Server :: Install GUI With VNC On Debian?

Jul 29, 2011

I have tried a few time now installing the GUI on debian. I would do the following

apt-get install x-window-system
apt-get install gnome
apt-get install vnc4server
This time I got


W: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems I am somewhat new to linux servers. I have played and used linux on laptops and desktops.

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Debian Configuration :: Install A Multi-core System And Configure It To Run Several VMs, One Each For A Firewall, A Caching Proxy Server, A Mail Server, A Web Server?

Jan 25, 2011

I will be relocating to a permanent residence sometime in the next year or two. I've recently begun thinking about the best way to implement a home-based network. It occurred to me that the most elegant solution might be the use of VM technology to eliminate as much hardware and wiring as possible.My thinking is this: Install a multi-core system and configure it to run several VMs, one each for a firewall, a caching proxy server, a mail server, a web server. Additionally, I would like to run 2-4 VMs as remote (RDP)workstations, using diskless workstations to boot the VMs over powerline ethernet.The latest powerline technology (available later this year) will allow multiple devices on a residential circuit operating at near gigabit speed, just like legacy wired networks.

In theory, the above would allow me to consolidate everything but the disklessworkstations on a single server and eliminate all wired (and wireless) connections except the broadband connection to the Internet and the cabling to the nearest power outlets. It appears technically possible, but I'm not sure about the various virtual connections among VMs. In theory, each VM should be able to communicate with the other as if it was on the same network via the server data bus, but what about setting up firewall zones? Any internal I/O bandwidth bottlenecks? Any other potential "gotchas", caveats, issues? (Other than the obvious requirement of having enough CPU and RAM).Any thoughts or observations welcome, especially if they are from real world experience in a VM environment. BTW--in case you're wondering why I'm posting here, it's because I run Debian on all my workstations/servers (running VirtualBox as a VM for Windows XP on one workstation).

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Debian :: How To Install IRC Server

Aug 18, 2011

How to install IRC server in linux debian ?

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Debian :: How To Install LAMP Server

Feb 17, 2011

I need to install LAMP server in Debian 6. But like Ubuntu there is no option to install Lamp Server

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Debian :: Joomla Install On Server

Dec 3, 2009

I have my own server that I am trying to install joomla on... (i have done to types on installs, One Via FTP (Joomla 1.5.15) and One Via SSH (joomla 1.5.10)) both installed with out issue and runs. the issue I am having is that the templates being installed dont look right [url] I have installed it on a DreamHost Server with out issue. I am thinking its my server, After installing debian (with Apache2, PhP5, Mysql, PhPMyAdmin, Webmin) I had to change two things, add modrewrite and add virtual host (to home more then one domain).

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Debian :: How To Install VPN Service Server

Sep 4, 2009

Debian Lenny, Stable: So I followed this procedure:

Step 1:

* Copy files to the /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/ directory
sudo mkdir /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/
sudo cp -R /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0/* /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/

Step 2:

* Edit /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/vars
sudo vi /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/vars

Change these lines at the bottom so that they reflect your new CA.

export KEY_CITY="SanFrancisco"


I can login with my other machine to my server but wehen I start hte server it does not fail. seem sto work, but windows see nothing. How to give the passwords to my users?

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Debian :: Install A File Server On An Old Computer?

Sep 22, 2010

I would like to install a file server on an old computer and access it via USB from my laptop.

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Debian Installation :: Install SSH On Server But Not For MySQL

Sep 1, 2014

I would like to enable SSH on my debian server but not for MySQL. For MySQL, I want to connect normally.

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Debian :: Disc Install Dial Up - Web & DNS Server?

Apr 16, 2011

This is my first time to use Debian. I ordered the discs from LinuxCD - Debian 5.0.7. I am at the install point of Software Selection packages and I don't want to install unnecessary ones. Desktop environment and Standard system are ticked by default. I am installing to a desktop machine. I don't think I need Web server and going to Apache's FAQ still didn't answer my question whether I need it or not. I am not sure about DNS server, either. At this point, the only one I am sure I need is the Printer server. I found one page that loosely describes these software collections, but I am still unsure. Since most people do not use dial up these days it isn't taken into account of the description.

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Debian :: Install On VirtualBox Running On Mac Server

Jun 15, 2011

I am running virtualbox on a Mac Mini Server. I would like to install Debian on it and give it an internal static IP address. E.g.

I am looking at all the downloads. The Mac Mini Server Snow Leopard has no CD/DVD but plenty of disk space.

It will be used as a LAMP webserver, Java, Ghostscript and pdftk but also install ISPConfig on it.

I was looking at this ISO: [URL] Is this ok?

The Mac is a 64 bit Intel based machine. If I wanted 64 bit on the VirtualBox, which 64 bit ISO should I get?

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Debian Configuration :: Nfs-kernel-server Can't Install ?

Sep 28, 2010

I'm trying to install nfs-kernel-server on my squeeze and have strange error.

Here the console output:

The following NEW packages will be installed:

I tried to google for this errors and find that manually restarting nfs-common, portmap should help but no luck.

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Debian Configuration :: Install A Mail Server

Jan 12, 2011

i need to install a mail server with the following requirements: smtp, imap, web administration interface (users management to be done by a non-specialist) and ... to be easy enough to install/implement on debian (this is one time deal for me ...)

i used until now Xmail, phpxmail and nocc, very easy to install and it was working flawlessly, but unfortunately nocc is a too poor webmail client be cause is based only on pop3 literally the requirement is that on the web[client] mails sent must be saved and from what i see on webmail that only can be done with imap and (this is the big problem) Xmail does not support imap so i cannot install a good webmail client

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Debian :: Change Desktop Install Into Server Without X11?

Mar 6, 2011

It's been awhile since I've posted.

I am curious as to the best and most practical way to change a desktop install into a server install. In other words, I want to get rid of X and KDE and all the extra software related to the two and have a purely command line interface.

I have discovered that having a GUI in a server context is kind of pointless, and when upgrading software requires a lot of time to upgrade the extra software related to X and KDE. I just want to clean it up and make it lean and mean.

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Server :: Cannot Install Glassfish On Debian Lenny X64?

Jan 13, 2010

rying to install glassfish enterprise server on an debian lenny x64 virtual machine.I encounter some issues like the binary can only be execute by a 32bits JDK, need an xserver for install, all this has been take care of.From Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Installation GuideQuote:f you are installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server on a 64?bit machine (running a 64?bit operating system), use a 32?bit JDK to install Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server on your 64?bit machine. You will need to command:./distribution_filename ?javahome path to 32?bit JDK locationLatest 32bits JDK from SUN

glassadmin:/home/glassfish# java -version
java version "1.6.0_17"


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Debian :: Server Type Install On Legacy System?

Sep 6, 2011

I purchased an older Dell (p4 1.8G 256M) just to run some low demand programs. They don't require a GUI - just ssh/cli type of access. will be a server type - no kb or monitor. Can someone give me some pointers where to start at? I've never done a Debian install - the install process may address these questions - but figured I would throw it out here. I've used Ubuntu for several years now but I doubt that it would be the best distro for a legacy system....

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General :: Install MySQL Server On Debian While Offline?

Aug 29, 2011

I'm a Linux newbie. I want to install mysql-5.5.15-linux2.6-x86_64.tar.gz on a Debian box offline without using the apt command. How can I do this?

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Server :: Drbd Failed To Install In Debian Lenny

Apr 21, 2010

i tried installing the drbd for replication of data.. i found some tutorials but when i tried installing it i spits out an error of


E: Package drbd8-module-source has no installation candidate this is what i use to install it


apt-get install drbd8-utils drbd8-module-source drbd8-source build-essential

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Software :: Install - Configure And Run Mail Server On Debian

Aug 7, 2010

I want to install configure and run my own mail server in my debain box, but I don't know which programs to install(This is my first mail server installation). I found on internet some how-tos for install postfix-dovecot-squirrel mail, but I am not sure that I want dovecot(I prefer courier email server if it is the same).

As I understand I need
smtp mail server -> postfix Mail Transfer Agent
imap and pop3 -> dovecot / courier email server?
webapplication -> squirrel mail

For squirrel mail I am sure that i will install it(I used it on other server and I like it), but don't know for other parts. I read that postfix is good choice, but what other options I have for dovecot?

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Debian Installation :: Install Etch Kernel 2.6 In HP Server DL380G7

Mar 6, 2011

I have hp server DL380G7 with 4 G RAM and 2*146HDD. i wana install debian etch kernel 2.6 on it thes Os cannot find a CDROM on server and i have to resaerch about it i go to debian website and download etch-and-half and install it .debian recomands it Instead of using etch (kernel 2.6) Debian

bnx2-09-4.0.5.fw-files during the installation it was necessary.and my guy did and installation success.

But when Os gets the boot.have this error:

And when i confige the network i have problem And Os does not recognize network hardware.
the error is:

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Debian Configuration :: Install Open Connect On Server Machine

Sep 23, 2015

I'm trying to install the openconnect VPN client on a server machine, Debian 7 Wheezy, and APT is trying to install a lot of dependencies. I think it's trying to install the whole desktop environment.I was searching the web but all articles are for desktop machines and nobody mentions my problem with the dependencies. I also have openconnect installed in two Gnome desktop machines without problems.

This is the output:

Code: Select all# apt-get install openconnect
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done


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Debian Installation :: Fresh Install Error - $Display Is Not Set Or Cannot Connect To X Server

Jul 25, 2014

I am currently trying out Debian in VMware Player and I installed it using the following method.

Image Used: Debian-7.6.0-amd64-netinst

In the check list where it lets you select Debian Desktop, Print Server, and System Utilities I think it was? I deselected everything.

After Debian installed and rebooted I logged in, elevated myself to su, and entered the following commands.

apt-get update
apt-get install kdm kde-plasma-desktop --no-install-recommends

and I get the error '$DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to the X server.'

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Debian Multimedia :: Recording Screen - Install/configure A Server - Dns - Dhcp

Feb 7, 2011

I need to install/configure a server (dns, dhcp, etc) and since im running Debian I want to configure a Debian server, but i want to do it on a virtual machine, cause i dont want to have all that stuff on my system, now Im wondering whats the best screen recorder that i can use on Debian for this purpose.

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Debian Installation :: X Server Crashes On New Install On Intel I855 Graphics Card

Sep 13, 2010

I have just reinstalled testing on a Samsung Q30 and I cant get X to start. I am just left with a blank screen and ctrl+alt+Fn does nothing. I had a previous install of testing that worked fine but it might have been running a previous version of the kernel, or I had installed a bug fix to do with 915resoultion that I can't remember about. Booting off a Slax live cd works fine but I have had similar problems with Knoppix and Ubuntu.

I am running LXDE but I previously tried Gnome and had the same problem. Running xander displays cant open display Running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg returns nothing, as does Xfree86 -configure There is no /etc/X11/xorg.conf or installed by default, I have tried running startx with a custom xorg.conf and the automatically generated one from -configure. The automatic one did not include any resolutions and was configured for a dual head set up although there was only one monitor connected.

I thought it may be the same problem as this:[url]

But I have tried following the bug fixes on that site and I have had no luck.



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Debian Installation :: Install For A Target System / Create The Image On A USB Drive For The 586 Soekris Server On 686 HP Laptop?

Feb 16, 2010

I wish to use my laptop to create a system for my Soekris 4801. I don't want to take the server down for the lengthy install ( took 6 hours last time, Fedora 5 ). I want to create the image on a USB drive for the 586 Soekris server on my 686 HP laptop. Then scp the image to the Soekris and reboot and configure the server.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Can't Install Debian Xen Guest With Virt-installer [Centos 5.3]?

May 3, 2009

I have tried to install debian 5.0 and 4.0 without any luck. I have both tried virt-manager and virt-install with both debian-501-i386-netinst.iso, and full dvd. I't always gives me the same error:Starting install.Could not find an installable distribution at '/xen/debian-501-i386-netinst.iso'


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OpenSUSE Install :: Install Gnome After The Minimal Server ( Console Based ) Install?

Feb 2, 2011

Tried to install Gnome after the minimal server (console based) install.I would like to install a graphical GUI now What to do? wich packages? tried zypper gnome-desktop (or something similar) but it wasn't enough.

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Debian Configuration :: Keeping The Dns Server Running With Current Server Information?

Jun 26, 2010

I'm running the current release of Debian with the 2.6.26-2 kernel. This is an upgrade from an older (2.4 kernel) series redhat release. One of the things I had working in the older system was a dns server with accompanying monthly update of the root hints file. I tried working through a dns how-to to set this up again, but it seems much has moved around since I last played with this. All of the files listed in the how-to are not where it says they should be. I am looking for a better reference on keeping the dns server running with current server information.

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Debian Configuration :: Installed Nfs-kernel-server On The Server And Nfs-common On The Client?

May 3, 2011

I have installed nfs-kernel-server on the server and nfs-common on the client. Assumeserver

content of /etc/exports is:


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Debian Multimedia :: Fatal Server Error:Server Is Already Active For Display 0

Nov 15, 2010

I have got xorg and gnome-core installed. When I put in command startx I get the following message: X: warning; process set to priority -1 instead of requested priority 0 Fatal server error:Server is already active for display 0 If this server is no longer running,remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again. when I try to sudo Xorg -configure it shows me same message server is ..... lspci shows me the following information 04:02.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage XL (rev 27)So what I am doing wrong and how do I get this videocard working with Xorg.

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Server :: Error - NFS Share On A Debian Lenny Server With To Network Interface

Mar 16, 2010

I am running a NFS share on a Debian Lenny server with to network interface.

Sometimes when booting the server the following messages i shown in syslog:


If the system is rebooted then NFS is functional again. I would like to know way this happens somtimes so i can repair it, anyone with an idea? Another thing is that i would like to bind the NFS service to a specific interface e.g eth1 is this possible?

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