Ubuntu :: Autoboot Into OS In GRUB?

Jul 27, 2010

I have only Ubuntu installed, but somehow, the GRUB menu somehows shows up everytime I boot. Is there a way to make it autoboot into Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Servers :: GRUB Won't Autoboot Without Monitor?

Jul 3, 2010

I've installed Ubuntu Server on an old computer and I want it to autoboot as it is intended to be a headless box.I have installed the desktop packages to allow me to use FreeNX.URL]Unfortunately I've already made these changes and it still seems to need a monitor before it will show the boot menu and a keyboard to press enter on the first option.If I restart from within the gnome desktop, it will reboot perfectly. If I use shutdown -r now, shutdown -s now or shutdown -h now and then power it on again, it will display the GRUB boot menu without automatically booting.

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Fedora :: Does Not Countdown In Grub / No Autoboot?

Mar 7, 2010

My fedora does not autoboot. I get stuck at the grub selection green. I have the choice of one kernel and I have to press enter before I can continue to boot into the OS. Is there a way to fix this? /etc/grub.conf, menu.lst and /boot/grub/grub.conf are all identical. I have tried different timeout # as well as default=saved. Still nothing works and fedora does not count down.

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Ubuntu :: Stop Autoboot / When Enter Password It Saying Failed Authentication?

Feb 25, 2011

how do i stop autoboot of ubuntu? and when i try do " su " in the terminal and i enter my password it says failed authentication

but i logged out and logged in again with the password and it worked? is there a default password

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Ubuntu :: GRUB 2 : Difference Between 'grub-pc', 'grub-efi' And 'grub-coreboot'?

Jan 6, 2010

I would like to know if there is any differences on how to install and to configure GRUB 2 in the different architectures (BIOS/IBM PC-Compatibles, EFI/MacIntel and Corebbot)? Does the Ubuntu installer automatically recognize the different architectures and install the appropriate GRUB 2 package ('grub-pc', 'grub-efi' or 'grub-coreboot' according to the arch)? Or does it just install 'grub-pc'? Is the location of GRUB 2's configuration files different depending on the arch of the computer? Or are they all located in '/boot/grub/', '/etc/grub/default' and '/etc/grub.d/', no matter the arch of the computer? Are the files' structure and options to configure GRUB 2 ('/etc/grub/default' and the scripts in '/etc/grub.d/') different depending on the arch of the computer?

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General :: Edit Grub Menu From Initial Grub Screen - Possible To It's Own 'e' Option Or 'c' From Grub Command Line?

Nov 20, 2010

my Setup is Fedora 14 x64 + radeon hd 4830 i've downloaded .run package from ati site with latest driver for x64 systems. installed it, but didn't edited grub.conf becouse i didn't understood anything there (probably didn't spent enough time to get things understand) Now i've lost possibility to enter my Fedora system. during boot it lost it's modern blue boot screen (with filling drop), it was replaced by standard old boot screen with triple-color stripe. after this boot screen monitor start blinking going on and off. and on last step i'm getting "Fedora 14 boot bla bla bla something" on screen. nothing works except Ctrl+Alt+Delete. system reboots showing successful daemons shutting sequence. How can i edit grub menu from initial grub screen is it possible to it's own 'e' option or 'c' from grub command line?

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Ubuntu :: Why Does Installing Grub-doc Remove BOTH Grub-pc And Grub-common

Jan 3, 2010

I'm just slightly confused here, but... what the? Why does installing grub-doc remove BOTH grub-pc, and grub-common? So basically it seems like by installing grub-doc, I have uninstalled grub totally (yes, it is still there as the bootloader, but i have no way of updating it now!) from my system. What's the conflict between grub-doc and grub-pc, such that grub-pc has to be removed?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Update Error "update-grub Head: Cannot Open `/boot/grub/video.lst' For Reading: No Such File Or Directory"

Apr 7, 2010

after doing an upgrade to 10.4 and updating grub I get this message. how do I address this


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Software :: GRUB2 - Autoprobe "update Grub" Grub Seems To Detect All OS And Generates Grub.cfg

Feb 28, 2011

I have an old BIOS (only 149 GB detected in 160 GB drive). I have installed very few OS as a result - Windows in first 80 GB , 2 distros (20 GB each) in next 40 MB which is within the 149 GB. On issue of "update-grub" grub seems to detect all OS and generates grub.cfg. But on boot , one distro does not appear in the menu.

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Ubuntu :: Get The Version Of GRUB / GRUB-legacy To Boot Any Recent Windows 64 Beyond XP (Vista Or 7)

Dec 20, 2010

I've been using Linux for over a decade, so no need to worry about the obvious. I'm positive that I have my partitions/install correct. What has me baffled is that Fedora 14, which uses GRUB 0.97 (GRUB legacy) - boots Windows flawlessly every single time on the same hardware, but Ubuntu's (or the upstream Debian's) GRUB legacy do not - even though they are based on the same upstream code from the GNU Savannah servers.

No matter what I've tried I cannot get the Debian or Ubuntu version of GRUB/GRUB-legacy to boot any recent Windows 64 beyond XP (Vista or 7). All that it does is resets the computer when Windows attempts to boot, without an error. GRUB is notoriously difficult to compile, so before I try to compile code from RedHat's archives - any thoughts,experiences, similar issues - whatever?

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Ubuntu :: Booting From NForce FakeRAID - Hand Correct Grub.cfg After Update-grub?

Mar 5, 2011

I was unaware of the difficulties of installing and booting Ubuntu from the "onboard raid" that the NVIDIA nForce chipsets provide. However, I've managed to get it working reliably with one single caveat:

When update-grub builds the grub.cfg, it refers to all of my partitions as follows:

menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.35-27-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='(/dev/mapper/nvidia_caifaefg,msdos5)'


So I'm guessing that the whole nvidia_blah,msdos5 is because of that. However, it doesn't seem to explain why Grub would THINK that would work and it in fact does not work. That's the biggest source of confusion on my part.

My questions are as follows: First off, because as an IT person I want to know: Why does this sort of change work? What does changing that device name change in GRUB's behavior? Is there a setting in /etc/default/grub that would change the way it's naming these RAID devices? Is there a value for this setting that would give me the device names that work, as explained above?

If there is no setting change I can make in /etc/default/grub, could I add a sed command on to the end of update-grub or can I make a modification to one of the scripts in /etc/grub.d? What sort of change would be recommended? How would I preserve this change through later package upgrades that would possibly rewrite these files?

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Ubuntu :: Grub - Lost My Windows Partition - Can't Find Menu.lst In /boot/grub

Nov 1, 2010

I got ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx along with windows (dual boot) and using Grub. On my computer, I have my C:/ (programs) and D:/ (data). I've never used my D:/ before that day that I've lost my windows partition on my grub menu. I usually use my D:/ with windows. The first time I used my D:/ to store data with linux, I lost my windows option in my grub menu. I'm not sure what I did wrong but I do want to restore my windows option in my grub menu.

After "fdisk -l",

I checked in /boot/grub and there is no menu.lst to modify. how I can get back my windows option in my grub menu ?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Messed Up - Error: Can't Find GRUB Drive For /sdd1

Jan 31, 2010

I've trawled the internet but can't seem to find the exact same issue, so I've made a new thread. So, I installed Ubuntu onto a 160gb drive. I have other drives in the system, but I disconnected them so that the system drive would be sda. Ubuntu installed perfectly with no issues whatsoever. I connected the other drives in the system, and again it booted up perfectly (although I can't remember whether the 160gb drive remained as sda or became sdd). Then I attached some extra drives temporarily to do some data shuffling.

This moved my system drive to become sdf. My computer booted fine multiple times like this, but when I was finished with the drives I rebooted and suddenly everything broke. For some reason my ubuntu installation showed up in the GRUB twice, and neither of them booted. So, I popped in the Live CD (which I'm using to type this post), and decided to update the grub. I chrooted into my system drive and ran update-grub, but it simply returned something like this:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Errors - More Than 1 Grub - The Change Does Not Appear In The Boot Up Menu

Dec 22, 2010

The first is I seem to have 3 GRUB installs. So whilst I update the one from my live session, the change does not appear in the boot up menu. I had installed 10.10 from a CD into a different partition (sda6), but that will not boot, so I have just deleted this and done another grub install and update. The kernel I am using has just been updated from 10.04 to 10.10 too, and it is this that I use and the Grub I have been working on (sda5).


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Ubuntu :: GRUB File Not Found - Change The Path Of The Grub Reader To Sda 5 ?

Aug 15, 2010

I gave sda1-2 for windows and sda 3-4-5 on an extended partition for my linux OS. I installed ubuntu on sda 7 (when I go into disk utilities it shows up as sda 7 idk why) alongside another ubuntu on sda 5 ( EXTENDEDPARTITION : sda 5-6-7 ) so I could remove mandriva bootloader.Since I did, I removed ubuntu (sda 7) since it wasn't necessary but after it gave me the grub file not found.Obviously yes, since GRUB was installed from sda 7 but i have another grub.conf on sda 5 and I would like to know how to change the path of the grub reader to sda 5? or must I install all over again de grub loader?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue Mode - Error: Cannot Find A Device For /boot/grub (is /dev Mounted?)

Dec 16, 2010

I updated yesterday and now when I start my laptop it goes in to grub rescue mode. I have booted from a 'live cd' and thought I could repair grub from there. In gparted however the partition with ubuntu (sda1) is seen as unknown file system, in terminal when I list the partition table it shows up as FAT16 type. When I try a grub-install it gives this error message:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot/grub/win7 - Testdisk/update-grub Method, But It Didn't Work?

Mar 4, 2011

I have 2 hard disks. sda,sdb

In sda, I have 4 partitions, and I have windows 7 in one of the extended partitions [not in the primary partition].

In sdb, I have 3 partitions. 2 for storage, and 1 10GB drive for Ubuntu. Again, Ubuntu is not of a primary partition.

I had ubuntu 10.04 running on that for a long time. However, I wanted to reinstall ubuntu and use 10.10.This is what I did EXACTLY:Booted from Ubuntu install CD

Chose advanced istall

Selected sdb3 for Ubuntu

I installed GRUB2 on the SAME partition as Ubuntu aka sdb3 Installed then rebooted

I can boot into Ubuntu fine, but whenever I select Windows 7 bootloader from the GRUB menu, the screen goes black, and my PC reboots.

Boot Info:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010 [code]....

ls: reading directory sda6/: Input/output error

I have tried the testdisk/update-grub method, but it didn't work.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Loading ... Error: No Such Disk Grub Recover

Feb 9, 2010

I know nothing about this at all. I have never programmed a computer.. I loaned my tower to a friend who put this on ...now i have it back and cant get to my windows 98. all i get each time i boot is ...

GRUB loading ... error:no such disk grub recover>

I have tried ubuntu sec 8.4 recover mode and all i get is unreconized command.. i do not know how to set anything.. i have no disks for this not even the orginal windows recover disk.. is their anything i can do to get win to run as it use to??

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Ubuntu Installation :: Win 7 Dual Boot - Revert Grub 2 To Grub 1?

Mar 26, 2010

So my computer has ubuntu 9.10 installed 1st and I want to install win 7 in a separate partition. Basically, ubuntu 1st, win 7 later so far from what I learned from search results, grub 2 have problem with win 7 installed later and what was recommended was install win 7 before ubuntu. how ever I do not have the time to start over again because there are too many things to back up or install again. can I simply revert grub 2 to grub 1 again and resolve the problem?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Load GRUB From Grub Rescue Prompts?

Apr 11, 2010

First the hard data:

Upgraded from Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10 via upgrade manager
System is AMD 64
Have dual boot with XP on seperate hard drive


Then the wheelspin:

Seem to have knocked out GRUB as normal loading screen does not appear anymore.
Worse, I think I accidently installed grub to something labelled SDC5.

Cannot get anything except the "grub rescue" prompt. I'm not sure if using the LiveCD (9.10) can help. Have tried a few prompts from other threads but just ended up with mud splattered all over the place. I'm gathering I need to load grub, but can I do it using any grub rescue commands?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Not Detecting Windows 7 Even After Updating Grub

Apr 22, 2010

installed windows 7..then tried restoring grub using live cd....mounted partition somewhere else....then installed ubuntu again where it was installed previously and now grub is not detecting windows 7 but i am able use my windows files

used sudo update-grub2.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Start Grub Without Super Grub Disk

Jun 22, 2010

If I use the super grub disk I can get to my ubuntu partition otherwise my windows partition boots automatically. I spent over an hour in the community documentation using the live cd to reinstall grub and nothing has fixed it. I think that grub is installed and the windows bootloader is just taking precedence.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Not Found - Recover Grub After Windows 7 Install?

Aug 24, 2010

I had to dual boot my computer again with windows unfortunately for school. This is something I've dealt with dozens of times in the past but when I try to recover grub 2 with the ubuntu live cd I get this:

sudo grub
sudo: grub: command not found

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Reinstall Doesn't Generate Grub.cfg?

Dec 10, 2010

I have ubuntu 10.10 running on my HP dv5 pavilion laptop So today i tried to reinstall grub on my pc .. i removed grub-pc and grub-common using synaptic then booted up with a live cd of ubuntu 10.04 i then mounted sda11 to mnt using sudo mount /dev/sda11 /mnt sda11 being my ubuntu directory containing the /boot then i installed grub to it using sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda it reported as installation finished.No error reported then i unmounted /mnt and checked for /boot/grub/grub.cfg seems like the file is missing so are the files in /etc/grub.d/ reinstall my grub back

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Ubuntu :: Grub Loading - Unknown Filesystem Rescue Grub

Jan 31, 2010

Yesterday I partitioned my hard drive with kubuntu netbook remix and windows 7. after a few hours and reboots i turned on my computer and it said Grub loading. unknown filesystem rescue grub> It looks like allot of people have been having similar errors recently with windows 7.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Grub Error On Hardware Raid 1 / Default Root Device Shows That Prefix=(hd0,1)/grub?

Apr 13, 2011

I'm currently setting up a dell server with hardware raid 1 on sas 6r. i got 4 sas installed on the server and configured to raid 1 as stated below,
array 1:
slot 0 & 1

array 2:
slot 2 & 3

during the installation, the installer detect the array 2 as sda and array 1 as sdb.. so i proceed with installation on array 2. after completed the installation, the first reboot lead me to a 'grub-rescue" prompt. by following the guide at url Mode, i've noticed that the boot folder has changed to (hd1,1), which i believe it has changed to sdb1. default root device shows that prefix=(hd0,1)/grub.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Loads Grub Instead Of Windows?

May 24, 2010

I do not know what to do, i cannot load windows partition. it just loads grub again. this must have been something that happened when i upgraded to the 10.04 or w/e. can someoen help me out with what i can do to stop this or fix it. maybe i can reinstall but i want to know what will work first, i do not have a lot of time to fool with my computer like this again. i spent a week getting ubuntu on my computer the first time so i do not ever want to spend that much time again especially in finals week. !

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Ubuntu :: Use The Grub Command Line To Reinstall Grub From A Cd?

Jun 2, 2010

Can I use the grub command line to reinstall grub from a ubuntu cd?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Doesn't Load The Menu From Grub.cfg

Aug 19, 2010

When I start the computer the boot menu doesn't prompt, when I try to load it manually it doesn't prompt neither, it just reset the command line.The grub.cfg was generated by update-grub.It's really annoying to load the kernel manually each time the computer starts.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Update Grub - /etc/default/grub: 19: E: Not Found

Nov 12, 2010

I've been trying change the default OS in GRUB. I changed the value for GRUB_DEFAULT in etc/default/grub. However, when I run update-grub, I get the following error:

/etc/default/grub: 19: e: not found

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