Software :: Is It Safe To Re-install Software On Top Of Old Installation?

Jun 4, 2011

I'm currently installing a number of packages from source. Many of these packages have (optional) circular dependencies.Once the dependency has been installed, is it safe for me to re-configure, re-make and re-install the original package into the same location as previously installed, without removing the original installed files?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Safe To Install On External Hard Drive?

Feb 20, 2011

my problem here in not 'how to install ubuntu on an external HDD' but the thing is that after installation,i play around a bit in ubuntu(install on my external HDD). ok,so the external HDD is connected through usb. My problem is ,is it safe to install ubuntu on it? As i am using an external HDD from : Western Digital Element 500GB, so when i shutdown ubuntu ,i hear(from the external HDD) a sound like a sudden stop,for example,when you are playing a movie from it then ,you just unplug it.It not the sound when you make a safe remove,then unplug it. i am worried as it may cause some problem to my external HDD over time. So ,tell me,do you think i can go on with this?

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Debian Installation :: Safe To Install Dual Boot Windows 32bit

Jan 28, 2011

is it safe to install a dual boot windows 32bit and a linux 64bit on the same pc?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Safe To Install Ubuntu 10.10 With Wubi?

Jul 15, 2011

I was just getting ready to install ubuntu 10.10 64x with wubi but I read that it has some serious issues. Am I safe to install ubuntu 10.10 with wubi? Have the issues been fixed by now?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Safe To Upgrade To 11.4?

Mar 15, 2011

I'm using OS11.3 64bits with KDE 4.6.1 and its working fine.

Would anyone recommend me to do an upgrade to 11.4 or wait? If 11.4 is good, then would anyone recommend me to do a network upgrade, or clean installation?

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Ubuntu :: Safe To Install Dropbox In 10.04?

Aug 18, 2010

whether it's safe to install Dropbox in Ubuntu 10.04. It seems to be easy enough: [URL] and here for people who like me need to be held by the hand with simplest things: [URL] But as a newbie to ubuntu I've been burnt trying out seamless things that turn into tweaking nightmares that I can't manage. It would be useful to receive any prior warning as to how Dropbox cohabits with Gnome, Nautilus or anything relevant in Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Is It Safe To Install Gnome 3?

Jul 20, 2011

I am eager to try Gnome Shell 3, but i have seen articles online which say that the PPA is unsafe.So if anybody knows of a safe way to install Gnome 3 for 11.04.

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 Install Stuck - Now Just Upgrading Safe

Feb 18, 2011

My Ubuntu 10.4 LiveCD gets stuck on 83% of the installation and I don't have any blank CDs. I was wondering if I could just upgrade from the Update Manager or do I need to install fresh from a new cd?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: NVIDIA 180.xx Safe To Install?

Feb 24, 2009

I need to install the 180.29 driver since I need OpenGL 3.0 (I'm a developer). I'm using CentOS 5.2 x86_64. I came across this thread, [URL].. and it says it doesn't work in CentOS because of a conflict with synergy. I don't know what synergy is, is it simply something I can remove? I'm not sure if I should expect the same problem as described in that thread with the 64-bit version. Which install procedure should I use to try this driver? If I do try it, I need to know how to revert back should I experience this issue and not be able to get into a graphical environment.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Safe To Install Package With More Codecs?

Apr 13, 2011

Found this [URL] supposed to be from the mplayer project. This seems to contain more codecs than in the codec32 package in medibuntu. I am wondering if this is safe to install.

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Debian :: Install Backports With Aptitude Safe Upgrade?

Oct 18, 2010

I see that the backports now is officiel. My question is rather simpel: Is it possible to upgrade with (and how to) the backported packages without to much work? Is is needed to install all backported packages individually? I want to upgrade to any backported package with the command:

apitutude safe-upgrade - if it is possible.

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Programming :: Writing PHP Code - Safe To Install Xampp?

Dec 16, 2010

What do I need to start writing some php code? I've seen some tutorials where they install xampp, but I see it installs php, mysql and other stuff, my slackware already has mysql, so I don't know if installing xampp would cause some conflicts. What do I need to install considering that I already have mysql?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Safe To Upgrade From 9.04 To 9.10?

Jan 17, 2010

I read some of the thing under thread about ubuntu not working after update to 9.10, mainly connected with nvidia etc. This all seems rather complex for someone with only small experience. The Q is : is it safe today (bugs fixed?) to update from 9.04 to 9.10 simply via the update manager? Or will I have definitely no running system then and will need lot of special work to be done on drivers etc? My system is a dell dimension 4550, nvidia GeForce4 Ti4200. Or is the upgrade to 9.10 to dangerous still?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Safe To Upgrade To 10.04?

Jun 12, 2010

About 3-4 weeks ago, I tried upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 several times, using all of the methods. However, every single one of them had a bug; a black screen, completely blank. I saw other people had this problem and did everything others suggested, but yet I still got that black screen. So I decided to wait a few weeks and see if most of the bugs have been fixed. So is it safe to upgrade now?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - Wubi Safe To Use?

Dec 9, 2010

I have purchased a new Aser I5 laptop....Is Wubi the way to go to install Ubuntu 10.10 into this window machine. I hear a lot of people don't like or use Wubi. If I use Wubi can I pick the size on mt 705 gig hard drive to allow for say 100gig or 200 gig. etc.for Ubuntu?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Install 11.4 Video Unreadable Except For Safe Mode ?

Mar 30, 2011

My old desktop had a power supply that was going bad, so instead of replacing it again I decided to buy a new PC Desktop. So I ordered from and got a grodd AMD computer without a operating system on it as I didn't want that Windows 7 scheisse on it. So I downloaded SuSe 11.4 64 bit, and installed it last night.

At this point I will tell you the new PC has an NVIDIA GeForce 61100 GPU for graphics with 128 mb memory. Also I use an HP W2007 wide display monitor running 1680 by 1050 resolution, that I got over 3 years ago when I was running SuSe 10.2.

So during installation last night of 11.4 when it did the first boot after install, is when I first saw the symptom which is an illegible white screen, with about 100 3 mm lines on it. So I shut down, rebooted and brought it up safe mode and all is fine. The error screen only appears if I boot GRUB with the Desktop or Xen option and only when the boot would switch to display my desktop.

I recall a similar illegible video monitor issue when I first got the display over 3 years ago, and fixed it by changing a SuSe video configuration option, but being I am getting old and I didn't write down what the configuration file was I am at a loss. All my previous SuSe installations never had a problem as I would always choose the Update rather than new install option thus that configuration file was brought across the many releases installations. This video configuration parameter had the monitor resolution sizes in it.

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OpenSUSE Install :: What Is The Correct/safe Way To Move From Upstart To Systemd

May 3, 2011

What is the correct/safe way to move from upstart to systemd? I originally installed upstart in 11.3 and have now upgraded to 11.4. Having successfully upgraded to 11.4 I tried to use yast2 to install systemd and systemd-sysvinit onto my running system. Yast correctly identified that upstart should be deinstalled as a prerequisite for installing systemd-sysvinit.

After the install of systemd the system wouldn't shut down, and on a reset the system reported many systemctl/start service timeouts on things such as mounts and ttys. Eventually the system started an X-windows KDM login, but there were no console ttys and mounts were missing. I used X/kdm to login to root - phew! - I restored / from an rsync backup I'd made prior to the changes, so I'm back in business with upstart. I'd like to tidy up and move to systemd - I going to have a nose around myself, perhaps I will try switching back to sysv init and then going to systemd - but I have to wait for the machine to be idle before I experiment, any info in the mean time would be great.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Safe To Install Print Server To LAMP On 10.04.1?

Jan 20, 2011

I need to first point out that I am a complete n00b when it comes to Ubuntu Server, and I managed to install Ubuntu Server 10.04.1 (on a screen-less Acer Aspire 5100 laptop) with Apache2, MySQL, OpenSSH, & PHP5. I currently have this server (hosting my website) behind a linksys router with only port 22, and 80 forwarded to its ip address. Now my question is: Would it be safe to configure a print server on the same machine in order to print from the 3 other computers on my router to one printer, or are there security risks involved (like what I have heard with LAMP servers and Samba on the same machine)? I am also wondering if it is safe the way I configured port 80 & 22? It has extremely long passwords, and I also went through the secure installation of one of the programs setting a root password too... But can somebody please help me with my server? I am very surprised I have gone this far in my first 2 weeks of my Web Scripting class too!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Safe Mode Are Listed Twice ?

Jul 2, 2010

When I first started to install Ubuntu to my system, I got an error that told me Ubuntu was not successfully installed, so I restarted my computer and tried again. That time it works, and I'm thoroughly enjoying the OS. I noticed that when I start up my computer and I have the OS boot list, Ubuntu and Ubuntu safe mode are listed twice. How do I remove the 2nd one, and is it still installed on my other partition even though it said failed?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Keep RAID Array Safe

Aug 6, 2010

I currently have a nice HTPC setup that has been upgraded from distribution to distribution since 8.xx all the way up to 9.10 now. I just moved to a new place and it feels like the right time to do a fresh install of 10.04 into the HTPC. The problem is that I have a RAID 5 array in the system that has all my pictures, videos, music, etc. This OS is installed in a separate drive that is not part of the RAID array (I have 4 drives in the system, 3 in the array, 1 for the OS). what is the general process I should follow to do:

1. a fresh install of 10.04

2. do #1 while at the same time not losing my array (don't think I would anyway).

3. what to do after install to get the array back up and running and mounted.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Is It Safe To Resize Partition?

Sep 6, 2010

I am currently using Ubuntu Studio 9.10 in dual boot with xp and wondering if it's safe to shrink ubuntu partition and expand swap partition without messing up boot sequence and grub.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Safe To Completely Overwrite 10.04 With 11.04?

Apr 24, 2011

I've got a netbook which dual boots ubuntu and windows xp using grub legacy. Now I'd like to overwrite my current ubuntu 10.04 installation with a brand new 11.04. Grub is my main preoccupation: I'm worried installing 11.04 over the old installation may cause quite a mess due to the two grubs not going along well. Is it safe* to overwrite the older ubuntu installation with the new using the "traditional" bootable USB method?
*safety includes windows accessibility and data preservation.
I don't really understand how does grub work.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can Only Boot In Safe Mode

Jul 10, 2011

After I upgraded to 11.04 I now can only boot in safe mode. When I boot up in regular mode everything on the desktop is showing but I cant open anything. When I try to boot up in the classic mode, which is what I prefer, I just get my wallpaper on my desktop but no icons or anything. I didn't mind the safe mode at first but I now realise I cant install any updates which isn't good. I have 222 updates that need installed.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Adjust Safe Settings To Not Get Prompted With Every Single Click

Dec 1, 2009

I want to use secure file permissions within OpenSUSE, but having to provide the root password for every window I click is just a little too much.Wonder what the setting "paranoid" does then. And I also wonder how to adjust the safe settings to not get prompted with every single click.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Repair Or Add Repositories After Forcing Kernel Safe Mode

Jan 25, 2011

I got the blank screen when trying to install openSUSE 11.3 x64, so I was able to successfully install by choosing: Kernel (F6) > Safe Mode

Now I am trying to build my wireless driver, and I also notice that my touchpad is not scrolling. I had this OS installed in Windows 7 through VirtualBox before doing the clean installation, and I remember the touchpad scrolling.

I am thinking that by choosing Kernel Safe Mode to install openSUSE, that it did not install all the repositories, and it is why I am running into some difficulty.

what I need to do to fix my installation as if I had not installed in Safe Mode.

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Debian Installation :: Aptitude Safe Upgrade Not Installing Anything

Dec 29, 2010

I am running squeeze. I ran aptitude update and then safe-upgrade. The system detects 104 conflicts and then installs nothing, with no other messages. What can the problem be?

sudo aptitude safe-upgrade Resolving dependencies. open: 794300; closed: 315857; defer: 133767; conflict: 104

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Ubuntu Installation :: Safe To Update Thunderbird Through Terminal?

Feb 1, 2010

So I have thunderbird and it works great but I wanna check out the lighting add on and need a new addition. I have it set so it should update automatically but alas this didn't happen. I have downloaded the newest version to my hard disk and am wondering if I can just update it from that file? I don't want to try installing it for fear of loosing everything I already have.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Boot From Usb In Safe Graphics Mode?

May 30, 2010

how to enable boot in safe graphics mode in the bootable USB that I created for 10.04 by following the instructions in the download page.

Currently when I boot from USB and select installation, the monitor goes off. So I guess safe graphics mode is the way to go.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Safe To Update My Kernel With Wubi?

Jun 20, 2010

After updating the kernel in Wubi installs, GRUB gets messed up. This has caused me to hold off on the HUGE list of updates in my update manager (I have never updated since I first installed 10.04, and this was just over a week ago). Are these updates important enough to potentially risk something bad happening? What is the risk of updating? Is this an issue with all Wubi installs?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Safe To Upgrade To Thunderbird 3.1 Yet? (Lucid)

Jul 16, 2010

I notice the repository Thunderbird version is 3.0.5 but 3.1 is already released. I'm on 3.0.4 and it took me forever to find a compatible version of the Lightning extension, which I really need.Now I am afraid to upgrade to anything older than 3.1 because it might break Lightning, and I'm afraid to upgrade to 3.1 because maybe there's a reason it's not in the official repository yet (and because who knows if the latest version of Lightning really is compatible with the latest version of Thunderbird). My question is, is anybody out there currently running Thunderbird 3.1 with the Lightning extension on Kubuntu or Ubuntu 10.04, AMD64? Have you found it to be stable?

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