Ubuntu :: Automated Live CD Maker For Console Only Install?

Feb 3, 2010

I tried remastersys, but has to install graphical stuff for the ubiquity. I don't need an installer, nor any gui packages. Is there another good automated program or script that works great for making compact text/console only installs?

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Software :: Will Game Maker Install On Centos 5

Apr 27, 2010

can i install gamemaker on centos 5, or is that considered a windows application?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Automated Install System?

Mar 5, 2010

I am trying to set up an automated installation system for hardware testing and was wondering if anyone on here can point me in the right direction.I would like it to be compatable with a wide range of OS distros including Ubuntu, Red Hat, CentOS, Suse, Windows, Dos, FreeBSD, etc. If some custom scrypting is required thats fine, but flexibility is key.I am looking into Jumstart and Kickstart right now, but I am not sure if that is what I need.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Replace XP With Ubunty - Looking For Automated Install?

Oct 5, 2010

i have a windows xp desktop machine that i've been using as a fileserver throguh sharing my 4 external usb drives attached to it. I want to replace this sytem with ubuntu (unless theres a different alternative for waht i want to do?). the problem is its not a standard install i can just do.

- first, the desktop has no keyboard mouse or monitor connected and i generally used vnc to control it.

- the computer right now is heavily infected with some kind of virus. disabld all my anti virus software, wont allow me to use new ones, etc.

my only option really is to wipe it clean and this time not xp, i want ubuntu. is there a way to configure an ubuntu install (or find a preconfigured install) to basically boot automatically from cd/usb drive when i restart my computer, do the install with no user intervention, and upon finalization install a vnc server on the install so i can get back in.

please remember this is my first time wiht ubuntu and while i know more than your average user about computers, id ratehr not muck around. i jsut want to be able to download a standard install, put a file on the installation cd or usb drive and let it install itself.another note, 4 of my external drives connected via usb are ntfs, and 1 is hfs. can ubuntu read/write to all of these systems? if not out of the box, can i later enable these filesystems somehow?

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CentOS 5 :: Automated Install Of 20 Identical Boxes

Feb 12, 2010

What's the consensus on the least hassle-prone method to do a bare metal install on multiple machines? I've just been handed a network with 20 identical servers (they're ~4 year old HP quad-Opteron machines with identical hardware configs). They're currently running a mishmash of stuff and I've been told I can re-purpose them. I'd like to create a generic kickstart and pave over them all with CentOS 5.4 with the only difference being the IP address for each machine. I have physical access to the machines and already know the MAC address for each one. Sadly, they are racked up and have no floppy or optical drive, but they DO have an exposed USB port on the front panel.

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Ubuntu :: Contacting The Maker With Th Email Provided?

Jan 28, 2010

I've had a little package of scripts for a while now and decided to use one that i had not used so far it's calledcheck md5 sum by Tony MattssonWell I used it and it says put name of file I put the name of the iso and for some reason the script turn my 4.06 Gb .iso to a 54k .isoI tried contacting the maker with th email provided but had no luck the email is no longer good or never existed.Please anyone who know's about this kind of thing help as the iso is super important and i need to try and recuperate it.s there anyway to reverse this?Here is a copy of the script.

# AUTHOR:(c) Tony Mattsson <tony_mattsson@home.se>


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Make Midi Maker Work

Mar 27, 2010

I have a few things working now, so all I need to know is a good way to record the music you play from Virtual Keyboard. I've tried Audacity to do this, but it never works correctly.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Windows Movie Maker Alternative?

Feb 9, 2011

my dad is wanting me to make a slideshow for him. all it has to be is just a different picture every 4 or 5 seconds, with captions in-between them. i remember i could very easily do this with windows movie maker, but is there a program for ubuntu that i could use that is the same?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: A Replacement For Windows Movie Maker?

Feb 12, 2011

I need a replacement for Windows Movie Maker.Specifically, I need to combine STILL images with sound ...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Finding A Slideshow Maker For A Webpage?

Feb 24, 2011

recommend a good slideshow maker that'll make great slide shows to be used on a web page?I need a slideshow maker that resides on my computer and not a web based one.

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Fedora :: What Is The Substitute Of Windows Movie Maker?

Apr 4, 2010

what is the substitute of windows movie maker in linux?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install Gnome After The Minimal Server ( Console Based ) Install?

Feb 2, 2011

Tried to install Gnome after the minimal server (console based) install.I would like to install a graphical GUI now What to do? wich packages? tried zypper gnome-desktop (or something similar) but it wasn't enough.

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General :: Word Processor And Powerpoint Viewer/Maker ?

Feb 20, 2011

I have started using linux again and the programme that used to come with Suse back in 2003 was called "open office" since this is 2011 and im now using Ubuntu which suits me much better I need a word processor that can support .doc or create files that I can then open and edit with Microsoft word in university. Is there any word processor out there that sounds like what im looking for?

Lastly I also need atleast a PPT viewer to see my lecture slides and a program that can make powerpoint presentations or can be used and edited with Powerpoint would be great for my presentation work.

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General :: Alternative Of The Macromedia Flash & Web Page Maker ?

Mar 14, 2011

What is the alternative of the macromedia flash & web page maker in the LINUX?

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Debian :: Light Weight .txt To .pdf Maker / Converter Available For System LXDE?

May 25, 2010

Which is the best light weight .txt to .pdf maker/converter available for Debian LXDE?

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Debian Multimedia :: WIFI Connection Setting Under Window Maker?

Mar 25, 2011

I have Squeeze running gnome well.It connect to my WFI AP automatically.I installed window maker yesterday .After I enter the window maker desktop, I found no internet connection.I run a network tool shortcut in th eapplication menu.This program is the same of my gnome desktop.I change the setting to make it automatically connect to my AP but in vain.

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Applications :: Automated Install Of 30 Applications Across Multiple Distributions?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm setting up a large number of virtual machines, each with a basic set of about 30 applications. Obviously, I don't want to do everything manually so I'm looking for ways to automate this process. Multiple distributions (Ubuntu, Red Hat Ent., FreeBSD, CentOS, etc.) will be used, meaning I will have a few Ubuntu installs with the basic set of 30 applications, and multiple Red Hat installs with the same set, etc. So, I'm looking for advice on automating as much of this as I can, even if it means a new form of automation for each distro.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Easy Install Of ATI Proprietary Driver In Console

Mar 12, 2011

For those who need or want to install the latest ATI proprietary driver (Catalyst 11.2) right after a fresh 11.4 install - and might not look for solutions in the development subforum.In order to compile the module, I installed the kernel sources and the pattern devel_basis. I normally use most packages in this pattern, so I install it by default from other scripts. While running atiupgrade on a fresh install, I was surprised by the number of packages getting installed with that pattern.Please report if it doesn't work. (like aticonfig initial failed to add a fglrx section for some reason).Take a look at the atiupgrade thread in the development forum: Upgrading ATI driver with atiupgrade.

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Software :: Start A Program From Tty1 Console To Be Executed In Tty2 Console?

Sep 8, 2010

How can I start a program from tty1 console text mode to be executed in tty2 console text mode? Actualy I would like to start a program (chat client cli program) in tty8 automaticaly when linux PC boots.

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Install Firewall From Console

Apr 28, 2011

i want to install a firewall for my ubuntu server (vps)what the best firewall for ubuntu? my ram is 512 mb.how to install firewall from console ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot Into Console - No GUI

Feb 25, 2010

I turned on my laptop at work this morning and it booted up into console mode! Rebooting and booting into Failsafe Mode do nothing...

It reports that it has reached Runlevel 5, but I can't get into the GUI. I have tried to run "startx" which works (Sort of) but I have no mouse or keyboard control. Same goes for if I run "sax2 -r -m 0=radeon" and I have to hard power off the machine to get out of there.

If I try to load the vesa driver, it fails and the SaX.log tells me:

(II) VESA(0): Totl Memory: 256 64KB banks (16384kB)
(EE) VESA(0): No matching modes
(II) UnloadModule: "vesa"


I have renamed the xorg.conf file and rebooted, but come to the same place...

Nothing reports to have failed on bootup, so I have no clue where to start trouble shooting. It does tell me though that there were "Skipped features: boot.cycle". Is this the problem area?

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OpenSUSE :: Open Movie Maker And Some Other Apps Won't Open / Is It Timing Out?

Feb 12, 2010

What i am i doing wrong? i download these very good app's from yast
and at times i run into a problem when you click on the app and it looks like it wants to open,the application's icon is on the bottom panel and the icon is bouncing up and down where there cursor is and then eventually it disappears.Is it timing out?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Devices That Not Work Under Another Console/tty

Jan 5, 2011

i'm using opensuse 11.3... sometimes i listen to a music from videos.. but, when i switch to another console (ctrl+alt+f1-5), music stops.. why? what will happen with other applications (database, etc) that work in a background?

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Ubuntu :: Way To Have Automated System Backups?

Apr 23, 2010

What would be the best way to have automated system backups? I'm trying to get it so my Xubuntu box automatically backs up the entire system including user settings on regular intervals, what would be the best way to do it? I have 2 hard drives with one that I do not use that I'd like to backup to.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Access Fsck Through Serial Console?

Dec 22, 2009

I am looking for a solution to administer my remote server running SUSE LINUX 10.1 (X86-64) - Kernel I have made changes to server and is able to see the boot process and also able to login to system through serial console.

My question, will I be able to administer the server through serial console incase if my root partition is corrupted and system has gone to maintenance shell(or root shell).

Also is there way to go directly to maintenance shell from grub(not talking about single user mode). I want to go maintenance shell where / partition is not mounted.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Loading Console Keymap On Boot

Feb 11, 2010

During boot-up of openSUSE 11.2 (dup'd from 11.1; default runlevel 3) the following message appears:


My question now: Is there a way to tell SUSE to set the above mentioned keymap using UTF-8 encoding instead of assuming ISO-8859-15?

The few Google search results (~7) on this topic also seem to indicate that this is a 'German-only' problem because it only seems to appear when setting German keymaps.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 - Dev - Console Linked To Tty7 After Kdm Start

Sep 17, 2010

I could not solve examining the start and stop scripts. When I boot (default runlevel 5) my system all log messages are displayed on /dev/tty1. After the boot process has finished and kdm is started no more console messages are displayed on /dev/tty1. Instead all console output is redirected to /dev/tty7. When I change the runlevel from 5 to 3 boot.msg shows


Changing back to runlevel 5 gives


Why kdm redirects console output to /dev/tty7 instead of /dev/tty1?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Logo And Background For Text Only Console?

Dec 28, 2010

I installed OpenSUSE 11.3 in text only mode and on 1st console (tty1) I see background (wallpaper) and logo at upper left corner: I know that I can to disable this splash permanently (menu.lst) or temporarily ('echo 0 > /proc/splash'). How I can:

1. Change the background (/etc/bootsplash/themes - is this here?).

2. Change the logo on my picture

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 Halts At Console Before Login Screen?

Jun 11, 2011

I have an electricity issue i.e Electric Power stops ocassionaly (Load Shedding). If the system was running when electricity went. But when the power comes back, the system starts and opensuse stops before login screen on console screen where it requires root password and then fsck for filesystem. Is there anyways to avoid it?

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OpenSUSE Install :: VM Based On 11.3 That Boots Into A Console In Run Level 3

Jun 27, 2011

I have a VM based on SUSE 11.3 that boots into a console in run level 3. I am used GNOME so I am trying to get it installed but not having any success. I don't know a lot about the VM as I got it 2nd hand.

So far I have gone into YAST and installed gdm and all the dependencies. I have changed from Run level 3 to 5.

When I run startx I get

xauth: creating new authority file /root/ /serverauth.15072
/etc/x11/xinit/xserverrc: line 56: exec: X: not found
giving up
xinit: No such file or directory (error2): unable to connect to X server
xinit: No such process (error3): Server error.

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