Ubuntu :: 11.04 - Top Section Of Windows Missing

Aug 18, 2011

In virtualBox I'm running Edubuntu 11.04. Everything worked fine until a couple of days ago, when the top section, containing the close, minimise and maximise buttons, of all windows vanished and don't appear when I re-open them . At the recommendation of TL I ran
metacity --replace
Which restored the tops while I ran the command but the command never finished and if I stopped the command I lost the tops. Also at TL's recommendation I also ran
compiz --replace
but that didn't do anything. How to restore bar permanently.

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Fedora :: Missing Section 2 Man Pages?

Nov 29, 2009

Just installed Fedora 12 x86_64 and love it. But just noticed I'm missing all of the section 2 man pages. Is there a package I'm missing that contains these?? I've got all the standard development packages installed already, and works fine. One example is the gettimeofday() call that works fine in my code, but there's no man page for it.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Immutable Section Of HDD + Differencing Section?

Jul 8, 2010

You maybe know that VirtualBox has an "immutable" feature for HDD images. I.e. setup the system, if the stuff is in place, you can set the image to IMMUTABLE to prevent any changes to the image. Differences are written to a separated image. So on the next boot you'll see that all the (unintended) changes are gone and the "old" system is up & running again. I run an old SuSE 10.3 on a write-protected SD-IDE-Adapter. Changing and playing with RPMs is a mess due to around 50 changes I had to do to make that work. Is there any option to mount an SD-card as RO and having all the changes written to e.g. /dev/sda3? To make it clear: I thought about something like a RAID-X system, but could not find any description on how to setup a raidtab.

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Ubuntu :: All Windows Missing Top Tool Bar?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm using 32 bit ubuntu and from time to time when I boot up every window I open is missing the tool bar up top that contains the minimize, expand and close buttons. usually a reboot or 2 fixes it but it hasn't worked. how do I fix this bug?

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Ubuntu :: Files Missing In Windows?

Feb 8, 2011

When I download something on ubuntu, I sometimes copy it over to my mounted Windows drive. When I then reboot into Windows, the files aren't there. They're missing. (It used to work before - now it's strangely stopped). When I log back into Ubuntu, the files are gone again!

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Missing Min / Max Bars On Windows

Apr 29, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 (gnome flavor ) on my notebook.Everything installed fine except that I'm seeing three problems I'm hoping someone can help me with (or point me in the right direction).

1. When I open any window (gcalc or Firefox for example), the 3 little buttons which are used to maximize, close, etc...) are missing. So basically in order to exit any app, I have to do it through the application rather than clicking the close button. If you go to Themes, you can see what I'm talking about. For example, the theme 'ClearLook' show's the buttons. If I choose this, these buttons are not there.Any ideas why this is happening or how I can fix it?

2. When I open any application, it positions itself in the upper left hand corner of my screen. The menu of the application is tucked under the Gnome menu bar, so basically to use any application requires me to move it first.so I can get to the app menu.

3. When I open any application, I'm unable to position the mouse such that I can resize the window. Its like the mouse cursor can't find the the fine line where it changes so that I can grab the screen to increase or decrease it.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Windows XP - NTSRP Missing

Mar 26, 2010

I have run into another situation where I need windows to run a program, The software that I am trying to use is Taxact. I have used this software for many years "BUT" I guess it just doesn't like my ubuntu 9.04. I have a 500gb hard drive installed that is empty and I thought I could just load the windows program onto that drive but I am getting a message NTSRP missing? I think thats what it said. What do I need to do to load this program onto this hard drive?

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Ubuntu :: Missing Space On Windows Partition

Apr 18, 2010

I have a dual boot machine, and I made the windows partition 13 GB on a 120 GB hard drive.I was testing out a program on the windows partition, and I deleted it and installed a different version, now I'm trying to install the first version I was using. The problem is that its now telling me there's not enough space on the hard drive.why does the program not remove everything when I try to uninstall?if I install a program and then remove it , I should and up with the same amount of free hard drive space shouldn't I?

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Ubuntu :: Boot Up Windows 7 And It Said Missing MBR Helper?

Apr 30, 2010

i upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 and after upgrading i went to my grub menu tried to boot up my windows 7 and it said missing MBR helper ?? i dont want to lose any my data from my windows

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Ubuntu :: Windows XP Missing From GRUB Menu?

Dec 17, 2010

I had Windows XP installed, then installed Ubuntu 9.10 in a different partition. I was able to choose which OS to boot. Then I did a distro update to 10.04. Now Windows is missing from the GRUB boot menu.

sudo update-grub doesn't change anything so I think sudo os-prober isn't finding Windows.

I've edited grub.cfg and can get an entry added for Windows, but it doesn't actually load Windows. It just reboots the machine. If I run sudo update-grub after adding a menuentry for Windows to grub.cfg, the menuentry I added disappears.

I've run testdisk, but BackupBS isn't an option. It says the original and backup boot sector are identical.

cfdisk says sda1 is the only partition that is NTFS and it is set to Boot.

I've already installed all available updates from lucid-security and lucid-updates.

I've run bootinfoscript and here are the results:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #5 for /boot/grub.
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb


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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Windows XP BOOTMGR Is Missing?

Jun 15, 2011

I just tried to set up a computer for my sister running a 32GB XP partition and a 116GB Ubuntu partition.

Partitions are as follows:
/dev/sda1 (FAT32)
This partition is labeled "rescue" and includes an Ubuntu liveCD iso which can be booted


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Ubuntu :: Windows Missing From Boot Menu

Jul 20, 2011

I had a Duel Boot set up on my Computer Windows XP Pro was installed First and then Ubuntu. Originally it was just Two options listed to choose on start up when I Booted up, this was Windows XP Pro or Ubuntu , if I did nothing Windows Xp Pro would start Automatically after about 20 seconds. A few months ago boot menu became messed up and when I started the computer it would go staight to the Grub Menu Linux Menu similar to below :

p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-33-generic-pae +
Ubunu, with Linux 2.6.32-33 generic -pae (recovery mode)
Ubunu, with Linux 2.6.32-32 generic -pae
Ubunu, with Linux 2.6.32-32 generic -pae (recovery mode)

Windows XP Pro was now at the bottom of the list and I had to scroll down to the bottom of the list to select it and if I did nothing it would Automatically boot into Ubuntu. Last night as I was scrolling down the List I accidentally hit enter it tried to load up Ubuntu and froze I restarted my computer and now Windows Xp is no longer on the list! It loads up Ubuntu fine but I can no longer boot into Windows as it is not listed when I start up. I ran sudo os-prober from Terminal and it came back with :

/dev/sdb1:Microsoft Windows XP Professional:Windows:chain

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Ubuntu :: After Upgrade Missing Top Of Application Windows?

Aug 18, 2011

I am having problems with the display of all application windows after upgrading to 11.04.The problem is present in both Unity and 'Classic'The top of application windows appear behind what used to be called the launcher (ie. the panel at the very top of the screen).Application windows can not be resized to fill the full screen either - so I have about 3cm of space at the bottom of the screen that application windows' can't go into and about 12cm on the right of the screen too. 3 example screen shots (in classic mode) attached .My system is:Release 11.04 (2.6.38-10-generic onx86_64)Nvidia Graphics card GeForce 9400 GTAm using CompizConfig (CompizConfig Settings Manager 0.9.4)Screen resolution is 1440 x 900

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Partition Missing From Grub

Jan 30, 2010

I was defraging windows xp and the power want off now I can only boot into ubuntu from Grub.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Not Recognized And NTLDR Is Missing

Mar 22, 2010

Finally got Ubuntu installed on my machine and now I can not get windows to boot from GRUB.My windows partition is located at /dev/sda2 and here is my menu.lst file.When I reboot my computer GRUB will not load. It always gives me Error 21. The only way to get it to run is to turn the computer off and then back on.When selecting Windows 7 from the boot list the first time or two it will just send me back to the list after a brief blank screen then around the 3rd time I select it, it tells me NTLDR is missing.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Upgrade - Missing Windows Control Buttons?

May 2, 2010

After upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 I lost my windows control buttons (minimize, maximize, close)
metacity --replace

Command works to restore my buttons but I've got a couple problems
1. I have to leave this terminal open permanently. If I try to close it (and "kill" the process) not only do I lose my windows controls but my keyboard stops working entirely.
2. Have to put this in every time I log back in.

Is there a better solution for restoring my windows control buttons (i.e., one that doesn't require me to open a terminal every time I log in?)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows File System Missing?

Jul 12, 2010

I have installed ubuntu 10.4 as a dual boot with Windows 7. I thought, because of a previous experience, that my music and pictures were ok in the windows file system because I would be able to access them. Well I can't. I don't even see the the Windows c: drive. I know its still there because I can boot windows.

So what do I need to do to make the c: volume / drive reappear.

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Ubuntu :: Windows 7 Boot Option Missing After Installation

Jan 12, 2011

Was already having Windows 7 and ubuntu 10.10 and i installed ubuntu 11.04 with removable drive. Unfortunately, my windows 7 boot option is no more in menu. how my menu.lst looks like..


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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows NTLDR Is Missing \ Fix And Will It Mess?

Jan 20, 2011

I need to know how to get fix my windows xp system without messing with Ubuntu. I can get inti Ubuntu but on windows it says NTLDR is missing dose anyone know what I can do because I still use windows once in awhile so it needs to work.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Grub Windows Xp Boot Option Missing?

Jan 23, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my desktop which also have windows xp installed. After the installation I could boot to both Ubuntu and Windows. I then installed some updates from the update manager in Ubuntu 10.10 and after this the windows option in the grub boot menu is gone. The boot_info_script055.sh returned the following result

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #5 for (,msdos5)/boot/grub.
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb


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General :: Windows Xp BOOTMGR Is Missing?

Mar 5, 2010

I just installed fedora on a new partition and I get this error when I try to boot Xp.Here is what fdisk -l prints :

Disk /dev/sda: 200.0 GB, 200049647616 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 24321 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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Ubuntu :: Error - Missing Or Corrupt <windows Root>system32hal.dll

Jan 24, 2010

I'm typing this command in terminal ;

sudo -s
my password then ;
gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg

My windows (system) disk is in /dev/sda5 but when I look grub.cfg file windows system disk is in /dev/sda1. When I want to save this file I take an error. Could not save the file /boot/grub/grub.cfg. You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.

annotation : error in windows is : missing or corrupt <windows root>system32hal.dll.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Could Not Start Windows - File Missing Or Corrupt

Mar 27, 2010

I used to have Windows XP Professional on my computer, then I decided to install Ubuntu but it didn't work for me it gave me really weird errors, I thought I uninstalled it, and then I installed Debian on my computer, Debian ran smoothly but when I tried to start Windows the GRUB from ubuntu appeared and when I tried to start windows again it showed and that the hal.dll was missing, I reinstalled Windows but still the same error appeared, this also affected my Debian GRUB so I had to install it again, I don't know what I should do in this case. How can I delete ubuntu's GRUB for good? I've already formatted my windows partition but it keeps using Ubuntu's GRUB.

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Ubuntu :: Emerald Theme - Some Windows Missing Min/max/close Buttons

Sep 18, 2010

I've been using 10.04 for a few months here and installed the truglass 0.5 theme for quite some time. I've been putting up with one downfall of it, which is on certain windows the min/max/close buttons do not show. I can hover over where they should be to actually use them, but they are not visible on all windows. They always come up with firefox, unless I hit a pop-up and a new window comes up. Any nautilus window doesn't have them unless focus on that window is lost. Any ideas on how I can solve this? See attached screenshot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Missing Windows 7 Boot Option - Get Back?

Jun 5, 2011

just recently, while attempting to boot to windows 7, i happened to select the wrong boot option by mistake, that is the windows 7 recovery (something like that, cant remember it specifically, but the word 'recovery' is there). the option has been there eversince i installed ubuntu 11.04 on my system, of which i cant find the answer as to why it existed there. so once i selected it (which was by mistake), it took me into some recovery process which i abandoned as quickly. it restarted and the windows 7 option was no longer there. the windows 7 recovery option, however, is still there. How to get my windows 7 boot option back?

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Ubuntu :: Titlebar Disappears And Buttons Are Missing From All The Various Display Windows?

Jun 9, 2011

I have been experiencing a random issue on Ubuntu 10.04 for awhile now.The issue is that some times when I start my PC into Ubuntu the bar (Title bar) with the 'Min, Max,Close' buttons are missing from all the various display windows, e.g Nautilius, including Firefox. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how did you resolve it? Do I need to log an issue for this. If so what info about my system do i need to supply?

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General :: Bootmgr Missing On Ubuntu And Windows 7 Dual Boot

Apr 10, 2011

I was having a dual-boot configuration, Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows 7 on the same disk. After resizing the windows 7 partition, after this screen [URL]... and after selecting windows 7 , I get "bootmgr is missing" message. Ubuntu loads normally. Here's my results.txt from boot info script:


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Fedora :: Missing Apps In Windows List

Jul 19, 2010

Just noticed that the buttons for each open application, normally arrayed across the bottom menu bar, are totally missing. They're just not their, either for open or hidden apps!All I can think of that I've done since the new install is I did download gconf-editor and possibly opened it once, but I made no intentional changes.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Missing Windows Booting?

May 13, 2010

I installed new OpenSuse11.2 but the windows(vista-64 bit) booting are missing

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OpenSUSE Install :: Hal.dll Missing - Won't Boot Windows

Apr 25, 2011

I've seen a few other posts well over a year or 2 old about hal.dll missing, and windows not dual booting with grub, but all of those involved resizing or moving partitions. This install i just did of opensuse 11.4 only involved formatting over a Ubuntu partition which already ran and dual booted windows xp with no problem (no problems during ubuntu install) I am hesitant to try any previous fixes posted in the forums as my issue doesn't seem to have come about for the same reasons. I thought windows and linux were playing well these days, guess not.

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