Server :: Df Reports 100% Full Yet 18Gb Free?

Apr 19, 2010

I have a server running CentOS 5.3 (Final) Kernel version is:

2.6.18-128.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jan 21 10:44:23 EST 2009 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

The output from df -h is as follows:

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 9.5G 3.7G 5.4G 41% /
/dev/sda5 4.6G 456M 3.9G 11% /var


As you can see, /home claims to be 100% full - but yet there is actually 18Gb free? I seem to recall this could be something to do with running out of inode space?

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Server :: How To Free Up Space On Directory (100 Percent Full)

May 5, 2010

I am using Redhat Linux 4 as I checked space and foud that / is 100% full. Like below:

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda3 2316536 2179008 19852 100% /
/dev/hda2 101107 9324 86562 10% /boot
/dev/hda6 1683960 70256 1528160 5% /home
none 192012 0 192012 0% /dev/shm

How to create more space on / directory? or decrease size in / directory.

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Ubuntu :: 26 GB Partition Reports 2.6 GB Used 1.7 GB Free?

Feb 13, 2011

I've mounted /home on its own 26 GB partition. I have 2.6 GB of files in /home/chris/. The only other thing in /home is /home/lost+found/ which appears to be empty. Nautilus reports that there is 1.7 GB free. Where is the rest of my disc?

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Server :: Like To Understand Linux 'free' Command With Respect To Cache And Free Memory

Mar 27, 2010

Was wondering if anyone can explain briefly the relationship of "cache" and free memory in the "free" memory command.

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Show Disk Full - Analyzer Says 140 GB Free

Dec 21, 2010

I have a problem on my installation of Ubuntu 10.10: it shows 0kb space remaining in nautilus. When I delete files (also out of Trash) it shows there is again space, but within minutes this free space is full again. When I look in Disk Usage Analyzer it says there is 140 GB available and it is impossible that the complete partition of 190 GB is full. But I cannot save or download anything anymore and the system is not very responsive. So it seems to act as if the disk is completely full.

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General :: Wrong Free Space Report - Close To Full

Mar 4, 2010

So... I run df -h and I get this:

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 293G 21G 258G 8% /
tmpfs 503M 0 503M 0% /dev/shm
/dev/hdd1 113G 12G 96G 11% /win1
/dev/hdc1 113G 109G 0 100% /win0

It's close to full, but not actually full. I can't run a lot of things on this drive because the programs complain that they have no space.

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Server :: Use System Monitor Via A VNC Connection The Free Disk Space Value Is 20GB Free On The Same Volume

May 18, 2011

I've got a question on free disk space. I'm currently running CentOS 5.5 on in Xenserver virtual environment. We've had an issue with disk space. My question is as follows: - from a ssh connection i run df -h this gives the value of 90% used leaving me with 9GB. If I use system monitor via a VNC connection the free disk space value is 20GB free on the same volume. Which one is correct? I do use SNMP to monitor the same volume and should alert me when < 10% is free I know this works as I set the alert threshold to < 90% I get an alert.

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Debian :: Tool For Squid Reports (not SARG) - Generate Less Amount Of Files - Optimal Is To Save Reports To The Database

May 9, 2011

I got the following task from my boss. I have to find out if there is some alternative tool for create reports from Squid except SARG. Now, we use SARG, but my boss told to me, that the main problem of SARG is, that SARG generate huge amount files, which cause problems during migration our servers. He told to me the following condition for change of current tool (SARG):

* standard package of Debian
* generate less amount of files, optimal is to save reports to the database

So I would like to ask you if you know about some tool (I can not find some by google)... and the best would be if you told to me some practical experiences.

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Server :: NetFlow Agent (nProbe) Only Reports Server Statistics?

Jan 4, 2011

I am trying to monitor server throughput with a centralized ntop instance running as NetFlow aggregator and various NetFlow probes (nProbe, fprobe) on the Servers.ntop shows the probe as NIC correctly and receives the data, but it only shows one Host under "Hosts", which is the server itself. I expected to see a host list just like it is shown when running ntop locally (i.e. the server ntop runs on and every host he contacted separately). This happens both when using nProbe and fprobe. Have I misunderstood the concept of NetFlow Aggregation or am I using ntop/nprobe wrong?

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Dd From Full 15GB Part To 1.3TB Part, Shows Same Free Space?

Dec 8, 2010

I just used dd to clone a linux partition to a new hard drive, it had 800mb left on the old hard drive, after dd, new hard drive lists 1.29/1.3 terabytes full. Is this what happens by default in dd? How can I fix this?

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Server :: SARG Is Not Generating Reports?

Jul 21, 2009

SARG seems ok but it is not generating any reports.... "Now generating Sarg report from Squid log file /var/log/squid/access.log squid and all rotated versions .... Sarg finished, but no report was generated. See the output above for details. There is also no view generated reports too.

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Ubuntu :: Disk Full - Can't Free Any Disk Space

Jan 2, 2010

I'm running mythbuntu 9.04 and am having an issue with disk space.

I try 'rm' various log files but the space I free up lasts less than a minute before the disk reports as being full once more.

df -Th | sort gives:


/dev/sda1 ext3 8.3G 7.9G 0 100% /
/dev/sda6 ext3 138G 125G 6.3G 96% /music
/dev/sda7 xfs 783G 617G 167G 79% /videos
/dev/sdb2 xfs 344G 242G 103G 71% /recordings


There's nothing enormous in /var/log and my trash and the root trash are empty.

why size and used fields are not the same despite 100% usage being reported on sda1..

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Server :: Changed The Redirects But It Still Reports Them As Failed?

Jan 5, 2010

I am trying to install OpenSwan VPN but get the following [FAILED] errors. I also changed the redirects but it still reports them as failed?Quote:

[root@localhost /]# /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects=0
net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0
[root@localhost /]# /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects=0
net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0
[root@localhost /]# ipsec verify


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Server :: Squid Reports Using MySar And Dansguardian?

Mar 4, 2010

I have squid running perfectly and I added MySQL Squid Access Report 2.1.4 and the reports works just fine. The problem its when I add a dansguardian content filter, from that moment the only IP address that appears on the report its the box itself (I have all running on the same box).

IPtables forward requests to port 8080 Dansguardian listening on port 8080 forwards to squid on port 3128 Squid on port 3128 to internet (Here I review the logs with MySar).

I know it is because the actual http request for Squid came from Dansguardian's IP address (its the job of the proxy). how to have the real IP address on the reports.

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Server :: Generating Apache Log Reports With Specific Format?

Jul 1, 2011

I'm trying to find some tool on generating reports based on apache access_log files (of Common format). I found some of them (awstats, lire/logreport, weblog expert, apache logs viewer, etc..) but they generate some global and general report about the log file. Also some perl script I found they just show the Top X number of different patterns. My request is how can I generate some similar report with this output:

IP-s | Total nr. of connections | Number of pages visited | Total time of connection

So basically this is a list with every IP on the log and the respective numbers (connection/pages/time) associated.

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Server :: Squid Proxy Not Generating Reports For All Dates?

Feb 6, 2010

I am having squid proxy server running on OpenSuSe 10.2 I noticed when I generate report it just shows me last date log file.Although /var/log/squid contains logs of all previous dates.I really cant remember which file to modify so that I can see all dates reports in html when I use following command Quote: cat access.log | /home/user/squint-0.3.10/ /home/user/report<date>

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Server :: Munin: Creating Custom Trend Analysis Reports?

Mar 4, 2010

We're using Munin for trend analysis purposes, but would like to use it to generate custom reports. One way I envision this is:

* The report is created as a web-page on the munin server, such as [URL]

* The layout of the report is customized based on the project

* The report will be triggered by a cron-job, and I will be notified by email when the report is completed

Does anyone know if this type of script/job allready exists?

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Fedora :: Program To Archive Emails From Employees To Certain Server And Generate Reports?

Jul 23, 2010

I would like to ask if there's a program that can archive all emails from my employees to a certain server and can generate reports. specifically all types of emails incoming and outgoing. My employees are aware of my policy due to many confidential files within our office.

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General :: Logwatch Configure To Use SSH Tunnel Into Mail Server To Send Log Reports

Feb 28, 2011

We have following setup,

1. Webserver (Centos 5.5)
2. Mail server (Centos 5.5)

We have configured autossh successfully to create/manage the ssh tunnel into mail server in order to dump all emails to localhost port.

To auto start autossh in boot time we have included following into /etc/rc.d/rc.local,


So whenever our web application wants to send out emails it dump all emails to localhost:33465 port, easy piecy, all are working great

Now we have a requirement that logwatch reports should get delivered via the same ssh tunnel rather than installing postfix and configuring as a relay.

In logwatch is there a way to achieve that?

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OpenSUSE :: Which Free Instant Messenger Server & Email Server Is Best?

Apr 12, 2011

Looking for some advice and guidance please? Which free Instant Messaging server & Email server is best for SUSE 11.4?I have an office with a mix of approx 20+ Windows 7, Macs desktops, and we want to bring our email and instant messaging services/solution in house.Im technical, so am not afraid to dive in feet first, but being relatively new to Linux can anyone advise a good free product(s) which would work in this kind of setup bearing in mind the windows and mac desktops need compatible clients?

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Server :: FICS - Free Internet Chess Server

Sep 10, 2009

FICS, Free Internet Chess Server, I have been trying all day to achieve this in one way or another, so far no joy. All I want is a simple way so my frien and I can play chess over the net. So I looked at php scripts. Nothing suitable, that I could find. I'd like a nice web interface. My thought figure out how to "talk" to gnuchess or whatever an write some php to talk to it. Xboard, html style. (Is there one?) Or run my own private chess server.

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Ubuntu Servers :: PHP Shows 500 Server Error Instead Of Complete Error Reports

Dec 26, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 with a complete LAMP installation (for local developement purpose).

Everything is OK (I installed phpMyAdmin without problems) except for one big problem: php shows 500 server internal error instead of a complete error report.

I tried editing php.ini and in-script runtime configuration but nothing changed.

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Server :: Free Tools To Monitor A Server?

Jun 24, 2011

Do you guys know any free tools to monitor a server ? Something like Nagios or Zenoss but free. If so what's a good one that you guys would recommend ?

Can it be setup on 3 ubuntu servers running KVM ?

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Server :: Best Free BSD For Internet Gateway Server?

Nov 28, 2010

I want to configure an Internet Gateway with having proxy, firewall rule, bandwidth controller for an office containing 100 employee. can anyone suggest me which platform will be best and steps how can I implement it.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Named Reports "NXDOMAIN" Error When Query From Local Host?

Oct 29, 2010

I set up a DNS server, and it works fine when being queried from other hosts.But if I query it from localhost (by using nslookup), it reports error:

** server can't find NXDOMAIN


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General :: Full Fledge Mail Server With Web Server?

Apr 14, 2011

explain the full fledge mail server with web server.

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Debian Configuration :: What Default Sources.list That Has Free And Non Free Etc For Squeeze

Jun 16, 2010

During playing around sources, synaptic playing I messed up the default list. I know I should have been more careful. Anyways could someone tell me what the default the default sources.list that has free and non free etc for squueze please? I have been trying to get the default list but I cannot find it anywhere. There are alot of lists out there but nothing tagged like the "default" list.

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Server :: Yum Reports Package "- Is Not Signed"?

Sep 23, 2010

I have configured yum server on my RHEL 5.x box. I just tried to install a particular RPM which is in fact a reference manual of MySQL. Here is what I did:First, listing the available packages:

[root@mahadeva ~]# yum list available
Loading "rhnplugin" plugin


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Ubuntu :: Free Svn Server?

Jan 3, 2010

Is there a free svn server online somewhere? I need to get some practice with svn and for keep 'synchronized' working copies of projects between my multiple PCs this would be really handy.Probably it doesn't have Trac as well but if there's one with Trac omg that would be awesome.

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Server :: Any Way To Free Up Space?

Aug 16, 2011

I have a RHEL server and it's /boot only has 7MB free space on it, 122MB total size. Below is what's in the folder.Is there anything i should do to clean it up?

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