Slackware :: Opera 11 Crashes X With Dozens Of Akonadi Errors

Jan 13, 2011

on a fresh install of slackware -current x64, the first thing that i did was download and install opera. now, whenever i start kde, and run opera, X crashes with lots of crazy errors, usually in the format of:

/usr/bin/akonadi*whatever* cannot connect to x server :0
/usr/bin/akonadi*whatever* has crashed too many times and will not be restarted.

and then i get spat back out at the CLI. opera works fine in the other Desktop Environments, and i'm posting from xfce right now, so i know its an issue with akonadi. i would like to use KDE as my default desktop, but i dont want to use it without all of its features

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Slackware :: Kmail Quits With Akonadi Server Self-test Errors On -current

May 26, 2011

I'm trying to run kmail on Slackware -Current. Kmail starts then akonadi server runs checks.

Then follow many errors:

I've reinstalled MySQL and it seems to be working but there is this error repeatedly:

I've done some Google searches but I'm not able to find a solution to get akonadi to work.

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OpenSUSE :: Resolve Errors When Akonadi Starts?

Jun 17, 2010

how to resolve this errors when akonadi starts. Uploaded with

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Ubuntu :: Bugs In Kontact- Akonadi Errors - Decryption And Toolbar

May 5, 2010

akonadi shows errors (self test) on every startup (on different setups and with different errors) that's very annoying, everything seems to work though, so i just want to get rid of that stupid message (why should an average user of kontact solve mysql problems?). decryption of mails is not working, because of a "wrong passphrase" (says so in the mail body). I was never prompted for a passphrase and kgpg decrypts the msg.asc fine, so its a kmail problem!? the spam / ham buttons are invisible. i added them to the toolbar with no effect (meaning, they are still invisible). Removing of other buttons works.

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Slackware :: How To Disable Akonadi On Startup

Jul 14, 2010

I do not want akonadi on startup. How do I disable it?

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OpenSUSE :: Kmail Akonadi And Mysql Errors - Can't Open And Lock Time Zone Table: Table

May 3, 2010

Kmail 1.13.2 Problem on startup, error is from nepomuk, data storage. "cannot find Redland backend, nepomuk is disabled until fixed. Also see the following error from the akonadi console:

100503 10:00:15 [Note] Plugin 'ndbcluster' is disabled.
100503 10:00:15 InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 31413862
100503 10:00:15 [Warning] Can't open and lock time zone table: Table
'mysql.time_zone_leap_second' doesn't exist trying to live without


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Software :: Akonadi Self-test Report, Slackware 13.1

Jul 10, 2010

what to do about the report I have attached? I know people ask about this and have asked about it in other forums, and I've googled a little already. Point me in the direction of which thing or couple of things to focus on, anyways.

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Slackware :: Akonadi Failure After MySQL Upgrade To 5.1.42

Mar 7, 2010

There is a known bug with MySQL 5.1.42 that prohibits the QMYSQL driver from functioning properly. I finally found it on the MythTV bug tracker, which links it to the MySQL site. There is a patch available, but the bug was fixed in 5.1.43. To fix it on my system, I grabbed the all of -current/source/ap/mysql except for the actual source, and downloaded the latest version (5.1.44) from [URL].

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Slackware :: Akonadi Server Won't Start - Can't Access Box

Mar 6, 2011

the Akonadi server won't start correctly on KDE startup. I've not found the 100%-working solution for this problem yet. It seems like many Slackware users just remove the akonadi package Unfortunately, I don't have the access to my Slackware box right now, Here is what I've tried to do so far: 1) Make the mysql daemon executable:


After doing those steps the Akonadi server still shows a window with errors on startup. As far as I remember the ~/.xsession-errors file contains an error like "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket /home/alexander/<some path that I forget, sorry>/mysql.socket.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Shows That The Runtimes (Time) Of Dozens Of My Mp3's Are Now 27:03:11?

May 31, 2011

I just used EasyTAG 2.1.5 under Ubuntu 9.10 to update the tags on my music files running on Rhythmbox 0.12.5, and now Rhythmbox shows that the runtimes (Time) of dozens of my mp3's are now 27:03:11. That means Rhythmbox thinks all those songs are 27 hours, 3 minutes, and 11 seconds long, which they are not. Some are now shown as 54:06:23. So far they are all playing correctly, but the slider at the top of the Rhythmbox window barely moves, making it difficult, if not impossible, to jump to different points in the songs. Nothing else seems to have been affected.

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Slackware :: Bash / Opera Open At Startup

Feb 22, 2011

I've been messing around with Slackware 13.1 and I screwed something up. I was trying to get Wicd to start automatically at startup so I found a chmod... line of code online and copy/pasted it on my command line. Now whenever I boot the computer, when I get to the KDE desktop, the BASH window opens, Opera opens and I get a bunch of Wicd error windows. How can I fix this?

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Slackware :: Opera 10.60 Very Slow To Start New Links

Jul 8, 2010

I've been using Opera 10.11 on two different computer systems, two different locations (work & home), and two different Slackware versions (13 & 13.1 current). Opera 10.11 runs very quickly on both. After upgrading to Opera 10.60, I now find that linking to new web pages takes 5 to 10 seconds, but returning to a previous page is almost instantaneous.

I've tried installing 10.60 using slackbuilds and Opera's installer - both give the same results. I've since reverted to Opera 10.11. why it is so slow to open web pages? Opera 10.60 for Win7 works great, so what happened to the Linux version?

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Ubuntu :: I / O Errors And Crashes - Cannot Write But Read

Apr 8, 2011

Recently my Ubuntu system decided to crash. Sometimes the mouse freezes, sometimes I just can't open anything, and other times I can access the terminal but can't write. I can open files as read only both in my /home partition and in /var/log, but I can't write at all. Sometimes I get Bash: input/output error. I *can* "ls /proc", if that makes any difference.

I find that if I reboot, the problem goes away for a few minutes and then reoccurs. I can read/write to my other (windows) drive, although when I did a chkdsk in win7, I get a "An index entry from index $0 of file 25 is incorrect" message. Is the disk failing? Just a few bad sectors? Maybe the filesystem is corrupt? Why can I read but not write?

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Software :: Open Opera In Slackware After Installing It From Slackbuild?

Oct 10, 2010

How do I open opera in slackware after installing it from slackbuild.

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Slackware :: IPV6 Support Slows Opera And Firefox

Dec 29, 2010

Support for ipv6 keeps being put into the kernel and now into browsers.I blacklisted ipv6 in Slackware and that solved the slow internet response until I updated to the latest Opera and Firefox browsers. Both were horribly slow again. Firefox could be reconfigured to kill ipv6 by running about:config as a url and disabling ipv6.

The new Opera 11 is different. I can't find any config to disable ipv6. Does anyone have an idea?I reverted to Opera 10.11 in order to have zippy internet access again, and not "dialup modem" speeds.

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Server :: Task Blocked For More Than 120 Seconds Errors And Crashes?

Jul 10, 2011

I see tons of these in my dmesg, and it's causing my virtualbox vms to crash with disk IO errors. It's only affecting the Linux guests. What would cause this?

INFO: task tar:1865 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
"echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.


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Slackware :: Lilo Not Booting Slackware Correctly - Errors Inside?

Mar 1, 2010

I'm fairly new to Linux so I'm going to need a step-by-step guide to get me out of this rut. The install of Linux was fine but when I booted up I got this error. VFS: Cannot open root device "302" or unknown-block (3,2) append a correct "root=" boot option;here are the available partitions;

0800 78150744 sda driver:sd
0801 47428608 sda1 <-- this is my Windows partition
0802 30719552 sda2 <-- this is my Linux partition
0b00 1048575 sr0 driver:sr
0b01 1048575 sr1 driver:sr

Kernel panic - not syncing:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (3,2) I guessed from reading this error Lilo isn't pointing to the right partition to boot from? How will I fix this? I read another thread about boot problems on these forums and a guy said to do this:

#mkdir /slacktemp
#mount /dev/device /slacktemp
#chroot /slacktemp
#cd /slacktemp/etc <-- for me it told me that doesn't exist
#vi lilo.conf <-- couldn't do nothing and was frozen
#lilo -v -t -b /dev/device
#lilo -v -b /dev/device

The above solution did not work for me. Can anyone shed a light on a Linux rookie?

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Slackware :: KDE Crashes In The 13.37?

Jun 8, 2011

I just installed Slackware 13.37 on an old IBM Netvista and when I try to start KDE it gets through most of the splash screen and then crashes with the following error messages: Segmentation fault at address 0x4

Fatal server error: Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting


lspci shows I have an Nvidia chip: NV6 Vanta/Vanta LT rev 15 Other GUIs, such as Fluxbox, do not crash, so I think the problem may be with KDE, but I am at a loss. Has anyone seen or solved such a problem? I have not posted /var/log/Xorg.0.log because the KDE error message above seems more detailed.

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Slackware :: Amaya On 13.1 64 Crashes X?

Nov 12, 2010

I had been using Amaya on Slackware 13.1 32bit with no problems. I then upgraded to 64 bit, basically because of one program. Now, I cannot run Amaya. It crashes X. In my efforts to solve this I cannot find an X log with entries related to the crash. The console after the crash only shows the last lines of the output. I cannot scroll back to view the source of the errors. Is there a way to redirect error output from an X crash to a file for later analysis?

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Slackware :: X Crashes With Current (3/1/10)

Mar 4, 2010

I just made a current iso and installed current and when I tried to start X the screen was washed out in a rainbow kaleidoscope pattern. I exited out and ran xorgset and Xorg -configure. Both of these hardlocked my system.

BTW Im using a geforce 8800GT. i tried installed the nvidia driver but it still locks when I run xorgsetup.

I have to go to work, so I will post the logs when I get home

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Slackware :: Errors On Nvidia Installation?

May 4, 2011

On installing the Nvidia driver using Nvidia's 173 legacy installer I noticed a load of errors which are recorded in the log below. The driver appears to be working. Is this something that I should be concerned about?Quote:

ERROR: Unable to open '/usr/X11R6/lib64/xorg/modules/extensions/' for
reading (No such file or directory)
ERROR: Unable to open


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Slackware :: Filesystem Errors After Backup With Dd?

Jun 11, 2010

in preparation for the update to Slackware64 13.1 I did a complete backup of my system with dd.

I used the Slackware 13.0 (not 64 bit) DVD to boot and executed the command:
# dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb

The command finished without any errors as expected. First I tried to boot the destination hard disk to check if the backup was successful and I can start with updating the source disk to 13.1. But at boot time I got the message that the last file system check is 197 day ago, the file system check started automatically and found errors which it could not correct. At this point I thought it was maybe a copy or a hard disk error and tried to boot the source disk. But the behaviour was exactly the same on the source disk. With the source disk I followed then the recommendation, logged in with root password and executed the recommended command which was something like e2fsck -v -h /dev/sda1. Then the system did a file system check and scrolled a lot of numbers over the screen. After a while it reported that it's ready and the system needs a restart.
I switched off and on again. Then the system bootet as usual, and seems to run okay at the moment. But now I'm unsure if really everything is okay.

What I'm confused of is, why the system reported that the last file system check was 197 days ago and why this was just after the dd backup. Shouldn't the automatic file system check at boot time run more often as every 197 days or mounts? I didn't change any default settings (as far as I know). The file system of the root partition is ext4 and my computer normally is switched on and off once every day.

My question now is, if this behaviour can have something to do with the dd backup.
Is my system after the file system check okay again, or should I expect further problems?

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Slackware :: Massive G_malloc_n Errors?

Aug 7, 2010

The system is 13.1. Updated using slackpkg. All other software, with the exception of closed source Vbox, is installed via SB.orgDid a slackpkg update this morning for firefox 3.5.8 and there was also a glib upgrade (likely culprit). Now it seems that most of my software does not work. Did I do the upgrade wrong?

frank@hdwise:~$ firefox
/usr/lib/firefox-3.6.8/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol:


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Slackware :: Vlc 1.1.0rc2 And Avidemux 2.5.3 Errors

Jun 4, 2010

I recently upgraded my VLC and Avidemux from AlienBOB's Repo.

With VLC media player 1.1.0-rc2, i get the following error when i try to play a video:

Warning: call to rand()
Warning: call to rand()
Warning: call to rand()
Warning: call to rand()
Warning: call to rand()


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Slackware :: Dolphin Crashes And Dbus

Oct 6, 2010

I am running 64-bit current. I have not identified which update started the Dolphin crashes, but it recently has been happening very often, usually within a few seconds of starting it, but not always.

Googling suggested that it might be a dbus issue, so I rolled my own package using dbus-1.4.0 and the slackbuild from the 64 bit current source.

Dolphin has been rock solid since. I noticed that there was an 'allow root globally' patch which I commented out. I am guessing that this may affect applications that I have not used yet or the issue has been fixed in version 1.4.

I have not seen any evidence that other current users have had this problem, but maybe Robby would consider an upgrade?

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Slackware :: X Crashes When Screensaver Activates

May 8, 2011

I'm having an issue with the screensaver activating. It crashes X. It doesn't matter which screensaver I use.


I have an intel 915 chipset I believe. Might anyone know how to fix this?

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Slackware :: Automatically Send Mail When Have Errors?

Jan 27, 2010

I have installed slack 13 and I want to configure the sistem to send automaticaly an email to an gmail account when I have some errors like power down for some minutes or a program crash. Can some one tell me exactly what i must do ?

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Slackware :: Drm Errors Upon Boot In Current 32bit?

Dec 27, 2010

i upgraded my netbook to slack-current (32bit) and now When booting up dmesg shows these errors:

[ 10.770199] [drm] detected 63M stolen memory, trimming to 32M
[ 10.770267] i915 0000:00:02.0: irq 43 for MSI/MSI-X
[ 10.770280] [drm] set up 32M of stolen space
[ 10.770468] [drm:init_ring_common] *ERROR* render ring head not reset to zero ctl 00000000 head 02001000 tail 00000000 start 02001000


This happened with generic stock kernel and is also happening with zen kernel. Is it something serious? Kde compositing still works, except it locked up few times when i was testing how windows wobble in kde, but not recently.

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Slackware :: Install Amarok 1.4 Instead Of 2.3 - Qt Errors In ./configure

Jul 5, 2010

So I don't like the new Amarok as much as the 1.4 version, so I want to install the older release. I download the source files, extract it and go into the directory. I type ./configure and recieve an error about kde-config not being installed, but "ln kde4-config kde-config" (or something like that) solved that problem. But now I encounter this problem after ./configure:


I already have a version of Qt installed (it's necessary for KDE, is it not?), but it's not between 3.3 and 4.0. I've read online about how if you install both the 3.3 and the version included on Slackware 13.1 of Qt there would be problems. I also read that you could find the necessary Qt files in the sources discs, but I'm not sure what files to install:


This is Slackware 13.1, by the way.

Do I have to shamefully resign my pride to Amarok 2.3 or can I install 1.4 in some way? And if you've gotten this far, thanks for reading and potentially responding.

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Slackware :: Libcap Errors When Installing VirtualBox On 13?

Mar 21, 2010

I'm trying to install virtualbox on slackware 13 and I'm running into header issues I says it can't find libcap..any ideas? I downloaded libcap from slackbuild and tried to run make but I get errors (the second code block)

patching file
Checking for environment: Determined build machine: linux.x86, target machine: linux.x86, OK.

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