Ubuntu :: Boot Up Windows 7 And It Said Missing MBR Helper?

Apr 30, 2010

i upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 and after upgrading i went to my grub menu tried to boot up my windows 7 and it said missing MBR helper ?? i dont want to lose any my data from my windows

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Ubuntu :: Missing Grub And Dual Boot Menu - Windows Won't Boot

Jul 3, 2011

i am having a problem with my dual boot setup. I originally installed windows XP on a 100gb hard drive, from there i downloaded and burnt ubuntu off so i could install it on my 200gb hard drive. For a little bit i struggled to even get it to install because it wouldn't recognize my onboard nvidia graphics, i ended up having to get an alt boot disk and fix it with technique in this link:


Now after the bios boot, my screen shuts off for awhile and takes me directly to the login screen for ubuntu. No Grub, no windows boot options, nothing. I tried booting windows by choosing it from the bios boot menu but all it does is hang at prompt and doesn't boot at all. I tried the live cd fix and reinstalled grub but nothing changed. What i think is happening is that it boots the Grub menu but it doesn't display it because of graphical confrontations. It hangs for about 10 seconds, the grub default time, and then turns my monitor back on to display the Ubuntu login screen.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Missing From Boot Menu

Jul 20, 2011

I had a Duel Boot set up on my Computer Windows XP Pro was installed First and then Ubuntu. Originally it was just Two options listed to choose on start up when I Booted up, this was Windows XP Pro or Ubuntu , if I did nothing Windows Xp Pro would start Automatically after about 20 seconds. A few months ago boot menu became messed up and when I started the computer it would go staight to the Grub Menu Linux Menu similar to below :

p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-33-generic-pae +
Ubunu, with Linux 2.6.32-33 generic -pae (recovery mode)
Ubunu, with Linux 2.6.32-32 generic -pae
Ubunu, with Linux 2.6.32-32 generic -pae (recovery mode)

Windows XP Pro was now at the bottom of the list and I had to scroll down to the bottom of the list to select it and if I did nothing it would Automatically boot into Ubuntu. Last night as I was scrolling down the List I accidentally hit enter it tried to load up Ubuntu and froze I restarted my computer and now Windows Xp is no longer on the list! It loads up Ubuntu fine but I can no longer boot into Windows as it is not listed when I start up. I ran sudo os-prober from Terminal and it came back with :

/dev/sdb1:Microsoft Windows XP Professional:Windows:chain

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Ubuntu :: Windows 7 Boot Option Missing After Installation

Jan 12, 2011

Was already having Windows 7 and ubuntu 10.10 and i installed ubuntu 11.04 with removable drive. Unfortunately, my windows 7 boot option is no more in menu. how my menu.lst looks like..


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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Grub Windows Xp Boot Option Missing?

Jan 23, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my desktop which also have windows xp installed. After the installation I could boot to both Ubuntu and Windows. I then installed some updates from the update manager in Ubuntu 10.10 and after this the windows option in the grub boot menu is gone. The boot_info_script055.sh returned the following result

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #5 for (,msdos5)/boot/grub.
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb


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Ubuntu Installation :: Missing Windows 7 Boot Option - Get Back?

Jun 5, 2011

just recently, while attempting to boot to windows 7, i happened to select the wrong boot option by mistake, that is the windows 7 recovery (something like that, cant remember it specifically, but the word 'recovery' is there). the option has been there eversince i installed ubuntu 11.04 on my system, of which i cant find the answer as to why it existed there. so once i selected it (which was by mistake), it took me into some recovery process which i abandoned as quickly. it restarted and the windows 7 option was no longer there. the windows 7 recovery option, however, is still there. How to get my windows 7 boot option back?

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General :: Bootmgr Missing On Ubuntu And Windows 7 Dual Boot

Apr 10, 2011

I was having a dual-boot configuration, Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows 7 on the same disk. After resizing the windows 7 partition, after this screen [URL]... and after selecting windows 7 , I get "bootmgr is missing" message. Ubuntu loads normally. Here's my results.txt from boot info script:


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OpenSUSE Install :: Hal.dll Missing - Won't Boot Windows

Apr 25, 2011

I've seen a few other posts well over a year or 2 old about hal.dll missing, and windows not dual booting with grub, but all of those involved resizing or moving partitions. This install i just did of opensuse 11.4 only involved formatting over a Ubuntu partition which already ran and dual booted windows xp with no problem (no problems during ubuntu install) I am hesitant to try any previous fixes posted in the forums as my issue doesn't seem to have come about for the same reasons. I thought windows and linux were playing well these days, guess not.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot / Windows Vista Wouldn't Boot Because "BootMGR Was Missing"?

Sep 4, 2010

I had installed Fedora 13 on an unused partition of my ATA hard-drive yesterday. The primary OS here was Windows Vista.

Anyway, everything was working fne for coupla hours after which I had to restart F13 for some reason. This is when all the trouble began ..

Fedora wouldn't boot cause of some "power issues" - there were none. Windows Vista wouldn't boot because "BootMGR was missing"

I figured if I removed Fedora using the live CD - format the partition, it would help. It didn't. Well, atleast the partition got formatted. I tried re-installing F13 from the live CD but it doesn't finish the process - saying a command, something to do with 'shutdown' is not valid.

I tried repairing Vista from the Installation DVD but it is unable to do so.

Right now, on rebooting the computing, I enter the 'grub' console. I tried using grub commands to boot "Windows" from the (hd0,0) partition like thus,

grub> rootnoverify (hd0,0)
grub> makeactive
grub> chainloader +1
grub> boot
But it still maintains that "BootMGR is missing" .

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Ubuntu Installation :: Went To Boot Into Windows... And Noticed The Option To Choose It Is Missing From List?

Apr 2, 2010

I'm testing out 10.04 on one of my partitions, and I love it. I have been using it exclusively for a while now, I have not logged into Windows since! Really don't care about windows anymore!However, yesterday I went to boot into windows... and I noticed the option to choose it is missing from my list! Maybe I'm just not getting to the correct list? The list I get shows like 5 different modes and versions of Ubuntu and something called Windows Recovery (which does nothing), but that's it.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot 12 And Windows 7 - BOOTMGR Is Missing

Dec 27, 2009

I just installed fedora 12 on my laptop. fedora is booting and working fine, but the problem is that now windows isn't booting. when I try to boot windows i get the next message:

"BOOTMGR is missing"

I looked at /boot/grub/menu.lst, and those are the lines for booting windows:

title win7
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
chainloader +1

then i checked with fdisk -l and verified that windows is actually installed on the second partition (sda2).the next thing i tried was to use the repair option at the windows 7 installation DVD. the problem is that when i try to preform a startup repair, the installation DVD doesn't recognize my existing windows 7 installation, and therefore wasn't able to repair it. if it's relevant, here are some more details on my machine:

HP probook 4310
windows 7 64-bit
fedora 12 32-bit

i have one sata HD which I devided into 6 partitions {a system partition of the laptop, windows 7 (NTFS), swap, /boot (ext3), / (ext4), /home (ext4)}

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Fedora Installation :: 12 - Error Bootmgr Is Missing When Try To Boot To Windows 7

Feb 12, 2010

My previous setup was Windows Vista on partition 1, Windows 7 on partition 2, and my recovery partition on partition 3. I'm trying to switch from vista to fedora (cuz I hate vista), so I removed partition 1 and 3, expanded partition 2 a bit (from 80 gig to 150), and moved it all the way to the left with gparted. This gave me a 150g partition labled sda2 as my first partition. I then installed fedora on the (about) 150g of free space. After going into fedora, I used fdisk /dev/sda with menu option f to fix my partition labels. Now I have Windows 7 on partition sda1, fedora's boot on sda2, and fedora on a logical volume in sda3.

My issue is that I have that same old error bootmgr is missing when I try to boot to windows 7. I checked my grub menu, my fdisk, it all looks good to me, so hopefully someone can help me out. If I'm unable to do this without reformatting, could someone please advise me on a program to clone my windows 7? I have a lot of expensive programs on there that I could, in theory, go back to the manufacturer and request a new copy, but I doubt if I even have any license keys written down and I don't know where they would be, so hopefully I can pull them all off and have them work on a new install. Contents of fdisk -l and cat /boot/grub/menu.lst to follow:


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General :: Boot Loader Failure - Windows Could Not Start Because The Following File Is Missing

Oct 18, 2010

I have a system with 2 hard drives. One drive (D) is my Ubuntu 10.04 system and the other drive (C) is my Windows XP system.

When I boot, I get BIOS then GRUB. If I choose the XP selection I am taken to a Boot Loader that now longer works. I get an error saying: "Windows could not start because the following file is missing. <windows root> system32hal.dll Please reinstall a copy of the above file.

Can I remove the boot loader and let Grub take me directly to the C:/windows? If so how?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual - Boot Into Windows 7 From GRUB - Black Screen Says "BOOTMGR" Is Missing

Apr 27, 2010

I've had Windows 7 installed for a few months now and would like to install Fedora 12 on a separate partition. I've tried this three times now, all of them ending with something wrong. The problem that exists for me now is that when I install Fedora 12 and boot up for the first time in GRUB, Fedora 12 works fine. ut when I boot into Windows 7 from GRUB, it just comes up with a black screen and says "BOOTMGR is missing; press ctrl + alt + del to restart" at the top. I don't believe that GRUB is booting into the wrong partition because I have no Windows recovery partition, just Windows 7. Also when I try and fix the Windows 7 partition with the system recovery disk, it says that the volume is corrupt every time. At this point I have everything backed up on a separate drive so I'm open to try installing Fedora 12 again even if it risks screwing up my Windows 7 partition, I would really just like to have a functioning dual boot.

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General :: Set Uid Helper Is Not Correct?

Feb 14, 2011

was prompted to dl some updates after a fresh install but it was only partially successful, and whenrebooted, the screen froze with the mssge:Cannot open Konsolekit sessionPermission of the setup uid in not correct.

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Debian :: Live Helper GDM Config

May 18, 2010

I'm using Live helper to create install discs. I have the system all set up as it needs to be to run live from t a DVD, and have tested the installer on built ISOs and it works great.However, I can't seem to keep my modified /etc/gdm/gdm.conf file from being replaced with a pristine default gdm.conf. I have even placed it under config/chroot_local-includes//etc/gdm/gdm.conf which I thought should work?

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Debian :: How To Add Backports Repo In Live-helper?

Feb 16, 2010

I'd like to include the backports repo and the backports kernel in a live cd. I copied the debian-backports file from /usr/share/live-helper/examples/source to config/chroot_sources(as debian-backports.chroot and debian-backports.binary) and fixed the first problem (had to change "etch" to "lenny" in the files.)

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Debian Configuration :: Does Live-helper Not Like Sid Or Squeeze?

Apr 13, 2010

I have been trying to build a Debian-live-version for some time using live-helper. It works fine if I choose lenny as distribution. With sid I always get into trouble.Sometimes live-helper does't find any aufs-modules but it stops looking for them if I keep the options as simple as above.What is the problem of live-helper's to build on sid or squeeze (which I have met similar troubles with)?

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Debian :: How To Install Live-helper Under Lenny

Jan 31, 2011

How to install live-helper under Lenny?

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Ubuntu Installation :: /tmp/bibble5pro-5.0.3_i386.deb Could Not Be Opened, Because The Associated Helper Application Does Not Exist?

Mar 29, 2010

I tried to download a photographic program called Bibble from:It is their Linux Deb version.I am using Karmic (64-bit) and get the following error message:/tmp/bibble5pro-5.0.3_i386.deb could not be opened, because the associated helper application does not exist. Change the association in your preferences.I removed GDeb and reinstalled it, still the problem.Which preferences is the error message referring to? I really would like to evaluate this program.PS, I opened GDeb and went to the /temp folder and clicked on bibble and get the error message "Wrong architecture i386" does this mean it is only 32-bit?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Swiftfox Isn't Loading Helper Applications Configured From Firefox

Aug 24, 2010

So i downloaded swiftfox and its great. its just not loading downloads with the specified applications when i click them, i.e. opening .deb, .jpg, .txt, it asks me to chose an application (list is empty, so you have to set a custom application)

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General :: Download Helper Creating Zero Size Files

Mar 30, 2011

I've got a small problem with dwhelper. Now when I'm trying to download anything from ..... DH doesn't download and creates only empty files.

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Software :: Download Helper Screen Capture With Ffmpeg ?

Jul 3, 2011

The sort of add on for Firefox 'download helper' now has a new screen capture thing, in case it won't download the video from a particular site. You click the red button and a purple boundary appears round the video frame. I assume this is the basic function of the thing; it then provides the geometry of the purple frame to the program you've given it to capture the video.

By default the program it uses is 'recordmydesktop'. I've tried using this but get sound from the laptop's internal microphone, not the video. Tried 'pavucontrol' to remedy this but it says (wrongly) that no program is recording, so can't put things right.

So tried using ffmpeg: [URL]

Assume the stuff in curly brackets is what download helper supplies. Sometimes works perfectly but with B.BC. i-player only get the top left hand corner of the video and it is stretched somewhat horizontally.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot 10.04 And Windows 7 Using Windows Boot Manager [WBM]?

Apr 25, 2010

I downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 and I want to make a dual boot with Windows 7 Ultimate using Windows Boot Manager...
I deleted my last Ubuntu OS (9.10) just because of GRUB

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CentOS 5 :: Unable To Open Phpbb - Associated Helper Application Does Not Exist?

Jun 28, 2009

When I download phpbb whether it be the zip or the tar.gz it gives me this message /tmp/phpBB-3.0.5.tar.bz2 could not be opened, because the associated helper application does not exist. Change the association in your preferences I dont understand what preference it wants me to change or how or what program i need What im altimitly trying to do is set up a forum on my website but I host my website and i dont want to have to pay for someone else to host my forum website is seans.zapto.org I am running centos 5.3 with apache, mysql, httpd wich i installed with the gelp of this totorial; [URL]...

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Amarok Podcast Prompts For Gst-install-plugins-helper?

Mar 13, 2011

I'm using Amarok 2.4.0 with openSUSE 11.4. I am trying to play podcast.However, when I try to select play, the following pops appear as show below:

/usr/lib/gst-install-plugins-helper requires an additional plugin to decode this file The following plugin is required:
Do you want to search for this now?


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Ubuntu Installation :: When The GRUB Boot Menu Starts Up There Is An Option For Win 7 Boot But It Will Not Boot Windows?

May 2, 2011

I installed 11.04 after Windows 7. when the GRUB boot menu starts up there is an option for Win 7 boot but it will not boot windows. When that option is selected the screen changes colour for 2 seconds and then reverts to the GRUB menu. Ubuntu boots fine.I downloaded the Boot Info Script and ran it, the results are

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================[code].....

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Ubuntu :: All Windows Missing Top Tool Bar?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm using 32 bit ubuntu and from time to time when I boot up every window I open is missing the tool bar up top that contains the minimize, expand and close buttons. usually a reboot or 2 fixes it but it hasn't worked. how do I fix this bug?

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Ubuntu :: Files Missing In Windows?

Feb 8, 2011

When I download something on ubuntu, I sometimes copy it over to my mounted Windows drive. When I then reboot into Windows, the files aren't there. They're missing. (It used to work before - now it's strangely stopped). When I log back into Ubuntu, the files are gone again!

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Missing Min / Max Bars On Windows

Apr 29, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 (gnome flavor ) on my notebook.Everything installed fine except that I'm seeing three problems I'm hoping someone can help me with (or point me in the right direction).

1. When I open any window (gcalc or Firefox for example), the 3 little buttons which are used to maximize, close, etc...) are missing. So basically in order to exit any app, I have to do it through the application rather than clicking the close button. If you go to Themes, you can see what I'm talking about. For example, the theme 'ClearLook' show's the buttons. If I choose this, these buttons are not there.Any ideas why this is happening or how I can fix it?

2. When I open any application, it positions itself in the upper left hand corner of my screen. The menu of the application is tucked under the Gnome menu bar, so basically to use any application requires me to move it first.so I can get to the app menu.

3. When I open any application, I'm unable to position the mouse such that I can resize the window. Its like the mouse cursor can't find the the fine line where it changes so that I can grab the screen to increase or decrease it.

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