Software :: Setup The Mercurial Hgwebdir And Lighhtpd?

Mar 30, 2010

I try to set up on Debian mercurial shared repositories. The webserver is working and python.cgi is working also. Here is my config


server.modules = (


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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup A Mercurial Code Sharing Server On A Machine

Feb 2, 2011

I'm trying to setup a mercurial code sharing server on an Ubuntu machine but I can't figure out how to get it running. I'm setting up this server on a LAN so I don't want any security. Another thing I should mention is that I'm using Netbeans to code in Java. how use mercurial and tortoise (I've got them installed).

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General :: Can't Get Mercurial Installed On Opensuse

Jan 19, 2011

I have opensuse 10.2 and need to install mercurial on it. It doesn't have mercurial package so I downloaded mercurial-1.6 but I don't know how to install mercurial on opensuse.

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General :: Installing Mercurial On Debian Using Apt-get

Feb 23, 2011

I am trying to install Mercurial using apt-get on a web server running Debian. I would prefer to have the latest stable version of Mercurial but I would be happy with anything reasonably recent. I tried entering the command sudo apt-get install mercurial and I got the following response:

I tried running sudo apt-get -f install and got some more stat-related errors and a suggestion to run apt-get update. (Let me know if you need to know more details)

I tried sudo apt-get update and got several 404 errors followed by this:

How can I install Mercurial?

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Ubuntu :: How To Download Files With Mercurial

Jul 17, 2011

I want to download Barrelfish OS [URL] Now it says:The latest release of Barrelfish can now be obtained by anonymous Mercurial access from [URL]

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba NTFS Mount Mercurial Commit DeprecationWarning: Use Lock.release

Feb 8, 2010

When trying to commit or get status from a mercurial repository on a mounted NTFS filesystem i get the following error:

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/mercurial/ DeprecationWarning: use lock.release instead of del locklocker = self.testlock()

I found a couple of person who had the same problem but i can't find a solution.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup New Remote Office - Setup Domain Trust Between Two Sites?

Mar 14, 2010

I ended up setting up a basic linux file server as a pdc for that office. Our main office is a windows 2000 ads domain. The two offices are connected with a vpn. I only have two users at the new location so I simply have the linux and samba usernames/passwords setup manually. I would like to know if it is possible to setup a domain trust between the two sites so I don't have to create a username/password in the remote site for every user at the main office to access. I did some searching but came up empty.

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Software :: Openbravo Installation / Ant Setup And Setup-prerequisites File (don't Remember Exact Name)?

Apr 27, 2011

i am trying to install openbravo on my server.I have installed all the pre-requisites as ANT, JDK(though i installed JRE).

Everything goes fine untill the ant setup and then running the setup-prerequisites...file (don't remember the exact name).

As soon as i issue ant install.source it ends up with some errors..

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CentOS 5 :: Mistakenly Setup RAID 0 Array On / Instead Of RAID1 During Setup - Convert Without Loss?

Dec 15, 2010

So I didn't notice when I setup my CentOS 5.5 server that I left / as RAID 0 on md1. All the rest are RAID 1. Is there a way I can modify the array to RAID 1 without a risk of data loss? I'm glad I caught this before I setup any other services. I've only setup smb so far...

[root@ftpserver ~]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md1 16G 3.0G 13G 20% /


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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.2 Xen Bridged Networking - Setup Multiple DomU Through The Default Bridge Setup

Feb 4, 2010

Im trying to setup multiple domU through the default bridge setup. I am able to access only one of them through the network at a time. If you ping one of the domU it works perfectly but you cannot ping any of the others until you stop pinging the one and even then it takes a bit before you can. Ive looked around for a while and seen similar problems but nothing ever seems quite the same. Im probably missing something really stupid. Or is this the way the bridge is supposed to behave? Do i need to use a routed virtual network?


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Debian :: Ubuntu Local Mirror Setup For FAI Server Setup?

Apr 24, 2011

I want to setup a FAI server for which I was looking for the best method of mirroring the Debian Lenny. I want to setup a local mirror with the best method available for mirroring. If it is ftpsync, please provide me some best ways of doing it. I tried ftpsync mirroring but that was not getting properly working due to insufficient I want this mirror to be accessible in my FAI setup so that I can start the installation on multiple machines and start the updates and package installation to be done from the same local mirror.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.04 - Cannot Setup GRUB On RAID 0 Setup Disks

Jun 4, 2010

I've been all afternoon trying to install Ubuntu Lucid on my fakeRAID 0 configured (2) HDDs and am unable to set GRUB up. The fake RAID setup is provided by Intel Matrix Storage Manager, it is correctly enabled and the BIOS is also correctly set up -- in fact, I've managed to install Windows 7 with no significant hitch. After struggling with partioning the drives (had to follow advice I found on a very helpful guide online [0]), creating the filesystems AND getting Ubuntu's installer to actually do what it is supposed to do, I now cannot seem to set GRUB up. My system, as it stands, is unbootable at all; via live CD only.

This is how the RAID0 dev is partitioned:
# fdisk -l /dev/mapper/isw_ecdeiihbfi_Volume0
Disk /dev/mapper/isw_ecdeiihbfi_Volume0: 1000.2 GB, 1000210694144 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121602 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 131072 bytes / 262144 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x6634b2b5 .....

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Ubuntu :: Setup Workflow To A Terminal-based Setup

Jul 8, 2010

Im trying to set up my workflow to a terminal-based setup, so that accessing my computer through SSH will provide many of the things I need and use right off the bat. I have Mutt working great with my GMail account, so that's good. I do have a question though. Using the application Calcurse (featured on Lifehacker a few days ago, [URL] I am at a loss to figure out how to interface with Google Calendar. Is there a trick that Im missing, or does anyone know of another terminal app that plays better with Google Calendar?

Also, I was looking for a 'Digital Clock', essentially, again, a terminal/text based large print clock; similar to the one in the lower left corner on the attached pic. I was looking for a telnet server from the Atomic Clock, but no such luck so far.....

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CentOS 5 :: Boot Setup From Partition That Is Formatted During Setup

May 5, 2009

Here is a thought experiment:

1. Copy vmlinuz and initrd.img from isolinux subdir into /boot
2. Adjust grub.conf to boot to that kernel
3. Reboot to setup
4. Format /boot (actually '/' ) during "fresh install"
5. Proceed with the installation-over-network

I see two possible outcomes:

1. The setup fails to reformat the drive, because it is "in use" by boot kernel

2. The partition is not "in use" and the installation succeeds

Why? Old cluster with broken CD-drives, lacking USB, and no separate /boot partition.

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OpenSUSE :: Hp-setup Wont Setup HP Officejet?

Aug 18, 2011

With new installs of openSuse 11.4 I've hit a printer problem. I can run hp-setup (or hp-toolbox) for the wireless Officejet j6410 and it is recognised. The right driver is selected. Then when I choose add printer it all falls over with the error message: error: Printer queue setup failed. Could not connect to CUPS Server Is user added to "lp" group(s) error: Fax queue setup failed. Please restart CUPS and try again.

The user is added to the lp group. I have this problem with my 64 bit desktop and 32 bit laptop installs of 11.4, it all worked perfectly in 11.2. I've used the Cups web interface to set up the printer now and can print from both machines, but I would prefer to use the hp-toolbox, which has several convenient features. Where do I go from here?

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Hardware :: Setup A 5 Monitors Setup Using 3 Cards?

Oct 8, 2010

I am trying to setup a 5 monitors setup using 3 cards, but I am stuck at 3 monitors for now. The third card is not plugged yet, so the current setup is:

NVIDIA 8800GT (binary driver 195.***)
--->1680x1050 LCD (VGA)
--->1680x1050 LCD (DVI)
ATI HD5450 (3 output, but I think the OSS driver only support 2, corrdct me if I am wrong) (OSS driver)
--->1280x1024 LCD (DVI)
---> 1366x768 TV (VGA)


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Ubuntu Installation :: XP With Existing Setup (Partitions) - Error "Setup Did Not Find Any Hard Disks Installed On Your Computer"

Feb 18, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 and previously had a separate partition with another distro on it. I decided to delete the other distro's home and swap partitions and install XP in place of it. I've been following these instructions: [URL] and [URL] I have gotten to the point where I am booting to the XP CD and want to install it, but I get the message, "Setup did not find any hard disks installed on your computer" when I should be getting to the screen that asks me to select a partition to install XP on. This is what my HDD looks like in GParted:

I want to install XP in the unallocated partition, but I have a feeling I screwed up somewhere along the way and probably don't fully understand the whole thing. Even if I try to format the unallocated partition to NTFS I can't make it a primary partition (I assume because it's within sda2). The very last thing I want to do is delete my Ubuntu partition and start from scratch, but if that's my last option let me know.

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Server :: Setup Master / Master Mysql In HA Setup Without Use Of Load Balancer Provided By Host?

Mar 31, 2010

I have a load balancer with 2 web servers behind it. The web servers rsync with cloud storage to update their apache directories 1 time every hour. Apache is just running php pages that pull/push data to a DB so they dont need to be updated that often. However I need to figure out how to implement a Master/Master MySQL setup to have my web servers point to for the PHP stuff. I need to implement it without having a single point of failure. The Load balancers are useless for failover as they only detect availability based on Ping request. So putting a master/master setup behind a Load Balancer is out. what is the best way to setup the master/master mysql in a HA setup without the use of a load balancer provided by the host?

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Slackware :: Take Current Windows7 (x64) Setup And Make It Into A Dual-boot Setup With Slackware 13.0?

Jan 24, 2010

I'm trying to take my current windows7 (x64) setup and make it into a dual-boot setup with slackware 13.0 (x32) and am hitting a brickwall. I guess I would like to know if I can salvage the situation without formating my windows drive. I fully intend to, but I had hoped to not do it this month. I'd like to get dual boot going so I can master it and acquire all the files/drivers I'll want and then format and do it 100% right next time.

Currently I have windows setup on a 3x 500gb Raid0 onboard array which itself has been flawless. After I shrunk my current partition size to give me about 25gb of free space I proceeded to setup Linux, and I was unable to perform the cfdisk portion for partitioning the array for Linux.

I tried using cfdisk:
/dev/hdx (a1-a3,b1-b3)
/dev/sdx (a1-a3,b1-b3)

I even attempted to locate with: cat proc/partition and tried using cfdisk on every device it located. It always said it was either an unknown partition table and should I start at zero, or bad partition. I was of course too concerned over my windows setup (which has almost 1tb of stuff I have not backed up) to go any further into the unknown.

PS: I have used Slackware before, back at 8.1, 10, and even a very brief interlude at 12.0, this is my first attempt on this computer however with 13.0, it is currently running fine on my laptop and my PS3 (Laptop is even dual booting 7/Slack13. Albeit without raid)

Phenom 9850
M2N-SLI Deluxe (Nvidia AM2)
4x1gb of 1066 kingston hyperX
3x500gb WD Caviar Black Sata2 3.0

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CentOS 5 :: Getting "setup: Command Not Found" Error But Setup Is Installed

Jul 5, 2011

I'm trying to use the set application to configure Apache. I'm getting a "setup: command not found" error when I type in "setup" at the command line.

However when I try to install setup with yum, it tells me that setup is already installed.

I'm logged in as root. CentOS 5.5.

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Server :: Unable To Setup A NIS Server Setup On CentOS System

Jan 19, 2010

We are trying to set up a NIS server on a CentOS system. We need to have a NIS server which can provide NIS authentication to a couple of clients. We are practically new to all this stuff.

Just googled to find some ideas about installing ypserv and ypbind and portmapper. We did all that and also started them successfully. But now the clients are not able to join to the NIS domain . The error log states "YP_DOMAIN NOT BOUND".

I guess we have not entered the /etc/yp.conf, /etc/hosts files properly. Please let us know the detailed steps to setup a NIS server .

Also, please let us know what entries should go into the different /etc/<file_names>? What is meant by HOSTNAME in the /etc/hosts file?

Is there any other files which need to be changed? Are we missing any steps?

Also to add-on, while executing the ypinit command we faced the following error:

At this point, we have to construct a list of the hosts which will run NIS servers. localhost.localdomain is in the list of NIS server hosts. Please cont inue to add the names for the other hosts, one per line. When you are done with the list, type a <control D>. next host to add: localhost.localdomain next host to add:

The current list of NIS servers looks like this:

Is this correct? [y/n: y] y

Error running Makefile.

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General :: Setup A SMS Server, Appropriate Distribution To Setup A SMS Server?

Oct 22, 2010

How to setup a SMS server using Linux, also want to know the appropriate Linux distribution to setup a SMS server.

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Fedora :: Possible To Setup F11 In VM

Sep 6, 2009

I'm ordering a refurbed Thinkpad but will not receive it for 2 or 3 weeks. I'm wondering if it would be possible to setup F11 in a VM, then transfer the VM to my "new" Thinkpad once it arrives.

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Software :: How To Setup Ssh And Rsh

Apr 23, 2010

I installed Linux Red hat 32-bit . . I need to setup ssh and rsh.

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Software :: PHP Setup Using Rpm

Apr 11, 2010

We are trying to setup a server using RH Linux 5, PHP 5.2.9 and MySql 5.0.89. We are using a package called php-fdftk. When I try to install the rpm ( php-fdftk-4.3.10-2.4.2.i386.rpm) I get the following errors:

php >= 4.3.10 is needed by php-fdftk-4.3.10-2.4.2.i386
When I try to install the php.4.3.10 (php-4.3.9-2.i386.rpm) package I get the following errors:
error: Failed dependencies:
httpd-mmn = 20020903 is needed by php-4.3.9-2.i386 is needed by php-4.3.9-2.i386

I've seen a lot on httpd-mmn and I'm quite confused. How can I either resolve this or get rpm to ignore it.

Also, we currently have installed and cannot go back (too many dependencies). What to do?

Also, we have similar setups on other servers which have no problems. The only problem is that the people who installed the other servers have left and left no documentation on what they did to get things to work.

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Red Hat :: How To Setup RHN On RHEL 5.4

Dec 23, 2010

I am new to Red Hat a crossover from Ubuntu. I could use your help on setting up my RHEL server to RHN. I have installed the OS and I run rhn_register and I recieve the Certificate error.Also, is there a way to correllate a RHN -Contract #, a subscription # to a install #.

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Debian :: How To Setup A Server

Dec 14, 2010

I work for a small business that is in need of a web host change, because we're apparently getting too big for our current web host. Being the IT tech for the small business, it's up to me to get this website of ours moved to something that can host us with no trouble. After doing research and listening to other local small businesses with similar problems, we've decided to settle with Amazon's EC2 service. Since their "instances" will almost act like virtual private servers with our own choice of OS, and offering a pay what you use service with seemingly no limits, it fits our demands quite well. But, before we just go sign up and try to get this working, I need to first try and figure out how this is done. Truth be told, I have never once set up my own server, so this is mostly completely foreign to me, though I am willing to learn whatever it takes to get this done.

How exactly does this involve Debian, you ask? I'll explain. Before I took over as the IT tech, the previous guy (who left and moved away to earn his PhD) helped me learn a little bit of stuff before he left. He did so by having the business buy the necessary pieces to build a computer from scratch, and installed Debian as the OS. I learned enough Debian to do simple things like use the terminal, setting up crontab and other innocuous little things. It wasn't until after he had left that we found out that our current web host is finding our website getting too big for them to handle. As I still remain in contact with the previous guy in between his work on his PhD, he agreed with our choice on using Amazon EC2 as our host, but also suggested before starting up with them, to attempt to see if I can get the website to work on this Debian machine, and to mimic the same procedure on the Amazon instance once we sign up to make the change as quick as possible.

The problem with this stems back to what I said earlier, in that I have no idea how to set up a web server, and my knowledge with Debian is quite limited. I have no idea how to set up our website (which I have downloaded everything for it already) on this machine so I can see if it works, and then replicate the work on the Amazon instance (to which I would choose Debian as the OS). I figured there must be guides somewhere to help an idiot like myself in doing this, but I've had little luck in finding anything of the sort. The best I have found was installing LAMP and ensuring Apache, PHP and MySQL (the languages our website uses) and have followed that, but beyond that I have no further idea. Other guides I have found really only teach how to install other languages and packages that our website doesn't use. Which is why I'm here.

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Fedora Servers :: Setup SSH On The Box?

Aug 19, 2009

Been trying to setup SSH on the Linux box for a long time and still no success.

AIM: To be able to SSH from the internet.

I CAN ssh locally.
I CAN ssh on the LAN to the Linux box.
I have even changed distro from Ubuntu to Fedora.

Everytime I try to SSH from the internet I get connection timed out.... I have setup port forwarding correctly on my Netgear router, when a SSH request hits the router I can see it in the logs. I have port forward setup for FTP service to my windows 2003 box which all works fine, so port forward works and I know what im doing regards that.

"iptables -L" shows no policies in place, the GUI firewall is DISABLED.

Even tried service iptables stop

I have made no changes to sshd_config, its set to standard port 22. At this moment in time I dont care about firewalls/security just need to get this working as a inbound request comming in from the internet.

the hosts.allow file I have added 2 lines


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Fedora :: Setup An Emu 0404 PCI?

May 15, 2010

getting the Emu 0404 PCI card working with Fedora 12. I will do my best to make this as easy to follow as I can. If anyone has additions feel free to add them. I don�t know if this is the same procedure for the USB version, as I don�t own one nor have access to one. This guide also assume you know how to get root access in the terminal, also the out put from terminal will look different because all machines have different hardware.

Let me start my saying that Creative are jerks and could care less if this or any of their cards work in Linux. If you are like me and have one and also have a wife that would kill you if you bought another piece of PC equipment or Musical equipment, then let�s get it working. Now without further stalling:

1)Go into your Bios and turn off the integrated (on board) sound card. This varies by manufacture but can easily be found through Google.

2)After that let it boot up into Linux, now go ahead and run Code: yum update as root or su, this will make sure you are up to date and ready to go.

3)After update finishes or says �nothing marked for update�, open a terminal and get root privilege
Code: su then type password

4)Once you have that, do Code: lspci -nn you are looking to make sure your Emu is 1102:0008, there are two versions of this card. 11002:0008 works great; 1102:0004 is not supported yet. You should be looking for this (highlighted) :


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Fedora :: Get Scanner Setup In 13?

May 26, 2010

I installed Fedora 13 64 bit yesterday and so far so good. Except that it recognized my hp2100 printer scanner but it didn't work until I set up CUPS. I installed HPLIP and it doesn't see the printer even though it works. Now I would like to get the scanner to work, but simple scan doesn't see it. How do I get it to work?

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