Server :: VERY Simple CMS Needed For Intranet

Aug 17, 2011

I work for an organization with a few hundred employees. We need a very simple CMS for posting basic organizational documentation such has step-by-step instructions, as well as pdf and MS Office documents.We would prefer something that would organize content hierarchically, so we can structure the info into departments and functional areas. A MySQL or similar database is preferred, but flat file is okay as long as it does not limit content/structure too much.We would probably have about 15 to 20 content authors/editors. No workflow, authentication (except authors/editors) or secure content areas are required.

The only limitation would be that the content could only be accessed from a particular range of IPs. (I assume that would be set in Apache.)

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Software :: Simple Access To Intranet Through DNS

Dec 9, 2008

I am trying to setup a simple DNS Server which forwards all connections to ISP DNS except for my intranet webserver.E.g. should be retrieved from 192.168.XXX.XXX...I have read tons of forums etc., but it seems that i am stupid. How to do that? Even with GUI its ok.

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Debian :: Intranet Server With LAMP - Mail Server ?

Aug 23, 2011

I am completely new to Debian . My aim is to get one of my machines to run this system as the intranet server including www server, mailing server, intranet server and LAMP at the same time on the small network. I have found some resources including how-to's how to install Debian as the normal operative OS not as the intranet server. I have also found this: [url].However that is applicable for the 'Mandrake' distribution (Mandriva). Now, I would like to ask few questions that will be applicable not only for me but for more users and if someone could answer them .

1.What installation source shall I choose, CD/DVD/Network Install CD?
2.I have found this: [url] ... troduction is that applicable?
3.How to install web server, mail server, LAMP and configure them, link above describes mail server installation not configuration itself.
4.How to configure intranet on Debian to work as the server serving the Windows clients (using Samba?)

If someone could propose a set of the sources or the instructions how to achieve all of the steps I would really appreciate that. Also, if sources will be given by the users I shall try to achieve what I want and write up 'how-to' for this problem. Therefore, me and other users would benefit from that.

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Server :: How To Host A Intranet In Company

Jun 16, 2011

I plan to host a Server. I want to know which is the best for Visualization.

Cent OS = > Xen
VMware = > open source.

i need to host a intranet in my company. they r going use java web based.which way is the best solution improve the I/0 request speed.

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Debian :: Setting Up Local Intranet Server?

Jun 4, 2010

I have been trying to set up an old pIII 700Mhz PC as a local intranet server to run some PHP code.

I have got debian installed setup ssh since it is a headless computer mounted a usb hard drive to store the web page remapped apache2 to use the /mnt/sda1/html/ folder and tested that php scripts are running

now what i can't seem to get working is the following:

ftp access to /mnt/sda1/html so I can upload files from my pc on the network and

phpmyadmin so i can easily manipulat mySQL databases.

after reading [URL] I typed in #apt-get install phpmyadmin

it downloads a bunch of stuff and says it is installing it but when i do the next step in the instructions go to

I get a 404 Not Found error.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Recognize Intranet Host Server Name?

Feb 19, 2010

I am using Ubuntu on a Windows network.

One of the computers have apache server (working), it has IP, and the name of the computer on the network is "servidor"

I can't access from ubuntu, if I type http://servidor or, it goes to [URL], but I can access shared folders, just the host intranet server I can't

I have vmware with windows xp, and I can access http://servidor from there, but not from Firefox in Ubuntu.

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General :: Creating An Intranet With Apache On Windows Server?

May 12, 2011

what is the best configuration in httpd.conf to set up an intranet with Apache on Windows server?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Skip Proxy For All Intranet Addresses?

Apr 13, 2010

We have one squid proxy server running on CentOS 5.3 64 bit with Squid 2.6. it works well for me.

but my problem/question is :

Is it possible to skip proxy for all Internet addresses? and only allow proxy if clients are accessing external addresses?

right now users have to explicitly say in the browsers .. BYPASS PROXY SERVER for local addresses after check the use proxy server
and address has to be mentioned. most users are non technical so they don't use this option or put wrong setting in bypass proxy option

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup An Intranet Mail Server As A Project?

Mar 14, 2011

I want to setup an intranet mail server as a project. I tried to go through various forums but could not get a satisfactory model. My sceme of things is as follows:The server a virtual machine is after a router which has a built in dhcp server. Prefer to use sendmail but postfix ok client machines should be able to access the mail on evolution/thunderbird or web access using squirrelmail.Mail will not be relayed to anybody outside the intranet.

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Networking :: NFS Mount Fails - Times Out - NFS Server Is In DMZ - NFS Client Is In Intranet

May 14, 2010

Both server (web01), in DMZ, and client (app01), intranet, are Linux OEL5.5.

A few hints follows:

1- I ssh to web01, in DMZ, from a intranet machine on my desktop, export my DISPLAY, and try to bring up xclock; nothing happens.

2- traceroute from web01 to app01 fails.

3- NFS mount from web01, nfs server, to nfs client, app01, fails.

How should my network configuration on web01 or app01 be to make this NFS mount from web01 to app01 work?Each server has 4 NICs, I've only used eth0.

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OpenSUSE Network :: CUPS Does Not Recognize Ubuntu Cups Server On Intranet?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a printer configured on my Ubuntu server using CUPS amd made it available to the local network. The printer is recognized on my other Ubuntu machine without any problems.
But on my Suse laptop, the printer is not recognized. Using the YaST printer Configuations, I choose the option "Recieve Printer Information from Remote CUPS servers. But no printer is found.But... when I choose Do All Yout Printing Directly via One Remote CUPS server and enter the correct IP address (, the printer is found andI am sure the printer info is broadcasted because it shows up on my second Ubuntu PC. But why is it not recognized by default on my Suse machine

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General :: Bandwidthd Needed For Dedicated Server

Jan 29, 2010

Wath should be the bandwidthd needed for a home dedicated server so i can run several sites on it?

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Server :: Calculate Memory Available If Needed On A System?

Jul 16, 2010

I have set swappiness to 0:

# sysctl vm.swappiness
vm.swappiness = 0

According to various sources, this should mean that applications have priority over file chaches, and swap should only be used when the applications themselves need more memory than is physically available. So I naively took the value free provides in the '-/+ buffers/cache' line as 'free' as the amount of memory to be available on the server. Unfortunately this is not even close to true: On a server with 20GB RAM, memory utilization by this measure never reached 50%, yet the system swaps.

I then figured out that I could use 'sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches' to drop cached stuff. I was very surprised to still have 12.5 GB cached data after doing that. I am figuring that it's those 12.5 GB which force the system to start swapping. I also tried to use /proc/meminfo to figure out how that cached memory is used (by comparing its content before and after dropping caches). However, I don't see the correlation between the numbers provided there and what part of the cache can be dropped.

The closest match seems to be the 'Mapped' line, which was 10GB. I am pretty sure that being mmapped keeps the kernel from dropping cache. However, the value is 2.5 GB less than the cache which can't be dropped. So it is not the whole answer. What I am looking for is some way to determine how much memory the kernel could provide by dropping stuff if he needs to because of memory pressure. Is there maybe a way to simulate drop_caches without actually doing so?

The amount of potentially available memory does not have to be scientifically correct, but the number should at least be always in the right ballpark, which right now, it ain't... The point here is that it's a productive system. Sy doing stuff like dropping caches or filling memory until the system starts to swap is not a permanent solution to figure out the value. By the way, it turned out that postgres was the culprit in this concrete case, stopping it made dropping all caches possible, but that does not answer the general question of how to estimate available memory...

1. Is my assumption correct that I can subtract 'Mapped' from the freeable cache memory completely?

2. Where could the other 2.5 GB be used?

3. Is there a way to get a better guess of how much memory the system can free if necessary, before swap has to be used?

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Server :: Proxy Server Software Based On Simple Logging Requirements

May 18, 2010

we need to log web access of a certain set of users for analysis. We decided to setup a proxy server which just logs all the requests but does not do anything else like caching/access control etc.All users will be using a fixed set of computers and hence we can redirect their requests to the proxy. I came across Squid, but found it to be too heavy for our requirements. Is there any other proxy-server software that is good enough for what we want or is Squid the only way?

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Server :: Make Application Server That Would Contain Simple Ones Like Edit / Openoffice / Gim

Mar 16, 2011

I am trying to make an application server that would contain simple ones like edit, openoffice, gimp, so on and so forth. I know how to access these using ssh but what I want is that the application runs on that server as it already does, but to open local files and save them locally.

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Server :: Ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't Contact LDAP Server (-1)?

Mar 4, 2010

I have installed openldap on debian lenny as said here [URL]clients" for both ldap server and ldap client on Now I can make normal ldap successfully but I would like to do secure ldap and replication ldap too. "ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)" here is the error I got stuck with when I follow this link for replication and ssl/tls part[URL]Then I google to find solution and then try these commands

debian:/etc/ldap# ldapsearch -H ldap:// -b dc=webon -x -d-1


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Server :: Setup A Simple File Server With Mandrake 10.0?

Jul 19, 2010

Gentlemen/Ladies; I checked the existing information on this site and found that it is pretty widespread and confusing to me. I am a Linux Newbie so please be patient. I use Mandriva Linux 10.0 and want to setup a simple file server. I also want to connect a Windows XP computer to access files on the Linux server. I have a spare router I can use. My ultimate goal is to learn MySQL and PHP programming; I am pursuing a Web Development curriculum at a local University but am just starting out.

Am I making sense and can I do it with the equipment I have? Can you point me to some resources,documents, etc. I can use to accomplish this?

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Programming :: How To Compile / Simple Tutorial For Making Simple Program

Oct 7, 2010

i'm a college student studying pc programing, and i was given today a special work and i have to program using miranda... which i've never used it >.< can anyone give me a hand to where to download, how to compile, and a simple tutorial for making a simple program or something?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How Much Disk Would Be Needed To Make It A Full DNS Server

Jul 4, 2010

I have Bind on the machine at present, but I was wondering how much disk would be needed to make it a full DNS server that could act in place of a dead upstream service.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How Much Resources Are Needed To Run A Mail Server With Approximately 75 Boxes

Jan 10, 2011

How much resources are needed to run a mail server with approximately 75 boxes?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Minimum Configuration Files That Would Be Needed To Rebuild RHEL Server?

Jan 8, 2010

What are the bare minimum configuration files that would be needed to rebuild a RHEL server?We are thinking about creating a generic base image and then just copying over the necessary files (fstab, hosts, networking, etc) to get a failed system back up and running in the least amount of time possible. I am fairly new to Linux and have suggested that we have a share on a redundant server that is /server_configs/Svr_name/*.* (names are subject to change and *.* would be all of the pertinent config files to make a fresh build customized enough to emulate the failed server).Is this even possible and/or plausible?

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Hardware :: Usr Router - Nam1.0 - And Printer Server Driver Needed For Ubuntu 10

Oct 28, 2010

the 4 port ethernet US Robotics, NAM USR RTR model 8000 1.0, router and printer port works in windows is there any support in linux to make printer driver work ? It is configured in windows xp as local printer through usr server driver.

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Hardware :: Plug-in Box That Can Be Used As Simple Server?

Jan 25, 2011

Long time lurker here. I regret the fact that my first post is a request for information, but I am totally stumped. A while back, I saw a photo of a small Linux server that looked like a laptop adapter (i.e., a plug, a cord, and a 2"x3"x8"-ish box). It was a very simple box that could be used as a server, with a network jack as the only I/O. I have been looking for this type of server for days, and I cannot seem to find it using my usual methods. I want to buy one of these for my brother as a birthday gift. If anyone has any idea what I might be talking about and can point in the right direction,

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Security :: UFW Settings For Simple File Server

Dec 20, 2010

I would like to set the firewall in Ubuntu Server 10.10 up to be very secure but perform these tasks:

1. File server to windows 7 and windows xp machines both over ethernet and wireless via a router.
2. Print server for these 2 machines.
3. Auto backup these 2 machines.

So far I have set the server up with a static ip, do the 2 windows machines need static ip's as well? I don't need remote access to the server, only over the lan. I thought this may be all I needed to do:

$ sudo ufw default deny incoming
$ sudo ufw default allow outgoing
$ sudo ufw allow ssh
$ sudo ufw allow Samba
$ sudo ufw allow rsync
$ sudo ufw enable

But would this block auto updates to the server and auto backup of my files?

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Server :: Samba: Simple Error With NET RPC JOIN

Jan 29, 2010

I try to setup a client (for password /etc/passwd) to my samba server, without using the kerberos. let's make it simple: just samba. here are the errors: I have installed winbind, portmap, and samba/smbclient packages on the workstation linux ubuntu , which is intended to be client to samba for /etc/password attached to the server. At boot nothing changed, and the /etc/password is not attached to samba. So my passwords are stil the local of hte client, and not the server. This is my config of the client workstation:


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CentOS 5 :: Simple Custom Localhost YUM Server Using FTP?

Mar 10, 2010

the script (or, whatever you say ) below:

## Mounting CD/DVD ##
echo "Mounting CD/DVD in /media"
mount /dev/hdc /media


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CentOS 5 Networking :: Simple File Server With AD PDC?

Sep 15, 2010

I am trying to deploy a very simple file server in my company's network.The goal is just to have a file server with DAT backup, nothing more.I managed to configure Samba to show a share visible in the Windows network, with free read and write to everyone. For this I configured "Autentication Mode = user", and read/write access to all users in the specified share.

Of course, I would like to have the possibility to establish permissions based in AD-users. For that, I tried to add my CentOS machine to AD.I followed the guide in:


I can get the kerberos "kinit" command to autenticate in Windows AD: I can access the Windows machines in the network as administrator and "klist" shows the valid ticket.But, when trying the "join", I always get the "No logon servers" error.I googled around for this, and it seems that this is a common error and there is no "magic approach" for it...

So, my questions are:

- Can this be achieved only by the Samba configuration tool (Gui)? I think not, as we need to change kerberos settins

- What would be the correct settings for krb5.conf?

- Are there any other services/files needed to adjust?

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OpenSUSE Network :: How To Cover A Simple LAN NFS Backup Server

Jan 26, 2010

how to that covers a simple LAN NFS backup server? One that I only boot to backup from three Linux-only boxes then turn off.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Simple Way To Implement A Mail Server?

Feb 21, 2011

I am putting a php contact form on my webpage that sends messages directly from the page to my email address. This script has worked in the past, but unbeknownst to me that is because my previous server was running a mail transfer client that handled php's mail() function through smtp. The web server I am using now is a home machine configured with ubuntu running php/apache but there is nothing to handle mail. My contact form says the message has been sent, but it never arrives to my inbox.

Following forums, I installed sendmail and verified that smtp was running on port 25, but the form would then hang for over a minute upon submission(and messages still would not be delivered). I then tried exim4 as a mail transfer agent which solved the hanging, but messages still werent delivered. From my reading it appears this could have something to do with my hosts file, but I am unsure how this needs to be configured (pretty new to all this and I seem to have bitten off more than I can chew).

I eventually configured exim4 to use the smarthost feature for outgoing mail, using my gmail account's smtp server (following a tutorial). My exim log file produces no errors, but messages from my contact form still are not delivered. This has turned out to be a huge, hair tearing situation and I'm at a loss on what to do next.

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General :: Setup A Simple Home Server With Debian?

Jan 5, 2011

I've decided to try and setup a simple home server with Debian. I can either install the OS on a compact flash card and use hard disks as storage, or just install everything on the hard disk. I'd also like to set up a software raid for mirroring. I've never done this before, and most recently updated documentation i've found is for ubuntu. Any advice or good links someone can point me to on how to set up raid? I'd like to encrypt my hard disks but I don't know what my options are. It seems like people point to truecrypt, but i'm wondering what else is out there or if people have any advice on this. Would it be feasible to do this if I install the OS on a compact flash card and?

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