General :: PHP Installation And Configuration Options

Feb 26, 2010

What are the standard, common PHP extensions that should be enabled when configuring a new php installation? I need ldap so I know I should include that, but what do most LAMP servers configure with their PHP installs?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Options - Can't Select Any Of The Menu Options Except For Boot From First Hard Drive

Mar 19, 2010

So I have the burned ubuntu CD, and I'm attempting to install it on a system that has one HDD with XP/Vista on it, and another that is completely formatted and unpartitioned. However, when I boot to the ubuntu CD, I can use the menus from the bottom, and select the language when initially prompted, but I can't select any of the menu options except for boot from first hard drive.

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Server :: Configuration Options Repositories Developers Use?

Aug 23, 2010

I am trying to build minimal php and mysql binaries. While doing so, I realize that there is no documentaries to state whether does compiling straight from the source without any configurations options set, ensure an optimized yet minimal build? I am trying out for my own personal website which will be powered by Wordpress 3. The previous method I used was using the package manager: "apt-get install php-cgi php5-cgi php5-cli php5-mysql mysqld mysql-server mysql mysql-client". I am trying out to mimic the binaries installed by the package manager through building from the sources instead. How do I know what configuration options did those repositories developers used? Is there any special configuration options used for those minimal yet optimized binaries? Does doing the following ensure a minimal build?:

1) ./configure
2) make
3) install

I figured since I did not use any configuration options, therefore it should be a minimal build right (Meaning the bare-bones)?

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Debian Configuration :: Mount Options Of Root Partition

Apr 28, 2016

I made a mistake in Gnome Disk utility tool. Instead of changing the options for a USB key, I changed the options of the root partition.

In Initial state, automatic options were desactivated. I just activated them. And after desactivacting them, I realized my mistake and switched back to "non automatic options".

By doing this, I suppose that defaults values were used since now, the system starts in command line mode and no more in graphic interface mode.

When I try the "startx" command, I get a "read-only" error.

With the command "sudo mount -o rw,remount /" the graphic interface is started.

Below is the configuration of the partition under the gnome disk utility tool :

"Mount at startup" is checked
"Show in user inteface" and "Require additional authorization to mount" are unchecked

Mount options : nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show
Mount point : /mnt/eb11d4d6-75db-XXXx-XXXx
Identify as : /dev/disk/by-uuid/eb11d4d6-75db-XXXx-XXXx
Filesystem type : auto

I do not want to change anything that could leat to a critical error. So what do you think I should do ?

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Debian Configuration :: Properly Pass The Options To A Module?

Oct 26, 2010

I'm running Testing and need to pass some parameters to my bttv tv tunner card, for this reason I created the following file /etc/modprobe.d/kozumi.conf with this content:

alias char-major-81 videodev
alias char-major-81-0 bttv
options pll=1 radio=1 bttv_verbose=1 card=151 tuner=38 gbuffers=4

The problem is that for some reason this options aren't properly set after booting the computer, I've tried different combinations for line 1 and 2 without success.

I'm used to rmmod the bttv driver and modprobe manually with those settings but I'd like to automate the process.

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Server :: Smartd Configuration Options - Monitoring And Logging

Jun 28, 2011

I'm having some trouble understanding the smartd configuration options which go in /etc/smartd.conf. I've had smartd running for close to a year now, and read the manual page for smartd and smartd.conf several times, and I still can't get my head around it properly. This is what I use in smartd.conf:
/dev/sda -H -f -S on -o on -n standby,q
-s (O/../.././(00|06|12|18)|S/../.././11|L/../../(3|6)/21)
-m <nomailer> -M exec /usr/sbin/smartd_mailer
The above works fine (I use a custom script because I use exim). However, I had two failing hard-disks on two different machines (sector pending attribute) - but I would only receive warning emails if I restarted the machines - not when the periodic tests were being performed. I have a number of questions, if any of you would like to share some light on this:

1. It is not clear from the manual page how the monitoring and alerting mode works. Do I get an initial email when I start smartd if something is wrong, and then no other warning email after each scan, even if there is a fault, unless the fault goes worse?
2. Can I force it to send me warning emails after each test (offline, online, short, long etc.) if the fault condition is still there, even if it hasn't gotten worse?
3. There seem to be a variety of parameters monitored. I was thinking that if I monitor bad sectors, and the hdd temperature - it should be enough to warn me when the hard-disk is failing? Would the -a switch in smartd.conf cover these?
4. I don't understand the difference between monitoring and logging in relation to alerts? Do I get alerts only if I log things?
5. Do I understand correctly that the -p and -u switch would warn me of *any* changes in SMART attributes, even if they don't represent risk of failure?
6. Is there a way of finding out if the scheduled tests (offline, long, short etc.) have been performed?

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Slackware :: Add Any Special Options To Mkinitrd For AHCI Configuration?

Apr 29, 2011

Do I need to add any special options to mkinitrd for AHCI configuration?

mkinitrd -c -k -m ext4

Does it know I'm not in legacy PATA mode or do I have to add something to load AHCI module with it?

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Ubuntu :: Where To Change X Configuration Options In Natty Without Xorg.conf

May 24, 2011

I need to add an option to my xorg.conf to enable "backing store", like this:

Section "Device"
Identifier "Miserable Old SVGA"
Driver "miserable"

But I don't have an xorg.conf file in Natty. There are several conf files in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/, but I'm not sure which one to add it too (I can't find the Device section in any of them). I guess I don't even know if the "BackingStore" option is valid in the latext Xserver.

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Programming :: Installdirs Site" Options In Cpan Configuration?

Oct 30, 2010

What is "--installdirs site" options in cpan configuration?

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CentOS 5 :: Default Configuration Options For Upgrading And Recompiling Apache?

Oct 23, 2009

I'm currently upgrading my clients' CentOS 5 installation to use httpd-2.2.14 as we need it for the server to past some of the Hardware checks used in the PCI [Payment Card Industry] security test. I was basically wondering if anyone had the standard CentOS 'configure options' for building httpd/Apache so I could copy them to ensure it is a straight replacement for my existing 2.2.3?


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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Startup Options - System Hanging On The Automatic Configuration

Aug 22, 2010

I had some issues with my system hanging on the automatic configuration of the install so I searched the web for the issue. After reading this thread: Hangs at end of SuSe 11 install I used acpi=off apm=off nolapci as the install options and it worked. My question is, do I need to add those options to the /grub/menu.lst or will the install do that?

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General :: Skip - Installation Method And Select Partition Screens - Using Boot Options

Nov 25, 2010

I am trying to perform a hard drive installation of RHEL 5.5. I specify the installation method and the partition and directory holding the ISO image in /etc/grub.conf


However, I am still presented with the "Installation Method" and "Select Partition" screens when anaconda runs. Is the syntax of the repo boot option correct?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get Advanced Installation Options On LiveCD?

May 19, 2010

How do I get advanced installation options on the LiveCD? In former versions, I could hit F4 for modes. Do I need to use the alternate CD instead?

For reference, this is what I'm trying to do.

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Debian Installation :: NFS Is Not Showing In Installation Options?

Jan 31, 2011

i want to install Debian through LAN network, Here i have configured dhcp, tftp and pxe for net-booting.I have followed following link instructions for netboot: URL...For me network booting is working with the help of PXE but i am not able to get the option NFS for installing Debian through NFS,I am getting option only to install through mirrors and manually enter of the mirror.

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General :: CVS Installation And Configuration?

Jan 16, 2010

I have been given a task to install and configure CVS(Control Version system) on linux server in such a way that every user with a user id and password in the network should be able to connect to CVS server where all code resides.Can anyone tell me the steps by which i can install and configure CVS to fulfill my boss requirement.

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Fedora Installation :: Which Type Would You Like - Options ?

Jun 16, 2011

I have windows7 with partition of C:40G, D:40G, E:70.I want to install fedora15,so I use the tool "Disk Management" of win7 to shrink E:.Then I have E:60G and 10G unallocated.

I use Liveusb-creator and boot from usb.It works well and I can use fedora15 just like livecd.But when I install fedora to hard disk,I meet a problem and I don't know how to solve it.

The installation procedure comes "Which type of installation would you like?".There's five options 1."Use All Space" 2."Replace Existing Linux System" 3."Shrink Current System" 4."Use Free Space" 5."Create Custom Layout".I've already got 10G unallocated space,so I select "Use Free Space".But the problem is that the fedora installer popups a messagebox says something that means that I don't have enough space to allocate to fedora15.

I come back to "Which type of installation would you like?" and select "Create Custom Layout".The installer display 4 entries of my hard disk:sda1 unknown 0M, sda2 100M windows remain partition, sda3 with capacity 39900M, sda4 with capacity 112625M.The partition display of my hard disk is so strange and there is no free space.

Is the problem of win7 "Disk Management" or "Fedora Installer"? How can I really get some free space to install fedora15?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Get An Options To Install ?

Jan 28, 2010

I just bought an Acer Aspire 7535-5415 laptop with Windows 7. I have burned ubuntu onto a cd. When I try to boot up the laptop with the cd in the drive it just boots up windows as it would normally and I don't get an options to install ubuntu or anything. I've tried both a cd that I burned and an official cd I picked up in the computing science department at my university. The same thing happens in both cases.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting Options For Old Laptop?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm looking to install Ubuntu but my laptop is an old T30. Are there things I can do when installing that will make Ubuntu run well on older hardware?

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Installation :: Options For Hosting On Windows 7

May 15, 2010

What options are there for hosting linux on Windows 7?I think vmware will work.Windows Virtual PC will work.What about XEN?Apparently HyperV won't work because I don't have Windows 7 server installed.What do I google search for: hypervisors? What do you recommend?I want to install and run oracle database and java and eclipse on linux. I only have a windows machine. Which is easier: installing bootable linux on a SD flash card or hosting via XEN or vmware?Are some linux distros better guests on Windows 7 than others?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: 7.3 - Options To Put Grub On MBR During Installation

Jul 8, 2011

I am running the RedHat 7.3 install off a CD to put the system on an IDE flash drive. The flash drive appears as /sda1 on my system during installation. When I install the bootloader from the install CD it gives me the option of MBR on /hda which I do not want do. I select /sda1 and it puts the bootloader on first boot sector (not the MBR?) Although the installation works, is what I am doing creating a bootable primary hard drive? The flash IDE drive needs to be installed in an embedded system so my installation options are very limited i.e. the system does not have a CD-ROM or floppy to boot from. Are there options to put GRUB on the MBR of /sda1 during installation? Such as, with fdisk or the "force disk primary" option? Or, doesn't it matter?

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Fedora Installation :: No Options At Grub Menu?

Mar 31, 2010

i am running windows and fedora 12..both are working when i switch on the laptop in morning i discovered that it automatically start windows..when again i restart does not give any option to me for selecting which OS to run..i have seen grub.conf file it is right...i have done is booting can i boot to fedora 12 without reinstalling.

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Fedora Installation :: Options For Installing 14 From Live CD?

Feb 17, 2011

Been a while since I've been on here, but I was using Fedora 12 for the longest time and only recently started having problems. I kept getting errors and pop-up dialogs telling me to run yum-complete-transaction, which I tried as root many times. It would then give an error that it couldn't locate the repository and such. So, I looked through all my yum config files and changed a few things until I FINALLY got the command to do something, only it did all kinds of strange things as I was running low on EXT3 disk space and using old Windows' partition to store a lot of things on.

Now, I backed up all the /home directories and files as well as /root, just in case this didn't go smoothly and I still ran out of disk space. If I had the money, I'd buy a storage stick and just back up everything, but that's not an option at the moment. Now I have a crippled version of XP (pretty much useless from a trojan, even though I had McAfee AND Windows Defender running), and half of Fedora 12 with 2 different boot images! When I first did this, I used a 10G partition to install Fedora, which was plenty then. What's left of Win still resides on about 65G of space, but I have a lot of files there I want to keep. Fisrst thing I want to know is, should I look anywhere else on the Fedora disk to find files I may need, just in general? There's still a LITTLE space on the drive to back up stuff if I need to.

Second, while I still had enough to work with, I managed to download and burn a F14 Live CD, which is running now. I saw the option on the desktop to install it, and can get my config files and such from the backups if need be. I do NOT have a DVD burner, so if I have to I can use regular 700MB CDs, but only if they are available.The next thing I need to know is if I can install F14 from the web, without having to download any more ISOs, (again, assuming they are available). I know all my DSL settings so that's not a problem, I just need to find out if I can install it that way before I go clicking that icon. Anyone with experience with this would be helpful. I'm ready (MORE than ready) to go through with it, I just don't want to get "stuck" once I start the process. My download rate is around 200k/sec, so it's going to take some time no matter which way I (can) go.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Optimized Install Options For SSD?

Sep 15, 2010

Finally took the plunge and got myself an OCZ 32GB SSD for my main desktop. I'm getting some mixed info on the 'best' (and I know thats a personal option in the end) configuration for partitions, ect..

Here are my specs:

AMD Phenom x4
4GB 800MHz Ram
nVidia geForce 9500w/512MB


but as for the partitions such as /var and the others, I'm not sure what the best options would be to get the best bang for my buck. Also, is a swap file required anymore, will I see an appreciable different in performance if I just did not use one? If I need one, should it be on the SSD or one of the other drives?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Win XP Simply Gone From Boot Options

Feb 8, 2011

my two partitions (ubuntu and WinXP) worked fine, i always had a boot option at startup. however, my Win boot option simply disappeared. I did not do any update recently, so I do not really understand what could have happened. My /media/windows is also completely empty. when i try to open the windows partition, it says "could not mount".

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Ubuntu Installation :: USB Doesn't Appear Under Boot Options

Mar 14, 2011

I've recently been trying to attempt to install Ubuntu on a partition on my macbook pro OS X 10.6.6. I have attempted to create a bootable USB stick (as I currently do not have any CD's/DVD's to use). I have followed the guide on the Ubuntu installation page twice, word for word, command for command. Everything goes flawlessly, all the files are visible on the drive when I checked, and I have never received any errors in the terminal. The problem arises when I attempt to boot from the USB, it simply does not appear under the options when I attempt to boot. I have also checked the Start up Disk under system preferences.

I have attempted the installation on two different USB sticks, and the same problem on both, flawless to install to USB, but then it is somehow not booting. I have checked with the USB company and directly from the website it says that the PNY attache is capable of this. It is the 4GB model.

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Applications :: Source Code Installation Options

Nov 23, 2010

I was recently trying to install Ruby from source, due to needing and older version and having yum acting up on me. The problem is, the executable is being installed to /usr/local/bin instead of /usr/bin. I figure there's probably a way to change the install directory at some point during the configure/make/make install process, but there's no man page for these functions, and Google has not been kind.

Thus, my questions are twofold:

1) Does anyone have any good documentation (ideally, with examples/explanations) of command line parameters available for configure and make?

2) Failing that, can anyone tell me in specific how to install a source code's compiled executable to a specific directory?

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General :: Nagios Installation And Configuration On RHEL 5

Apr 23, 2010

I am trying to install and configure nagios on RHEL 5. I have apache 2 installed and php all working as exepected. When i install nagios following the these steps [URL]. The nagios folder that is suppossed to be placed under apache2's httpd is no where to be seen. So when I try to open localhost/nagios/. It says: The requested URL /nagios/ was not found on this server. What can I do for the nagios to work on this system. The apache and php are working fine.

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General :: Configuration Of HTTrack 3.43.9 - After Completing The Installation Of GCC

May 5, 2010

configure: error: either specify a valid zlib installation with --with-zlib=DIR or disable zlib usage with --without-zlib

The above code is generated after I configure httrack.

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Debian Installation :: Booting Options Not Displayed On Startup?

Apr 30, 2011

i have a pc having OS Windows XP and Windows 7 installed (hd0,0 and hd0,1). Yesterday i installed Debian 6(hd0,5). But it doesn't show boot menu on startup. It automatically load GRUB and start loading Debian. While i m on GNOME or KDE i can see all the files of windows XP n 7. Is any way to rescue and boot with Windows???
And yah one more thing ... i also dont have menu.lst file in /boot/grub/.

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Fedora Installation :: Rpm {-F|--freshen} [install-options] PACKAGE_FILE

Apr 8, 2009

Has anyone EVER been able to run this particular command? Well I seriously need to run it for the gdm installation on my system. How to specifying the the url to get that package_file? I installed this system from the fc8 live cd -- are the files I need on that disk?

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