Server :: Configuration Options Repositories Developers Use?

Aug 23, 2010

I am trying to build minimal php and mysql binaries. While doing so, I realize that there is no documentaries to state whether does compiling straight from the source without any configurations options set, ensure an optimized yet minimal build? I am trying out for my own personal website which will be powered by Wordpress 3. The previous method I used was using the package manager: "apt-get install php-cgi php5-cgi php5-cli php5-mysql mysqld mysql-server mysql mysql-client". I am trying out to mimic the binaries installed by the package manager through building from the sources instead. How do I know what configuration options did those repositories developers used? Is there any special configuration options used for those minimal yet optimized binaries? Does doing the following ensure a minimal build?:

1) ./configure
2) make
3) install

I figured since I did not use any configuration options, therefore it should be a minimal build right (Meaning the bare-bones)?

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Server :: Smartd Configuration Options - Monitoring And Logging

Jun 28, 2011

I'm having some trouble understanding the smartd configuration options which go in /etc/smartd.conf. I've had smartd running for close to a year now, and read the manual page for smartd and smartd.conf several times, and I still can't get my head around it properly. This is what I use in smartd.conf:
/dev/sda -H -f -S on -o on -n standby,q
-s (O/../.././(00|06|12|18)|S/../.././11|L/../../(3|6)/21)
-m <nomailer> -M exec /usr/sbin/smartd_mailer
The above works fine (I use a custom script because I use exim). However, I had two failing hard-disks on two different machines (sector pending attribute) - but I would only receive warning emails if I restarted the machines - not when the periodic tests were being performed. I have a number of questions, if any of you would like to share some light on this:

1. It is not clear from the manual page how the monitoring and alerting mode works. Do I get an initial email when I start smartd if something is wrong, and then no other warning email after each scan, even if there is a fault, unless the fault goes worse?
2. Can I force it to send me warning emails after each test (offline, online, short, long etc.) if the fault condition is still there, even if it hasn't gotten worse?
3. There seem to be a variety of parameters monitored. I was thinking that if I monitor bad sectors, and the hdd temperature - it should be enough to warn me when the hard-disk is failing? Would the -a switch in smartd.conf cover these?
4. I don't understand the difference between monitoring and logging in relation to alerts? Do I get alerts only if I log things?
5. Do I understand correctly that the -p and -u switch would warn me of *any* changes in SMART attributes, even if they don't represent risk of failure?
6. Is there a way of finding out if the scheduled tests (offline, long, short etc.) have been performed?

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Debian Configuration :: UK Lenny Repositories Address Needed?

May 13, 2010

My sources list for updates is a bit wonky as in needs the correct uk repositories listed, for Lenny main, could someone point me to where I can find the uk repositories so I can enter then in the software sources option from the menu?

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Debian Configuration :: Synaptic Package Manager Repositories ?

Aug 2, 2010

I'm rather new to Linux...especially Debian. I've been running Kubuntu for about 1 month now and I wanted to try out Debian as well. So I installed it on a laptop (Downloaded the 6 DVDs). Now, how do I add some repositories to Synaptic so I can update my software? Also, is there a list of repositories? So far, every time I want to install something I need to insert one of the DVDs.

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General :: PHP Installation And Configuration Options

Feb 26, 2010

What are the standard, common PHP extensions that should be enabled when configuring a new php installation? I need ldap so I know I should include that, but what do most LAMP servers configure with their PHP installs?

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Debian Configuration :: Mount Options Of Root Partition

Apr 28, 2016

I made a mistake in Gnome Disk utility tool. Instead of changing the options for a USB key, I changed the options of the root partition.

In Initial state, automatic options were desactivated. I just activated them. And after desactivacting them, I realized my mistake and switched back to "non automatic options".

By doing this, I suppose that defaults values were used since now, the system starts in command line mode and no more in graphic interface mode.

When I try the "startx" command, I get a "read-only" error.

With the command "sudo mount -o rw,remount /" the graphic interface is started.

Below is the configuration of the partition under the gnome disk utility tool :

"Mount at startup" is checked
"Show in user inteface" and "Require additional authorization to mount" are unchecked

Mount options : nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show
Mount point : /mnt/eb11d4d6-75db-XXXx-XXXx
Identify as : /dev/disk/by-uuid/eb11d4d6-75db-XXXx-XXXx
Filesystem type : auto

I do not want to change anything that could leat to a critical error. So what do you think I should do ?

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Debian Configuration :: Properly Pass The Options To A Module?

Oct 26, 2010

I'm running Testing and need to pass some parameters to my bttv tv tunner card, for this reason I created the following file /etc/modprobe.d/kozumi.conf with this content:

alias char-major-81 videodev
alias char-major-81-0 bttv
options pll=1 radio=1 bttv_verbose=1 card=151 tuner=38 gbuffers=4

The problem is that for some reason this options aren't properly set after booting the computer, I've tried different combinations for line 1 and 2 without success.

I'm used to rmmod the bttv driver and modprobe manually with those settings but I'd like to automate the process.

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Slackware :: Add Any Special Options To Mkinitrd For AHCI Configuration?

Apr 29, 2011

Do I need to add any special options to mkinitrd for AHCI configuration?

mkinitrd -c -k -m ext4

Does it know I'm not in legacy PATA mode or do I have to add something to load AHCI module with it?

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Ubuntu :: Where To Change X Configuration Options In Natty Without Xorg.conf

May 24, 2011

I need to add an option to my xorg.conf to enable "backing store", like this:

Section "Device"
Identifier "Miserable Old SVGA"
Driver "miserable"

But I don't have an xorg.conf file in Natty. There are several conf files in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/, but I'm not sure which one to add it too (I can't find the Device section in any of them). I guess I don't even know if the "BackingStore" option is valid in the latext Xserver.

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Programming :: Installdirs Site" Options In Cpan Configuration?

Oct 30, 2010

What is "--installdirs site" options in cpan configuration?

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CentOS 5 :: Default Configuration Options For Upgrading And Recompiling Apache?

Oct 23, 2009

I'm currently upgrading my clients' CentOS 5 installation to use httpd-2.2.14 as we need it for the server to past some of the Hardware checks used in the PCI [Payment Card Industry] security test. I was basically wondering if anyone had the standard CentOS 'configure options' for building httpd/Apache so I could copy them to ensure it is a straight replacement for my existing 2.2.3?


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OpenSUSE :: WARNING - Unable To Download List Of Repositories Or No Repositories Defined

Feb 9, 2011

I am running Suse 11.1 64bit, with KDE, recently I received a pop up on my screen, "something about update problems", I used Yast 2 and selected online Update and it couldn't find updates for Nvidia and froze at that point. I dis-enabled that repository and refreshed all of the remaining Repositories individually and it seemed to work. I then went to the repositories listing and selected "Add" and selected "community" repositories and received the following: WARNING Unable to download list of repositories or no repositories defined. What is my problem? How do I acquire the list of community repositories? I can live with out the Nvidia repository for now but would eventually like to get it back.

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Ubuntu :: Is There Any Build Specifically For Developers

Jul 20, 2010

I mainly do c/c++ development in linux...also i sometimes use java and i would really like it if i had mono also.. so i am pretty much looking for support for all major languages with ides...can u suggest me a distribution?

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Ubuntu :: How To Report A Bug To The Developers Team

Sep 9, 2010

I am experiencing a bug in the installation process for Ubuntu 10.04.1 --- How can I report this bug so that it gets to the right person/group?

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General :: Able To Contribute A Little Something And Where There Would Be Friendly Developers

Dec 20, 2010

I'm looking for a Linux distribution that is somewhat smaller than the large distros out there. Possibly somewhere to hang my hat where I may be able to contribute a little something and where there would be friendly developers. Are there any projects out there that are basically run by a community of folks (not a corporation) that would welcome users and maybe .

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Programming :: Quick Query To Web Developers?

Mar 31, 2010

What is the code snippet required to get an image to repeat vertically up a page? I can only find info relating to repeating *background* images in my search attempts, and this is just a regular image file which I want to repeat over the pre-existing page background. I'd like it to repeat all the way up the extreme left hand edge of the page. Say the image is called abd.jpg and is in the same folder as the index.html.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Startup Options - System Hanging On The Automatic Configuration

Aug 22, 2010

I had some issues with my system hanging on the automatic configuration of the install so I searched the web for the issue. After reading this thread: Hangs at end of SuSe 11 install I used acpi=off apm=off nolapci as the install options and it worked. My question is, do I need to add those options to the /grub/menu.lst or will the install do that?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Any Repositories That Could Add From Newer Ones / Other Distro Repositories.

Jan 9, 2010

I just installed ubuntu because the newer versions were not working for me. So I installed 7.10 and there is no repositories that are still up. Is there any repositories that I could add from the newer ones or other distro repositories.

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Ubuntu :: Note For Developers: BlackBerry Support?

Jan 6, 2011

I was just wondering if Ubuntu developers were thinking now or in the future of introducing support for RIM BlackBerry devices?(I have previously read comments from Apple device users (iPods etc.) questioning why their devices were not supported so I suppose I am just evening things up a little for us BlackBerry users out there!

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Security :: Default Group For Multiple Developers?

Feb 9, 2010

OK I have multiple developers on a system and I have setup a area on the web server where they all should have access to and all that fun stuff. Now I do not want to setup these developers default group to be this single group cause they could be members of multiple groups...


/var/www/cust1 - Group Cust1
/var/www/cust2 - Group Cust2

Then say for the developers:

dev1 - member of Cust1 & Cust2 - Default group is dev1
dev2 - member of Cust2 - Default group is dev2
dev3 - member of Cust1 - Default group is dev3

So when they go into say /var/www/cust1 only dev1 & dev3 should have access to modify files and when they create/edit files the owner should be the user and the group I want it to be Cust1. Then when going to say the Cust2 area new files and stuff have Cust2 group access with RWX.

Is this possible for users to just use their normal accounts, or will I need to look are setting up "project" accounts where they can su into say dev1cust1 account which will have the default group of Cust1?

how you all handle this and what I might be able to do so that the permissions stick.

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Programming :: Community Of Objective-C Developers Outside Of Apple?

Feb 16, 2011

Is there a serious community of Objective-C developers outside of apple? I've been doing a fair amount of objective-c programming for iPhone and am wondering what the community is like outside of apple. I am aware of gnustep for linux. Are there objective-c libraries for Windows as well? What is the cross-platform status of objective-c? Are there many open-source projects being developed using objective-c?

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CentOS 5 :: Web Developers Reading /var/log/httpd/error_log?

Feb 23, 2010

I need to allow users who are not root to viewthe /var/log/httpd/error_log while theyare developing web pages. The default permissionof the directory /var/log/httpd/ is:drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Feb 21 04:02 httpdOf course I could just go "chmod 755 httpd", butI would like to know the "safe" way to allownon root users to access the httpd logs.Shall I add the users to the "apache" group andthen:chown apache httpd chown 750httpd

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Debian Configuration :: How To Best Manage Partitioning When Install Programs Not From Debian Repositories

Dec 4, 2010

How to best manage partitioning when install programs not from debian repositories?I just discovered that Debian installs applications not from repositories to /opt and /lib. Both directories or folders reside in root (/) partition.Having made my root (/) partition (which is only around 500MB) -- more than sufficient for holding a couple of linux images but NOT good for holding application.What is the best solution for resolving this? It's annoying and worrying that my system always reminds of a close to full capacity root partition.

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Server :: Fetchmail On Zimbra Mail Server - Using 2 Envelope Options

Apr 25, 2011

Is it possible to using 2 envelope options on fetchmail? Here is fetchmailrc configuration :

envelope "Envelope-To"
envelope "X-Apparently-To"

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Ubuntu :: Make Intimations To The Developers About Spelling And Grammatical Mistakes In The Language?

Apr 2, 2010

I have been working on Lucid Lynx , and I am proud to say , that Lucid supports, one of the oldest languages prior to sanskrit language. What makes me sad , is that there are some grammatical as well as spelling mistakes in that. So can any of u tell me, how to make intimations to the developers about spelling and grammatical mistakes in the language.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Use 10.04 Repositories In 8.04 Server Without Upgrading OS?

Apr 29, 2010

Just wondering if this is feasible/sensible. I'm running a server with 8.04 LTS server edition, and I'd like to upgrade to the latest version of sshd because the version included with 8.04 doesn't easily support chroots and I know it's simple to set up in newer versions. There's no official backport, and I don't want to upgrade the whole OS to 10.04 or 9.10, so I was wondering if it was possible to upgrade only the sshd package using a newer repository or something like that?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Bind-server With SQL In The Repositories?

Jun 19, 2011

I need a bind-server (I mean DNS server) with a SQL backend. As far as I have seen, the only viable option I have is to recompile bind9 with support for either MySQL or PostGre.

Link to this: [URL]with an additional

apt-get install libpqxx3-dev

From some tutorials I have read, I see I need to recompile it to enable its SQL support.

But when I do it that way, I won't get any security updates, won't I?

So... Is there any bind server with SQL support in the repositories ? For that I don't have to worry about security updates...

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General :: Check Installed Repositories In Red Hat Server 5?

Jan 13, 2011

when trying to use "yum install skype" i get this line below No Repositories Available to Set Up

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Server :: Redhat Repositories - Can't Find In The Currently Enabled Repository

Apr 14, 2011

I have installed RHEL 6 and registered it. I want to install


and some other packages but could not find in the currently enabled repository. Can i get a list of the available repositories.

# yum repolist
Loaded plugins: rhnplugin
repo id repo name status
rhel-x86_64-server-6 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (v. 6 for 64-bit x86_64) 3,930
repolist: 3,930

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CentOS 5 Server :: Windows 2008 AD And Samba - Repositories

Apr 13, 2009

if there are any repositories with the newest samba version? I'm having a hard time installing it with my W2k8 Server.

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