Slackware :: Install Amarok 1.4 Instead Of 2.3 - Qt Errors In ./configure

Jul 5, 2010

So I don't like the new Amarok as much as the 1.4 version, so I want to install the older release. I download the source files, extract it and go into the directory. I type ./configure and recieve an error about kde-config not being installed, but "ln kde4-config kde-config" (or something like that) solved that problem. But now I encounter this problem after ./configure:


I already have a version of Qt installed (it's necessary for KDE, is it not?), but it's not between 3.3 and 4.0. I've read online about how if you install both the 3.3 and the version included on Slackware 13.1 of Qt there would be problems. I also read that you could find the necessary Qt files in the sources discs, but I'm not sure what files to install:


This is Slackware 13.1, by the way.

Do I have to shamefully resign my pride to Amarok 2.3 or can I install 1.4 in some way? And if you've gotten this far, thanks for reading and potentially responding.

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Slackware :: How To Install Amarok 1.4 In Current Kde 4.3.4

Feb 23, 2010

As amarok 2 has lost so many useful functions in amarok 1.4,I decided to downgrade amarok to the version 1.4.10.

I tried to compile amarok 1.4.10 but met a error as follows:

I had ruby-1.9.1_p243-i486 and kdelibs3-3.5.10-i486-opt1 installed form slackware-current ,so what should I do now?

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Fedora :: Used A Terminal And Installed Amarok Via Yum Install Amarok And Got It To Install?

Jan 22, 2010

I installed Fedora 12 i386 on my system, and I am using the Gnome Desktop. I used a terminal and installed Amarok via yum install amarok and got it to install; however when I try to load the darn thing it doesn't load at all, what could be the problem and how can I fix this?

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Software :: Install Faac Codecs On Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic.after Running Configure And Make Commands- Errors

May 11, 2010

I am trying to install faac codecs on ubuntu 9.10 karmic.after running the configure and make commands i get this errors:

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Slackware :: Fresh Install On VirtualPC With Errors At Startup?

May 7, 2010

An error accoured during the root filesystem check.

Installed fresh Slack 13.0 version, at 7GB virtual hdd, with cfdisk, created two primary partitions, 500 mb for swap, whats left, to second partition, made it bootable, installed full software package, used all default selections, only refused to configure network. At first restart, I got a screen with many statements, that looks like errors, and a last one, that looks like critical error.
An image I have been working on Windows my whole life and only worked with already installed linux systems a bit. Installed RedHat and FreeBSD on VirtualPC previously and succesfully. Now, I stumble upon this error and cant think of next step.

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Ubuntu :: Amarok Upgrade - Export Lyrics From Amarok 1.4 And Import Them In Amarok 2?

May 17, 2010

For the last few releases, I've remained with Amarok 1.4, but now that I've deemed Amarok 2 stable enough, I've upgrade, however, the lyrics to my songs (which I put in a lot of effort in downloading), are not reflecting. Is there anyway to export lyrics from Amarok 1.4 and import them in Amarok 2?

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Ubuntu :: Amarok Crashes Whenever Configure Or Browse Through Local Files

Mar 7, 2010

I've recently been using amarok and liked it a lot. I unchecked the show system tray in configuration, restarted amarok and then checked it again. Now amarok crashes whenever I go into configuration or browse through local files. I have tried reinstalling and deleting the directory ~/.kde/share/apps but no use.

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Software :: Amarok V2.3.1 Won't Play Radio Streams / Configure Proxy?

Feb 9, 2011

Amarok v2.3.1 won't play radio streams. How to configure proxy?
Lyrics fetching works and konqueror is also configured properly.
Using Gnome.

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Slackware :: How To Install ImageMagick - Can't Run ./configure After Uncompress The File

Feb 14, 2011

How to install ImageMagick on slackware? I can't run ./configure after I uncompress the file. I was trying to install a software and it says Imagemagick is not installed but when if I run identify -version there is some kind of version displayed but I'm not sure if it is installed.

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Slackware :: Install Some Netowrk Manager And Configure It In Fluxbox?

May 28, 2011

I have problem with my new distro and fluxbox. So I installed a slackware 13.37 with fluxbox, this is my first time with slack and fluxbox
I dont know how to install some netowrk manager and configure it in fluxbox I need wifi.

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Slackware :: Lilo Not Booting Slackware Correctly - Errors Inside?

Mar 1, 2010

I'm fairly new to Linux so I'm going to need a step-by-step guide to get me out of this rut. The install of Linux was fine but when I booted up I got this error. VFS: Cannot open root device "302" or unknown-block (3,2) append a correct "root=" boot option;here are the available partitions;

0800 78150744 sda driver:sd
0801 47428608 sda1 <-- this is my Windows partition
0802 30719552 sda2 <-- this is my Linux partition
0b00 1048575 sr0 driver:sr
0b01 1048575 sr1 driver:sr

Kernel panic - not syncing:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (3,2) I guessed from reading this error Lilo isn't pointing to the right partition to boot from? How will I fix this? I read another thread about boot problems on these forums and a guy said to do this:

#mkdir /slacktemp
#mount /dev/device /slacktemp
#chroot /slacktemp
#cd /slacktemp/etc <-- for me it told me that doesn't exist
#vi lilo.conf <-- couldn't do nothing and was frozen
#lilo -v -t -b /dev/device
#lilo -v -b /dev/device

The above solution did not work for me. Can anyone shed a light on a Linux rookie?

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Slackware :: Current And Amarok Compilation?

Feb 27, 2010

tried to compile amarok in slackware current? I get compilation errors with versions 2.3 Beta and 2.2.2. It used to compile fine when my Slackware was in a custom state, (Slackware 13 + kde 4.3.4 + kde dependencies upgraded) but not anymore after syncing it to slackware-current. I also tried alien bob's KDE 4.4 packages but it did not make any difference at all.Any Hints? I get the feeling it has to do with the new development packages (gcc-4.4.4, etc) but I'm not sure.

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Slackware :: Amarok On Current 64 - Won't Play M4a Files

Feb 12, 2011

Amarok won't play m4a files for me even though they play fine with Juk, ffplay, moc, Audacious, etc. Up to date current 64. Any thoughts? I can find no option to turn aac on or off in Amarok.


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Slackware :: Amarok Hangs At 10% When Scanning Large Music Collection?

Jun 6, 2010

After installing slackware 13.1 I start up amarok and when I go in and configure the settings and it starts to scan the folder and it either hangs at 10%, stops responding all together or crashes, the library is about 130 gigs of mp3s. I do not know where to start on this one. Amarok version 2.3.0

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Slackware :: Amarok Refusing To Play Songs That Have Any Non-ascii Characters

Jun 25, 2010

I'm stuck with the problem of amarok refusing to play songs that have any non-ascii characters in the metadata, which is about 1/3 of my collection.A solution to that problem would be ideal, but if there is a good alternative (like amarok 1.x series) I would probably switch.

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General :: Automating The Package Configure Script Errors?

Mar 31, 2011

Need help in doing a tedious thing and no idea how to achieve this. The thing I am after is Makefile which generates after ./configure script runs successfully. Now the thing is when we run the `configure` script it may get stuck because of lots of reasons like needs mandatory options to pass with configure, library/header file is missing, etc. So I want to automate this problems as far as I can. As I am not installing the package so apt-get/yum won't hold here for me. So what should be your suggestions on achieving this. Should I study the configure script and the sample Makefile's inside the package

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Slackware :: Wine 32 Bit On Slackware 13 64 Bit - Configure Can't Find Some Libraries

Oct 19, 2009

Now i have 64 bit computer i installed Slackware 23 64 bit on it. i followed Alien Bob's multi lib how to and installed needed libraries one by one. everything is fine expect wine configure script can not find some libraries needed: libgsm, libmpg123, libopenal, libxcomposite.

I have already installed 32 bit compatibility packages and used /etc/profile.d/ as recommended in Alien Bob's howto. configure -- does not really list anything for pointing for libraries.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Limited Internet Connectivity - Errors Due To Library Missing While Running Configure Script

Oct 30, 2010

I am using opensuse 11.3 on a computer with limited internet connectivity.Can anyone provide a list of essential libraries which would be enough for most applications. I get errors due to library missing while running configure script.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install Amarok From Git - Getting Error No Such File Or Directory

Feb 19, 2010

I'm trying to install amarok from git but I keep getting this error:


I thought libXext provided shape.h but I have both xorg-x11-libXext and xorg-x11-libXext-devel installed.


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Slackware :: Errors On Nvidia Installation?

May 4, 2011

On installing the Nvidia driver using Nvidia's 173 legacy installer I noticed a load of errors which are recorded in the log below. The driver appears to be working. Is this something that I should be concerned about?Quote:

ERROR: Unable to open '/usr/X11R6/lib64/xorg/modules/extensions/' for
reading (No such file or directory)
ERROR: Unable to open


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Slackware :: Filesystem Errors After Backup With Dd?

Jun 11, 2010

in preparation for the update to Slackware64 13.1 I did a complete backup of my system with dd.

I used the Slackware 13.0 (not 64 bit) DVD to boot and executed the command:
# dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb

The command finished without any errors as expected. First I tried to boot the destination hard disk to check if the backup was successful and I can start with updating the source disk to 13.1. But at boot time I got the message that the last file system check is 197 day ago, the file system check started automatically and found errors which it could not correct. At this point I thought it was maybe a copy or a hard disk error and tried to boot the source disk. But the behaviour was exactly the same on the source disk. With the source disk I followed then the recommendation, logged in with root password and executed the recommended command which was something like e2fsck -v -h /dev/sda1. Then the system did a file system check and scrolled a lot of numbers over the screen. After a while it reported that it's ready and the system needs a restart.
I switched off and on again. Then the system bootet as usual, and seems to run okay at the moment. But now I'm unsure if really everything is okay.

What I'm confused of is, why the system reported that the last file system check was 197 days ago and why this was just after the dd backup. Shouldn't the automatic file system check at boot time run more often as every 197 days or mounts? I didn't change any default settings (as far as I know). The file system of the root partition is ext4 and my computer normally is switched on and off once every day.

My question now is, if this behaviour can have something to do with the dd backup.
Is my system after the file system check okay again, or should I expect further problems?

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Slackware :: Massive G_malloc_n Errors?

Aug 7, 2010

The system is 13.1. Updated using slackpkg. All other software, with the exception of closed source Vbox, is installed via SB.orgDid a slackpkg update this morning for firefox 3.5.8 and there was also a glib upgrade (likely culprit). Now it seems that most of my software does not work. Did I do the upgrade wrong?

frank@hdwise:~$ firefox
/usr/lib/firefox-3.6.8/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol:


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Slackware :: Vlc 1.1.0rc2 And Avidemux 2.5.3 Errors

Jun 4, 2010

I recently upgraded my VLC and Avidemux from AlienBOB's Repo.

With VLC media player 1.1.0-rc2, i get the following error when i try to play a video:

Warning: call to rand()
Warning: call to rand()
Warning: call to rand()
Warning: call to rand()
Warning: call to rand()


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Slackware :: Automatically Send Mail When Have Errors?

Jan 27, 2010

I have installed slack 13 and I want to configure the sistem to send automaticaly an email to an gmail account when I have some errors like power down for some minutes or a program crash. Can some one tell me exactly what i must do ?

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Slackware :: Drm Errors Upon Boot In Current 32bit?

Dec 27, 2010

i upgraded my netbook to slack-current (32bit) and now When booting up dmesg shows these errors:

[ 10.770199] [drm] detected 63M stolen memory, trimming to 32M
[ 10.770267] i915 0000:00:02.0: irq 43 for MSI/MSI-X
[ 10.770280] [drm] set up 32M of stolen space
[ 10.770468] [drm:init_ring_common] *ERROR* render ring head not reset to zero ctl 00000000 head 02001000 tail 00000000 start 02001000


This happened with generic stock kernel and is also happening with zen kernel. Is it something serious? Kde compositing still works, except it locked up few times when i was testing how windows wobble in kde, but not recently.

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Slackware :: Libcap Errors When Installing VirtualBox On 13?

Mar 21, 2010

I'm trying to install virtualbox on slackware 13 and I'm running into header issues I says it can't find libcap..any ideas? I downloaded libcap from slackbuild and tried to run make but I get errors (the second code block)

patching file
Checking for environment: Determined build machine: linux.x86, target machine: linux.x86, OK.

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Slackware :: Compile Errors With Various X11-relying Programs?

Jan 31, 2010

I've been trying to compile and install different terminal emulators:Eterm, aterm, and libAfterImage for urxvt.

I've been getting all these errors, and it seems odd to me. I did some fiddling awhile back enabling KMS with my radeon, install custom packages for xf86-ati, mesa, and libdrm. Could that or some other fiddling have broken these dependencies?

Here is an excerpt, with the full error log attached and here:url

In file included from libungif/../xwrap.h:5,
from libungif/../asim_afterbase.h:23,
from libungif/../afterbase.h:36,
from libungif/gif_hash.h:24,
from libungif/gif_lib_private.h:5,

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Slackware :: Opera 11 Crashes X With Dozens Of Akonadi Errors

Jan 13, 2011

on a fresh install of slackware -current x64, the first thing that i did was download and install opera. now, whenever i start kde, and run opera, X crashes with lots of crazy errors, usually in the format of:

/usr/bin/akonadi*whatever* cannot connect to x server :0
/usr/bin/akonadi*whatever* has crashed too many times and will not be restarted.

and then i get spat back out at the CLI. opera works fine in the other Desktop Environments, and i'm posting from xfce right now, so i know its an issue with akonadi. i would like to use KDE as my default desktop, but i dont want to use it without all of its features

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Fedora :: Getting Amarok To Stream Once Install It?

Mar 1, 2010

what the trick is to getting Amarok to stream once you install it?

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Software :: How To Install Amarok On Ubuntu

Jan 15, 2010

I've had problems with Amarok in the past (ancient Egyptian curse?), but now I'd really like to install ver 2.x.

I'm running Intrepid Ibid and just don't have the time to upgrade to Koala yet. So I've update my /etc/apt/sources.list using what's on Amarok's website and run apt-get update. Naturally, no errors. When I try to run apt-get install amarok, I just get the annoying 'amarok is already the most current version'.

I've tried installing the backport/legacy version (night something? Night train?), but it can't find amarok-nightly. (apt-cache search doesn't turn it up, either). I've installing from source but even though I have all of the required libraries, it still errors out.

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