Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Error Copying To USB Devices

Feb 3, 2010

When copying files to USB storage of any sort, Nautilus has started hanging after a few files (varies from 1-200 files and a few MB to over 5GB on various occasions), failing to unmount the device, and eventually throwing up an I/O error and freezing.

If I kill/restart Nautilus and reconnect the device it can still be read but comes up as read-only. I can't copy files to the device again, and attempts to erase and reformat it fail in both Ubuntu and Vista. Oddly enough XP will reformat the device, after which it works properly again.

Please help! I could deal when it happened to my USB key but I just bollocked my mate's portable drive and he's a bit pissed off Seems to be happening on all my USB ports.

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Ubuntu :: Copying Home Directory To USB Drive - Error

Apr 15, 2010

I am getting ready to upgrade from Ubuntu 8.10 to 9,04 (I am a bit behind, I know). I just drag my home folder to a USB drive to back up and it should copy all the files (including hidden ones).

When I tried this, I get the error that Symbolic links cannot be created. Should I worry about this? Would this effect my backup in some fashion?

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Ubuntu :: Error While Copying From Hard Drive To Usb Stick?

Jul 11, 2010

when I am trying to copy any of my files to usb stick, it gives me this alert: the folder cannot be copied because you do not have permissions to create it in the destination.

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Ubuntu :: Error Copying File To External Drive?

Aug 2, 2010

i have this .mkv file of a movie which is of size 7.9GB and when i try to copy it to my external drive after some time it shows a error saying "Error splicing file: file too long" so how to copy help

my external HD's file format is vfat. and i am using ubuntu 10.04

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Error While Copying, Invalid Argument?

Jan 5, 2010

I'm running ubuntu 9.04 and trying to pull over some files via the GUI from a XP box over locally. I'm getting this error:"error while copying file into /volcano/tunes invalid argument" (under show more details)If I just copy over a mp3 file it works fine but the when I copy the entire directory I get this error.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Encountered Error Copying Files To HD

Jun 2, 2011

I have an Asus eee 1000. Was running Ubuntu 10.04 netbook remix quite happily for some months until recently when I had some problems and decided to reinstall. Unfortunately that is when my real problems began. I have tried using various CD.s with Ubuntu 10.04 desktop and Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook remix.

Both give the same error - The installer encountered an error copying files to the hard disk: [Errno 5] Input/output error

This is often due to a faulty CD/DVD disk or drive, or a faulty hard disk. It may help to clean the CD/DVD, to burn the CD/DVD at a lower speed, to clean the CD/DVD drive lens (cleaning kits are often available from electronics suppliers), to check whether the hard disk is old and in need of replacement, or to move the system to a cooler environment.

I tried using an SD card to install - that also gave errors. I tried installing Windows as much as I hate it and, annoyingly, that installed without any problems whatsoever. Then I tried using the Alternate Install disc. That gave me a different error - did everything and apparently installed a "basic" system but failed to install software. Struggled to find an answer to that. How I can get Ubuntu 10.04 back on my netbook. As it stands at the moment I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that I will have to install Windows or buy a new netbook - this seems preposterous!

I have seen that many people have this error and so it seems like some sort of bug. The only clue I had is that I did succeed in installing Ubuntu on my second 32 GB SD (the netbook has two (an 8 GB and a 32 GB). Unfortunately this SD appears much slower than the first so I erased it and went back to trying to get it on the 8 GB as before. Now it won't install on either - gives the same error. I do not believe that both my SD.s can be faulty and so I can only assume that somehow they both need erasing or formatting or something before I can reinstall.

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Ubuntu :: Installer Encountered Error Copying Files To Hard Disk

Oct 18, 2010

I have about 170 Gigabyte free at the last of my hard. I have windows 7 and suse linux installed on the machine. When I try to install ubunto. I start to create the partitions manually because I want to add it as a third operating system on my PC. Anyway I create the 4 partitions /boot - / - /var - /home. Automatically it choose to install the boot on sda not sda 9 as the /boot was sda9. I click install.

It gives me this message "The installer encountered an error copying files to the hard disk:
[Errno 5] Input/output error

This is often due to a faulty CD/DVD disk or drive, or a faulty hard disk. It may help to clean the CD/DVD, to burn the CD/DVD at a lower speed, to clean the CD/DVD drive lens (cleaning kits are often available from electronics suppliers), to check whether the hard disk is old and in need of replacement, or to move the system to a cooler environment." I burn another cd and do the same ... the same problem.

I try to create the partitions at the end of the hard disk not the beginning although I am sure that there is no error in the hardware but the same message. Lastly I change the boot to be created in sda 9. The same problem, when I do everything. I download Linux mint another operating system and do the same points. The same error message appeared by the way the boot is being damaged after restarting and I have to fix it from suse linux cd.

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Fedora :: There Was An Error Copying File Into Smb://path/folder?

Jun 10, 2010

I'm using fedora 13 to connect to my server's share folder(windows server 2003) and i found that i can create folder,create file, access and open or delete the file in the window share folder, but i can't save or replace the file in the share folder. the error message is like below...there are error copying file into smb://path/folderShow more detail:
Invalid argumenti also have attach the pictureby the way....i had disable the firewall and selinux already....but still can't save the file into the window share folder.previously i use fedora 11 and all is ok with no problem, but the fedora13 got this problem, please tell me what cause this happen?

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General :: Samba Error While Copying Invalid Argument

Jan 4, 2010

I'm running ubuntu 9.04 and trying to pull over some files via the GUI from a XP box over locally. I'm getting this error:

"error while copying file into /volcano/tunes invalid argument" (under show more details)

If I just copy over a mp3 file it works fine but the when I copy the entire directory I get this error.

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General :: Scp Error While Copying Files Between Two Remote Computers

Jul 28, 2010

iam trying to scp files between two remote computers, i get the following error:

Host key verification failed.
lost connection

What i am trying to do is : scp u1@ip1:/source_path u2@op2:/destination_path

I am able to ssh into both machines fine, so i know that works. I tried google for this but couldn't make much of the results.

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Ubuntu :: Error Encountered - (EE) No Devices Detected

Jan 8, 2011

I recently had a hard drive on a computer (not to be obvious), and I fried the computer. You may ask "well why did you do that?" well, simply because I had accidentally bumped and switched to 220 volts, rather than keeping it at 115 like a sane individual. Anyway, I got a new computer, swapped the hard drive. When I go to boot into ubuntu though, it gives me the following error:

Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode
The following error was encountered. You may need to update your configuration to solve this.
(EE) No devices detected.

I also have XP on this hard drive, and it works almost better than it did on my old one, surprisingly. all i have to do now for it to be labeled as efficient, is to get some RAM. But anyway, what can I do about the error message? I tried booting into recovery, running dpkg from the list of options, and it did a couple of things.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - Installer Encountered An Error Copying Files To The Hard Disk

Dec 2, 2010

Each time, different methods, I get this about 3/4 of the way through:

The installer encountered an error copying files to the hard disk:

[Errno 5] Input/output error

This is often due to a faulty CD/DVD disk or drive, or a faulty hard disk. It may help to clean the CD/DVD, to burn the CD/DVD at a lower speed, to clean the CD/DVD drive lens (cleaning kits are often available from electronics suppliers), to check whether the hard disk is old and in need of replacement, or to move the system to a cooler environment.

The only possibility of those is the CD being bad. But I've used it before, recently, and it was fine. I will burn another one from my other computer and try, but it shouldn't be doing this.

Question: If I plan to only use Ubuntu on this computer (no dual boot) should I make the /,swap and /home partitions all Primary or some logical, or does it even matter?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Copying Data Setup Tells About An Input/Output Error?

Dec 20, 2010

I want to install Xubuntu 10.10 x64, but it does not work. While copying data the setup tells me about an Input/Output error, but i don't think there are hardware errors.

The environment:

AMD Phenom II 1055t 6x2,8 Ghz
2x 2gb ram
Hitachi 1TB hard drive
Two partitions: 1st for Windows 7 Ultimate (NTFS), 2nd for my Data (NTFS)

So I decreased the size of the data partition and created two new partitions beside the Win7 partition and the data partition. The first is ext4-journal (20gb) the second is Swap (4gb). I've done that all by the Xubuntu setup.

I've downloaded the image from the german mirror (TU Chemniz) and checked the integrety via SHA1. Checksum was correct. I also checked the data after burning.

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Fedora Hardware :: External Drive Permissions - Error While Copying

Aug 7, 2011

I've got two external drives that are using ext4 that for whatever reason, I just can't seem to write too. I've changed the permissions on the drives using chmod so the permissions are "drwxrwxrwx". I can even right click within the drive and click "Create New Folder" but then it tells me, "Error while copying to "sdc1". The destination is read-only." I thought the destination permissions were setup so anyone can read/write to the disk? I haven't been using linux that long and have only recently started to feel comfortable to move over all of my stuff to Fedora.

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Debian Configuration :: Error Copying From Jessie To Share Folder In Win7

Mar 24, 2016

This my scenery:

1 pc windows 7.
1 pc linux debian jessie.

From jessie, mount a share folder in windows 7, in this way: mount -t cifs //windows7/sharefolder /mnt/windows7 -o user=pychi,password=mypass,uid=pychi,gid=pychi

And work fine, the user pychi and root, copy to windows share folder perfect and fast, but the big problem is:

when i copy a big folder, example 40 gb, after 30% or similar, stop the copy, and this is a list of different errors:

- It's not possible change file proprietary on destiny.
- not enough space
- can't fix attributes, date, time, proprietary, group.

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Fedora Installation :: Error W/ F13 Install To HD During Copying Of Live Image To Disk

Aug 25, 2010

I'm a Linux newbie and are trying to install F13 from bootable USB onto the HD of a DELL mini netbook. I've followed the install wizard's defaults including the "Use All Space option." The install errors out at about 20% of progress during the "Copying live image to hard drive" process. The error dialog is as followed:"There was an error installing the live image to your hard drive. This could be due to bad media. Please verify your installation media..." and it comes with options to Exit installer or Retry. I have since retried and restarted several times and still came to the same error. FYI, I've initially attempted to install F13 to the HD over an existing Windows XP.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Error - No Network Devices Available - 5.3

May 6, 2009

Right now I have this error

On my top right hand corner. No network devices available.

My distro is Centos 5.3

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: An Error Occurred - No Valid Devices Were Found

Jul 12, 2010

when i want to install centos 5.5 i take this error:

An error occurred - no valid devices werefound on which to crate new file systems.

my hardware specification is:

motherboard: gigabyte p55a-ud3
ram: ddr3 crucial 4gb
cpu: corei5 750
hdd: 2X1TB wd black edition raid1

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Boot LiveCD / 'No Devices Matches MBR Identifier' Error

Jul 5, 2010

I am certain that the problem is not with the CD. It can boot on my laptop. It's the RC2 of OpenSuse 11.3 Gnome. When I try to boot on my PC, I get the error "No devices matches MBR identifier: 0x502eadc3".I had some problems when installing Ubuntu, with HDD partitioning because it's SATA3. I tried several things, chandged from IDE to ACHI in Bios, then after it didn't work I simply plugged out all of the Sata cables but still the same. It should be because of Bios settings I guess.I have Gigabyte X58A-UD3R mainboard. Please help, I really love OpenSuse

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General :: MRTG - Some Devices Unable To Generate Log File And Giving The Error

Jul 9, 2010

I ahve configured MRTG to generate bandwidth utilization graphs of Network devices.

I ahve configured 30 Network device ( Cisco Switches and Routers), For most of the devices MRTG is working fine but for some devices it is not able to generate log file and giving the following error:

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Slackware :: Fatal Server Error: Failed To Activate Core Devices

Sep 22, 2010

I have 3 accounts setup on this machine. One is root, one is my own, and one is for my kids. My account and root work fine, but today when I tried to log my kids on, startx fails (it also fails from runlevel4). I have tried creating new accounts and they fail as well. I'm not sure when the issue started, but it's been less than a week I believe. The consistent error which I receive is

(EE) Error compiling keymap (server-0)
(EE) XKB: Couldn't compile keymap
XKB: Failed to compile keymap

Keyboard initialization failed. This could be a missing or incorrect setup of xkeyboard-config. Fatal server error: Failed to activate core devices.

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General :: Error Message - No Volume Control GStreamer Plugins And/or Devices Found

Jun 20, 2010

Recently I bought a Toshiba NB100 from a family friend. All was going well until I installed some updates and now when I try to unmute my speakers I get this error message pop up.....

"No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found"

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Ubuntu :: Error (splicing File: Input / Output) While Copying File

Jun 3, 2010

When I try to copy PDF files from one folder to another folder, it give me this error: "Error while copying "2004-SNUG-Europe-paper_...log_DPI_with_SystemC.pdf". There was an error copying the file into /media/CCDCE66BDCE64F70/Backup Master/Heterogeneous_cosimulation/Documentation" "Error splicing file: Input/output error" What is the reason of this error and how can this be fixed?

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Ubuntu :: Copying File - Error Reading From File Input/output

Jun 29, 2010

I have a 7.2 GB file (VMWare virtual machine file) that I am trying to copy from its original location to the another folder OR to external hard drive...each time I try to do this, I always get the following error after the copying process reach 'exactly' 1.4 GB

Error reading from file input/output error

And I have to either Cancel or Skip

I've tried to split the files to smaller pieces but the idea didn't work as I still get the same error whenever I try to compress/ split or do any operation with this file. how I can copy this file?

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Ubuntu :: Copying Gives Error "cp: Cannot Create Symbolic Link"

Jul 10, 2011

i am root i have an ext4 partition of a usb drive mounted at /mnt/sdc1 i have fat32 partition of the same drive mounted at /mnt/sdc3

i want to copy the folder /mnt/sdc1/mnt/dir to /mnt/sdc3 i navigate to /mnt/sdc3

i type this in terminal cp -r /mnt/sdc1/mnt/dir .

I get a lot of this cp: cannot create symbolic link

How do i copy something from an ext4 partition to a fat32 partition?

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Ubuntu :: Copying In Gnome - Error Getting Information About ""

Jun 27, 2011

I am having a very strange problem, up until a few days ago I have been able to copy using the gnome desktop with no problem. However I now keep on getting this error pop up window that says "Error while copying" There was an error getting information about "". When I click on the show more details buttons, nothing is there. At first I kept canceling the error message and copied the file with command line, however now I see that if I hit the the skip button on the gnome error message it goes away and it copies the file to its intended destination. I'm not sure where to even beging looking.

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Debian Multimedia :: No Audio - Error Message - No Volume Control GStreamer Plugins And/or Devices Found

Sep 2, 2010

I'm brand new to debian and quite new to unix based systems in general.

I just switched to debian from ubuntu in search of something different and I want to find a system that works for me before I settle down.


just two problems I have with debian:

No sound

Error message: No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.

When I try to open sound from the speaker icon at top right.

I think it's a driver issue but Its not as easy as ubuntu was lspci:

My trackpad also does not work so I have to open documents manually if I don't bring my mouse to class.

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Fedora :: Input/output Error When Copying Files To Fedora Live CD?

Dec 21, 2010

I booted my Fedora 13 live CD on my Dell server, and configured networking and SSHd. On my desktop I logged into the live cd and started copying over a big file (1.5 GB) (i.e. copying from the desktop computer to the server). After copying about half the fil, the download fails with an error message about the filesystem being read-only.I've seen this exact same behavior on both i386 and x86_64 of the same live CD, but don't know why it's happening. I've also had the same issue when copying small files. In /var/log/messages these messages are repeated many times:

Dec 20 12:32:23 localhost kernel: Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 684075
Dec 20 12:32:23 localhost kernel: lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: [ERROR]: No Devices Found For Driver "OSS"

Sep 28, 2010

I followed this tutorial: [URL]... I followed it on my ubuntu system to get my 2 x M-AUDIO Delta 1010s working. My deltas are now detected. And apparently it's all ok. However when I try and open Ardour (which I installed from the repos), I get: Quote: [ERROR]: No devices found for driver "OSS". My graphics cards aren't attached to their break out boxes. Could this be why? For that same reason, I can't test to see if the audio is coming out. All I know is that Ardour can't find a device.

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Ubuntu :: ERROR: Ddf1: Wrong # Of Devices In RAID Set "ddf1_Series1" [1/2] On /dev/sdb No Volume Groups Found

Jul 2, 2011

Adding a kernel parameter to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nodmraid" (not 100% it should go there grub2 is new to me, but that is another story) I noticed the following error when running update-grub.

ERROR: ddf1: wrong # of devices in RAID set "ddf1_Series1" [1/2] on /dev/sdb No volume groups found

Now I have not a clue where it is getting ddf1_Series1 from.sdf1 is part of a RAID1 group that has mdadm RAID1 > luks > LVM

md6 : active raid1 sdi1[1] sdf1[0]
1465135936 blocks [2/2] [UU]
bitmap: 0/175 pages [0KB], 4096KB chunk

Errors bug me.. as I am new to grub2 was wondering if anyone has an insight into the error / where to investigate Still reading the grub2 / grub manuals.

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