Hardware :: Plug-in Box That Can Be Used As Simple Server?
Jan 25, 2011
Long time lurker here. I regret the fact that my first post is a request for information, but I am totally stumped. A while back, I saw a photo of a small Linux server that looked like a laptop adapter (i.e., a plug, a cord, and a 2"x3"x8"-ish box). It was a very simple box that could be used as a server, with a network jack as the only I/O. I have been looking for this type of server for days, and I cannot seem to find it using my usual methods. I want to buy one of these for my brother as a birthday gift. If anyone has any idea what I might be talking about and can point in the right direction,
My server is Centos 5.3 I have php 5.1.6. some of plug-ins does not work I have to upgrade it to 5.2.6. To upgrade it I have to install a third party repositories.How can I protect my current php in case if the repository does not work I enable ( or role back) the Centos default php?
I am writing an sample LDAP Plug-in on RHDS. While compiling plug-in file, i am getting an error related to missing header files(prtypes.h, prprf.h etc..).
'slapi-plugin.h' file is generated in the path /usr/include/dirsrv. But inside this file, they are using some other header files like prtypes.h, prprf.h, etc. But there is no files generated with this names. Because of this i am getting "No such file or directory" error for these files. I can get these header files from Netscape coporation(Thirdpary), but can we use the same header files for Redhat or is there any separate header files are there for RHDS.
we need to log web access of a certain set of users for analysis. We decided to setup a proxy server which just logs all the requests but does not do anything else like caching/access control etc.All users will be using a fixed set of computers and hence we can redirect their requests to the proxy. I came across Squid, but found it to be too heavy for our requirements. Is there any other proxy-server software that is good enough for what we want or is Squid the only way?
I am trying to make an application server that would contain simple ones like edit, openoffice, gimp, so on and so forth. I know how to access these using ssh but what I want is that the application runs on that server as it already does, but to open local files and save them locally.
Linux Server automatically reboots when i plug in the network cable.it was working fine till 2 days back and no changes were made to it.any light on this note pls? kindly confirm if any logs are required for the discussion!
I have installed openldap on debian lenny as said here [URL]clients" for both ldap server and ldap client on Now I can make normal ldap successfully but I would like to do secure ldap and replication ldap too. "ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)" here is the error I got stuck with when I follow this link for replication and ssl/tls part[URL]Then I google to find solution and then try these commands
Gentlemen/Ladies; I checked the existing information on this site and found that it is pretty widespread and confusing to me. I am a Linux Newbie so please be patient. I use Mandriva Linux 10.0 and want to setup a simple file server. I also want to connect a Windows XP computer to access files on the Linux server. I have a spare router I can use. My ultimate goal is to learn MySQL and PHP programming; I am pursuing a Web Development curriculum at a local University but am just starting out.
Am I making sense and can I do it with the equipment I have? Can you point me to some resources,documents, etc. I can use to accomplish this?
i'm a college student studying pc programing, and i was given today a special work and i have to program using miranda... which i've never used it >.< can anyone give me a hand to where to download, how to compile, and a simple tutorial for making a simple program or something?
I work for an organization with a few hundred employees. We need a very simple CMS for posting basic organizational documentation such has step-by-step instructions, as well as pdf and MS Office documents.We would prefer something that would organize content hierarchically, so we can structure the info into departments and functional areas. A MySQL or similar database is preferred, but flat file is okay as long as it does not limit content/structure too much.We would probably have about 15 to 20 content authors/editors. No workflow, authentication (except authors/editors) or secure content areas are required.
The only limitation would be that the content could only be accessed from a particular range of IPs. (I assume that would be set in Apache.)
I would like to set the firewall in Ubuntu Server 10.10 up to be very secure but perform these tasks:
1. File server to windows 7 and windows xp machines both over ethernet and wireless via a router. 2. Print server for these 2 machines. 3. Auto backup these 2 machines.
So far I have set the server up with a static ip, do the 2 windows machines need static ip's as well? I don't need remote access to the server, only over the lan. I thought this may be all I needed to do:
I try to setup a client (for password /etc/passwd) to my samba server, without using the kerberos. let's make it simple: just samba. here are the errors: I have installed winbind, portmap, and samba/smbclient packages on the workstation linux ubuntu , which is intended to be client to samba for /etc/password attached to the server. At boot nothing changed, and the /etc/password is not attached to samba. So my passwords are stil the local of hte client, and not the server. This is my config of the client workstation:
I am trying to deploy a very simple file server in my company's network.The goal is just to have a file server with DAT backup, nothing more.I managed to configure Samba to show a share visible in the Windows network, with free read and write to everyone. For this I configured "Autentication Mode = user", and read/write access to all users in the specified share.
Of course, I would like to have the possibility to establish permissions based in AD-users. For that, I tried to add my CentOS machine to AD.I followed the guide in:
I can get the kerberos "kinit" command to autenticate in Windows AD: I can access the Windows machines in the network as administrator and "klist" shows the valid ticket.But, when trying the "join", I always get the "No logon servers" error.I googled around for this, and it seems that this is a common error and there is no "magic approach" for it...
So, my questions are:
- Can this be achieved only by the Samba configuration tool (Gui)? I think not, as we need to change kerberos settins
- What would be the correct settings for krb5.conf?
- Are there any other services/files needed to adjust?
I am putting a php contact form on my webpage that sends messages directly from the page to my email address. This script has worked in the past, but unbeknownst to me that is because my previous server was running a mail transfer client that handled php's mail() function through smtp. The web server I am using now is a home machine configured with ubuntu running php/apache but there is nothing to handle mail. My contact form says the message has been sent, but it never arrives to my inbox.
Following forums, I installed sendmail and verified that smtp was running on port 25, but the form would then hang for over a minute upon submission(and messages still would not be delivered). I then tried exim4 as a mail transfer agent which solved the hanging, but messages still werent delivered. From my reading it appears this could have something to do with my hosts file, but I am unsure how this needs to be configured (pretty new to all this and I seem to have bitten off more than I can chew).
I eventually configured exim4 to use the smarthost feature for outgoing mail, using my gmail account's smtp server (following a tutorial). My exim log file produces no errors, but messages from my contact form still are not delivered. This has turned out to be a huge, hair tearing situation and I'm at a loss on what to do next.
I've decided to try and setup a simple home server with Debian. I can either install the OS on a compact flash card and use hard disks as storage, or just install everything on the hard disk. I'd also like to set up a software raid for mirroring. I've never done this before, and most recently updated documentation i've found is for ubuntu. Any advice or good links someone can point me to on how to set up raid? I'd like to encrypt my hard disks but I don't know what my options are. It seems like people point to truecrypt, but i'm wondering what else is out there or if people have any advice on this. Would it be feasible to do this if I install the OS on a compact flash card and?
I have two web servers. One is active and one is in reserve. I keep the user data (web pages) in sync by running rsync every 10 minutes or so. This copies any changes from the active machine to the reserve machine. But, it's slow, only gets changes every 10 minutes, bogs down the disk, does strange things to files that are changing during the rsync process etc...
I want something that will automatically copy any changes from the active server to the reserve server as they are made. IE I hit 'save' on the active server, it copies the file to the reserve server. Simple!
I've been looking around and I see GFS which is really vastly more complicated than I need. I'm happy with read-only access on the reserve host, so I don't need distributed lock management.
I could theoretically implement this by setting inotify watchers on every file and running an SCP or rsync command when a file gets saved. So, it can't be that hard.
I do not need a true networked file system, as in something I mount over the network. I just want something to keep my disks in sync.
Probably because I don't know what to put in some of the fields.So; all I want to do is to run my own e-mail server for my business. The network is set up, the web server is running, but I'm having no end of trouble with YAST and the e-mail server.I have a single server running open suse 11.3 32 bit. It is attached to a modem/router. I have a static IP address for my registered domain. The server has a static IP address ( in this case). My server is NOT running either a DHCP server nor a DNS server - there is no need, since there is nothing else on this box. It has only one network connection - eth0.
I'm trying to set up an e-mail server. I have been unable to get an 'advanced' implementation to work because all attempts to create a suitable server certificate fail. So for now I'll stick with a 'standard' set up.I don't know what I should put in such fields as 'outgoing mail server' (I've assumed I should use the FQDN of my server);I've no idea what 'masquerading' is for or what I should do with it;I don't know what I'm supposed to put in the 'outgoing mail server' in the 'authentication' section;I don't know what to put in the 'downloading' section;and I don't know what 'accept remote SMTP connections' does.I can get the server to start, but any attempt to retrieve e-mail from it ends in an authorisation failure - the syslog shows a sign-on attempt from my 'real' IP address and some form of numeric userid which cannot be found.So, if anyone can tell me what to put in YAST to make it work, I'd be a very happy chap.
Yes, I can telnet to 'my.server.my.domain' 25, so something must be right. But my Linux knowledge is not enough to get it working properly.
Quite often I need someone to transfer a file to my laptop, and it's often different OS to different OS, and setting file-sharing, sshd/ssh, ftpd/ftp, and whatever else not is often not worth it. A USB key is also not always handy or big enough.
But, it's easy to be on the same network, just hard to get service working on top of it in less than 3 minutes if you've never dealt with that person's computer before.
What I was thinking would be the simplest thing would be if I could run apache, and have a very simple web script that simply allows file uploads. Something that would serve a web page that has a "choose file" button which brings up the file dialog, pretty standard I guess. I wouldn't say no to a few more functions on top of that.
Given that, does anyone know of a simple apache modules, or a web server script (language doesn't matter) that would allow for this?
I don't have any problem when I'm communicating with one client. The problem starts when I connect another client.The server eventually ignores the older clients and responds only to the latest one.The working mechanism is simple: Accept connections and print messages received from multiple clients.
For quite some time now, I've been trying to implement a multi-threaded or forked TCP server to perform the following action:1) Listen for new connections on all ip addresses on a specific port.2) Wait for a new connection to arrive3) When a new connection coms in, fork or thread to free up the listening process so it can go back to #2.When handling a client after it's been forked/threaded4) Get the connected client's ip address.5) Perform some in-house processing;6) Read the data sent from the client (checking for http connections)7) Perform some more processing;8) Write some data back to the client based on the above processing9) Close the socket/thread/forkI've tried implementing an solution similar to the multi-threaded example show here http://perl.active-venture.com/pod/p...-sockets.html; as well as looking at the CPAN solutions Net:aemon and POE::Component::Server::TCP but these don't seem to give me the information needed.The active-venture solution provides me with what I need, but randomly exits without reason/error and when attempting to change the 'for' loop to a 'while' loop, it keeps throwing up different errors.
I have two computers on my home lan I am trying to share files between...My desktop which is running Ubuntu Server 10.10 (x64) with a GUI, and my laptop which is running Ubuntu Desktop 10.04. I have tried a million different tutorials regarding SAMBA setup, but they never work.
In addition, most of those tutorials are geared towards hybrid Linux/Windows environment. I do not have any microsoft product in my home. I have created the share on my server, but I'm not sure how to connect to it from the laptop (once again at this point in the tutorials it explains how to access it from a Windows PC). I tried using the menu doing this:
Places-->Connect To Server-->Service Type-->Windows Share (for the server I tried my server hostname and IP) to no avail. Does anyone know of a recent step by step tutorial for setting up a complete Ubuntu environment? Is there a simpler method I can use since I do not particularly need to use SMB protocol?
All I want to do is share my music folder from my server so I can access it (from the same LAN) on my laptop...Arrrghhh frustrating.
just now i have installed squid, it works fine with authentication . I created this authentication in a simple text file by using htpasswd . my question is that is there any web based simple page to change passwords of squid users, because each and every time i cant give direct access to server for my squid users .
Are there programs for this? Really really simple page layouts that you can edit and host from a graphical desktop that has your web browsers and Pidgen and VLC media player and everything running on it at the same time?
I noticed in phpmyadmin that we can export a database in type update. Indeed we have update... in place of insert.... is there anyone know if it possible by a command line or by a simple PHP code ?
I am having a time at trying to get a simple FTP setup to my Var/www/html folder for my canned Joomla website. I can log in anon with no write permissions, but it will not log in using any users I have setup on the server. I've googled a bunch, but nothing to correct my 530 authentication failure when I try to log in as one of my user accounts for the server.
Its 2 weeks i'm trying to configure freeradius2 on centos5 64bit after installed it from yum.all seems working, but i cant authenticate unix users.after digging in many sites its simply cant find user name and password ( ++[unix] returns notfound )Also how can i paste here all the radiusd -X log lines? i can't find any radius.log file.