Slackware :: Usb Mouse Connected To A Laptop Is Completely Non-responsive ?

Oct 19, 2010

I installed slackware 13.1 lately to a laptop. its a toshiba satellite m40 185 if it makes any difference. In any case, and while the touchpad works flawlessly, connecting a standard USB mouse to the pc does not power up the mouse (its a microsoft notebook optical mouse) and of course the mouse pointer does not follow the mouse's moves... no clicks either.

Basically when I do


I don't see junk printed on my terminal, whereas moving around the touchpad I do see some.

Just to clarify, It's not just X that is not working, gpm doesn't get mouse moves from the usb mouse either (touchscreen works flawlessly in console too).

my xorg.conf looks like:


I added the last 2 options after following this guide, which seems to cover concurrent read-in from more than 1 pointing devices.

All the other guides I found assume that you have a working gpm.

One question is: since with the new radeon drivers the xorg.conf file can be missing altogether and X will not cry, does it make any difference to add mouse options in xorg.conf?

Continuing my thought: it must be something else. Kernel doesn't seem to be the problem. The USB subsystem works since usb mass storage devices (that's all I have sitting around) are sensed by the kernel and udev properly. Additionally, the problem persists with the huge kernel.

Before slackware, I used to run fedora on the laptop and both pointing devices worked properly, however I think fedora uses another method of setting up the X server devices..

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Ubuntu :: The Center Of The Screen Is Not Responsive To The Mouse

May 20, 2011

I have recently did a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.04, before that i had 10.04. In the new installation i have a problem with the mouse that did not exist before: some of the radio buttons and some links in web pages are not responsive. further more, while writing this post, the mouse does not change its icon to text icon when i hoover over the post's text. it happens also in web pages when it does not change to hyper-link icon over some links. it seems that there is a certain area in the canter of the screen where it happens.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Install List - Mouse Is Not Responsive - Cursor Is Not Showing

Apr 28, 2011

So I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 beta 2 two days back. Upon trying to use the system, these were the problems I had:

1. Mouse is absolutely not responsive. Even the cursor is not showing.

2. When I login through keyboard options only once this message flashed "Unity not supported by your hardware switch to classic mode on your next login". It flashed once, took me to the desktop screen where the classic desktop was available and I could not access anything without keyboard shortcuts.

3. When I tried launching firefox, deluge or even tried using the terminal to connect to the net I am unable to connect.

4. My USB devices are not read.

5. I finally tried to do a clean install of 10.10 using the live cd I already have but the OS is not booting from the cd.

As a result I am stuck with a comp which has no mouse, no internet, no usb support, no cd support. Do you guys have any idea how I get it to work again?

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Slackware :: Automating Xorg RandR Turning Laptop Screen Off If External Monitor Is Connected?

Jan 2, 2010

I have a netbook (Acer Aspire One) I'm running Slackware 13. and usually, I prefer to connect an external monitor. When I switch my machine on with the monitor connected, the display is duplicated on both screens and since I just want the netbook's screen to be off and only see the display on the external monitor, I can doxrandr --output LVDS --off

Great! However, it's a hassle to do this every time I log in and I'd like to automate the process if possible. I did some googling and I found that if you want to automate xrandr commands, you can put a script in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ (see this). I wrote the following script to automate my xrandr commands and since the Xsession.d directory didn't exist, I tried creating it. The script was called 45custom-xrandr_settings, as the one on the RandR wiki is called the same.

# Check whether the external monitor is connected


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Ubuntu :: Connected HP Pav Laptop To Vizio TV - Displays Computer On Tv But Not On Laptop?

Jun 23, 2010

I connected my HP Pavillion laptop to a 1360x768 Vizio TV. On the TV it displays my laptop but on my laptop it has a black screen. How do I fix it so I can see my laptop screen on my laptop and on my TV at the same time?

I used to be able to do this with this TV as well as my friend's Samsung. I'm using a VGA connector. What should I do to have my laptop screen on my laptop and on my TV at the same time?

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Software :: X Hangs Completely When Using Mouse

Nov 14, 2009

Often when I use mouse-wheel/third-button/alt+right button screen hangs completely. Tried with different mice, also used these mice on other computers w/o problem so it's not a faulty mouse.

More details:
Just installed Debian Lenny/stable - since I want a stable system...
It hangs on three things (not always, very randomly!):
* Firefox - using mousewheel, sometimes middleclick-ing (wheel & middle are the same button on all my mice)


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Mouse Pointer Is Completely Gone & Cannot Be Retrieved

Nov 14, 2009

When computer idles for 20 minutes & I return, the cursor is completely gone & cannot be retrieved, though the mouse looks like it is working, just no cursor. Also my monitor keeps changing parameters, I tried to set Sax2 but it won't save changes? What do I do? I didn't notice the cursor thing until I set up the screensaver to go off at 6 minutes.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 - Screen Freezes Completely (but Mouse Is Moving)?

Aug 26, 2010

Sometimes, (the most when I'm making changes in something, like the pager, appearance, theme, etc), the screen freezes completely (but mouse is moving) and I have to restart the system.

If I try it again, it crashes at the same point.

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Hardware :: Mouse Froze - OS Completely Unresponsive - PC's HD Led Was Fully On Without Blinking

Mar 18, 2011

I wanted to have a partition with Debian, but after lots of unsolved errors I went to the more compatible Ubuntu. To my demise, he suffered from errors too. Without counting on the numerous errors and bugs experienced with other linuxes and windows. Given my computer's history of failing, I'd like to know what's wrong with him, and I'll take the opportunity to see if I can make Ubuntu work allright, so I'll describe his last error.

Actually more like a first error. Right after the instalation process (Ubuntu 10.10), I ran apt-get upgrade, and went to Firefox to waste time. Soon after, everything but the mouse froze, OS completely unresponsive. One strange thing was that the PC's HD led was fully on, without blinking.

Stranger is that this also happened at Windows XP, but at the time, he wasn't accessing the HD, and it didn't froze, just got excruciatingly slow. And it stayed like that on every boot. At least I was able to do some tasks and install SliTaz on my pendrive so I could use the computer. But suddenly it came back to normal.

As I'm talking about windows, I'll add that he bluescreens seldomly, always refering to some winsomething.dll .

The HD is almost brand new.
The RAM is not too old.
The oldest in my computer is the mobo and the processor.
It's not overheating because the power supply's fan is not working, so the computer always run with a home fan in it.

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Ubuntu :: Can Sync Laptop And Desktop Completely?

Sep 10, 2010

I currently run Ubuntu on my desktop and have just ordered a netbook which I intend on installing Ubuntu on.I was wondering if it was possible to keep both machines completely in sync ie, same files on both (music, pictures, desktop, documents etc) same settings, same themes, same programs etc etc?

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General :: Restore Windows 7 Completely On Laptop?

Mar 26, 2011

I had windows 7 preinstalled.Then I created 10GB space for ubuntu-9.04.Somebody tried to restore windows 7 completely on my laptop.As a result Now following error occurs

cannot load grub stage 1.5 When I try to boot with ubuntu 10.04 live cd . Screen goes blank after I select 'try without installing' So I tried 'mandriva 2009 live cd' Then it said 'vesa could not find suitable driver' & then 'xserver is disabled' I press ctrl+alt+f1 to get virtual terminal & login as root fdisk -l shows three partitions of 15GB (recovery),100MB (boot manager) ,284GB (windows 7 partition) respectively. The same configuration I had before installing ubuntu.


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Ubuntu :: Mouse Is Not Connected

Mar 16, 2011

For the past few days now my mouse has automatically been scrolling when I am not trying to scroll anything (such as web pages, Word documents, etc).So I unplugged mouse and restarted. The same problem arises when mouse is not connected!

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Ubuntu :: Karmic On Dell 9300 Laptop Completely Locking Up?

Apr 3, 2010

I can't willingly cause this to happen, it's completely random. I strongly believe it is the video card. My wife insists that it's a virus, but it's ridiculously hard to get a virus on Linux and she doesn't have anything relevant on the matter other than 'people are switching to it on Facebook, so hackers are attacking it now.'.

Here's my specs:

Distro: Xubuntu 9.04
Laptop: Dell Inspiron 9300
Processor: 1.02Ghz
Memory/RAM: 512
Video Card: ATI Radeon X300

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Fedora :: Copying The Acer A150 Install To A Completely Diff Laptop?

Feb 13, 2010

Is it possible for me to copy the A150 install to a completely different laptop?I have the A150 setup the way I want it with packages and synaptics, and I want to copy it's install over to a medion laptop.

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Slackware :: Mouse Acceleration - On Boot The Mouse Is Too Fast

Dec 13, 2010

Iv'e got an issue with mouse speed, on boot the mouse is to fast, so I found that the command


slows it down the way I need. But now, each boot I need to run it again. Is there a place where I can put it so it runs every time X starts? Also, googling a bit I found that udev rules can be used instead, but I don't know how to write it as a rule.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Freezes During Boot With USB Connected KVM Keyboard And Mouse

Aug 18, 2010

I have been battling this issues for about a year now. Kind of got tired of dealing with it, but inevitably I go away for vacation or something and I lose power at the fort then the system will not come back up on its own.

Every time (100%) I power my system on with the single USB cable connected to it, my system hangs. It did it on 8.x, 9.x and all versions of 10.x. I have asked the questions before, but never get anywhere with it. Finally I have found this Forum and figured out how to ask questions Weird, I know

The system goes through the BIOS check and gets to the GRUB loader. If I do nothing, it hangs with a black screen just after it says that it is loading the kernel.

If I change the kernel commands to include the noacpi=apic or most other common fixes for what I have been told, USB, I get to the same place seemingly.

In reading through the forums and a little testing, I find that if I remove the splash and the quiet commands (obviously snicker), I am able to see where it is really stopping, but does not make sense to me.

The last informational text that appears to be processed is one of

Registered Protocol Family 1

There is nothing in the SYSLOG, MESSAGES or DMESG at all for this boot. I would assume that the system is not to a point where we can log this data

This is an AMD Phenom II x4 running 10.04 64bit Ubuntu. The USB connected device is an Avocent KVM 4 port with Audio and USB.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Staying Connected To Wi-fi With Laptop?

Jun 4, 2010

I am relatively new to Ubuntu, and Linux, and I am having a problem with it that I was hoping to get fixed. Whenever I try to connect to my home wi-fi network, on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx, it keeps disconnecting and reconnecting...which makes it really hard to download various things. It works just fine whenever I used "shudders" Windows Vista but whenever I try to use it on Ubuntu, it won't work properly. The router I bought, to replace my old, broken one, was Linux compatible, or at least that's what it was advertised as. The laptop is an HP G70 and the method I used to download Ubuntu was the Windows Installer.

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Slackware :: *completely* Get Rid Of Xinerama?

Jan 11, 2011

I have recently upgraded to -current. I am mostly happy, except for one only tiny thing: my fonts look really, really ugly on 3.2.1. All other apps show the fonts decently. I even installed the MS2007 fonts, which properly set up look smoothly antialiased (even in Firefox). But all fonts look horrible on OOO. After doing some research about the cause of this ugliness, I came to found some light here: [URL]...


If there is any way to a)disable/kill Xinerama; or b)deuglyfing OOO, I would be interested to know. Any way that doesn't involve recompiling some things (not that I wouldn't want to recompile X without Xinerama support for instance -that could be fun-, but there must be a way to do it without recompiling).

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OpenSUSE Network :: Connected Pc To Laptop / Access Old Computer?

Sep 15, 2011

I dug up an old pentium 3 computer to play with. I have it connected to my laptop with an ethernet cable. Now, how do I access the files, install new OS, etc, etc? If it helps any, I think it runs windows 2000 and I'm on opensuse 11.3.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Laptop Connected / WEP Key Correct But No Internet?

May 23, 2010

I'm all new to Opensuse, but I've used Ubuntu before, I am having some issues with my wireless on Opensuse, the laptop is connected and the WEP key is correct and in the system information it says I'm online! However the internet does not work, I know the internet is online as my main Desktop Pc (Running Windows 7 64bit) which I'm typing this on, is connected to the internet!

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Ubuntu :: Setting The Resolution For A Monitor Connected To Laptop

Jul 16, 2010

I have connected to the VGA output of my laptop a 19" monitor. I setted in Ubuntu the resolution for that monitor to 1280x1024.

Two days ago i connected the laptop to a projector. When Ubuntu detected the projector it ask me for my user password to change "i dont know what".

After using the projector I have connected the laptop to the 19" monitor again. Now I can not set the resolution for the monitor to 1280x1024 (that resolution doesn't appear in the list)....

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Ubuntu Networking :: A LAN Between A Wifi Connected Laptop And A Wired PC?

Jul 9, 2011

I have an Ubuntu laptop connected by wifi to a Cisco router and a desktopUbuntu PC conneted by wire to the same router. I would like, if it's possible to connect them without using the Internet (I mean what I want it's not just communicate between them using SSH over the Internet, for instance, but also communicate without connecting to the Internet). My DSL connection it's 4 Mb/s while my router can work up to 100 Mb/s so I would like to take advantage of these 100 Mb/s to transfer files between the two computers instead of using 4 MB/s

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: When Boot Up Laptop And Battery Is Not Connected?

Aug 1, 2011

I have a problem when I boot up my laptop and my battery is not connected. You can not hear audio from your headset. But when the battery is connected when you start up the system, the headset works.ACER ASPIRE 4750gi have followed this instruction:

wget[URL]-O && bash
and here is my
Uploaded Data.

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Slackware :: Radio Switch Is Completely Ignored?

Jun 19, 2010

I have a ThinkPad T60 with the AR5008 chipset. I am using a Madwifi driver that I complied from source (this is a fixed driver related to a bug report on this chipset). My Thinkpad has a hardware switch on the front.My problem is that the wireless works whether or not the radio switch is in the on position.I have not been able to figure out how to make the wifi radio turn on and off with the switch.Note that the bluetooth does respect the switch.

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Ubuntu :: External - Surround Speakers Connected To Laptop Not Working / Solution For This?

Oct 28, 2009

Im using Ubuntu 9.04 in my acer aspire 6930 laptop. Inbuilt speakers in my laptop is working, however the external or surround speaker system say 2.1 connected to my laptop is not working.. i just want to know possible solutions for this challenge..

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Slackware :: Lost Wireless Keybord And Mouse Upgrading Slackware Current

Oct 24, 2010

Lost my wireless keyboard and mouse upgrading slackware current.Boot seems to be normal.I just can't login, cause have no keyboard.

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Slackware :: Enable NumLock And Then Disable The Button Completely

Jan 8, 2010

I've got 5 users who share a bunch of virtual Windows XP guests via VRDP (VirtualBox RDP access), and I'm having some problems with managing their NumLock state. They all use rdesktop to access the Windows XP machines. This works very well, as long as all of them have NumLock enabled. If one of them disables it by mistake, and then logs into one of the Windows XP machines, NumLock is disabled and some of the programs they use start to act really weird. This is causing us some grief.

So I'd like to be able to enable NumLock on all the computers (they are all running Slackware 12.2) before X, while X runs and while KDE is running. And when NumLock is enabled for the entire system, thenI'd like to remove the ability to disable NumLock altogether. NumLock should always be enabled for these users, no matter what. It would be really nice if Linux/X/KDE/whatever just honored the BIOS setting, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do that. Oh, and I'd really like if the NumLock LED was ON, so everybody are made aware of the fact that they have NumLock turned on.

ps. I've tried remapping the keys on the numeric pad with xmodmap, but that doesn't solve the problem. The actual NumLock state must be set to avoid problems with the troubled Windows programs.

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Slackware :: Mouse Cursor Is Half Gone And There Is No Toolbar In Slackware 13.1 With XFCE?

Aug 26, 2010

I recently logged into my Slackware 13.1 account and when I issued the "startx" command , there was no toolbar at the bottom and I couldn't see my mouse. I was able to click on a short-cut on my desktop , and my mouse came back. I can't open any thing except VirtualBox. When I open it , the top is cut off , so the minimize , maximize and close buttons are cut-off . I really have no idea what to do.P.S. I have XFCE instead of KDE

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Ubuntu Networking :: Enabling Wifi In Laptop For Other Devices When Connected To Wired Network

Jul 14, 2010

This may be more suited for the networking forums, but I figured Community Cafe would be well rounded enough for someone to tell me if this is even possible (with minimal configuration that is).There are a few places I travel where I only have a wired connection to the Internet (no wifi), but when this happens is there a simple way to create an adhoc network so wireless devices can route through my computer and to the network? Reason I'm asking is I'm thinking of getting an iPad or iPod Touch which have wireless connections, but in the cases where my laptop is using a wired ethernet connection and the wireless card isn't used, I'd like to create an adhoc wireless network that'll let such wireless devices work.

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Slackware :: Completely Uninstall Nvidia-driver And Reinstall Default?

Apr 12, 2011

I use slackware 13.1-current on desktop with 4gb ram, nvidia geforce 210, and AMD cpu.
I have problem with my X starting using 40-50 MB of RAM and after some hours suddenly rises up to 400-500 MB. I have tried KDE ( with and without desktop effects ), LXDE, 3 different nvidia drivers ( the one made from the slackbuilds ) but no luck.
I decided at last to use the default slackware's driver. I uninstalled the nvidia driver and do startx, but it says code...

I have no idea about GPU and drivers, it was a mistake to install a driver for my nvidia just to have desktop effects. I just want to bring the things back as at the beginning of the systems installation and the default drivers.
Do you have any idea how to do it?

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