010

I turned on my laptop at work this morning and it booted up into console mode! Rebooting and booting into Failsafe Mode do nothing...

It reports that it has reached Runlevel 5, but I can't get into the GUI. I have tried to run "startx" which works (Sort of) but I have no mouse or keyboard control. Same goes for if I run "sax2 -r -m 0=radeon" and I have to hard power off the machine to get out of there.

If I try to load the vesa driver, it fails and the SaX.log tells me:

(II) VESA(0): Totl Memory: 256 64KB banks (16384kB)
(EE) VESA(0): No matching modes
(II) UnloadModule: "vesa"


I have renamed the xorg.conf file and rebooted, but come to the same place...

Nothing reports to have failed on bootup, so I have no clue where to start trouble shooting. It does tell me though that there were "Skipped features: boot.cycle". Is this the problem area?

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Slackware :: No Console Messages During Boot?

Jun 23, 2010

I'm running slack64 13.0. At initial boot i see the two penguins and text from th kernel scrolls past until my root partition is mounted where upon all messages stop until the console prompt or KDM pops up. Everything seems to be operating as normal but i've no idea whats happening during the rc scripts (FS checking, etc). When shutting down though the rc.6/rc.0 script messages appear in the console though.

To my knowledge i've not changed anything that would effect this (just modified inittab for runlevel 4 & tty4,5,6 in runlevel 4).

There's nothing in dmesg but most messages don't get logged there as i understand.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 LTS Hangs On Boot?

Aug 26, 2010

I upgraded from 8.04 to 10.04 LTS. Now when booting it hangs and drops me to a initramfs shell. This is a scsi machine with 3 drives. The error I get before dropping to the shell is that the drive with the uuid in menu.lst does not exist.If I type "exit" at initramfs, it finishes booting in a couple of seconds. The uuid is correct and maybe this is a timeout error of some kind. This is a machine that I would want to reboot without having to walk over and type "exit" at the initramfs prompt.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Hangs On Boot

Oct 11, 2010

I installed Maverick Meerkat today, and it was working great on the first boot (which is when I updated the system...). However, since then, it won't boot up. When I looked at the output during boot, I noticed that it hangs when it gets to:

floppy0: no floppy controllers found

After that, the hard drive access light on my laptop turns off and it just sits there.

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 Hangs On Boot?

Mar 6, 2011

I've just had the power cut out while downloading a bunch of updates for Ubuntu 10.4

I haven't updated to the latest release because I'm lazy and have slow internet.

Anyway, once power had been restored, I turned my desktop on to find that my install will not actually load. It boots up and goes to the purple 'Ubuntu' screen with the orange dots, and just sits there (for about 15 minutes so far) without any activity on-screen.

I'm running Ubuntu 10.4 as I said above, and I'd really like to get a solution that does not include 'start from a fresh installation', since I've had to really wrestle with this install to get my wireless adaptor (USB) and wacom tablet working properly.

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Debian :: Serial Console Blank After Boot

Aug 21, 2015

I have a dell poweredge server. In the bios, it has the option to redirect the screen to the serial port. There is also the check box "redirection after boot" which from what I understand will let me to continue to use the serial port attached to a terminal as if it was the main VGA monitor with a keyboard attached.

When I start the machine up, everything goes as expected, I see the output from the bios on my serial terminal, until debian actually starts booting. It all goes blank. If i attach a monitor i can see it is indeed booted and waiting at the debian login prompt. What should I do from here? I was under the impression that if i enabled "console redirection after boot" that the os would be none the wiser and i could continue using the serial console as the main screen as needed, but that does not seem to be the case.

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Debian :: Console Keyboard Layout Not Set On Boot?

Jul 13, 2010

I have console only on my machine and I have two problems with it:

1) I can't find how to enable programmer dvorak keyboard layout.

2) All the console settings don't stay after reboot, I have to do dpkg-reconfigure console-setup again. But after I do that I loose russian layout that I normally can switch to with Alt+Shift.

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Servers :: Ubuntu Hangs On Boot / What To Do?

Jan 5, 2010

Ubuntu server hangs when I boot with a wired Ethernet connection. The last thing I see in the console is code...

I have no problem when I boot to a Wifi connection even when Samba and openssh-server are installed. I see the same sequence of lines in the console as I reported initially (including Reloading, Restarting), but then the output continues with

* Starting the Winbind daemon winbind

Both the wired and wireless connections use dhcp. Obviously, I installed the OS using a wired connection, so it worked reliably once. I'm stuck.

P.S. I tried dhclient -r before rebooting. The machine did not shut down correctly and when I forced a reboot it appeared to hang at the usual place. However, after a long delay it proceeded to boot. Perhaps I am observing a delay due to a very long timeout. I will try another reboot now and check again in the morning.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Hangs For 60 Seconds?

Jun 17, 2010

I am looking to speed up my boot time; it is currently around the 2-2.5 minute mark from Grub to desktop (including about 15 seconds at the login screen while I type my password).

I have forced ureadahead to reprofile, and have rebooted a few times until the boot time is fairly stable/consistent.

No xorg errors and only one warning ((WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic" does not exist.)

However, dmesg reports the following:

[ 1.121369] Freeing unused kernel memory: 656k freed
[ 1.121926] Write protecting the kernel text: 4676k
[ 1.121977] Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 1840k
[ 1.146159] udev: starting version 151


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Hangs With USB & HDD Boot

Jul 3, 2010

I think I've got a graphics/sound compatibility issue--both are onboard, but have no idea what to do. 10.04 will run in recovery low-graphics mode but won't load otherwise.

I have an old Gateway MX6030 / MA2 from 2005, 1.4Ghz Celeron, 1024 MB RAM. It had 9.04 on it. I got it out, thinking I could use it to store and remotely access research files for Mendeley and backup other data from my primary machines. I was running into wireless connectivity programs, so rather than fix it I figured I'd upgrade to through to 10.04 and plugged it into the router. 9.10 was a little choppy with the sounds when booting up, but worked. 10.04 won't boot properly. It gets to the Ubuntu splash screen with the little dots, which all turn red, then goes straight to a grey screen. The hard disk stops thrashing, and that's it.

If I hit ESC to bring up the grub menu, I can enter recovery mode and use the low-graphics startup to get into 10.04. Sound is still choppy on startup, but wireless, video, etc. all work. I tried to use a USB bootdisks with both 10.04 and Xubuntu 10.04 and got the same issue. The Ubuntu live boot can get to the menu but freezes after I make a selection. Xubuntu just brings up a low-res "XUBUNTU" image and freezes right after that. Hard disk stops turning, and the machine stops accessing the USB disk. Nothing happens.

Is there a way I can access 10.04 low graphics as the default boot? Is this a driver issue? This is a beginner question, obviously, and really, my goal here is just to be able to access the machine remotely so I can keep files for Mendeley in a single place rather than across two machines and three OSes. I don't know if I have the time or patience to learn how set up another machine as an FTP server to try and install through that route.

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Ubuntu :: Hangs On Boot And Shutdown?

Jul 25, 2010

I just recently installed ubuntu 10.04 and it works great! I got it to work with both of my printers, scanner, and zune! The problem is occasionally when I boot up ubuntu it stops and displays "[drm:rs400_gart_adjust_size] *ERROR* Forcing to 32M GART size (because of ASIC bug ?)"

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Live CD Boot Hangs?

Oct 14, 2010

With Mythbuntu 10.10, the Live CD hands before it can fully boot the OS to a GUI. I'm running an IBM ThinkCentre (P4 2.6Ghz, 512mb RAM) with an NVidia 6200, and I'm using an HD LCD TV for the display.

I've tried to use nomodeset but that hasn't helped it boot. I've tried disabling dmraid also but I end up getting this error: 'General Failure Mounting File Systems'. I've had no such problems with the previous 3 versions of Mythbuntu. Although I didn't have this TV when I installed those ones... could that be the issue perhaps?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 10.04 Hangs On Boot?

Oct 22, 2010

I have ubuntu 10.04 installed on my MacBookPro7,1 (dual boot with reffit). Everything works fine. Today I closed my laptop and open it later again and saw a black screen with a blinking cursor. I was not able to send any keys to it. So I powered down (off button) it.

After Booting It I saw some kernel message, no errors, and then it stops and everything is freezed. Again no keystrokes can be send. The last kernel message is something about scsi. I tried to remove the "recordfail" in the grub2 menu but it doesn't help.

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Installation :: Ubuntu On USB Hangs On Boot / Fix This?

Dec 8, 2010

I loaded Ubuntu onto my USB using the USB installer, and then attempted to create a persistent drive (>4GB) according to the link :http://www.pendrivelinux.com/create-...per-partition/

But when I boot from the USB it hangs. I am new to Ubuntu, so I cannot give a lot of details.

When booting from the USB, it goes to the setup screen where I select boot from the USB. A list of commands appear on the screen (it's too quick,to read) and then it arrives at the intro screen with the Ubuntu symbol. On this screen it hangs.

Any suggestions on how to fix this.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hangs At Boot From USB?

Dec 25, 2010

I wrote the ISO to a USB drive I had using the Universal USB Installer, and I put it into my new Acer Aspire One D255 netbook, and set it up so that it would be the first thing it booted to. I got past the ISOLinux loading screen, and now it's just hanging at a black screen with a bit of text:

Intel(r)PineView PCI Accelerated SVGA BIOS
Build Number: 2001 Accelerated PC 14.34 03/01/2010 02:34:31
Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Intel Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Anyway, it's just sitting there. The USB stick isn't doing anything, it's not flashing or jittering, it's just slowly pulsating like it usually is when it's not doing anything.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Boot Hangs After Updating?

Mar 10, 2011

So I tried installing the nvidia drivers for my GeForce 330M using Jockey after I first installed 10.10, but it did not make it so my desktop was not bigger than my screen. So, I blacklisted nouveau by creating a text file which had in it:

blacklist nouveau
options nouveau modeset=0
Then I saved the file as disable-nouveau.conf, then chown(ed) it to be owned by root, and moved it to /etc/modprobe.d/

I then installed the driver for my nvidia card, and everything worked perfectly. But after installing the updates listed in the update manager, my computer won't even boot to the GUI desktop, it just hangs. I can still access the command line, but when press <ctrl-alt-F7>.

All I see is this:
fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
//dev/sda1: clean 170760/29409280 files, 5091535/117623296 blocks
*Starting AppArmor profiles
Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox

*Setting sensors limits
speech-dispatcher disabled; edit /etc/default/speech-dispatcher
*Starting the Windbind daemon winbind

And that's it. It just hangs there. Like I said, I can still access the command line with <ctrl-alt-F1>, but I have no idea how to get Gnome I guess to display?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Upgrade From 10.10 Hangs At Boot

Apr 30, 2011

I was running 10.10 until this morning when I upgraded to 11.04.{Some minor grub complaints in the install but mainly due to me having customised the entries.}I rebooted and went to the new installation, it goes purple and says Ubuntu 11.04 with dots going across, then it hangs and goes to the background text and the last thing it says is "Checking Battery State.I'm on a desktop, so I'm sure the battery thing isn't an issue, it's probably something before or the next command that freezes it.

I booted into recovery mode repaired grub (no change) then went into failsafe graphics mode and it worked ok.My guess is that because failsafe graphics was ok, it might be to do with the graphics driver (ATI HD6970 fglrx driver) but I've no idea.

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Ubuntu :: Natty Hangs On Boot

May 14, 2011

When I boot Ubuntu 11.04 it goes as far as showing me the OS options (I dual-boot with Windows7) and then what should be the login window. However - here it displays the mouse and nothing else. It just hangs. I can hit ALT-F1 and get a shell. I login and everything works as expected except X isn't running.

BACKGROUND: I tried to upgrade from 10.10 when (mid-upgrade) my computer turned itself off (suspect housemate unpluged it by mistake and then it ran out of battery). When I turned it on again, it refused to boot, complaining that the / drive was not there. After a bit of digging around I found that it was actually mounting / with read-only permissions. After remounting it with read/write permission I was able to continue with the upgrade. HOWEVER, I never managed to connect to the wireless from the command line (I tried all sorts, sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "eduroam", sudo dhclient wlan0). Since it hadn't finished to download the new packages, I don't know what it did (presumably installed the ones it did have). Anyway, after doing this I rebooted and everything seemed to work - I logged in and (using update-manager) did a partial upgrade which seemed to work. The only problem was that it was now complaining that nautilus was not configured and for this reason it could not update a package called libglib2.0 or something like that. I tried to repair broken packages/reinstall nautilus etc nothing worked. I then rebooted (I don't remember why I thought that would be a good idea). Since it hasn't given me a GUI login window again. It just hangs, like I said.

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Ubuntu :: Hangs On Boot (but Also Messed Up Different OS)?

Sep 1, 2010

My old man wanted to try linux, and he got an Ubuntu install (ill check version tomorrow).Anyways, we installed it, but during boot of either it (going though a boot slector menu, hitting F it shows only two lines on the screen (something vaguely similar too):GRUB loading stage1.5GRUB error 21 (or 27 cant quite remeber)

I did, unfortunately, have to step out while it installed leaving him at the helm. now the main problem is this: Ubuntu will not boot, and neither will the previous (contained on a totally different harddrive) Windows XP. A third OS (Vista) still boots, but unfortunately my dad had all his apps on his XP drive. Now, the ubuntu we put on a third Hharddrive (Both Vista and XP boot from two IDE docks in the machine (one Primary master and one secondary master)), but the ubuntu was installed on an enclosed (In the case) SATA drive partition. it seemed to have installed but when selecting to boot form it, or the harddrive with the XP system, i get the above error. however, vista boots completely without problems. Anyone ever seen sometihng like this? the computer responds to no commands beyond ctrl-alt-delete at this lock up, and no dos/command prompt opens up. it just sits there at these two lines until either ctrl=alt=delete or a hard reset are pressed.

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Ubuntu :: Sometimes Hangs On Boot After Grub?

Jan 9, 2011

Sometimes when my machine tries to boot ubuntu it works SOMETIMES, but most of the time it hangs on a certain driver/message. I've disabled the silent splash to show you guys where it freezes.


Marking TSC unstable due to TSC halts
Switching to clocksource hpet
thermal LNXTHERM:01: registered as thermal_zone1
ACPI: Thermal Zone [T22] (67C)


And then it stops there. I think ATA_PIIX is some ubuntu ata driver, but I don't know why there since my hard-drive passes all the S.M.A.R.T tests.

Keep in mind it SOMETIMES, but not very often, boots.

Edit: This machine was used with Ubuntu 8.10 before, and possibly 9.04, but that was before they introduced Audio for Intel HDA's Sigmatel. This is also a clean install.

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Debian :: Grub And Boot Console On Wrong Screen?

Nov 16, 2010

I've recently installed a new graphic card after my old one started to go belly-up and it works nicely in X with twinview. The card have one VGA, one DVI and one HDMI. I have the monitor connected to the VGA and my projector connected to the DVI. However, when I boot the monitor (VGA) don't receive a signal. It is dead until X comes up (and when X comes up it does exactly what I want, it uses the VGA monitor as the main screen).

I had this setup on my old card to and it worked fine. Grub and boot console showed on both screens and I never had to tweak anything to make it do this.

how to enable the VGA outlet, either have boot enabled or only the VGA enabled (either way is fine by me but I really want to see Grub and the boot console on startup).

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