Ubuntu :: Make Intimations To The Developers About Spelling And Grammatical Mistakes In The Language?

Apr 2, 2010

I have been working on Lucid Lynx , and I am proud to say , that Lucid supports, one of the oldest languages prior to sanskrit language. What makes me sad , is that there are some grammatical as well as spelling mistakes in that. So can any of u tell me, how to make intimations to the developers about spelling and grammatical mistakes in the language.

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Software :: Firefox 4 Underscore Spelling Mistakes In Red But Can't Right Click To Auto Correct

Jun 13, 2011

I am using Firefox 4. It came preinstalled with Linux Mint 11. I have added my own tweaked prefs.js (contains all about:config changes). Firefox 4 underscore spelling mistakes in red but I cant right click to auto correct them! I renamed .mozilla to .mozilla.old and started FF and this solved it. However is there another way to fix this? I have all my addons and about:config settings just as I like them and don't want to start all over again.

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Fedora :: Set Check Spelling Language Default?

Feb 18, 2010

i like to have fedora in english language, without any translation. I have a problem: i'ld like to set the check spelling in gnome to italian by default, but i don't know how to do. When i use pidgin or pan (newsreader) the check spelling is always set to english and i need to switch to italian all the time. Is there a way to set italian check spelling by default?

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Fedora :: How To Reduce Language List (spelling Check)

Mar 16, 2010

Is there a way to reduce or edit the list of languages in the Spelling Checker application? I'm using only three languages:English / United States

Dutch / Netherlands
Croatian / Croatia

The other languages waist my time, I would prefer that surplus languages are not displayed in the list. Is the language list configurable?

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General :: Can "yes" Command Make Mistakes

Aug 16, 2010

Can "yes" command sometimes answer not affirmative on bash's question? For example if the question is not standard?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Language-pack-gnome-fr Won't Upgrade / Make It Possible?

Jun 24, 2011

I can't find how to fill a bug or ask a question on launchpad (there are only answers!), so I do it here.

I have the language-pack-gnome-fr installed in Lucid x64. Since yesterday there's an update, but it won't install code...

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Software :: Hidden Typing Mistakes On Command Line?

Mar 15, 2010

I use xterm and my kernel launches framebuffer before X windows.I reckon this is what's reponsible for hiding my all-too frequent typing mistakes.I'm a terrible typist, especially when in a hurry, but obviously you see your mistake and you correct it.owever if the terminal actually hides your mistakes, well you can have a frustrating few seconds. This sometimes happens to me and I think it's due to my Spanish keyboard and all the special characters that I can mishit. When I go to correct them (at least visually) the command fails and bash reports back (say, the filename) with an extra character (often a question mark).This all happens quickly and easily corrected but it's very annoying becuase of the way it hides these mistakes from your eyes

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Ubuntu :: Is There Any Build Specifically For Developers

Jul 20, 2010

I mainly do c/c++ development in linux...also i sometimes use java and i would really like it if i had mono also.. so i am pretty much looking for support for all major languages with ides...can u suggest me a distribution?

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Ubuntu :: How To Report A Bug To The Developers Team

Sep 9, 2010

I am experiencing a bug in the installation process for Ubuntu 10.04.1 --- How can I report this bug so that it gets to the right person/group?

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Ubuntu :: Support For Language While Keeping English As Language Used To Display Desktop?

Mar 5, 2011

I have some music in another language, but when I open the songs in Banshee, their song names just come up as weird characters (like μ).I went to [System --> Administration --> Language Support] and installed support for that language, but the songs still come up like μ. (But in Nautilus, their proper names show).

I know the solution is to change my whole system language to that language, but I don't want to do that, as I am not very fluent in it. Is there any way to enable support for that language while keeping English as the language used to display my desktop?

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Ubuntu :: Language Support - Each User Can Select Their System Language When Login?

Nov 1, 2010

One computer .... three users .... three languages. How do you make that happen? User A speaks English and is happy with English. No problem. User B needs to use Chinese and would like the full system in Chinese. User C needs to use Thai and Chinese. They would prefer their menus to be in Thai and can use iBus for Chinese entry. How do you set up the system so that each user can select their system language when they login?

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Ubuntu :: Change Keyboard Language To Specific Language By Hotkey?

Jun 13, 2010

is there some way to change keyboard language to specific language by hotkey?

For example:
Shift+Alt+1 - English
Shift+Alt+2 - Russian
Shift+Alt+3 - Ukrainian

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Ubuntu :: Note For Developers: BlackBerry Support?

Jan 6, 2011

I was just wondering if Ubuntu developers were thinking now or in the future of introducing support for RIM BlackBerry devices?(I have previously read comments from Apple device users (iPods etc.) questioning why their devices were not supported so I suppose I am just evening things up a little for us BlackBerry users out there!

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Language Standardized In Wrong Language

Nov 28, 2010

While installing Ubuntu 10.10 I chose the wrong language for my keyboard. I tried to fix this in keyboard preferences and it seemed to work. The correct one I need is USA (and don't know exactly the difference between USA and USA alternative international). But every time I boot my laptop I get the old language back (Dutch) while USA is above the others in my preferences.

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OpenSUSE :: Firefox Spelling Does Not Update ?

Apr 28, 2010

Firefox checks spelling in text areas, which is good. However, the dictionary it uses is global and dictionary changes do not reflect across text areas. When your chosen spelling dictionary is Polish and you enter text in English into box#1 and then into box#2, and then you decide to review your spelling, you can change the active dictionary to English. However, this will affect the spelling of box#2 only, which is good because box#1 might actually be in Polish. So you go back to box#1 and change the dictionary to English? Nope; the dictionary is English already so choosing English has no effect and the words are still marked as incorrect!

What you need:

A frame with two text areas, e.g. Bugzilla.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Set the spelling dictionary to Polish.
2. Enter "damaged " into box#1.
3. Enter "damaged " into box#2.
4. While in box#2, choose the English spelling dictionary.
5. Return to box#1.
6. Append text "damaged " (once more).

Actual results:

2. box#1: damaged
3. box#2: damaged
4. box#2: damaged
6. box#1: damaged damaged

Expected result:
6. box#1: damaged damaged

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General :: Able To Contribute A Little Something And Where There Would Be Friendly Developers

Dec 20, 2010

I'm looking for a Linux distribution that is somewhat smaller than the large distros out there. Possibly somewhere to hang my hat where I may be able to contribute a little something and where there would be friendly developers. Are there any projects out there that are basically run by a community of folks (not a corporation) that would welcome users and maybe .

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Programming :: Quick Query To Web Developers?

Mar 31, 2010

What is the code snippet required to get an image to repeat vertically up a page? I can only find info relating to repeating *background* images in my search attempts, and this is just a regular image file which I want to repeat over the pre-existing page background. I'd like it to repeat all the way up the extreme left hand edge of the page. Say the image is called abd.jpg and is in the same folder as the index.html.

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General :: Firefox: Disabling Spelling Checking.

Jun 19, 2011

Kernel, slackware 12.0
(Mozilla) Firefox

where the option to disable spelling checking is in FF? I think Edit>Preferences contains all of the settable options.

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Security :: Default Group For Multiple Developers?

Feb 9, 2010

OK I have multiple developers on a system and I have setup a area on the web server where they all should have access to and all that fun stuff. Now I do not want to setup these developers default group to be this single group cause they could be members of multiple groups...


/var/www/cust1 - Group Cust1
/var/www/cust2 - Group Cust2

Then say for the developers:

dev1 - member of Cust1 & Cust2 - Default group is dev1
dev2 - member of Cust2 - Default group is dev2
dev3 - member of Cust1 - Default group is dev3

So when they go into say /var/www/cust1 only dev1 & dev3 should have access to modify files and when they create/edit files the owner should be the user and the group I want it to be Cust1. Then when going to say the Cust2 area new files and stuff have Cust2 group access with RWX.

Is this possible for users to just use their normal accounts, or will I need to look are setting up "project" accounts where they can su into say dev1cust1 account which will have the default group of Cust1?

how you all handle this and what I might be able to do so that the permissions stick.

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Server :: Configuration Options Repositories Developers Use?

Aug 23, 2010

I am trying to build minimal php and mysql binaries. While doing so, I realize that there is no documentaries to state whether does compiling straight from the source without any configurations options set, ensure an optimized yet minimal build? I am trying out for my own personal website which will be powered by Wordpress 3. The previous method I used was using the package manager: "apt-get install php-cgi php5-cgi php5-cli php5-mysql mysqld mysql-server mysql mysql-client". I am trying out to mimic the binaries installed by the package manager through building from the sources instead. How do I know what configuration options did those repositories developers used? Is there any special configuration options used for those minimal yet optimized binaries? Does doing the following ensure a minimal build?:

1) ./configure
2) make
3) install

I figured since I did not use any configuration options, therefore it should be a minimal build right (Meaning the bare-bones)?

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Programming :: Community Of Objective-C Developers Outside Of Apple?

Feb 16, 2011

Is there a serious community of Objective-C developers outside of apple? I've been doing a fair amount of objective-c programming for iPhone and am wondering what the community is like outside of apple. I am aware of gnustep for linux. Are there objective-c libraries for Windows as well? What is the cross-platform status of objective-c? Are there many open-source projects being developed using objective-c?

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CentOS 5 :: Web Developers Reading /var/log/httpd/error_log?

Feb 23, 2010

I need to allow users who are not root to viewthe /var/log/httpd/error_log while theyare developing web pages. The default permissionof the directory /var/log/httpd/ is:drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Feb 21 04:02 httpdOf course I could just go "chmod 755 httpd", butI would like to know the "safe" way to allownon root users to access the httpd logs.Shall I add the users to the "apache" group andthen:chown apache httpd chown 750httpd

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Fedora :: Language Of Boot Message Change To Other Language?

Jan 7, 2011

When I boot the fedora system,disable the plymouth,the language of booting message showed is english.Can it change to other language,chinese?

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General :: Can't Differentiate System Language From Keyboard Language?

Apr 14, 2010

i recently got a french msi wind U100x running on linux suse enterprise 10 sp1. (i am french and wanted a light netbook with french keyboard)i am totally new to linux and i believe that msi wind is not helping.because i am more used to english for settings, i set the main language to english, but it seems that it automatically reconfigures my keyboard mapping to english as well, so that azerty becomes qwerty.i reset it back to french, so now my keyboard is french, but so is the system.is there a way to differentiate keyboard from main user setting language?

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General :: TCSH - How To Disable Spelling Correction Of Command

Aug 18, 2010

Recently, when we updated our OS, we got a new tcsh feature enabled by default. Whenever I type a command that tcsh doesn't recognize, I get an annoying spelling correction like:
% cats
CORRECT>cast (y|n|e|a)?

I want to disable this feature and allow misspellings to error out like:
% cats
cats: Command not found.
Is my enter key somehow getting re-bound? What could be causing this?

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General :: Managing Spelling Checker Languages In Fedora 12

Mar 28, 2010

I'm often switching between the following three languages to check spelling in evolution, firefox and gnote:

English / United States
Dutch / Netherlands
Croatian / Croatia

The problem is that the language list is huge, what makes switching between the languages difficult. There are more than 20 types of English spelling and 3 Duch spellings (see the screen-shot).

I would like to configure this language list, so that only the relevant languages are displayed.

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Slackware :: Disable Damn Spelling Checking In Firefox 2.0.x.x?

Jun 22, 2011

Linux kernel, Slackware 12.0

What's said.

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CentOS 5 :: Mounting Windows Share - Get An Error 'Couldn't Find "smb://blah/blah" , Check The Spelling And Try Again?

Nov 12, 2010

I'm trying to mount a Windows Server share from Centos 5.5 (kernel 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5). I've tried two approaches neither of which work.

1). Using Places->Connect To Server. This approach works fine on Ubuntu but not at all for Centos. Using the 'Windows Share' Service type, it allows me to see the remote directory - I can see all of the directories on the server. But as soon as I click one, I get an error 'Couldn't find "smb://blah/blah". Please check the spelling and try again. As I say, this worked fine on ubuntu. Tried loads of options but with no luck. I saw something on the web about leading slashes being a problem.

2). Using Mount . Tried to use mount to mount as a cifs filesystem, as documented on a number of web pages:

mount -t cifs //server/dir -o username=username,password=password /mnt/tmp

This completely hangs the machine.I means completely, no mouse, no nothing. I've seen some references to unstable cifs on the web but I believe that this kernel has the fix for this.

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General :: Make Error - Make[2]: *** No Rule To Make Target

Oct 7, 2010

I am getting an error as below.

How do I resolve the error: make[2]: *** No rule to make target `', needed by `mpg123'.

How can I resolve this error.

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Ubuntu :: Changing The Language Of OS?

May 21, 2010

Can I change the language of the OS once installed?

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