Ubuntu Servers :: GRUB Won't Autoboot Without Monitor?

Jul 3, 2010

I've installed Ubuntu Server on an old computer and I want it to autoboot as it is intended to be a headless box.I have installed the desktop packages to allow me to use FreeNX.URL]Unfortunately I've already made these changes and it still seems to need a monitor before it will show the boot menu and a keyboard to press enter on the first option.If I restart from within the gnome desktop, it will reboot perfectly. If I use shutdown -r now, shutdown -s now or shutdown -h now and then power it on again, it will display the GRUB boot menu without automatically booting.

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Ubuntu :: Autoboot Into OS In GRUB?

Jul 27, 2010

I have only Ubuntu installed, but somehow, the GRUB menu somehows shows up everytime I boot. Is there a way to make it autoboot into Ubuntu?

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Fedora :: Does Not Countdown In Grub / No Autoboot?

Mar 7, 2010

My fedora does not autoboot. I get stuck at the grub selection green. I have the choice of one kernel and I have to press enter before I can continue to boot into the OS. Is there a way to fix this? /etc/grub.conf, menu.lst and /boot/grub/grub.conf are all identical. I have tried different timeout # as well as default=saved. Still nothing works and fedora does not count down.

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Ubuntu :: Stop Autoboot / When Enter Password It Saying Failed Authentication?

Feb 25, 2011

how do i stop autoboot of ubuntu? and when i try do " su " in the terminal and i enter my password it says failed authentication

but i logged out and logged in again with the password and it worked? is there a default password

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Ubuntu Servers :: Grub Error On Hardware Raid 1 / Default Root Device Shows That Prefix=(hd0,1)/grub?

Apr 13, 2011

I'm currently setting up a dell server with hardware raid 1 on sas 6r. i got 4 sas installed on the server and configured to raid 1 as stated below,
array 1:
slot 0 & 1

array 2:
slot 2 & 3

during the installation, the installer detect the array 2 as sda and array 1 as sdb.. so i proceed with installation on array 2. after completed the installation, the first reboot lead me to a 'grub-rescue" prompt. by following the guide at url Mode, i've noticed that the boot folder has changed to (hd1,1), which i believe it has changed to sdb1. default root device shows that prefix=(hd0,1)/grub.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot See Grub Because Of Incorrect Monitor Timings

Apr 28, 2011

I'm using 11.04 and when I boot I see post messages and then when it gets to grub I just see black screen with a monitor timing not supported issue. I have a geforce 6100 nforce 405 video card with a Dell U2311H monitor. It does boot to the desktop eventually, and everything from there on works as expected.

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Ubuntu :: 1920x1080 Resolution Monitor / Does It Support Grub?

Jul 21, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on a new system. The system is not showing correct resolution in the grub menu and the splash screen is black, until I reach the logon screen.Screen resolution, and video rendering after booting is picture-perfect.I presume this is a bug of the sort "VBE does not support 1920x1080 wide screen resolution".Or, maybe I am missing some point.I hope there must be some workaround.

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Ubuntu :: After Grub Screen Goes Blank - No Signals On Monitor

Feb 5, 2011

I just installed ubuntu 10.10 did a clean install, formatting the previous ones. Install completed successfully, rebooted, entered in GRUB, chose linux, linux starts the my screen goes black, there is no signal coming to my monitor, linux runs fine though i think because I hear the ubuntu login drum. I press ctrl+alt+F1, but can't get to console either, the screen is looking for input signal. Should note the I have a Palit NVdia 9600GT gpu because I saw that people with NVdia card sometimes have similar problems.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Fresh Install - No Monitor Signal / Grub Does Not Appear

Jun 22, 2010

I did a fresh install of Lucid Lynx, and now when I start up it shows a blinking cursor for a second or so and then my monitor shows an "Input signal out of range" error. The same thing has happened before, and I was able to fix it by editing the boot options in grub to include 'nomodeset'. However, this time the usual grub loading screen where I would normally press esc to edit the boot options doesn't appear. (Spamming esc doesn't seem to work either.) If it matters (which I have an odd feeling that it does) I partitioned the hard drive into an ext4 partition that mounts at / , a swap partition, and another ext4 partition that mounts at /home . I attached a screenshot of what GParted says about it.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cant Run Server Without Monitor?

Apr 9, 2010

i have a web server, nas server sitting in the corner of my room and just upgraded to lucid via ssh and it is quite strange that ubuntu server wont start unless a monitor is plugged in and i really don't want a monitor sitting in the corner

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Monitor LAN Web Traffic

May 24, 2010

I have a number of computers on a LAN. There are 3 laptops and 1 desktop, all running windows. I also have a Ubuntu server in the garage which servers up files to all those on the LAN. The server is not visible outside of the LAN for security reasons. Now, I want to track all traffic from any computer in my house that is coming and going in and out from the inter-tubes. I do not want to add this as a service to my current server as (a) it is behind the LAN and (b) I don't want to mess with security issues with that server.

I think I could set up a computer (an extra) which is between the modem and the router with two ethernet cards which would be able to monitor all traffic coming and going. This computer would, obviously, be exposed to all potential attacks as it wouldn't be behind the router's firewall. I'm not sure exactly how that would like or what software to use.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 - How To Boot Without A Monitor

Sep 25, 2010

im trying to boot ubuntu 10.04 and it only boot when the screen cable is connected how can i set it to boot without the monitor

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Ubuntu Servers :: Monitor A Ip Address Like

Oct 24, 2010

if i wanna monitor a ip address like i edit switch.cfg or localhost.cfg?or other configure file?2nd question is about sambai did install every samba packages for folder sharingbut i still got error msg 'no such file/folder' when i start samba in terminali tried to restart nmbd and smbd; they r not working to fix this problem

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Boot Without Monitor

May 11, 2011

I have an ubuntu server installed on an old computer (Its a Pentium 4) and it was running fine for a while but ever since I installed the JDK (x11-common was a dependency) the system starts fine but I'm unable to connect to it through ssh unless a monitor was plugged into the computer. I also am unable to ping it, meaning its no longer connected.

Also, if I leave it running for a while it the same thing happens (ping returns destination not found). Anyone knows how can I fix this?

I don't know if this is useful but the server is connected to a wireless network that uses a WPA2 key.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Machine To Monitor Traffic?

Feb 3, 2010

What is the setup required in order for a 2 NIC machine to only forward traffic ?

I am planning to set up a machine between the LAN and Router like this:

LAN <--> machine <--> router <--> internet

This machine will only forward traffic. I will use it with ntop, squid, maybe snort
or maybe Untangle if I find it satisfactory.

Is my scenario fiable ?

I want to forward traffic, use ntop and squid on it.

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Ubuntu Servers :: KK Not Responding With Disabled Monitor?

Feb 23, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu KK server, and when I turn on my machine without monitor, after 5-7 min - system stop and not responding on all my requests (network, keyboard.). With enabled monitor all work good.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Monitor Website Bandwidth Used?

Mar 27, 2010

I am hosting some websites and i want to monitor who is using more resources from a thoughput standpoint... Would this be bandwidth monitoring. can use to monitor these sites. I am using an uptodate version of apache2 and a single ip vhost setup.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Change Monitor Resolution 10.04?

Oct 19, 2010

Installed server 10.04 using an old Sony 19" multi scan 400ps CRT monitor. The command line font is less than 1/8" high: something on the order of a large 4pt or small 5pt font. Made several attempts to locate the correct info using the man functions and searching the archives, but so far have not been unable to find the needed information. The eye strain is about to make me eligible for a white cane with a red tip.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Sever Without Keyboard Or Monitor?

Jan 13, 2011

I've recently decided to make a foray into the world of servers without any knowledge or experience. Yesterday, I ordered a Dell t110. I understand this is a really low-end server but I think it will work for home use. I am on a budget and literally just ordered the box. No keyboard. No mouse. No monitor. Not even an additional hard drive! With the exception of SLIGHTLY upgrading the processor, the thing is basically stock.

My question is this: Can I control and operate this server with my laptop somehow? Will that allow me to install Ubuntu Server as well as perform systems administration tasks? Ultimately, I'd like to get a new flat screen for the living room and have that be the monitor, with a wireless keyboard and mouse. However, like I said... I'm on a budget. I don't think I can sell my wife on that one right away. So... in the meantime, I need a way to actually USE my server.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 11.04 - Out Of Range Error On Monitor

May 7, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu server on one of my computers, but when I boot up the screen goes blank and the monitor gives me an 'Out of Range' error. I understand that this means that the resolution settings are too large for the monitor, but I don't understand how to change them, since there is no GUI installed. Details:


Recommended Resolution is 1280x1024

I have also tried it on another monitor with a recommended resolution of 1920x1080, This also gave me an OOR error. Ubuntu Server version 11.04

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Ubuntu Servers :: Monitor Data Usage - With A Proxy ?

Jul 3, 2010

Is there something which can act as a fully fledged proxy (exactly like squid) but which can also monitor data usage?

At the moment what I do is I log data usage of IP addresses (allocated by DHCP) by using IPFM. Obviously getting a new IP address from a DHCP server isn't hard and this could be abused.

So I was thinking if I require proxy authentication and log usage that way, there is no way for anyone to abuse the system.

Does anyone know of a proxy server capable of logging data usage?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Headless Server Won't Detect Monitor?

Aug 29, 2010

I've got a headless server (32 bit 9.04/9.10, can't remember) that started refusing SSH and HTTP connections a few days ago, and I'm just getting around to hopefully fixing it. The problem is that I can't even connect to the darn thing. I've plugged in a mouse, keyboard, and monitor, but the monitor tells me that it has no signal. I know the monitor works with the computer, as I used the same one to set up the server.

Just for kicks, I even tried to put in a live CD, but that didn't help. Any ideas on how I can connect to this thing?


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Ubuntu Servers :: Real Text Mode For Monitor?

Oct 16, 2010

I've installed an Ubuntu GNU/Linux 10.04 Server (Lucid Lynx) in a great computer, but with a small and old CRT monitor, that doesn't support much screen resolutions and frequencies. How can I do to make the system to use everytime traditional text mode (80x25 characters or compatibles)?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Vnc Doesn't Work Unless Monitor Is Connected

Feb 17, 2011

Last night I was able to set up my server so that I can just connect vnc. I even was able to be connected at the log on screen so I could select which user I wanted to log in at. For some reason today, I have to have the monitor plugged in all the until the logon screen comes up before vnc will connect. Once the logon screen is up, I then can connect via vnc & select which user I want to logon as. It's odd because it worked last nigh, but today - Nope nada, it doesn't work & I can't explain why. I did clean up - Removing some applications I don't need on my server. (I'm hoping that isn't the problem) It's odd as well because I don't have to be logged on as a user to connect via vnc, I just have to wait until the logon screen is available...Then I can unplugged the monitor & logon.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Monitor A Buffalo Raid Array?

Jun 6, 2011

I have 10.04 server with a linkstation raid 5 attached via usb. What is the best way to monitor the drives for a failure? Its at a remote site

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Ubuntu Servers :: Not Found A Command To Monitor Cpu Usage

Jun 20, 2011

I'm monitoring all kind of things like ( Mem, network, cpu, IOPS,..) But still not found a command where i can see the CPU usage but in MHZ ( or Hz). Using top or looking into /proc/cpuinfo doesn't give me the info i want.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Application To Monitor Ping Times To Clients

Sep 11, 2010

I have an embedded server running Ubuntu which is on a network with a lot of wireless AP's. The AP's doesn't support SNMP or anything else, so I monitor if they are up or down by simply pinging them continuously.

My question is if there is anything I could install on the server that could provide me with a webpage where I could see the ping time to the AP's? So it just shows a list of the IP's I have told it to ping, and what their latest response time is. This is what I basically need, but if it were more advanced than that, and could give warnings if ping time were to high etc.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup And Run Monit To Monitor An Apache2 Webserver?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm trying to set up and run Monit to monitor an Apache2 webserver, I want to be able to ensure Apache is running and if it's not have it restarted with an email alert sent out.

The monitrc (edited for relevance) looks like:

check system *server name*
if loadavg (1min) > 4 then alert
if loadavg (5min) > 2 then alert


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Ubuntu Servers :: Realtime Bandwidth Monitor 10.10 (Bridged Connection)

Apr 14, 2011

I posted this in the Networking section, but should probably be over here. Couldn't move it. I have a transparent proxy in place. I have Webmin installed on the server. Is there an app that can monitor bandwidth in real time? Also run reports? I have SARG installed, but seems to only monitor HTTP traffic, I need to monitor all traffic. I have a bridged connection, but monitoring the outside interface is fine too.

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Server :: Monitor 200 Servers - System Administration ?

Apr 28, 2011

Say,you have 200 linux servers and you want to monitor things like, disk activity, disk usage, CPU usage, various logs of the servers. What tool is best recommended for this system administration purpose ?

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