Ubuntu :: 11.04 Unbootable After Gdm Update / Showing Blank Screen?

Jun 3, 2011

Yesterday I got an update in update-manager: gdm blabla 3.2... installed. restarted. And I see nothing after the boot screen (plymouth, default one) display stays blank, even caps-lock doesn't turn on its indicator on the keyboard. hdd activity indicator on the laptop doesn't blink, only power indicator is on...
the only way is to press and hold power button to turn it off. restart and I see the same picture........

I thought that's hdd, because yesterday ubuntu froze completely on a ..... video (adobe I hate you!)

so I turned laptop off and started again (before it froze I installed that gdm "security-"update) and saw the blank screen for the first time.

then I booted into "single" mode, manually starting X OR GDM gives me the same blank screen with frozen/unusable keyboard, caps-, numlock do not word, I can't switch virtual terminals...

so I've reinstalled the whole system an hour ago. Everything went well!!!!I booted into clean 11.04 (except my configs, cuz I haven't formated /home partition). Then I restored my ppa's (/etc/apt) that I backed up from the 'single' mode... updated apt database, restored all of my backuped apps (dpkg --get-selections >... dpgk --set-selections <...)an hour to update everything. installed ati driver, RESTART, and what I see? BLANK SCREEN RIGHT AFTER PLYMOUTH.

startx from single mode = blank screen
gdm start from single mode = blank screen

I can't use ubuntu, PLEASE HELP ME fixing that crap.

I downloaded yesterday gdm blabla3, blabla3.1 and blabla3.2

downgraded the crapped gdm-0ubuntu3.2 to 3 and to 3.1 NO DIFFERENCE. I JUST GET BLANK SCREEN.

before restoring the apps everything worked.


there are absolutely NO ERRORS in /var/log/*I viewed every file from that dir, that was created at boot attempt...no errors, nothing, just blank screen

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Ubuntu :: Showing Blank Screen If Shutdown?

May 18, 2011

When i try to shut down the computer hangs itself by showing a blank screen, then i have to do forced shutdown by pressing the shutdown key for a long time.why it is so?

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Ubuntu :: Boots Up Showing Logo - Then To A Blank Screen ?

Apr 8, 2010

I've had no problems out of my multi-boot setup.. at all, and now all of a sudden (after an update on ubuntu? my JoliCloud and Ubuntu seem to do the same thing.. they show the logo then go to a black screen, doing nothing afterwards. i was wanting to know how to get this working again.. this is an Acer aspire One 11.6in AO751h. it's using grub to boot into it. i used EasyBCD to get it to let me choose ubuntu from windows start menu and it takes me to grub and all works(well worked until some update?) well.. even my windows 7 boots up just fine...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen After Update To 1104 / Get GUI Back?

Jun 20, 2011

.I am new to Ubuntu. Installed and got 10.10 working fine with wireless network. Tried to update to 11.04. Due to flakey wireless connection I only got a partial update downloaded. Tried to insatll what I had but that didn't finish either. On boot up I had a completely blank screen. Tried restore (multi boot system with WIN98SE Separate partitions) but don't know enough about command line tools to know what to do with what comes up. BTW, WIN98SE comes up fine. If I am understanding what the restore screen shows, it is coming up in TTY1. How do I get the GUI back?

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Update Renders System Unbootable?

Nov 22, 2010

My mom's computer is no longer bootable. I was thinking of attempting to fix it later on this week and am thinking of doing a chroot and updating via a live CD hoping that an even newer update solves the problem but I have some doubts of success. Does anyone have any information about this issue so that I can be better prepared to fix it? Also, I thought I should mention that I tried the second newest kernel to see if that would make it work. It didn't. The error is something along the lines of having the /dev/diskuuid change. If I'm correct, Ubuntu changed the disk's name and is trying to boot the old name. It's dropping to an initramfs shell (not the regular terminal where you can work miracles ).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Computer Wouldn't Reboot After The Update, Blank Screen?

Apr 5, 2010

i have installed ubuntu 9.10 on my hp nx6325 notebook, and everything was working just fine, then it updated and problem started coming up. First the computer wouldn't reboot after the update, blank screen, then i manually reboted and now some programs don't work (ubuntu software center, update maneger, avant window navigator)

i assume the update did some damage, so how can i repair this, is there a recovery tool or something.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update From 10.04 To 10.10 - Blank Screen And Unable To Wake The Machine

Jun 3, 2011

Upgraded online from 10.04 to 10.10 this morning....went OK I think! Was offered option to upgrade further to 11.04...and went for it!! Returned later to a blank screen.....unable to wake the machine....no disk activity Now have some function via a live CD......any thoughts on how I can proceed from here? I would like to persevere with the 'upgrade' route, as a fresh install will result in much loss of files

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen: 10.04, ATI Radeon 9550 / X Tries To Load Screen Just Goes Blank?

May 9, 2010

I am having the same problem, as soon as X tries to load my screen just goes blank. I have an ATI Radeon 9550. At first I tried switching between VGA and DVI as well but upon ruling that out, I switch to my on-board video card and that is working thus far, but I'm trying very hard to figure out a way to be able to switch back. Anyways I'll check back in later on if I have any new information I will post.

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Fedora Hardware :: Blank Screen After Kernel Update F14 / Sort It?

Jan 19, 2011

Using hd3200 on a lenovo edge 13.

followed this guide to install catalyst 10.12 and everything went fine and drivers got loaded.

Just updated the kernel to the latest version( and after the reboot, the screen is just blank.

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Fedora :: 14 Unbootable After Latest Kernel Update?

May 11, 2011

I have a Macbook Pro 5,5. I had Fedora 14 installed on it, updated to the latest version. I updated the kernel, and performed an update. Now, every time my system starts, it loads up the startup fedora bar, and it gets stuck at the bar being loaded 100%.I press ESC to see what is going on behind the scenes, and I notice that the problem is that atd cannot start up.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Failed Update Of 10.10 Results In Unbootable System?

Feb 4, 2011

yesterday I performed an automatic security update suggested by the update manager on my virtualized (with VirtualBox on a Windows 7 host) Ubuntu 10.10 installation.

The update somehow failed and left me with an unbootable system. When I try to boot, I am told that various folders, files, and what not are missing. Then the system drops into a busybox and leaves me with an (initramfs) prompt.

This happens with all kernels I get offered by GRUB, although the error messages are quite different from kernel to kernel.

Well, the short of it is this: I don't have the slightest idea on how to get back to a working system and this site is the final straw I'm willing to grab. A complete disaster like this following an update initiated and executed by the system is unheard of in Windows-land; at least I haven't heard of it, yet, and therefore I am going to abandon Ubuntu and Linux altogeteher, if there is no remedy.

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Fedora :: Unbootable On A Variable Basis / Freezes At GDM/login Screen?

Dec 9, 2009

I have an odd problem - that I'm having difficulty tracking down the cause!

Since upgrading F12 I have had varying levels of success booting in. Let me explain.

1. Boot
2. Plymouth graphic progresses
3. Freezes at GDM/login screen - Mouse freezes and Keyboard lights flash
4. Hard Reset with pushed in power button
5. Repeat with different kernel - usually the same result (the only exception appears to be kernel - this appears to have a better boot success than the other kernels listed)

In particular the .PAE kernels do not boot AT ALL ( this includes the 6-145 and 6-162 kernels). However the .PAE kernels did work on F11!

ABRT does seem to capture the following kerneloops (url very frequently (yes I do return them to kerneloops)

BUT on reviewing the /var/log/messages file they don't appear to coincide with these boot failures times!

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Fedora :: Rescue Data From Unbootable / Hangs Before Loading The Splash Screen?

Apr 4, 2011

Adding several 2TB HDDs somehow crashed SATA controller on motherboard.Fedora will no longer boot.

I connected HDD (with Fedora OS) to another computer.Fedora gets past GRUB, but hangs before loading the splash screen.Is something wrong with GRUB settings?Previously, I had dual boot at GRUB (Fedora and WindowsXP).

What is the easiest way to get Fedora to boot properly on another system?I need access to those files.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Upgrade To 10.04. Windows 7 Unbootable / After Using "sudo Update-grub"?

May 9, 2010

My current situation is I have two physical hard disks, one with Windows 7 (sda) and another where I recently installed Ubuntu 9.1 (sdb). At this time there were no issues.

Now after getting used to 9.1 I selected to upgrade to 10.04 from the update manager. During this install I was told I needed to upgrade GRUB which I understand is the bootloader and was told to choose where to install it.Now at this time I had no knowledge of drive naming conventions in Linux and there was no option to cancel the upgrade to look for help, so instead I followed the advice in the help box to simply select every device listed

The result was a fully working Ubuntu installation but at the cost of an unbootable Windows 7.Windows is showing on the GRUB menu but selecting it gives only a blank screen with a flashing cursor and no ability to do anything besides ctrl-alt-delete.

After a few hours of googling solutions including downgrading GRUB, there was no change and it seems that I actually have a version of GRUB on both drives. The one on the windows drive (sda) is the default loaded GRUB that shows Windows 7 but cannot boot it. The second GRUB install on the Ubuntu drive (sdb) is the one I am able to configure through Ubuntu but does not list Windows 7 on its boot list even after using "sudo update-grub"

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General :: Screen Not Showing On Laptop But Showing On Projector When Connected

Apr 18, 2011

When I try to connect a projector to my laptop (already running) and hit the fn+f7 (the designated button for switching screen), nothing happens. I see "no source found" on projector screen and my laptop screen works perfectly. Now if I restart the laptop with the projector connected, I see all the intial booting messages on the projector screen (not on my laptop), then the gnome login screen appears on both the projector screen and laptop (when the login screen appears on laptop it looks like it has lower resolution than my usual laptop resolution). But immediately after I log in, my laptop screen goes blank, and projector screen becomes the only active screen.

If I restart without the projector, again all normal operation on laptop screen is restored.

I feel like I am missing some very silly options. Any help is appreciated.

Here is the output of xrandr when the laptop is connected:


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Ubuntu :: Does Not Mount Any DVD - Showing Blank

May 6, 2010

This is my first problem since I use ubuntu the problem is: Ubuntu does not mount any DVD and it recognize all the dvds as blank, I believe its a problem of drivers but I am not sure, besides I tried medibuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Keeps Going Blank/flashing Blank?

May 17, 2010

When i use my computer (whether it's going online, typing, playing a flash game, or coding) I get these "Black Flashes" that are becoming longer and more frequent. A "Black Flash" is when my computer screen turns blank (but you can still see the backlight) and i have to press the NUMpad ENTER button, shake my mouse furiously, or click my mouse, which sometimes causes undesired actions, but gets me my screen back. sometimes the Black Flashes last a milisecond or 5 seconds or i have to hold the power button and restart because it won't come back on.

Toshiba P205-S6337 Laptop
Ubuntu Karmic Koala
2.39 GB of RAM


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Ubuntu :: Systemtray: Blank Space / Icons Not Showing

May 24, 2011

As can be seen in the title of this post, I'm not quite sure what's going on exactly, but my systemtray icons in Lubuntu 11.04 are not shown the way they should. There's blank space between them, the equivalent of 2 or 3 icons, and the blank space is 'created' while starting up, as though they are programs. See the attached screenshot to get an idea what I'm talking about.I'm really happy with Lubuntu, this is at the moment the only thing that's bugging me. It used to be 2 empty spaces in the systemtray, now it's 3.

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Ubuntu :: Blank Background Suddenly Showing Icon On Home Directory?

Jan 9, 2010

My usually blank and happy background suddenly lists the things in my home directory. Well, it has icons for them.I have tried the gconf-editor, apps->nautilus->desktop drill, but the stuff is still there. Showed up suddenly about a day ago

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Debian :: Installer Not Showing Partitions - Hard Disk Blank

Nov 2, 2010

My PC configuration is as follows:
CPU: AMD Athlon II 245 X2

SATA Controller is in AHCI mode in BIOS.
Partition Table:
1. Pri. (Windows 7 Ultimate)
2. Log. (Data)
3. Log. 15GB free space (want to install Linux in this partition)

I want to install Debian 5.0.4 from DVD. But the installer is not showing any partitions, it says entire hard disk is blank. But I ran 'fdisk -l' in the console, it shows the partitions correctly.

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Software :: Xorg-server-1.7.1 Shows Only Blank Screen After Update From Xorg-server-1.6.3?

Jan 5, 2010

my laptop is running Slackware64 13.0. Today I tried to update to X.org 7.5 (version 1.7.1) from version 1.6.3 shipped with Slackware. I downloaded the relevant source tarballs from www.x.org and compiled them with no errors. The compiled packages are:



My laptop has an NVIDIA graphics card and I'm using the proprietary driver from NVIDIA. Thus I reinstalled the driver after the update and tried to launch X.org with "startx". After a short while the NVIDIA logo appears for some hundred milliseconds and disappears then. But now the screen is blank and it is not possible to switch to another VT via Ctrl+Alt+Fx. But it is possible to login from another computer and restart everything, so that I conclude that the system does not hang.

It is even possible to do work normally with the laptop from remote. If I try to kill the X-server, it ignores SIGTERM and has to be terminated by SIGKILL. But the laptop's screen stays black and empty and does not allow to switch to another VT (chvt terminates with "interrupted system call."). dmesg does not give any errors.



X.Org X Server 1.7.1
Release Date: 2009-10-23
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Image Not Loading - Flash Screen On Blank Screen

Dec 26, 2010

Is there a known problem with the Lubuntu 10.10 image here? I have downloaded it to two different computers, then burned the images to two different blank CD's (different brands) and neither loads. Both only get as far as the Lubuntu menu, once ENTER is pressed at that point to load the LiveCD, a blank screen eventually appears with a flashing cursor at the upper left of the screen, that's it. They were both burned using the slowest burn speeds available.

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Ubuntu :: Login Screen And The Bootsplash Screen Are Showing Xubuntu Logo?

Sep 28, 2010

i have installed xubuntu desktop on my Ubuntu PC. But now the login screen and the bootsplash screen are showing Xubuntu logo etc . How do I fix this?

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Ubuntu :: (Grub - Windows 7 - Unknown Filesystem) - Screen Goes Blank And Screen On-button Begins To Blink

Jan 26, 2011

The day started as usual until I got the very bright idea to install Ubuntu. A new OS along side W7, that sounded great. I checked some guides on the Internet, it was all very straight forward. Install it and Grub will show you the OS:es when you boot up. I installed Ubuntu, rebooted. After the BIOS messages the screen goes blank and my screen on-button begins to blink, as if trying to find a signal, I press enter, it reboots instantly. After BIOS messages I get to a screen that says "GRUB error: uknown filesystem grub rescue>"

I've looked through everything here and nothing works. I've tried to fix the mbr-thingy using Windows Repair and even though it says "one partition was updated with new boot-thingy" when I reboot, I get into that very same grub rescue. I think my setup has something to do with it. I run RAID0 (2x360Gb hard drives), first having C: at 50Gb and then the rest as F: for programs and such. What I did was that I shrunk the F: part and then used that as partition for Ubuntu. Also please have a look at these screenshots, my partitiontables and such seems completely wacky to the raid: Where should the boot-loader go? I'm very, very new at this. I've had Ubuntu Netbook remix on my netbook for a time but still treat me as an utter beginner.

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Ubuntu :: Xubuntu Black Screen / Blank Screen Using Live CD?

Oct 9, 2010

I'm trying to test out using xubuntu 10.04 on my one computer and keep getting a black/blank screen after selecting the 'try' menu option.Is there a way to fix this?I have tried some of settings via F6 with no luck.

FYI -The CD works fine as I have tested it on other machines.The version I am trying is xubuntu x86 (although I have tried ubuntu 10.04 x86 with similar results).I can Alt+Ctrl+F1 fine and get to the cmd prompt

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Ubuntu :: Blank Screen On Boot / Very Fast Plymouth Screen

Jan 14, 2011

I fixed this issue on 10.04, but just recently (1 hour ago) upgraded to 10.10 and am having the same issue. Machine boots fine, but the screen is blank for most of the boot, and plymouth is up for about a half second before I get to the login screen.I've tried searching the threads, but for the life of me I can't find the solution and can't remember what I did to fix it on Lucid.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Goes Blank Or Boots To Tty1 After Loading Screen?

Apr 15, 2011

like any other Linux newb, I came to Ubuntu because my Windows crashed one time too many. And I chose Ubuntu because "it just works". But these past few days that hasn't been true. I'm posting this from a netbook with Ubuntu, and am having no problems whatsoever, but normally I use an Acer Aspire 5920G laptop. I'll include the specs as written on the sticker:

* Intel Core 2 Duo processor T5250 (1.5GHz etc)
* Up to 1024 MB Nvidia Geforce 8600M GS Turbocache
* 2 GB DDR2

Let me know if you need more details, and I'll add them later. Now, what happened was I clicked "hibernate" while leaving Firefox open. (I've done this hundreds of times, no problem) And when I went to turn it back on the next day there were weird graphical glitches in the loading screen, and it booted to the "tty1" prompt screen. I did a lot of googling and found quite a few posts about it, but the solutions either didn't work, or I didn't understand them. After trying several different suggestions from this forum and others, I managed to delete the graphics drivers. That enabled me to boot in low graphics mode, and naturally, I tried a whole bunch of things to make it work properly again. That only made it worse. Now it went straight from the loading screen to just blanking out and turning the display off. So, I tried new things. Over and over. The weird thing is even when I disconnected my harddrive and ran from a Live USB, the problem persisted. Could there be an issue with the graphics card itself? Anyway, after reconnecting the harddrive I tried to boot again. And it suddenly worked. Even HDMI to my bigger screen worked.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Get The 10.10 Splash Screen For A Second Then A Blank Screen?

Dec 22, 2010

I have been running 10.04 quite successfully, when I upgraded to 10.10, I have a problem with the newer kernels. If I let it boot into the latest one 2.6.35-23, I get the Ubuntu 10.10 splash screen for a second then a blank screen, same with 2.6.35-22. I have to run with 32-25 to get it to load the gui.

I have an AMD Sempron 2800, 1.6GHz pc, but I'm not sure if it's running 64bit.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Freeze/Blank Screen After Screen Off 11.04?

May 4, 2011

I've been running Ubuntu 10.10 very smoothly for a while now. Decided to upgrade to 11.04 - managed to corrupt the hard disk the first time by letting the laptop hibernate part of the way through but reinstalled from a live CD of 11.04 and it's now working except for this issue.

If I shut the screen on my laptop (or press the screen off button) either the screen won't come back on or it will but frozen (I can move the mouse but not click on anything etc.) In this state music continues to play (from spotify under wine) and if I press my hibernate shortcut (power button) the computer hibernates, only to wake into the same situation. I've got a Dell Latitude D520, upgraded to a bigger hard disk and more ram - the ubuntu partition has 50gb. Windows is working fine.

Edit: I noticed a sticky thread which includes something about a blank screen but I think this is a different issue?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Max Screen Resolution - Screen Goes Blank When Click On The Display Icon In System Settings

Jan 11, 2011

i have just put a Geforce 7300 GT graphic card into my machine the problem is the max resolution I can get is 1024x768 at 60 hz the screen is a benq fp71g+. also the screen goes blank when i click on the display icon in system settings. i know that the screen can be run at 1280x1024 so I don?t know where the problem is.

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