Ubuntu Servers :: Enabling Zip On PHP 5.3 On 10.04?

Jun 4, 2010

Anyone could teach me what is the "correct" method to enable the php Zip extension in a PHP 5.3 on a Ubuntu 10.04?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Enabling Apache And PHP With Mod_userdir

Nov 7, 2010

I have a frustrating problem - Apache will serve PHP pages correctly from /var/www but any PHP files in /home/username/public_html are not correctly processed and instead are sent to the browser as a download attempt (i.e. they are not passed to the PHP interpreter).

I have googled and followed the instructions about commenting out the lines in /etc/apache2/mods_enabled/php5.conf, which at present looks like this:

<IfModule mod_php5.c>
<FilesMatch ".ph(p3?|tml)$">
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php


I have tried it with the hashes removed and the engine value both On and Off to no avail.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache2 Sites-enabled Not Enabling?

Apr 14, 2010

So I am trying to add some sites to my server, right now I have an active site at www2.site.tld. As a test, I copied [URL]to [URL], and changed only the line

ServerName www2.site.tld


ServerName what.site.tld

as well as renaming the lines for the log files appropriately then

# a2ensite what.site.tld
# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

which by everything I have read should result in what.site.tld being identical to www.site.tld. Instead, it flat-out does not resolve. Apache does create some blank log files in /var/www/

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Ubuntu Servers :: Enabling CGI In All /var/www Subdirectories (Apache - LAMP)

Jan 5, 2011

I am trying to set up my local development environment to mimic the behaviour of my webhost: namely executing *.cgi files as CGI scripts, regardless of their location. If I'm not mistaken, the default setup of Apache on Ubuntu has this set up for /usr/lib/cgi-bin only.

I have tried adding +ExecCGI to the /var/www directory settings in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default. I have also tried AddHandler cgi-script .cgi in the same <directory> block.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Enabling / Disabling Services Autostart?

Apr 10, 2011

How do you enable/disable the autostart of services. For example let's say I know I'm not gonna use apache and mysql for a while and don't want it to autostart anymore how do I disable it ?

And then once it is needed again how do you enable the autostart again ?

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Fedora Servers :: Enabling Sqlite In 12?

Feb 4, 2010

I'm having a bit of trouble with a web server running Fedora 12. Apache works fine, and serves up php content without a hitch. My problem is SQLite -- I thought that it was built into php5, but support is disabled in the repo version. phpinfo shows this as part of the configure command:

'--without-sqlite' ... '--disable-pdo' ... '--without-sqlite3'

The only solution I've read anywhere is "compile php from source," but I'd like to avoid that if possible, for ease of future upgrades. Is there a way to convince php to use sqlite despite its current state?

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Fedora Servers :: Good Guide To Enabling Https On Apache2?

Dec 28, 2009

I've got a basic apache2 setup running w/ multiple virtual hosts, would like to try SSL (i.e. https).

I've got the IP networking side well and truly sorted but I need guidance on the apache/ssl config side. I have installed mod_ssl.

Does anyone have a good guide for Fedora that's recent? All I can find are ubuntu and old fedora 'core' guides, so not sure how much applies to F12. The best ones I can find so far is



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Fedora Servers :: Boot Messages: Enabling Local Filesystem Quotas: Failed

Sep 14, 2010

G'day. My distro is Fedora 13. I received the above subject error message at boot. My /etc/fstab is attached as follow:

# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Fri Mar 5 12:44:10 2010
# Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'


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Ubuntu :: Enabling CPU Frequency For 9.10?

Feb 20, 2010

I have a n2pap-lite motherboard with a AMD Sempron 2800+. My host clock is at 133mhz when it needs to at least be at 166mhz to be a AMD Sempron 2800+... I installed the system on 100mhz clock not thinking that it mattered.

I tried the following

sudo apt-get install rcconf
sudo rcconf
*Disabled "ondemand"

It says on guides that it will ask me to reboot but it doesn't, so I manually did it and put the CPU Frequency Monitor on my taskbar. It does not have the options like it shows in the screenshots to set my CPU frequency..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Enabling PAE In Karmic?

Mar 23, 2010

Ubuntu rocks but I am having trouble enabling PAE.

I want to do it to have my full 4Gb RAM recognized by my 32bit OS. At the moment System Monitor only recognizes 3.2Gb and the command "free -m" shows the same value.

I followed these instructions but they don't seem to work: [URL]

PS: The point is to really understand how to achieve this and not to start a debate "32bit vs 64bit OS choice"

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Ubuntu :: Wireless Needs Enabling On Boot?

Nov 3, 2010

After my previous stint with 10.10 I've gone back to 10.04 because it boots in 20 seconds instead of 70+ and 10.10 didn't really seem to offer much new stuff that I need. Except one thing. When 10.10 boots, it automatically connects to whatever wireless network is set to Auto. 10.04 however, doesn't. I have to right click the tray applet and click on "Enable Wireless" and only then does it connect to the Auto networks. After a reboot, it's forgotten that I've clicked on "Enable Wireless" and I have to do it all over again.

I've found this thread that seems to describe the same problem and the only working suggesting is to use wicd instead of network-manager.

Does anybody know of a way to make it work using network manager? Do you know what command clicking on "Enable Wireless" runs - if I could just run that in an init script, problem solved. I thought it would be; ifconfig wlan0 up but that doesn't seem to do anything at all (wlan0 is definitely the right adapter)

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Ubuntu :: Enabling Synaptic And Other Items?

Dec 28, 2010

on my Linux Ubuntu 8.04 machine, I recently added a new user. When ever I use it, I can't get to System~Administration~Synaptic Package Manager, for the sole reason that it does not show up in the System~Administration list. Also, some other things don't show up, such as hardware drivers.

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Ubuntu :: Enabling Graphics Drivers In 11.04?

Mar 12, 2011

I'm using an ATI Radeon HD 6850, and although drivers aren't enabled, 11.04 fits my resolution, and has animation/shadows. I need to enable drivers so games like Minecraft will run better. Whenever I install the drivers, 11.04 fails to load, or it'll just give me a barrage of glitches. How can I install the latest ATI Drivers for Ubuntu 11.04?

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Ubuntu :: Enabling/disabling Touchpad With Fn+F9?

Mar 29, 2011

I am having a problem using my laptop's special keys to toggle my touchpad on and off on my ASUS G73JH laptop, running Ubuntu 10.10 (2.6.35-28-generic-pae).

First, some preliminaries:

My touchpad works just fine, but it does not respond to my laptop's special key, Fn+F9.

In /etc/acpi/events I have the following script, "asus-touchpad":

# /etc/acpi/events/asus-touchpad
# This is called when the user presses the touchpad button and calls
# /etc/acpi/asus-touchpad.sh for further processing.


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Ubuntu :: Enabling PAE To Support Morethan 3GB Of RAM

Dec 11, 2010

Enabling PAE to Support More-than 3GB of RAM

I was wondering why ubuntu 32bit was having access to only 3gb of RAM even if we have more than that. Did a bit of googling on this and found the following..

Can ubuntu 32bit support morethan 3gb ram?

Yes. It Can with a special kernel like:


How to install this kernel?

just type the following to install it


What is the RISK? Little Performance degradation. Issues with proprietary software drivers. (Like nVidia..etc) Processor and H/W must support PAE.

For those without any proprietary drivers can make this happen easily with the above commands to install the new kernel.

I need help form you guys to install even if someone has a proprietary driver such as nVidia. I probably think one should reinstall the nvidia driver. I need help on this part of the issue.

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Ubuntu :: 8.10 Restricted Accelerated Drivers Not Enabling?

Feb 20, 2010

due to a crash on window's part my computer crashed and I decided to install the latest version of Ubuntu. (9.10) However as it happened, it was actually incompatible with the usb on my computer an Acer AM5641 desktop. So I opted for 8.10 which works like a charm except for the fact that the restricted drivers for my graphics card (an Nvidia 7900 GS that I installed) don't work. After clicking "enable driver" everything appears to go as normal. Except for the fact that when I restart it, it automatically goes into safe mode, and i can't save it at a higher resolution than 800x600.

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Ubuntu :: Enabling Dead Keys On The Keyboard?

Aug 28, 2010

I could not find any way to enable dead keys on my keyboard on Lubuntu 10.04 via gui.I created xorg.conf by using X -configure command and tried to add followings into /etc/X11/xorg.conf but it did not work.

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"


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Ubuntu :: Stuck At Login Screen After Enabling It 10.10?

Nov 7, 2010

I been having this problem with the login screen after i enabled it. It shows a little window with the the ubuntu logo with my computer's name underneath with the login button. Clicking the button does nothing but when I hit enter it seems like its booting up but freezes after it says "checking battery [done]" or something like that. is it a problem with the login screen? If so how do I fix it? If not what is the problem?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 LTS Crashes After Enabling Visual Effects?

Jan 2, 2011

Ubuntu works fine until I enable the visual effects to EXTRA. The computer then freezes, no mouse response, no keyboard response, have to hard restart.

These info might help you.

Version: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS ---- Results of sudo lspci |more 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ/P/PL Memory Controller Hub (rev 02) 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) ----

I went to System--> Administration --> Hardware drivers and it says, no proprietary drivers are in use in this system

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot After Enabling Nvidia Drivers

Feb 13, 2011

After upgrading to natty alpha I enabled the nvida graphics drivers. Now I can't boot and get stuck on a purple screen, without grub.
Can I with a live cd revert the drivers back to normal?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Locks Up When Enabling Wireless?

Apr 19, 2011

I've been having an issue for the last day or so. I have an HP Pavilion dv8000 running 10.10. Whenever I boot with the Wireless activated, it will lock about 3-4 seconds into the log-in screen (I'm guessing when it connects to my router). If I have the wireless deactivated (like now), I am able to use the ethernet connection, or (like now) use my phone to tether internet. But, as soon as I click the wireless to active, locks up. The wireless activity light flashes, but that's all.

I'm pretty good about updating whenever I use my laptop, but I think something in the most recent update may have broken my wireless connection.

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Ubuntu :: Enabling Xinerama Breaks Unity - 11.04

Apr 27, 2011

I am trying the daily build of Ubuntu 11.04. When I try to enable Xinerama, so that I can move windows between my two displays, then I log out, and back in, it simply breaks Unity.

I was getting the sidebar, almost on the right side, and the screen was all broken, then the behaviour changed to simply not displaying anithing, Unity not loading whatsoever.

I turned off Xinerama (by editing my xorg.conf) and diabled it, and Unity works perfect.

Here's a copy of my xorg.conf


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Ubuntu Security :: Enabling A New Profile In AppArmor?

Jun 18, 2011

When I enable a new AppArmor profile that is not in the kernel, I've used this command:

apparmor_parser -r /path/to/profile

But when I recently read the manual for AppArmor, it says to use this command for new profiles:

apparmor_parser -a /path/to/profile

Have I done something wrong by using -r instead of -a?

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General :: Enabling Wireless Device In Ubuntu?

Dec 11, 2010

I am using ubuntu 10.04 on lenovo g430, last night I switch off the device while it was connected to network and shut down the computer. But after that i switch on the device was disabled.I use to enable the device through Fn+F5 key which controls the device in windows but the keys does not work in ubuntu. I am using broadcom 802.11g device.

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Ubuntu :: Enabling Desktop Effects In Xubuntu 10.10?

Nov 27, 2010

I tried out Xubuntu 10.10 on one of my older computers. Got it installed without a problem. Added the restricted driver module that I needed Nvidia, added the Compiz settings manager, but I cant seem to find a way to enable desktop effects. I realize that Xubuntu uses the XFCE window manger which is sort of light weight compared to Gnome or KDE, so I am asking if anyone has managed to get the desktop effects running in a similar environment. I checked and observed that the nvidia module has been loaded.

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Ubuntu :: Enabling Terminal Bell - Deactivated Or Muted

Apr 15, 2010

I've recently installed Xubuntu Lucid Beta2 on my new laptop. But I'm unable to turn the bell back on. The 'pcspkr'-module is removed from the blacklist and is loaded. However, 'alsamixer' doesn't show me any volume-options for the beep. However, 'echo -e "a"' still doesn't make a sound. I've installed the 'beep'-package, and it works, thus I am assuming that the hardware-bell itself does WORK fine. It's just deactivated/muted somewhere, and I can't find the option to turn it back on.

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Ubuntu :: Enabling NVidia Proprietary Driver In 10.04 Is Breaking?

May 2, 2010

Everything works great at the moment, no hardware problems or anything like that. But whenever I enable the proprietary nVidia driver 185, it causes the boot screen to not come up, Ubuntu stops recognising my sound-card and refuses to work and when I try to shut down or restart, it just takes me back to the log in screen. When I remove the driver, everything works okay again.

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Ubuntu :: Enabling Parallel Compilation Of Kernel Source?

Sep 17, 2010

enabling parallel compilation of kernel source.I've read that setting the CONCURRENCY_LEVEL environment variable should do that. The problem is that I see only one instance of a running gcc in top, notwithstanding I have set "export CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=5".

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Ubuntu :: Enabling GRUB Splash Screen With 1 OS Install Only?

Sep 28, 2010

How do I do that ? Currently I have Kubuntu/Mint KDE installed as my main and only OS so the GRUB splash is disabled by default, how do I enable that (so I'm able to change the boot commands to go to single user mode).?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Flaky Wireless Since Enabling WPA2

Oct 26, 2010

I've got a BCM 4312 card on a Dell laptop running 10.04 and an Apple Airport network. Since I configured the Airport to use "WPA2 Personal" Authentication, my connection is flaky: it drops for no apparent reason and sometimes I can't connect at all. When authentication is turned off, the connection is rock solid.

Here's an example from the syslog of a failed attempt to connect:

Oct 26 19:31:24 firefly NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth1) starting connection 'Auto Rittenhouse'
Oct 26 19:31:24 firefly NetworkManager: <info> (eth1): device state change: 3 -> 4 (reason 0)


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