Server :: Understanding The Output Of "free"?

Jun 29, 2011

I have a small server with following memory usage:

root@debian:~# free -m
total used free shared buffers cached


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Software :: Understanding Output From "last"?

Jan 19, 2010

I hope this is the correct forum for this question. When I use the "last" command, it gives me the list of successful logins. Can someone tell me what "pts/3" (or 1, 2, 4, etc) means? Example:

fivet sshd wireless68-198.w Wed Jan 13 10:48 - 10:48 (00:00)
fivet pts/3 wireless66-108.w Tue Jan 12 16:59 - 17:00 (00:00)


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Server :: Like To Understand Linux 'free' Command With Respect To Cache And Free Memory

Mar 27, 2010

Was wondering if anyone can explain briefly the relationship of "cache" and free memory in the "free" memory command.

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Server :: Use System Monitor Via A VNC Connection The Free Disk Space Value Is 20GB Free On The Same Volume

May 18, 2011

I've got a question on free disk space. I'm currently running CentOS 5.5 on in Xenserver virtual environment. We've had an issue with disk space. My question is as follows: - from a ssh connection i run df -h this gives the value of 90% used leaving me with 9GB. If I use system monitor via a VNC connection the free disk space value is 20GB free on the same volume. Which one is correct? I do use SNMP to monitor the same volume and should alert me when < 10% is free I know this works as I set the alert threshold to < 90% I get an alert.

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Ubuntu :: Understand The Output From 'free' Cmd?

Sep 20, 2010

I don't understand the output from 'free' cmd.


WHy in first line in columns representing 'used', 'free', 'buffers', 'cached' are such values? I can't count them properly.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Not Quite Understanding UUIDs And Grub2 On 10.04 Server?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm trying to set up an Ubuntu server using 10.04 (64-bit), and running into problems after a couple of reconfigurations. Here's the full story:I initially built the server on a 400+GB RAID5 array, putting everything but swap in one partition. Unfortunately, I needed to repartition, putting / in the first primary partition, swap in the second partition, /var/log in the third primary partition and /home in the remaining space on the fourth primary partition.

However, at this step, I ran into some problems with UUIDs in /etc/fstab and Grub2 (I've used Linux for about 9 years, but I'm new to Ubuntu, and I haven't used UUIDs or Grub2 on Gentoo, yet). Consequently, I made the (probably not smart) decision to move back to the /dev/sdX notation I am familiar with.The problem with that is that now I need even more space on /home, so I've added a Dell Powervault and a Dell PERC5/e SATA card to my server. Now, Grub2 tries to boot from the new RAID array on the Powervault instead of the internal RAID array, so I am trying to move back to the UUID notation so that I don't have worry about /dev/sda being the internal array sometimes and the external array at other times.I don't mind being RTFM'd, but I'm having trouble finding pointers to the documentation explaining Grub2 configuration and the UUID notation. Does anyone have pointers to some readable, concise documentation on configuring this in Ubuntu?

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Server :: Understanding Server URL Structures?

Oct 27, 2010

I guess I am trying to understand how webmaster's configure their servers on the Internet. I see servers that have the following:[URL]hat the webmaster above for 'mydomain.tld' has three separate unique servers for each hostname (mail, wiki, and www) above. Is it possible to get all the hostnames or aliases above running from one single piece of hardware? If so, how does that work? Obviously my single server will only have one unique hostname.

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CentOS 5 :: Svn Server Config - Understanding Location Svnpath Parameter On Svn Config

Sep 7, 2009

I was tryin to deploy svn on centos 5 with respect to [URL] I am stuck understandin the location svnpath parameter on svn config


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OpenSUSE :: Which Free Instant Messenger Server & Email Server Is Best?

Apr 12, 2011

Looking for some advice and guidance please? Which free Instant Messaging server & Email server is best for SUSE 11.4?I have an office with a mix of approx 20+ Windows 7, Macs desktops, and we want to bring our email and instant messaging services/solution in house.Im technical, so am not afraid to dive in feet first, but being relatively new to Linux can anyone advise a good free product(s) which would work in this kind of setup bearing in mind the windows and mac desktops need compatible clients?

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Server :: FICS - Free Internet Chess Server

Sep 10, 2009

FICS, Free Internet Chess Server, I have been trying all day to achieve this in one way or another, so far no joy. All I want is a simple way so my frien and I can play chess over the net. So I looked at php scripts. Nothing suitable, that I could find. I'd like a nice web interface. My thought figure out how to "talk" to gnuchess or whatever an write some php to talk to it. Xboard, html style. (Is there one?) Or run my own private chess server.

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Server :: Server Status Command Output Getting Dumped To Smtp Server Instead Of A File?

May 24, 2010

I am working on linux server with below specifications.Linux EDT 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/LinuxWhile checking the status of the server using the command 'opmnctl status' and when server is down the output is not getting redirected to file.I m using the command as,opmnctl status > abc.txt.

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Server :: Free Tools To Monitor A Server?

Jun 24, 2011

Do you guys know any free tools to monitor a server ? Something like Nagios or Zenoss but free. If so what's a good one that you guys would recommend ?

Can it be setup on 3 ubuntu servers running KVM ?

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Server :: Best Free BSD For Internet Gateway Server?

Nov 28, 2010

I want to configure an Internet Gateway with having proxy, firewall rule, bandwidth controller for an office containing 100 employee. can anyone suggest me which platform will be best and steps how can I implement it.

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Debian Configuration :: What Default Sources.list That Has Free And Non Free Etc For Squeeze

Jun 16, 2010

During playing around sources, synaptic playing I messed up the default list. I know I should have been more careful. Anyways could someone tell me what the default the default sources.list that has free and non free etc for squueze please? I have been trying to get the default list but I cannot find it anywhere. There are alot of lists out there but nothing tagged like the "default" list.

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Ubuntu :: Free Svn Server?

Jan 3, 2010

Is there a free svn server online somewhere? I need to get some practice with svn and for keep 'synchronized' working copies of projects between my multiple PCs this would be really handy.Probably it doesn't have Trac as well but if there's one with Trac omg that would be awesome.

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Server :: Any Way To Free Up Space?

Aug 16, 2011

I have a RHEL server and it's /boot only has 7MB free space on it, 122MB total size. Below is what's in the folder.Is there anything i should do to clean it up?

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Server :: How To Free Up The Size

Mar 20, 2010

I use Redhat EL 3 server , I found that the / directory is nearly full , then I remove the file in it .Now ,the files are removed , but I found that the / directory size is not changed , I sure the files are under / directory , it is strange that sometimes this problem do not happen , I usually reboot the server then the size will be reduced .

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Programming :: C++: Understanding The Vtable?

Apr 19, 2011

For this code:

class B1


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OpenSUSE :: Free Antivirus For 11.1 Server?

Aug 29, 2010

I have a web/db server running OpenSuSE 11.1, Apache 2.0, and MySQL 5.0.

What would be a good and free antivirus solution for it? I don't mind whether it's installed or runs from a website similar to as long as it's decent.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Best Free FTP Server With GUI?

Jun 2, 2010

I'm looking to set up a simple FTP server with an Ubuntu 10.04 box that I'm using as a file server. So far, I've tried a couple FTP server apps from the repos. One was proftpd with gadmin installed for the GUI. The other was pure ftp, with PureAdmin installed as the GUI. The problem I'm having is that gadmin seems buggy, and PureAdmin I cannot seem to make work properly. Another dilemma of mine is that I have two large hard drives with several folders on them. I only want to share a couple folders from each drive, but have them how up in the home directory of the user that logs in.

It seems like I may need a strong program that supports virtual folders (like Wing FTP), but I wanted to see if anyone out there in the Ubuntu world uses a free one that can help me make folders from different hard drives appear as though they're organized in one home directory?

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Server :: /usr Missing Free Space?

Aug 23, 2010

just some time ago, my /usr partition's used space is started to increase rapidly, and currently it reached 17.5GB. We put /usr as a separate partition (/dev/sda2)

So when we do "df" this is the result:

/dev/sda2 20315844 17612628 1654576 92% /usr

But what makes me puzzled is if I do "du", I only get 4.3GB instead of 20GB as "df" reported.

# du -csh /usr
4.3G /usr
4.3G total

So I'm missing approx 13GB here. My question is:where does my 13GB missing?

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Fedora :: Installing Free And Non-free Repositories?

Jan 28, 2011

I've just installed Fedora 14 64bit and would like to add new repositories. I read here to do the following command (which as you can see doesn't works) :


$ su -c 'yum localinstall --nogpgcheck'


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Fedora :: Can't Install Rpmfusion Free And Non-free

Jan 28, 2011

I have installed F14 yesterday but i can not install rpmfusion repository, the problem is that i can not access the url [URL] so i cant download the files:


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Ubuntu Installation :: FREE Support For FREE OS?

Jun 10, 2010

Am I asking too much for a FREE OS? Everybody spend their precious time to help others, that's very helpful.But it seems like there is no support from UBUNTU team,how could we even get through the barrier of not using Microsoft's OSes? No free lunch of course, but it seems to me some issues have never really been solved.I read lot's of people have problem with their WIFI, not just for my OLD USB wifi adapter. I don't have problem with WIFI in XP/Server.

I posted here and there, and seems like no answer, and I do not get any reply from UBUNTU support team,forgive me if I run out of google's keywords.I just need a simple answer, is my WIFI going to work in UBUNTU with a layman effort? I like linux and UBUNTU had put great effort in providing me such a great OS, but if a basic internet connection will need to spent sooo much time to setup, and it still doesn't work. IS IT WORTH to switch to UBUNTU at all

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General :: DD Imaging Of Builds Better Understanding

Nov 12, 2010

I am learning how to use DD for creating images across networks and locally but needed some clarification.
1 - When creating an image, I noticed that there is no verbose to show you the progress, How can I accomplish this?

2 - When I run this on a 8G usbstick it takes a long time to image. How can I speed up this process?
PHP Code:
dd if=/dev/sdb of=/home/test/images/image.dd

3 - When an image is restored like
PHP Code:
dd if=/home/test/images/image.dd of=/dev/sdb
will that give me a working bootable usbstick? For example if I imaged a working usbstick with Ubuntu on it using DD and restored it like the example above on a different usbstick, will this give me a booting new usbstick? I hope that came across ok?

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Networking :: Understanding Netstat TCP Port

Aug 1, 2011

I have an application that uses port 8080 all the time. One time, for some reason, it was taken by I didn't know what.

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Programming :: Understanding This Construct In Javascript?

Dec 3, 2010

var param = function() { <whatever> } ;What exactly does the above MEAN, and why have they included this in the language this way?

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General :: Free X Server - Connect To Box From Windows?

Jun 24, 2011

Is there a (preferably free) X server software package that I can use to connect to Linux box from Windows? I've tried exceed from hummingbird, but it's expensive, are there free alternatives with the same quality?

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Server :: Apache On :443 Only Or Find Another Free Port?

Jul 13, 2011

I want to run these services on these ports:- ssh:8080- shellinabox:80- squirrelmail via apache2 and SSL:443These appear to be the only ports I can generally connect to through various firewalls I encounter. If I try to get apache2 to not run on 80 shellinxabox appears to bind to it ok, but when I visit my site at port 80 via firefox I get apache instead. 1) How do I stop this and get shellinabox and apache2 working at the same time?2) How do I find another free port that isn't firewalled? All I have been trying is starting shellinabox on various ports and trying to connect and this is a very slow process

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Server :: Df Reports 100% Full Yet 18Gb Free?

Apr 19, 2010

I have a server running CentOS 5.3 (Final) Kernel version is:

2.6.18-128.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jan 21 10:44:23 EST 2009 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

The output from df -h is as follows:

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 9.5G 3.7G 5.4G 41% /
/dev/sda5 4.6G 456M 3.9G 11% /var


As you can see, /home claims to be 100% full - but yet there is actually 18Gb free? I seem to recall this could be something to do with running out of inode space?

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