I'm a satisfied user of ubuntu 11.04 64bit (installed on a laptop). Everything works fine (unity, sound etc) no problems at all except that when I shutdown my computer on of the services is marked as FAIL.
In a boot log I found:
* Stopping automatic crash report generation[74G[[31mfail[39;49m]
Ok updating, nothing serious, can be ignored or uninstalled.
Recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 (I think) on my laptop as a dual boot with windows. Now, whenever I start my computer, the grub menu boots and I choose to run the generic ubuntu.
However, I get the message: Stopping Automatic Crash Report Generation [FAIL]
And the screen freezes at that. No further progress is made and I have to restart my computer. The only way I can run ubuntu is by running it in safe mode with low graphics.
Today I upgraded my 10.10 to 11.04. Since the last step of upgrading, when it was restarted, I get stucked in consola where it is checking, and there is written fail at stopping automatic crash report generation. How can I repair it. I tried to do
I am running LogAnalyzer 3.0 on one of our servers, and I wanted to know if anyone knows of a way it can be configured to generate reports that can be exported and e-mailed to the System Administrator?
just installed Fedora 13 on a pentium 4 laptop by Dell, with 1 Gb RAM.
As I opt for Compiz, it cannot start, there is a black pop up saying Crash, and some numbers follow. How can this be fixed?
Should I install KDE?
Is there an update of software?
I can opt for Compiz but worry that it will be faulty. That is the second attempt also produced the crash warning pop up but gave me the option of keeping it or going back after about twenty seconds, with the figures on the screen. I played it safe. Also can I try it, and manually go back?
Error report shows Compiz killed by Signal 11 SIGSEGV, this was added after post 9.
im needing to view a adobe flash crash report, or preferably watch the crash happen(in the code)
Ubuntu 11.04(up to date) flash plugin - v11,0,1,98 flash aid - adobe beta, from adobe labs Firefox - 6.0(according to the "about firefox")
i have installed and reinstalled both the flash player and flash aid is there a way to do this and how?the player works on some sites and not others is it possible that im up to date and there not?
Firefox 3.1 beta 3 won't load. When I open the application, the little bouncy icon bounces, and the task manager shows "Firefox Web Browser", but this only stays this way for about 15 seconds then just goes away. No error or anything.
I've had this identical problem when I try to open certain programs with Wine too. Is there some place I can find a detailed error report on these failures?
I am using Ubuntu 8.04. Most of my Administration functions have stopped working. If I click on Hardware Drivers, Hardware Testing, Log In Window, Software Sources, Synaptic Package Manager, and Windows Wireless Drivers my pointer turns into the timer wheel, so I know it is working, but then it just disappears and nothing happens. When I click on Update Manager my computer freezes. If I try to update through the red Updates Available arrow at the top of my screen my computer freezes. I can update through terminal but the red arrow never goes away. I also have 17 updates that won't update. I have tried them one at a time through terminal but they just freeze the computer. The only way to unfreeze it is to shut the computer down.
Encountering several problems with ubuntu. I have managed to burn iso to cd - I decided to bot ubuntu off the cd, I have been struggling with a couple of problems all to no avail. I have heard ubuntu is pretty damn good, and I was quite enthusiastic about it. But if I can't get this sorted...
Oh I should also say I have never used a command line and I have not a clue about xorg or whatever you call it.
anyway my first problem is Display settings. I can go to System > Preferences > Display, and the largest I can set my resolution to is 800*640 and the monitor is unknown...?
Problem number 2 - the ubuntu software centre is not working... Applications > USC > Could not launch Ubuntu Software Centre..
Problem 3 - In the bar at the top of the screen beside time and date etc, "Crash report detected" keeps popping up?
Problem 4 my @ and " keys have swapped places??? also my Pounds sign (I live in UK) has been replaced with # while # has been replaced with
I have been working for a couple of hours on it but nothing makes the slightest bit of difference. I will probably have some more problems soon to be honest - but your help with the above problems would be honestly fantastic.
edit: Yea I cant install flash player to watch videos on .....?
Applications > Acessories > Terminal will not bring anything up anyway!
I was intending to do a clean install of 10.04.I have downloaded and burned desktop-i386.iso.After booting from CD and selecting install from the menu, I get the splash screen for a few minutes, then black screen, then purple ubuntu screen, then the error message "the installer has encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run etc.....".
I am thinking this may be related to ACPI, because when i 'Try Ubuntu without installing' it loads ok but I get a 'Crash Report' notification on the panel.
If again 'Try Ubuntu without installing' with F6 option "ACPI=Off" it loads up with no problem.
Another thing I noticed is that when I load with ACPI=OFF, my external drives automount, but if i dont turn ACPI off, and get the Crash report notification the external drives do not automount.
I have installed fedora13 OS on it recently,earlier it has both windows and linux but now only fedora13. My laptop's harddisk has probably some bad sectors and a software package "Automatic Bug Reporting Tool" has reported kernel crash,gnome-panel crash. I reported them upto some extent but in totality all I can't report. How to deal with it, why is it happening, and will it be harmful for any part like CPU,RAM,HardDisk of my laptop?
I want to run ssh-keygen -f [filename] but also specify no password. I know the -N option is used to specify the password but putting -N with nothing after it isn't permitted.
Generally on my system(Karmic x64), if I generate a pdf, any image included comes out distinctly blurry. I have googled and come across this [URL] which says when there is a pdf generation, everything is recompressed, hence the blurriness. How is there a way around this? What do I tweak to ensure pictures are left alone (I already ensure they are as small as possible) when I convert anything to pdf?
I am developing a customization of ubuntu for my company, as we mirror ubuntu repositories it would be great that the distro's sources.list be configured for using our repos instead of ubuntu's official on install, without the need of me going PC by PC making such configuration myself... How could this be achieved? Is there documentation about it? I have only managed to find data on how to configure the sources.list after installation.
My ipod shuffle (1st generation) will not mount in Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit when I plug it into my usb port. When I plug in the ipod I do not get an icon being created for it on the desktop. I have also checked nautilus and there is no storage device for the ipod showing when I click on computer in nautilus.I have also checked /media in nautilus and there in no listing for the ipod. The only way I can see the ipod in Ubuntu is if I open up a terminal window and use the command lsusb which then shows a listing for the ipod.
If I have the ipod plugged into my computer before I turn it on and then turn on the computer to boot with Ubuntu, Ubuntu does not boot in the normal graphics mode but boots in text mode where I have to type in my name and password on a black terminal screen. The ipod has the latest software on it as well as being reset back to original factory settings. I have no problems using the ipod if boot up on windows 7 and plug in the ipod.
I have recently started PHP and mysql and so far I am loving it. I have read that the best way to learn any scripting/programming language is to read others code and get involve in a project. I am planning to develop a ticketing system for my intranet environment, meaning it will only be available to certain specific personnel to generate tickets, just like a helpdesk system. So a thought came in my mind, that, if a ticket is generated, a email should be sent to the relevant personnel pointing to that ticket. Now what I mean by this is, like if I have posted a query on LQ.org, a email notification is sent with a dynamic url pointing to my post if someone answers it. How its done? I mean is it done by PHP engine or apache?
I Have a system,on which I have dynamic internet, I want to generate a mail to my specific mail id as exp-123@yahoo.com. Like this,to give me the information about my dynamic IP Address. I also want that if my internet reconnects then the mail must be generated to give new IP address information.
Home The Team [no-page] -X -Y -Z Projects [no-page] -Coding [no-page] --A --B --C -Desing [no-page] --E --F -Security [no-page] --G --H
Note: the Code/Design/Security projects pages (A,B,C,D...) will be at start around 35 pages, and will grow. My index.php is something like this: PHP Code: .....
What I would like to know is how to build the content (the home-main.php)? Do it dynamically based on a link something like this index.php?page=coding_b, and put in the index.php page a number of 35 if/else statements to cover all the project pages or ... static, creating every page for the projects menu when I create the menu? I check if a page 'pro-co-a.php' exists, if not I create it based on some template and do the query to get the content from db or? How to organize the pages, if using static page?
I've been trying to get an iPod nano 5th generation working with slackware-current, with no luck. Currently, I have upgraded to gtkpod 1.0.0 and libgpod 0.8.0. I've run iPod-read-sysinfo-extended successfully, which wrote the SysInfoExtended file in /<ipod_root>/iPod_Control/Device.
After those steps, gtkpod would copy the mp3's to the device, but would fail writing the database. So, I generated the HashInfo file from the firewire guid using the tool at [URL]. After that, gtkpod finishes writing the database to the device, and shows all the music which is present, but after ejecting the iPod, no music shows up.
I have a problem related with certificate generation. I had successfully installed openssl. After that I do these.
[root@localhost openssl-1.0.0a]# cd /usr/local/ssl/misc [root@localhost misc]# ./CA.sh -newca CA certificate filename (or enter to create)
Making CA certificate ... Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key .........++++++ ..........++++++ writing new private key to './demoCA/private/./cakey.pem' Enter PEM pass phrase: Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request. What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank. For some fields there will be a default value, If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [GB]:IN State or Province Name (full name) [Berkshire]:KERALA Locality Name (eg, city) [Newbury]:KOCHI Organization Name (eg, company) [My Company Ltd]:squad Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:SUPPORT Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:localhost Email Address []:jk.r@squadinfotech.com
Please enter the following 'extra' attributes to be sent with your certificate request A challenge password []:mahhghh An optional company name []:mca Using configuration from /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf Enter pass phrase for ./demoCA/private/./cakey.pem: I am unable to access the ../../CA/newcerts directory ../../CA/newcerts: No such file or directory Distro:Centos 5.3 kernel 2.6.18
What software can i use to compare its performance when it's compiled with GCC and when compiled with MSVC? I think it should be some mathematical software, so the performance would be very dependent on CPU- and memory-specific optimizations.
I own an ipod shuffle and in ubuntu 10.04 worked perfectly, but after upgrading (I did a fresh install) to ubuntu 10.10 rythmbox recognizes the ipod, but it can't list the items and if I try to reload the list, rhythmbox closes irremediably.
I am on a Fedora 12 box, and it's my job to do some custom configs to xorg.conf. To start this, I have to remove a bunch of devices' entries and modify others. We're using the proprietary Nvidia drivers, and they work fine except that something - perhaps the NVIDIA X Server Settings app - keeps modifying the xorg.conf. After I write a change to see if it will work or break the machine, I have to restart the entire computer, as restarting X by itself blanks out the monitor so that I can't even see a virtual console. After the restart, X starts just fine and goes into GNOME, but as soon as I look at the xorg.conf, everything I've removed or commented out from the original, auto-generated file has reappeared. How to stop this infuriating behavior so that I can rewrite xorg.conf and make the changes stick?
I am learning about net filters and I am practicing some sample programs on it. I am very new to this and I have a general query. I got the packet to a desired function using PRE_ROUTING hook. Now how do I frame a packet from this point? I am just trying to simulate a echo client server program in the kernel level using these hooks. Any useful info on sockets in the kernel level?
My issue is with linux routing tables using iproute2, coupled with the iptables MARK target. When I create a rule to lookup a table with iproute2, and the routing table routes an address as type unreachable (or blackhole, or prohibit), if a higher priority rule does a lookup to another table that routes the address as type unicast but that higher priority rule also matches on a fwmark, the packet to that address is never generated locally to even go through iptables packet filtering/mangling in order to mark it, because the lower priority rule that doesn't match on a fwmark says it's unreachable. For example, I have 2 rules installed with ip:
10: from all fwmark 0x1000 lookup routeit 20: from all lookup unreach ip route list table routeit
Now, in the packet filter, I have an iptables rule to mark packets to destination with 0x1000 in the mangle table and OUTPUT chain. When I generate a packet locally to, all programs get ENETUNREACH (tested with strace). However, if I take out the route entry that is unreachable, it all works fine and the routes in the routeit table get applied to marked packets (I know because my default gateway would not be, but wireshark shows packets being sent to the MAC address of
The best I can surmise is that when generating a packet locally, the kernel tests the routing tables in priority order but without any mark to see if it is unreachable/blackhole/prohibit, and doesn't even bother generating the packet and traversing iptables rules to see if it would eventually be marked and thus routed somewhere. Then I assume after that step, it traverses iptables rules, then traverses the routing tables again to find a route. So is there any way around this behavior besides adding fake routes to the routing table (e.g. routing to dev lo in the unreach table in this example)?
I'm running Fedora 15 with current updates and kernel. I do not have anything special or non-standard about my configuration or setup. I use grsync to sync my home folder files to a remote rsync server on my network. I've checked my hard drives and my memory and everything else I can think. Here is the problem:
grsync will run for some time and once it nears completion it will crash. This, however, is no standard crash. It literally shuts my computer "OFF". I have shared the remote rsync folder through CIFS as well and I can copy those exact same files through nautilus with drag and drop without issue. I have had a few occasions where the rsync process will complete without issue, but this is a rare occasion. Since it powers my computer completely off I do not enjoy the luxury of having any log files or messages to attempt to diagnose from.
Fedora 11 I have tried just about everything in webmin, the current one I am working with is openswan, and I get this error: ipsec newhostkey --configdir /etc/ipsec.d --output /etc/ipsec.secrets ipsec rsasigkey: key pair generation failed: "-8037"
My boss would like to have our employees connect to our linux server, then access their personal computers to work when they are unable to be in the office. Everyone else in the office uses winblows and they are unwilling to try anything else no matter what the benefit. The most important one is the CAD guy, we need him to work on drawings from school or his latest flings house and I am just running out of steam. how to fix this error or radically change my approach, I will try or do anything.