Slackware :: Unreadable Characters At Console Screen After KDE Logout?

Jan 17, 2011

I'm using Slackware 13.1.

Whenever I logout of KDE and go back into console mode, the characters at the console screen become unreadable gibberish. Is anyone else having this problem?

I can ctl+alt+F? to work at another console screen, but the ctl+alt+F1 screen remains unreadable until I reboot.

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Debian :: Unreadable Characters In Console Mode And In Keyboard Layout?

Oct 10, 2010

I'm getting a weird charset problem in a chroot'ed system that I kexec'ed into. It is especially noticeable in ncurses programs like aptitude, but it also noticeable in vim. [URL] My locales are configured to en_US.UTF-8, I have choosen my keyboard layout with kbd-config while in the chroot before kexec'ing into it, I've passed the bootkbd= parameter to the kexec'ed kernel, and my TERM variable is set to "linux". I can't try xterm because this chroot system doesn't has X.

EDIT: I just noticed that the keyboard layout I selected is not working properly. All keys work fine except the ones that are specific to my country. Instead of ç I get a weird symbol.

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Slackware :: Black Screen After Logout?

Jan 7, 2010

After updating my Slackware-Current (there was kernel and glibc package updates), I just get a black screen with a blinking "_" in the top-left corner when I logout.

I checked /var/log/kdm.log and found these errors:


I've found a workaround: uncommenting "TerminateServer=true" in kdmrc.

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Slackware :: Black Screen At KDE Logout With 13.37 64-bit And VirtualBox

May 3, 2011

I'm trying to run Slackware 13.37 64-bit in a VirtualBox virtual machine. My VirtualBox version is 3.2.12. I had to disable compositing to keep the X-Server from reporting a segfault.Now the problem is that on logout from KDE I get a completely black screen. I can switch to a console session and type commands to get the login screen again.

telinit 3
telinit 4

I tried editing "kdmrc" to add the line "TerminateServer=true" but it had no effect on the problem.I had this working with Slackware 13.1 at one time, but I can't seem to get it working properly now even without desktop effects.I'm trying to avoid changing my VirtualBox software since each version seems to just introduce new and different bugs. The 4.X versions are not yet very stable.

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Fedora :: Unreadable Characters In Evolution Mail?

Oct 24, 2009

I did install FC 11 without problems. The only thing I don't understand is the following.

Viewing some messages, the character apostrophe'is not displayed.Charset is "iso-8859-1" which is the default in my Evolution as well...


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 23:14:24 +0200


Checking the source of the message I can read at some place :

Le Sp=E9cialiste de l=92 Informatique=0A=

what is displayed without apostrophe as =92 is shown as a blank square (not printable character) On the other side I see the following source in same message :

t=E9l=E9charger directement et gratuitement sur le site de l'=E9diteur =0A=

what is displayed with the apostrophe: I don't know why the character apostrophe is sent as =92 This did not happen within FC 10 or the earlier Evolution

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Ubuntu :: Navigating Folders With Unreadable Characters In Terminal?

Nov 12, 2010

I'm trying to get more acquainted with the terminal but have run into a problem. I have a flash drive that originally had a name that consisted of numbers and letters. After using the flash drive on Windows recently, I saw that its name had changed and now contains special characters (the name is now �NPM=:�N). It poses no problem when navigating through folders graphically, but because I usually have multiple external drives and the first character of the flash drive name is a special character, I have no idea how to 'cd' to the flash drive from the terminal. So the only solution I see is to either type these special characters in the terminal or somehow cycle through all the folders in /media with the keyboard.

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Slackware :: Odd Screen Characters And Laptop Activity?

May 13, 2011

Compaq N600c w/ Slack 13's an older workhorse that began behaving oddly after the user dl'd a background image for her desktop...on login, the laptop would spawn hundreds of terminals once producing a load avg of 40.5 -never seen that before- as well on shutdown and startup I start seeing the appearance of the following characters ^[[[D repeated hundreds if not thousands of times on the screen, boot and shutdown will progress to completion but it's unintended behaviour, therefore suspect in my mind.hd thorough self-test passed and memtest is not showing errors on it's second pass

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Ubuntu :: The Text In Recovery Mode Console Is Unreadable?

Apr 30, 2011

When I try to load Ubuntu (recovery mode) or if I press Ctrl+Alt+F1, the image gets corrupted showing a white screen with black writing on it, but which is unreadable. Also the words seem to be spelled backwards. I'm trying to install an NVIDIA driver and I need to stop first the X server.

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Debian :: Characters Corrupted When Using Console Apps?

Jul 4, 2010

I'm having a problem with getting the console to display special characters. I can type special characters in on the command line but they arent outputted properly when using something like aptitude or man. What I find strange is that in X the same programs work fine.

Heres the locale settings:


Unfortunately I dont know how to find the font settings.

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Slackware :: Cannot Shutdown, Reboot And Logout On Slackware 13.37 From Kde Menu?

Jun 11, 2011

I have done 3 clean installs for this problem and it remains, i don't want to do it from the terminal..(Buttons exists but they won't work...)

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Slackware :: 13.1 - MF / MP Symbols Small And Unreadable

Jun 4, 2010

When I used slackware 13.0 I installed wine 1.1.40 and then I installed an old program, PowerTAB. The font for the mf, mp, and other symbols was very small and unreadable. To solve this I put sylfaen.ttf in /home/darksaurian/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts and this magically fixed the problem. I don't know why or how I figured it out. But now with Slack 13.1 I do the exact same thing, same version of wine, and the font trick does nothing. The mf, mp symbols remain unchanged and unreadable.

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Software :: Line-drawing Characters Not Longer Drawn In Console After Kernel Upgrade?

Jun 24, 2009

I upgraded in Ubuntu from 2.6.28-13 to 2.6.30 and now I get no line-drawing characters in applications like alsamixer; instead they are replaced by 127-bit chars like 'lqqk'. As a coder, I'd really like to understand what happened - what changed (file in /etc?) affecting terminal capabilities, and what does the kernel have to do with it .

PS: the distro is Jaunty and I used the debs at



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General :: Screen Unreadable In Ubuntu 11.04

May 2, 2011

Just upgraded from Maverick 10.10 to Natty 11.04 and went smoothly even with the new Unity desktop. But when restarted from shutdown, the screen was jumbled and was only just able to restart (the screen jumbled but could just make out the dialog boxes. Then logged in in safe mode. Ever since, have only been able to run in the 'old' Ubuntu without features mode. I have an oldish HP/Compaq nc6000 with 20Gig disk and 675Meg memory. How or what went wrong since it seemed to run fine just after the install.

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Debian :: Aptitude Produces Unreadable SSH Screen

Sep 7, 2011

Sometimes when I use aptitude to install or update packages I get an SSH screen such as the below that is mostly unreadable:

Package configuration:

When it happens it looks like there is a selection of options I cannot read, one of which is highlighted, for which I am expected to choose one of. In the above example "+ee-_c¦--e++" was the highlighted option in the list.

How is this fixed to be made readable every time?

When I invoke aptitude without any arguments the screen is readable and looks just like it should.

The SSH window is displayed by my local Windows XP. The remote OS is Debian 5.

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Debian Installation :: Unreadable Screen When Installing 8.2

Sep 16, 2015

I'm trying to install Debian 8.2 on my laptop. The "GNU/Linux UEFI Install" screen is fine, but whatever option I choose the screen got stripe like this [URL] .....

I can still use my keyboard, but the screen is unreadable. I was trying install with DVD/Netinst ISO with USBWriter, but it still same. My laptop use ATI 8750M Graphic Card.

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Ubuntu :: Screen So Dim - Almost Unreadable On Boot Up / Proceed It?

Jun 18, 2010

I Installed Ubuntu x64 10.04 on an Hp HDX 16 with Nvidia 9600m video card. I am having an issue that the screen is very dim and it gives one a headache to read it for long periods of time, especially in a bright room. I can adjust the contrast and brightness from the nvidia control panel but I can never get it just right it will either look washed out or just muddy. Everything was fine in Windows 7 a day or so ago. Is this a backlight issue?

Any suggestions on how to proceed?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Server - Screen Becomes Unreadable After Login

Jul 6, 2011

I've got a new installation of 11.04 server. Everything was apparently working just fine, and then the system hung. I rebooted, and everything looked good up to the login screen. After I typed my password, the screen started looking good, and then got all fuzzy and messed up (nothing was readable). The only way I could get anything back was to reboot. (I am able to work via ssh at the command line, though). As the graphics were fine before (using GDM), and since the GUI looks fine at the login screen, I know the system can do it.

I tried to find information on what might be going wrong, and haven't been able to find anything that fixes the issues. I thought there might besomething in my config, so I tried logging into another account on the system that doesn't have any user-level configuration, and got the same result (the machine's main purpose is to be a mail and file server). So it appears to me that something is happening to the graphics configuration after login when GDM loads. What I need to change?

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General :: Cat Made The Screen Permanently Unreadable

May 2, 2011

Kernel, Slackware 12.0. I have a file named juan34. I was sure it was a plain text file so, instead of running first 'file juan34' I directly did 'cat juan34'. The result was everything echoed to the console are the ascii caracters greater than 127 decimal. In other words, the screen is unreadable.

I typed 'exit' but this did not remedy the situation. The login prompt was written with these strange chars. In another console I'm running a program which I estimate will terminate execution in 20 hours or more, so I do not want to reboot the machine.

When I worked in MS-DOS, I had (made) a program that reinitialized the 6845 CRT controller, fixing this problem (for this could also happen under that O.S.). But, if there is a solution for MS-DOS, all the more so there must be one under unix/linux.

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Slackware :: When Load Gvim (through Vimperatorr Other Means) The Text Is Unreadable?

Feb 20, 2010

I'm having a strange problem with gvim. I've installed Slackware on 4 computers now, and this latest one is the first I've seen this issue on. I use the command line for almost everything, and only use gvim in Firefox with Vimperator. So it isn't something I use all the time, but when I need it I really need it. Using textboxes (like, you know, on LQ) is starting to drive me up the wall Anyway, when I load gvim (through Vimperatorr other means) the text is unreadable. It does seem to become readable after it gets covered by another window, but as I type, the new text is unreadable again. Attached is a screenshot, of this post. And, actually, I'm seeing similar behaviour in Gimp.Attached is a second screenshot. The weird lines seem to appear and disappear when the mouse rolls over the area. I don't use very many GUI programs, just Firefox for the most part (which isn't displaying this behaviour). So, this could be a general X issue, or perhaps a WM issue.

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Debian Multimedia :: Unreadable Screen - Horizontal Stripes Displayed

May 10, 2015

It started many months ago on wheezy. Occationally I got horizontal stripes on my screen when I used my system for many hours switching from one application to an other. Now, after I installed Jessie this problem hasn't gone away, but got worse. Now I don't need to use my system for hours before I encounter this effect. Different parts of my screen get unreadable without any predictable pattern.

Friens of mine argued this might happen because of a broken RAM chip. I bought my Acer Extensa 5220 in 2008. I'm not sure if it's worth to search for new RAM fitting into this old notebook.

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Slackware :: Make A Real Logout When Exiting KDE?

Apr 27, 2010

I use Slack 13-32 with kde-431, but when in kde logout actually get out of the X-KDE ...I have that after leaving the kde, type "logout" at the command line ...How to make a real logout when exiting KDE in Slack?

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Slackware :: Xfce Won't Logout Half The Time

Mar 18, 2010

It seems like 1 out of every 3 times I try to log out of xfce it stalls. I can continue to work but if I want to leave I have to ctrl>alt>backspace. Has anyone else had a problem like this?

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Fedora :: Unlocking Screen Causes Logout

Jul 27, 2010

I just installed F13 on my netbook (Toshiba NB205). Whenever the screensaver locks the screen (manually or due to a timeout), the unlocking of the screensaver causes my account to logout and I'm left at the GDM login screen. I've been seeing that the "work around" is to turn off the screensaver lock.

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Ubuntu :: Black Screen After Logout?

Jan 12, 2011

If I try to logout or switch user, I end up with a black screen and a blinking cursor. I can type and the letters show up on the screen but don't do anything. I can do Ctrl-Alt-F1 and then "sudo service kdm restart", but I'd rather fix the underlying problem..Google gives several pages with similar problems but they all seem pretty old (2007), and they don't seem to apply to 10.10.

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Ubuntu :: Logout Causes Screen To Scramble?

Mar 12, 2011

Dell Latitude D610 Laptop on a docking station running Ubuntu 10.04 Have 2 monitors, monitor 1 using DVI, monitor 2 using VGA. Extended desktop working as intended out of the box...was not successful getting the ATI Catalyst Control Center to work, but no big deal.The big deal is, when I log out, my screen on the DVI monitor scrambles, and you cannot see the login prompt at all. I get the little drumbeat SFX, and attempt to press enter and blindly enter password, but no login. The VGA monitor remains blank

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Software :: Clear Screen On Logout Using Pam

Jun 24, 2011

If I logout on terminal, old contents are still possible to be read. I was trying to get it to work using pam_exec, by adding



This however didn't do antyhing. How to make it work using pam? I know that i can simply add some control codes to /etc/issue to get basically the same effect, but i wanted to do it using pam.

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Fedora Installation :: Nvidia 9600 GT - After Rebooting The Screen Turns Gibberish - Totally Unreadable

Apr 18, 2009

I just downloaded Fedora 10, burned the CD, installed the program, etc. Everything went just fine, but after rebooting the screen turns gibberish, totally unreadable. I now it's the video card, NVIDIA but how do I fix it? I installed Fedora 8 which worked just great, no issues. My machine is Intel Core 2 7300, Geforce 9600GT my other machine, is AMD-64 5000, Geforce 9500 GT, same problem happens when trying to install Centos 5.

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Slackware :: Hal Daemon Stalls And Logout Shuts Down Computer

May 22, 2010

1) When my computer boots up it stalls when HAL daemon loads. This did not happen until I plugged in a defective hard drive. Anyone have any idea of how to go about fixing this?

2) If I open the session manager system setting, and untick "confirm logout" my system will shutdown instead of logging out. With the option enabled my computer logs out normally. I don't need the confirmation and find it redundant and feel like Linux is holding my hand and that's why I use linux because generally speaking I don't like an OS that wants to hold my hand, metaphorically, I mean.

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Slackware :: User 'Logout' Not Working - Must Power Off To Recover?

Jul 6, 2011

If, as root, I 'Leave' --> 'Logout', I get the KDE login screen.If, as user rob, I 'Leave' --> 'Logout', I get a black screen from which I must power off to recover, and I use the term very loosely. User rob is a member of the 'power' group.

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Debian Configuration :: XFCE Logout Doesn't Completely Logout Of System / Solution For This?

Oct 17, 2010

As a normal user I have activated the functions of the Quit applet, i.e. Logout, Shutdown and Restart are active buttons. I am able to restart or shutdown, no problems. But when I use the Logout button I don't get logged out, just returned to the login shell & I am still logged in as my user. I don't have a display manager installed and I do NOT want to use a display manager such as XDM or GDM. How do I get the Logout button to actually logout the user? It appears I am only getting logged out of the x-session, but I want complete logout.

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