Slackware :: Odd Screen Characters And Laptop Activity?
May 13, 2011
Compaq N600c w/ Slack 13's an older workhorse that began behaving oddly after the user dl'd a background image for her desktop...on login, the laptop would spawn hundreds of terminals once producing a load avg of 40.5 -never seen that before- as well on shutdown and startup I start seeing the appearance of the following characters ^[[[D repeated hundreds if not thousands of times on the screen, boot and shutdown will progress to completion but it's unintended behaviour, therefore suspect in my mind.hd thorough self-test passed and memtest is not showing errors on it's second pass
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Jan 17, 2011
I'm using Slackware 13.1.
Whenever I logout of KDE and go back into console mode, the characters at the console screen become unreadable gibberish. Is anyone else having this problem?
I can ctl+alt+F? to work at another console screen, but the ctl+alt+F1 screen remains unreadable until I reboot.
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May 17, 2010
I'm using Slackware 13.1 RC1,gm45 GPU. After I closed the laptop lid and opened in again, the screen is blank and I could only see the pointer, but nothing else.
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Mar 15, 2010
I'm currently trying to setup a minimal Slackware installation. Everything is well, except for screen brightness/hard disk control via laptop-mode-tools. I was wondering if anyone used it, and if they got it to work on their Slack systems, how they went about doing it.
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May 23, 2011
My power settings is set to put the laptop screen to sleep after some minutes of inactivity. This works fine, however it doesn't want to come back to life if I move the mouse, type etc...
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Jan 2, 2010
I have a netbook (Acer Aspire One) I'm running Slackware 13. and usually, I prefer to connect an external monitor. When I switch my machine on with the monitor connected, the display is duplicated on both screens and since I just want the netbook's screen to be off and only see the display on the external monitor, I can doxrandr --output LVDS --off
Great! However, it's a hassle to do this every time I log in and I'd like to automate the process if possible. I did some googling and I found that if you want to automate xrandr commands, you can put a script in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ (see this). I wrote the following script to automate my xrandr commands and since the Xsession.d directory didn't exist, I tried creating it. The script was called 45custom-xrandr_settings, as the one on the RandR wiki is called the same.
# Check whether the external monitor is connected
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Jan 19, 2010
Was wondering if this is normal. I have a laptop which is about a year old. Recently my battery died (it last 10-15 minutes instead of 3-4 hours as it was before). I ordered a new one. While waiting for the new one I started to investigate power consumers (processes) on my machine. I run slackware64-current. with 2.6.33-rc4-git7 kernel. config - is slightly modified config-generic from -current. I attach t here for any case. Here is the output of powertop:
PowerTOP version 1.11 (C) 2007 Intel Corporation
Cn Avg residency P-states (frequencies)
C0 (ЦП работает) ( 9,0%) 2,27 ГГц 2,6%
How can I decrease number of wakeups?
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Aug 8, 2010
When I try to install Ubuntu or (having installed using Wubi) boot Ubuntu, I get a blank screen and no activity. This problem has been addressed many times but I haven't been able to get any of the proposed solutions (e.g. nomodeset, i8042.nopnp) to work. Is there another Linux or Unix-like OS that is known to work with this hardware?
Sony Vaio Y (VPCY)
NameIntel(R) HD Graphics
PNP Device IDPCIVEN_8086&DEV_0046&SUBSYS_9076104D&REV_023&115 83659&0&10
Adapter TypeIntel(R) HD Graphics (Core i3), Intel Corporation compatible
Adapter DescriptionIntel(R) HD Graphics
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Sep 21, 2009
I have just installed Ubuntu on a machine that has an ATI Radeon 3450 video card installed. If I boot the machine into recovery mode and then select 'normal boot' at the pause I get to a fully functional desktop that is using the fglrx driver. Compiz is happy and my graphics look great. If I boot normally and just let the machine do its own thing I get just past the 'select' screen and the machine stops. There is no further disk activity and the monitor goes into standby mode. I can't see anything relevant in any of the log files.
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Apr 24, 2010
I'm running Slackware 13 with a custom kernel based off of I tend to leave my system on 24/7, as well as my web browser. Originally it was Firefox and now it is Google's Chrome. Usually about a day of leaving the web browser open my HD activity spikes so high that I can barely do anything on the system until I kill the web browser. This has been happening with both Firefox AND Chrome! As soon as the browser processes are killed, the system returns back to normal.
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Nov 2, 2010
I'm using VMware and it's very anoonyng to type my pass on the suse window eachime i return to that OS
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Dec 15, 2009
I attempted to do the upgrade from 11 to 12 with the Preupgrade Assistant. Unfortunatly something went terribly wrong. Everything went well, excluding the size of partition error, untill the reboot. I did have to remove two previous installs. Now grub gives me an option to upgrade to Fedora 12. When I select this the screen runs code quickly and the screen goes blank with alot of disk activity. Then nothing. Is there a method of recovering this install? I am fairly new to Linux Administration and I am just knowledgable enough to mess things up.
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Apr 27, 2010
I've upgraded from Karmic 64-bit kubuntu to the RC build for Lucid. I have two pcs connected to two monitors via an Aten dual head KVM switch. With the new release I only get a background slideshow on one monitor. I can get an image on the first monitor by right clicking and choosing Next Wallpaper image, but it never changes. When I select Desktop Activity Settings both monitors go entirely blank, except for the mouse cursor. The Display Multiple Monitors screen has ticks in all the multiple monitor checkboxes and Identify All Displays correctly identifies both monitors.
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Apr 10, 2010
I am running Slackware64 v13.0 with XMonad as my window manager and dzen2 as my status bar. Sometimes I do my Spanish homework on this computer, and I would like to know the best way to get accented characters and other symbols. Normally, in desktop environments or proprietary OSs, there is a window I can open to select certain special characters. I don't have any of that on this system, and I need to know if there is a simple, minimal program that displays special characters like this or if there is another way to use them easily. I would prefer something light and without many dependencies (just because I prefer simpler software), but I'm open to other solutions if something like this is not available.
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Sep 10, 2010
I use slackware64 13.1. In my root account the terminal have colors for folders, files, etc and characters like appear correct.I create a normal account for me, but specials characters don't appear and terminal have no colors.I read in a lot that I need to configure a .bashrc and a .bash_profile but I don't found this files in my root account to get some guide lines.
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Jun 29, 2011
Slackware 13.37, tested on 2 different PC;
affected: mousepad and tcl/tk applications
I am using mousepad and tcl/tk application to view text files with long lines. Sometimes ago I found that some characters (part of line) in long lines disappear. The problem is shown on a very small video. [URL]
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Jan 27, 2011
Using Fluxbox, have tried this in XFCE and KDE. Chinese characters display properly in whatever browser I use online. I do need to see some in the file manager and this is not working.
I have installed the following chinese display files from Slack -
No results so far.
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May 15, 2010
When I change the "When laptop lid is closed" option in Gnome Power Manager to either "Blank Screen" or "Do Nothing" (by manually using gconf-editor), the screen itself doesn't turn off when the lid is closed. Obviously not a huge deal, as I could just change the "idle before sleep" on certain occasions, but I liked that setting it to "Do Nothing" previously would actually turn off the screen when the lid was closed.
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Feb 7, 2010
I got a new computer yesterday, a 64-bit Asus.I replaced the power supply and the graphics card immediately. I booted the computer up with a spare 20"idescreen monitor on a portable desk to install Ubuntu and make sure all was well with the newly installed power supply and graphics card.It worked perfectly.I moved my old tower out from its slot under my desk and put the new Asus tower under there. I plugged it into my 23" widescreen monitor and booted the computer.Ubuntu (9.10) boots just fine... but the login screen is all boxes!! There are no characters, just little white boxes. I can put in my password and log in. Once logged in the system is fine - all characters display normally from within Ubuntu.
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Dec 6, 2010
i'm installing slack 13.1 on a friend's machine, and ran into what i would not call a bug, but more of an oversight. when selecting a desktop activity type, i must have definitely clicked the wrong item. i got a group of icons in the middle of the screen corresponding to the categories in the KDE menu. it worked ok, you could click on a category and get a group of icons for the apps, and click on the app to launch it. no problem there.... but you could not revert to a regular desktop.... at all.... no amount of right clicking would bring up the popup window i used to get there, and the plasma jellybean at the corner of the screen was gone. the plasma jellybean on the panel at the bottom brought up a panel menu, but never could get back to the desktop activity selection menu. the only way to get back to square one, was to delete the .kde subdirectory in the user's root directory.
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Jun 25, 2010
I'm stuck with the problem of amarok refusing to play songs that have any non-ascii characters in the metadata, which is about 1/3 of my collection.A solution to that problem would be ideal, but if there is a good alternative (like amarok 1.x series) I would probably switch.
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Apr 6, 2011
dhclient does not strip or escape shell meta-characters
Summary: dhclient doesn't strip or escape certain shell meta-characters in dhcpd responses, allowing a rogue server or party with with escalated privileges on the server to cause remote code execution on the client.
ISC dhclient did not strip or escape certain shell meta-characters in responses from the dhcp server (like hostname) before passing the responses on to dhclient-script. Depending on the script and OS, this can result in execution of exploit code on the client.
CVSS Score:
For more information on CVSS scores, visit [url]
On SUSE systems, it is possible to disable hostname update by setting DHCLIENT_SET_HOSTNAME="no" in /etc/sysconfig/network/dhcp.
Other systems may add following line to dhclient-script at the beginning of the set_hostname() function:
In environments where filters/acls can be put into place to limit clients to accessing only legitimate dhcp servers, this will protect clients from rogue dhcp servers deliberately trying to exploit this bug.
However, this will not protect from compromised servers.
Active exploits:
Upgrade to 3.1-ESV-R1, 4.1-ESV-R2 or 4.2.1-P1. [url]
No patch is available for 4.0.x as it is EOL. Anyone running 4.1.x should upgrade to 4.1-ESV-R2.
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Jan 22, 2010
Is it possible to remove the ESC sequences in GNU Screen's output file? Things such as colours, tabs and other escape characters make their way into the log files and become difficult to decipher.
I've tried Dr. Google & Co. as well as reading the manual, but haven't been able to find anything suitable.Perhaps I've overlooked something?
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Dec 30, 2010
I have the following in my .screenrc file
hardstatus string '%{= kw}[%{r} %d/%m/%Y %C %A %{w}] [%= %{= kw}%-Lw%{= kW}%{r}%n:%t%?%?%{= kw}%?%+Lw%?%?%= ] [ %{r}%l%{w} ]%{w}%{w}'
and the statusbar shows up as
[ 30/12/2010 8:24 PM ] [ 0$ bash 1-$ bash 2:bash ] [ 0.00 0.03 0.04 ]
I want it like this instead:
[ 30/12/2010 8:24 PM ] [ 0:bash 1:bash 2:bash ] [ 0.00 0.03 0.04 ]
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Nov 3, 2010
I was trying to plug projector on my laptop with slackware 13.1 installed. The problem is that the projector stops showing whenever I start X. I can see everything starting from LILO loader, but whenever I type "startx" - bam, no signal or just a black screen on the wall. I try to switch to console mode with ctrl+alt+f1 - the view appears, switching back to X with ctrl+alt+f7 - view disappears. I am using awesome WM. I tried XFCE, but the result was the same. I also tried to change resolution to
xrandr --output default --mode 1024x768 / 800x600
, but again, no difference. My laptop is ASUS F3Jc. Fn keys doesn't help as well.
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Jul 8, 2011
What command could I use in terminal to delete all ASCII characters? That is, delete a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and all punctuation? I have a file containing Chinese characters, and I want to remove everything else and leave just the Chinese.
I can use grep to leave only the lines that have Chinese in them, but this still leaves a lot of non-Chinese stuff on those lines. Does anyone know how I could actually remove everything that isn't Chinese?
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Aug 28, 2011
While modifying the definition of my PS1, I saw that "[" and "]" markers should be added to help bash to compute the right display lenght. Many exemples on the web do not use them or even mention them.I searched for a solution to add them automatically, like with sed, but I didn't find any example.Are they still needed and is there a recommandation not to use sed to define PS1?
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Jul 18, 2010
I've had Windows XP installed on a Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop with 1 gig of ram and 70 gig hard disk. Today I decided to install Ubuntu 10.04 desktop edition to ext3 partitions I made on the laptop's hard disk. The Ubuntu installation went fine, and Ubuntu was up and runnning. Then for fun, I checked the available WiFi networks in this apartment building. Six were secure but one WiFi was open, so I clicked it out of curiosity. Within seconds, my laptop's 15-inch screen went super-dark, nearly jet black.I couldn't read anything on the screen. Pictures and words were still on the screen, but just way too dark to read or to see with any clarity at all. I don't have a WiFi card in the laptop.Instead I use Verizon's usb727 air card on Verizon EVDO Mobile Broadband (3G)
I don't know if the free Wifi network hosed me in some way with a nasty trick (I don't have a WiFi card in the laptop--just the usb727 dongle which is an EVDO aircard), or if it was just coincidental that the screen went super dark seconds after clicking the open Wifi network in Ubuntu's network manager applet.When I reboot, I don't see anything anymore, not the POST, not Windows XP booting up, or Ubuntu booting up. The only way I see anything now is to connect the laptop to an external monitor using the laptop's blue video connector. And even then, I still can't see the boot-up POST process, or the BIOS screen.I can only see Ubuntu or Windows XP after they've finished loading, and only on an external monitor. Did the new installation of Ubuntu hose my Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop's screen, or was it the Wifi network, or did the screen just coincidentally go bad minutes after I installed Ubuntu and seconds after I clicked the open Wifi connection?
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Jun 16, 2010
I have my OpenSuse 11.1 box set up with utf-8, however, every time I try to open a file with utf-8 characters with vi it can't handle those characters properly.
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Dec 3, 2010
I recently installed Debian Linux (Lenny, but I used a backpost kernel) A couple months ago, I dropped my laptop and it has GIANT cracks in it so that it is nearly impossible to see most of the screen. I've managed to work around it by hooking it up to my TV screen, but now that I've installed debian, and am trying to use bash as much as possible, I wonder if it would be possible to tell debian not to use any of the unusable screen. Is there a way to set this up? It's an Acer Aspire One 150 ZG5
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