General :: Installing Ubuntu To Xandros?

Apr 4, 2010

this may seem really stupid but im new to xandros, and not too keen on it, anyone know how to install Ubuntu onto it?

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General :: Keeping Xandros 4.1 Up To Date.

Jan 11, 2010

Xandros isn't keeping its repostorie Apps. updated. I tried Ubuntu 9.04 and it was good with only a minor change, (wireless was slow). Got a workround from Ubuntu forum. Login as root I was able to fix it, I updated to Ubuntu 10. Wireless was slow again. I tried logging on as root. Ubuntu 10. has lockout root and sudo won't let me add (iwconfig wlan rate 54M) to a boot up program to fix it. I went back to 9.04 now it wouldn't let me sign in as root. I next tried Debian Lenny. The screen res. was 1600 x 900? And for Dabian Lenny the screen res. is set automatically and can't be set manually, so I could not finish the install. So I'm back to Xandros 4.1 needing help to keep it up to date.

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General :: Shortcut Icon On 701 Xandros?

Feb 18, 2010

As an absolute novice I am finding it difficult to understand Linux. There seem to be FAR too many variables to get a grip on how thing work. Anyway, I am trying to find out how to create a "desktop" shortcut icon which will open fbreader for ebooks. I have tried searching for the answer but keep running into "gnome" "kde" "Ubuntu" "debian(which might be relevant)" etc. My AsusEee 701 4G Surf runs Xandros.

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General :: Xandros 4.2 Broken Package?

Mar 8, 2010

I'm using Xandros 4.2 Home Edition Premium in dual boot with WinXP. A faulty installation at Xandros Networks has cause the print service to stop, Adobe Acrobat Reader fails to launch, Open Office is completely gone from the apps menu and there are probably other apps gone haywire.

Xandros tech support rep told me that I should reinstall from scratch. I am wondering since I have Konserve backups of etc, home, and root directories from before these errors occurred, if I can just paste healthy files into the places where they are broken. But I don't know where to begin. I'm not too confident right now about reinstalling xandros from scratch. I WAS confident at Xandros Networks. Now, I have a broken package.

I had to start from scratch a few years ago because of a broken package. I attempted a restore of etc, home and root from Konserve, but the desktop became a mess, so I had to start again completely from scratch. I figure that I don't know exactly what I'm doing, thus I also have Windows which is made for people with slightly lower IQ. I want to be able to use those healthy backups, but I don't know how w/o making a mess.

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General :: Ubuntu Netbook Remix Install For EeePC / Xandros?

Jan 5, 2010

Using eeePC1000 with Xandros installed and investigating installation of Ubuntu, especially seeing that there was a netbook version. Have had some problems creating a bootable USB, but followed a thread on the netbook forum that I think will be useful. Before going ahead I wanted some advice on a few things:

- does the Ubuntu OS install over Xandros or is there work to be done post install to clear Xandros out?
- if i want to keep using Thunderbird, StarOffice etc. as supplied with Xandros can I install these to Ubuntu?

Sorry if above all seems obvious: sites I've been to, or books are great at telling you about how good the OS is and how to install but nothing on what happens to the old OS.

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General :: Downloading On Xandros Using Eee Pc - Can't Watch A Lot Of Videos

Feb 11, 2010

how to download anything on my eee pc. I can't watch a lot of videos because i have the old flash player.

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General :: Error Found While Install Linspire And Xandros

Jun 29, 2011

When I try to Install Linspire I always encounter the error 25 can please what king of error this. Is this a Hardware problem or what. because this is my first time to use this Linspire....Regarding to xandros when I try to install this I always encounter error 17 but I used express installation and when the xandros ask to restart the pc and start he did not continued execution it appear error 17.

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General :: Get Firefox 3.6.12 To Start Up With Xandros Desktop Icon Rather Than 3.0.1?

Dec 4, 2010

I've used this approach to install Firefox 3.0.1 on my stock EEE PC, which has worked very well. I've since downloaded and installed version 3.6.12 for Linux, and I can start it up through the terminal with the command ~/firefox/firefox However, I can't start up 3.6.12 using the desktop icon; instead, it reverts back to version 3.0.1. How can I get the desktop icon to start 3.6.12?

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General :: Adobe Flashplayer 10 Xandros Linux 32 Bit Download And Install

May 20, 2011

I have an Asus Eee Pc 701 4G Celeron 900 Mhz using Xandros Linux i686/32 bit.Adobe has several options for download. Which do I select for download? Then how do I install? I have firefox 3.something?

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Debian :: Akregator Won't Autostart From Fluxbox In Xandros?

Dec 22, 2010

I am running Xandros on an asus netbook. I've been trying out the fluxbox window manager. I'm having trouble getting akregator to start after login. I've been able to edit my ~/.fluxbox/apps file and can get other programs to start up just fine. here is my apps file: I added konqueror and kcalc after akregator just to see if they worked.

Code: [startup] {powermonitor}
[startup] {akgregator}
[startup] {konqueror}
[startup] {kcalc}
[startup] {minimixer}
[startup] {networkmonitor ath0 eth0}
[app] (.*[tT]erm)
[app] (konqueror)

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Hardware :: All-in-One Printer That Works With Xandros Debian?

Nov 22, 2010

I have Linux Xandros Debian software on my Asus Eee PC, and for 3 years now I have been trying to buy a Colour Scanner that works. It does not have to be a stand alone Scanner, it can also be an All-in-One. I have been told the HP has the most chance. However I bought a HP Deskjet F2280, that the salesman guaranteed would scan with Linux, but it did not. And never has. Is there anybody who also has Linux Xandros Debian and HAS found a scanner that works?

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Software :: No AV Database Found Upon Av Scan Xandros FF2.0 EPC 900 4GB?

May 16, 2010

I have tried several times to do an av scan with the ASUS provided software and each time it says "failed" NO av database found. I tried the "hold depressed the power button and press F9 several times and reboot to factory settings" Nada, zip -nothing. It does update the av definitions okay. Do I really need to download a good FREE av? If so, which one?

Do I need a firewall? Cox broadband is my ISP and the free Macaffee does not support my linux os!

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Software :: Install Adobe Air On A 701 SD System Running Xandros?

Oct 24, 2010

Is there a way to install Adobe Air on a 701 SD Linux running Xandros?

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OpenSUSE :: Is It Safe To Put Old .mozilla And .mozilla-thunderbird Folders From Xandros 4.2

Oct 21, 2010

Is it safe to put my old .mozilla and .mozilla-thunderbird folders from xandros 4.2 into OSS 11.3? I have apps, emails, and settings that I would like to keep. This might seem like an over precautious question, but I've broken Xandros more than once. I would hate to do it to OSS.

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General :: Installing 64 Bit Ubuntu Over 32 Bit

Nov 4, 2010

I just downloaded Ubuntu remix Netbook edition 10.10. during the installation i wasnt paying attention and I downloaded the 32 bit version... The thing is the Unity interface is not showing up, and perhaps its becuase of this 32 bit thing. Anyway I would like to install the 64 bit version, not . Ive read around that the best way is to uninstall everything from windows (its dual boot) and re install. The problem is I dont have a windows xp start up cd, so that wouldnt work, or would be complicated.

However somewhere I read I could install over it, and I would like your thoughts. First off how would that work?? Ive learned my lesson not to play with the OS... to how to delete Ubuntu, without a Windows xp CD. To make it harder I dont know anything of computers so yay!

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General :: Installing EXE's On Ubuntu 8?

Jun 28, 2011

how to install a exe app on linux using the terminal!

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General :: Installing Ns2.33 In Ubuntu 8.10?

Sep 8, 2009

I am using UBUNTU8.10 via VMware in windows vista os. i had installed ns2.33 in this way

$ tar -xzvf ns-allinone-2.33.tar.gz
$ cd ns-allinone-2.33
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libxmu-dev


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General :: Installing Ns 2.28 On Ubuntu 10.04?

Nov 6, 2010

i followed the below instructions for installing ns2.28 on ubuntu 0.04, To install ns 2.28 and mobiwan 2.28 you should follow these steps Download the following packages

Type the following
$ tar zxvf ns-allinone-2.28.tar.gz
$ patch -p0 < ns-2.28-gcc410.patch
$ cd ns-allinone-2.28


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General :: Installing Ubuntu To Run In Virtual Box?

Jul 20, 2010

I tried installing the 64bit ubuntu download to run on my mac book pro using Virtual Box. But on first running and installing the os it said it requires a x86-64 CPU but I have a i686 CPU. What distro should I download for it to work? (I'll use any distro it doesn't matter)

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General :: Installing Mandriva On Ubuntu?

Aug 28, 2010

I have a completely new desktop and I have installed Ubuntu on it. That happened yesterday, today morning there is no internet connection on my desktop. I don't know what happened.

Anyway after all I have decided to put Mandriva over Ubuntu - that was the original plan - but now I am facing problems with installing Mandriva.

1st. The oriiginal cd drive is not recognised by Ubuntu Therefore I am using an old drive which at least is working.

2nd I cannot run Mandriva dvd.

My questions:

How can I delete Ubuntu and replace it with Mandriva? If this is too difficult, I would switch back to Windows 7. At least in Windows I have a bit of experience. The windows 7 dvd it cannot be run also.

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General :: Ubuntu Reboots While Installing?

Feb 15, 2011

I've been trying to get Ubuntu on my computer for months now and after having googled no relevant cases which may help me I would like some help.

I am trying to install Ubuntu on my computer (which already has windows and I don't want to lose it yet)

I have already burnt 3 CDs yet the problem is the same each time, that's why I believe the problem does not come from the burning. I checked the md5sum and there was no problem.

However when I try to install Ubuntu (or sometimes during a live session) after partitionning my computer and selecting mounting points, having "format" checked on the concerned partitions, the installation goes halfway through the "copying files" process and my computer simply reboots. More precisely, in the middle of installation the screen is replaced with the loading page of Ubuntu (like when you start with the live CD) then my computer reboots, no questions asked (not even to remove the CD, it reboots with the CD in it... while during a manual shutdown it would open the tray and ask you to close it)

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General :: Installing Software On Ubuntu 9.1?

Aug 5, 2010

I'm using ubuntu 9.1 and I'm having trouble installing software. How can I enable Gdebi package installer to automatically install programs I download. Every time I click on whatever I want to install it doesn't work and when I right click it, it doesn't give me the option to use it.

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General :: Installing Ubuntu And Win7 ?

Mar 7, 2011

I just install ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop and after that my 7 OS never boot at all.

(I before used linux with vmware on win7)

Any way... my friends say it related grub2.

I use this command :


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General :: Installing Slackware Over Ubuntu?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a laptop with broken ubuntu and windows 7. I want to replace ubuntu 10.10 with slackware 13.1. If I was to just install it over the top would the slackware bootloader (lilo?) Replace the ubuntu one(grub?). Because that would make my life easier.

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General :: CPU Temperature When Installing Ubuntu?

Mar 12, 2010

Trying to install Ubuntu from CD. I choose my language and hit Install and come to a black screen with the Ubuntu symbol glowing (loading everything I assume) and after a minute my screen fills up with messages saying my CPU Temperature is 99 (gets progressively higher) degrees. Is there something else I need to do before installing?

I have windows installed on my C drive and I'm planning on installing Linux on another blank drive. The Ubuntu version is the newest one (9.10) I think. I've got a Core i7, EVGA mobo, Nvidia 9600GT video card, and 6 gigs of memory. HDDs are all WD I believe, and the one I'm putting Linux on is 320 Gig.

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General :: First Command To Run After Installing Ubuntu?

Mar 26, 2011

Ubuntu is a great operating system. It fast, secured and easy to use when compared to most of other operating Systems. But Ubuntu is not complete without some additional packages. One command make Ubuntu useful for everyday use. To get started, press Ctrl - Alt - T on your keyboard to open Terminal. When Terminal opens, type the command below and press Enter to install. sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras Programs that will get installed after running the above command are: MP3, DVD Playback support Microsoft Fonts Java Runtime Flash Player and many codecs that are required to play MP3 and DVDs. (OR) install Ubuntu restricted extras Ubuntu by default, doesn't allow you to play MP3, DVD, Flash or most media formats for legal reasons. You must always install additional programs that will allow you to play those media To install Ubuntu restricted extras go to Ubuntu Software Center from the application launcher. Then search for "Ubuntu Restricted Extras" and Install . It will install commonly used pplications with restricted copyright (mp3,avi,mpeg,True Type,java,Flash,Codecs). Allu John Sudhakar System/Network Administrator

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General :: Installing The Clish On Ubuntu

Mar 29, 2010

i need to install clish:[URL]on ubuntu, and i can't understand how.i tried using the terminal and write the following:

me@me-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install clish
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package clish

and it can't find the package. i tried downloading it and install it but i just cant find how to do so

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General :: Installing .deb Files On Ubuntu?

May 21, 2010

I am trying to install a .deb file on Ubuntu and it starts to do it, but then tells me it cannot find the file.

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General :: Installing Mint Over Ubuntu?

Sep 25, 2010

I recently downloaded Ubuntu, with Windows Vista dual booting. I am fed up because Ubuntu won't work with my Broadcom BCM4312 Network Connector. I have decided that I am going to install Linux Mint inplace of Ubuntu. The only thing I am worried about is: Will Mint give me the option of which partiton to put it on? I know this sounds stupid, but I am being very cautious about not deleting my files and Vista.

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General :: Installing Netbeans 6.8 On Ubuntu 9.10

Mar 8, 2010

I have looked at similar threads, but I still have a gap in my understanding.

I have file and a jdk-6u18-linux-i586.bin file.

In a similar thread I found:


chmod +x <installer_file> <- make it executable
./<installer_file> <- this should start the installer

Which file is my installer file? The .sh or the .bin ?

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