Ubuntu :: Does Not Mount Any DVD - Showing Blank

May 6, 2010

This is my first problem since I use ubuntu the problem is: Ubuntu does not mount any DVD and it recognize all the dvds as blank, I believe its a problem of drivers but I am not sure, besides I tried medibuntu.

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Software :: USB Mounting Error In Ubuntu 7.10 / Showing Cant Mount When I Clicked Details Its Showing Bad Blocks?

Dec 12, 2008

I would like to know when usb inserted, its showing cant mount when i clicked details its showing bad blocks in beginning , and smething in /dev/sd6. Can i knw why usb drive cant be mounted automatically , even if its set to do so, and to cope the error mentioned above

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Ubuntu :: Showing Blank Screen If Shutdown?

May 18, 2011

When i try to shut down the computer hangs itself by showing a blank screen, then i have to do forced shutdown by pressing the shutdown key for a long time.why it is so?

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Ubuntu :: Boots Up Showing Logo - Then To A Blank Screen ?

Apr 8, 2010

I've had no problems out of my multi-boot setup.. at all, and now all of a sudden (after an update on ubuntu? my JoliCloud and Ubuntu seem to do the same thing.. they show the logo then go to a black screen, doing nothing afterwards. i was wanting to know how to get this working again.. this is an Acer aspire One 11.6in AO751h. it's using grub to boot into it. i used EasyBCD to get it to let me choose ubuntu from windows start menu and it takes me to grub and all works(well worked until some update?) well.. even my windows 7 boots up just fine...

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Ubuntu :: Systemtray: Blank Space / Icons Not Showing

May 24, 2011

As can be seen in the title of this post, I'm not quite sure what's going on exactly, but my systemtray icons in Lubuntu 11.04 are not shown the way they should. There's blank space between them, the equivalent of 2 or 3 icons, and the blank space is 'created' while starting up, as though they are programs. See the attached screenshot to get an idea what I'm talking about.I'm really happy with Lubuntu, this is at the moment the only thing that's bugging me. It used to be 2 empty spaces in the systemtray, now it's 3.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Unbootable After Gdm Update / Showing Blank Screen?

Jun 3, 2011

Yesterday I got an update in update-manager: gdm blabla 3.2... installed. restarted. And I see nothing after the boot screen (plymouth, default one) display stays blank, even caps-lock doesn't turn on its indicator on the keyboard. hdd activity indicator on the laptop doesn't blink, only power indicator is on...
the only way is to press and hold power button to turn it off. restart and I see the same picture........

I thought that's hdd, because yesterday ubuntu froze completely on a ..... video (adobe I hate you!)

so I turned laptop off and started again (before it froze I installed that gdm "security-"update) and saw the blank screen for the first time.

then I booted into "single" mode, manually starting X OR GDM gives me the same blank screen with frozen/unusable keyboard, caps-, numlock do not word, I can't switch virtual terminals...

so I've reinstalled the whole system an hour ago. Everything went well!!!!I booted into clean 11.04 (except my configs, cuz I haven't formated /home partition). Then I restored my ppa's (/etc/apt) that I backed up from the 'single' mode... updated apt database, restored all of my backuped apps (dpkg --get-selections >... dpgk --set-selections <...)an hour to update everything. installed ati driver, RESTART, and what I see? BLANK SCREEN RIGHT AFTER PLYMOUTH.

startx from single mode = blank screen
gdm start from single mode = blank screen

I can't use ubuntu, PLEASE HELP ME fixing that crap.

I downloaded yesterday gdm blabla3, blabla3.1 and blabla3.2

downgraded the crapped gdm-0ubuntu3.2 to 3 and to 3.1 NO DIFFERENCE. I JUST GET BLANK SCREEN.

before restoring the apps everything worked.


there are absolutely NO ERRORS in /var/log/*I viewed every file from that dir, that was created at boot attempt...no errors, nothing, just blank screen

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Ubuntu :: Blank Background Suddenly Showing Icon On Home Directory?

Jan 9, 2010

My usually blank and happy background suddenly lists the things in my home directory. Well, it has icons for them.I have tried the gconf-editor, apps->nautilus->desktop drill, but the stuff is still there. Showed up suddenly about a day ago

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Debian :: Installer Not Showing Partitions - Hard Disk Blank

Nov 2, 2010

My PC configuration is as follows:
CPU: AMD Athlon II 245 X2

SATA Controller is in AHCI mode in BIOS.
Partition Table:
1. Pri. (Windows 7 Ultimate)
2. Log. (Data)
3. Log. 15GB free space (want to install Linux in this partition)

I want to install Debian 5.0.4 from DVD. But the installer is not showing any partitions, it says entire hard disk is blank. But I ran 'fdisk -l' in the console, it shows the partitions correctly.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Mount / Won't Recognise Blank CD-R?

Nov 11, 2010

I've searched the forums and found several posts for similar problems but haven't yet found a solution to my problem.I first realised something was wrong when I attempted to burn a CD using Brasero. Brasero said "please replace the disc with a supported CD or DVD". I tried using K3b, Gnome Baker, Gnome CD Master and encountered the same problem every time - they didn't recognise the blank CD-R in the drive.In Gnome Baker I opened Edit => Preferences => Devices and discovered that only one of my CD drives is listed with a mount point. The CD-R drive (the one I need to burn CDs) doesn't have a mount point.I tried using fstab to alter this by entering a new line so that it now reads:

/dev/scd1 /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0
/dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0
/dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0


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Ubuntu :: The Size Is 3.7GB And Then The Mount Directory Is Blank?

Dec 31, 2010

I was trying to encrypt a USB flash drive, but truecrypt shows me two usbs. Here is wht is says Quote:/dev/sdb: and then it says the size is 3.7GB and then the mount directory is blank.owever is also list another one that says Quote:/dev/sdb1 the size is 3.7Gb and the mount directory is /media/USB20FDI have a PNY 4GB flash drive.

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Ubuntu :: Mount Drive Without Showing On Desktop?

Jul 25, 2010

I have an Ubuntu 8.04 machine, I have a NFS drive being mounted when the system starts up. The entry in /etc/fstab looks like:Code:server:/srv/Pictures /mnt/share nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0The drive is mounting fine, but I would really like it if the icon did not show up on the desktop for this drive.Is there anyway to keep it from showing?

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Red Hat :: Nfs Mount Showing Two Times In Df -h

Jul 5, 2010

when i am checking filesystem under my linux server, i observer my nfs mount point is showing two times,

i cant reboot the server until i get the downtime from the customer, does this repeated mount makes any problem

nfsclient#df -h
nfsserver:/export1/temp 370G 236G 115G 68% /db2/temp
nfsserver:/export1/temp 370G 236G 115G 68% /db2/temp

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CentOS 5 Server :: NFS Mount Of Loop Mounted ISO's Showing No Files

Jul 16, 2009

I'm having a problem accessing files via nfs where an iso has been mounted through the loop device on the nfs server. Basically what I am attempting to do is access the 6 CentOS 5.2 ISO's via NFS from one of my client machines. The client is able to mount the share and see its sub directories leading up to the mount point of the ISO, but the contents of the mounted ISO image are simply not visible (on the client, they are visible on the server).

Server config (CentOS 5):

/home/user/iso/CentOS-5.2-x86_64-bin-1of7.iso /exportiso/centos/x64/5.2/disc1 iso9660 defaults,loop 0 0


NFS is working correctly for other mounts between these two boxes, however.

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Fedora :: Evolution 2.32.2 - Not Showing Html Websites Showing Up In Email Like Venison Sending A Promo

Aug 7, 2011

Having one issue with evolution not showing html websites showing up in email like verizon sending a promo. I have gone to edit, preferences, mail preferences, html messages and have always load images from the internet chosen. I have also added sender to contacts. Even if I right click message and tell it to dload images it doesn't.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Keeps Going Blank/flashing Blank?

May 17, 2010

When i use my computer (whether it's going online, typing, playing a flash game, or coding) I get these "Black Flashes" that are becoming longer and more frequent. A "Black Flash" is when my computer screen turns blank (but you can still see the backlight) and i have to press the NUMpad ENTER button, shake my mouse furiously, or click my mouse, which sometimes causes undesired actions, but gets me my screen back. sometimes the Black Flashes last a milisecond or 5 seconds or i have to hold the power button and restart because it won't come back on.

Toshiba P205-S6337 Laptop
Ubuntu Karmic Koala
2.39 GB of RAM


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General :: Screen Not Showing On Laptop But Showing On Projector When Connected

Apr 18, 2011

When I try to connect a projector to my laptop (already running) and hit the fn+f7 (the designated button for switching screen), nothing happens. I see "no source found" on projector screen and my laptop screen works perfectly. Now if I restart the laptop with the projector connected, I see all the intial booting messages on the projector screen (not on my laptop), then the gnome login screen appears on both the projector screen and laptop (when the login screen appears on laptop it looks like it has lower resolution than my usual laptop resolution). But immediately after I log in, my laptop screen goes blank, and projector screen becomes the only active screen.

If I restart without the projector, again all normal operation on laptop screen is restored.

I feel like I am missing some very silly options. Any help is appreciated.

Here is the output of xrandr when the laptop is connected:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen: 10.04, ATI Radeon 9550 / X Tries To Load Screen Just Goes Blank?

May 9, 2010

I am having the same problem, as soon as X tries to load my screen just goes blank. I have an ATI Radeon 9550. At first I tried switching between VGA and DVI as well but upon ruling that out, I switch to my on-board video card and that is working thus far, but I'm trying very hard to figure out a way to be able to switch back. Anyways I'll check back in later on if I have any new information I will post.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mount A USB Drive In Rc.local With /sbin/mount And UUID Instead Of Fstab?

Feb 6, 2010

I run a headless Ubuntu 8.04 server, which acts as a web, email and file server. I am sticking with 8.04 as it is a LTS release and will upgrade to the next LTS when it is released.

I have two external USB drives, that I need to mount at boot. I have been using /etc/fstab up until now, with the following entries:


However, as I gather from doing searches is quite common, occasionally I get an error during boot (causing the system to drop to a recovery shell) because the USB drives take time to wake up and the system hasn't found them by the time it reads /etc/fstab.

From doing searches, it seems there is nothing you can do to fstab to fix this, so you need to mount them using an rc.local script instead, using:


The problem is, as I have two USB drives, their /dev/sdxx location changes between boots. I thus want to use UUID codes as I do in fstab, however I haven't found anything about this.

Does anyone know how I can use the mount command and UUID to mount a drive in rc.local and what options I have to use the mount the drive with the same options that I am using in my fstab entry? Obvisouly, I can't refer back to fstab using the mount command, because then I will still get the boot error issue if they are listed in fstab. And there is no space internally for the USB drives as there is already two internal drives.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Mount The Installer CD: $sudo Mount - Unknown Filesystem Type 'iso9660'

Mar 12, 2010

I installed Ubuntu Server 9.10 in a virtual machine, and I'm trying to install the VMware Tools but I can't mount the installer CD: $ sudo mount /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom mount: unknown filesystem type 'iso9660'

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Mount Location / Failed To Mount Windows Share

Jul 26, 2010

I have a Dell Inspiron 1720 running Ubuntu v10.04 with a wireless card.My desktop is a Dell Optiflex running WinXP.The desktop is connected via ethernet cable to a Linksys wireless router. Certain folders on the desktop are set for sharing. Up until early last week I was able to access the desktop folders from the laptop with no issues.Suddenly I am now getting this error "Unable to mount location Failed to mount Windows share" whenever I try to access the desktop folders from the laptop.I suspect an upgrade is the culprit, but not sure.

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Ubuntu :: Fresh 9.10 Install Reboot Error No Device - Mount Partition Mount: Can't Fin?

Jun 24, 2010

what now trying to mount partition get this error this is the partition ubuntu 9.10 is installed on and upon reboot error no device with a long string. mount: can't find /dev/sda6/mnt in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

so now that I believe I've successfully mounted the partition how do I direct the bootloader to this partition /dev/sda6 on /media/11076e45-e27d-470b-bb6d-6894f7809a0c type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=devkit)

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Ubuntu :: Mount Failure - Press S To Skip Mount Or M For Manual Recovery

Jan 16, 2011

I saw a post where you were faceing "Type s for swith or M or mannual restore"

I got the same message. I tried S but nthing happend then I tried M. it took me to root@ubuntu:/#

How i restore it manunally or if not possible I need to back up the data to pend drive

but i cant find the pendrive in the home section.

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Ubuntu :: Mount Single Directory To Multiple Mount Points

Jan 27, 2011

I have a requirement that seems to be unique in nature. I have multiple clients who are caged to their home directories. I would like to "share" a directory which exists above these chroots with all these caged users. I know this can be accomplished using mounts but my problem is, how can I mount a single directory to multiple mount points located in each users home dir? Can this be done in the fstab file?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mount Does Not List CIFS Mount Options On 10.04.2 LTS?

Apr 4, 2011

Linux box info: root@mytestbox:~# uname -a Linux mytestbox 2.6.32-30-generic-pae #59-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 1 23:01:33 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux

Windows box info: Windows Server 2008 SP2 Enterprise I've verified via --verbose output that mount.cifs is indeed processing the passed on options.

root@mytestbox:~# mount -t cifs // /root/testwin --verbose -o credentials=/root/testcreds,rw,nocase,noperm,noacl,nounix,noserverin o,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777


Yet, when I type mount all it reports is (rw,mand). The share works just fine, and I can see the masking (all files are showing as rwxrwxrwx as expected etc) but mount is not listing the options?!

Is this normal expected behavior? Is there a bug report on this? I've google'd to the best of my capabilities and could not locate any such information which is why I decided to hit the forums prior to filing a bug.

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Ubuntu :: Mount: Only Root Can Mount /dev/sdb1 On /media/MyUSBDrive

Apr 27, 2011

I used the ntfs-config utility to mount my windows drives automatically at startup. While doing so, I had my USB-HDD still attached, and after making changes and rebooting, it did something unknown I didn't expect and I cannot mount my USB-HDD again, and it gives me the following error message:

Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:
mount: only root can mount /dev/sdb1 on /media/MyUSBDrive

I did manage to open it somehow, but then all the data was erased apart from ~3 GiB [edit: it's got some kind of extra drive built-in which is mounted as a CD-ROM drive, and when I open that one first all the files are missing in the actual drive, otherwise I get the message above]. I don't know what information I should include here, but my fstab looks like this:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>


This line in terminal:

sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1


fuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/sdb1: No such file or directory

What should I do to recover my files and fix the mount error? [edit: at the very least, how do I backup my files onto my internal HDD so I can format it and recover it in this manner]

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Mount Internal Drive - Error: Mount Exited With Exit Code 1: Helper Failed

Aug 5, 2010

I have 2 internal drives. One is for the OS and one is for the Data. I tried to get the Data drive to mount automatically at login using some crap I found on a linux blog. Safe to say it didn't work and now I can't mount it with the OS on the OS Drive.

It mounts from a live CD and all the data is perfectly safe. When I try to mount the drive I get this error message: "Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: mount: only root can mount /dev/sdb1 on /media/data" What have I done wrong and how can I make it mount again? Preferably this time at login.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Mount Partitions Anymore - Error Mounting: Mount Exited With Exit Code 1: Helper Failed

Aug 24, 2010

First of all: it's been more than 12 years ago since I worked with Linux, and a lot has changed in the meantime. But I considered it a challenge to install Ubuntu 9.10 and lateron upgraded to 10.04 LTS without any troubles, until now:

Except my main partition ("/") all other partitions fail to mount. All NTFS partitions from my other OS and also 2 other linux ext4 partitions I've made are not accessible anymore. and, what bothers me the most: I deleted those 2 new linux partitions in the meantime because I couldn't access them initially because Root was the owner (Duh! root is standard disabled in Ubuntu, right?). After an attempt to try to automount all partitions following the help guides I got now big grey errors on my splashscreen while booting, telling that an error occured with e.g. /media/Backup because it is missing or it cannot be mounted, with 3 options below: waiting, skipping or using a command prompt to solve this. I always choose Skip for safety.

Now if I want to see the content of all my other partitions I got a popup telling me unable to mount e.g. /media/Downloads and the message included:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba And External Drive - Unable To Mount Location - Failed To Mount Windows Share - Dialog Box

May 25, 2010

I have been trying to share folders from my main PC which is running Ubuntu 10.04. I have been able to figure out Samba enough to get my a couple of folders shared, but I have been unable to share any folders which are on my external harddrive. After entering the path in my smb.conf file they appear on the network but I am unable to navigate to them. When trying to navigate to them through the network folder on the pc they are actually connected to I get an "Unable to mount location: Failed to mount windows share" dialog box. On the windows pc I am trying to share with I get, "Windows cannot acces \Josh-Desktop
ame of folder"

My smb.conf file looks like this:

That folders I cannot access are Music and Videos.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mount Or Not To Mount - Can't Create A Partition

Jan 2, 2010

I've just bought a HP mini compaq laptop. The laptop doesn't have any CD/DVD "reader". So i was forced to download the .iso file to install ubuntu in addition to Windows XP that was present when i bought it. To do so i used UNetbootin, and i used my only hard disk as a live CD. But when i wanted to install ubuntu, they told me to create a partition. The problem is that i can't. I have only one partition sda1(nfst) which covers the whole stockage memory, and an empty space(8Mo). I can't acceed to any of the resizing or modifying options to edit the nfst partition. The only options are manage flags and umount. When i click on this one, they tell me : # umount /cdrom : cdrom is busy.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Mount Location Can't Mount File

May 7, 2009

I on a dell latitude c500/c600 and running 9.10 and have a maxtor 160 gb external hd that wont mount right. it shows up in / but when i click on it i get the error message:unable to mount location can't mount file. could someone give a suggestion to get this to work.

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