Debian :: Install A File Server On An Old Computer?

Sep 22, 2010

I would like to install a file server on an old computer and access it via USB from my laptop.

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Programming :: Sms Server Tools Cross Compiling Sms Server Tool For An Embedded Computer And Make Just One Binary File For It?

Mar 27, 2010

I wanted to know how can I cross compile SMS SERVER TOOL for an embedded computer and make just one binary file for it or how can I change all of its default files places like its demon and object file and gather all of them to one directory to execute and use and run.let me explain it better for you : I have an embedded computer with Linux OS that its file system is read only and I can not add any file to /usr /lib and ..... and I can just mount a SD memory card to it and copy all of my programs to it and run them from there as you understand I have two choices to choose, first make one big binary file for each program that I am doing it now and it is not a suitable solution and the second is finding the way to change default place of shared object file of my you tell me what can I do to solving this problem.

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Ubuntu :: Set Up Home File And Backup Server From An Old Computer?

Dec 8, 2010

Through the Black Friday shuffle of getting new hardware, I now have a 500TB external drive, a 1TB external drive, and an old computer I want to set up as a home server. My family has a lot of photos that are currently stored on many different computers and are not backed up, I want 500gb of space for photos, and for those photos to be backed up. That would leave the other half of the 1TB drive for assorted things like personal backups, and general file storage. I know enough how to set up Ubuntu server edition on the computer, but the options on how I can set up the storage is stumping me.

To Recap, I have 1.5TB of storage total split 1TB/500GB. I want 500GB to be used for a central storage for the 10+ computers in my house(mostly using Windows) and that 500GB would be automatically backed up. The 500GB that's left would be used for non critical files, and wouldn't be backed up.

What is the best way of backing up the files? (script once a day that copies files? Some backup program?)

Would the 500gb drive be best for backing up to(having the 1TB be where people would put the pictures) or the other way around? Does it really matter?

Any tips on the cleanest way to have this work cleanly with Windows, Linux, and Mac? How well do photo programs(Picasa, Shotwell, iPhoto) like a setup like this? Is it possible to have different programs on different machines all reference the same file system without their automatic sorting(to folders, usually by date) messing each other up?

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Ubuntu Installation :: G95 Computer Install - No Such File Or Directory

Apr 30, 2011

I tried installing the g95 compiler like this...

edward@edward:~/Desktop$ tar -zxvf g95-x86-linux.tgz
edward@edward:~/Desktop$ ls
g95-install g95-x86-linux.tgz
edward@edward:~/Desktop$ ln -s $PWD/g95-install/bin/*g95* ~/bin/g95
ln: creating symbolic link `/home/edward/bin/g95': No such file or directory

I don't understand what I am doing wrong, I tried using the Sudo command as well.

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General :: Scp Command - Copy File Into Local Computer By Still Sitting In 1st Computer

Jun 17, 2011

I am using fedora 10 in two computers. Just for my own practice I sent a file to my second computer.

1st computer IP is
2nd computer IP is


The file has been successfully copied to the second computer but I again want to copy that file into my local computer by still sitting in my 1st computer.


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Fedora :: Install Software From Server Without Copy To Computer?

Aug 6, 2010

I want to install a software to my computer, I've mounted that server directory, so I can visit them in the x-windows, but I can not install the file as it requires to be root, the help file of that software gives a command for installing to linux system like this:

# /net/....(server name and directory path)/setup

but when i use this command it says wrong, as this is not a recognized path, just wondering is there a similar command in Fedora that I can access to the net directories in terminal?

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Server :: Install Novell SUSE Ver 11 From Different Computer DVD ROM Over Network?

Jun 23, 2010

Need to install Novell SUSE Linux version 11 from Different computer DVD ROM over Network.

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Fedora :: Copy A File From 2nd Computer To Local Computer?

Jun 20, 2011

I have two computers in my home running ferora . I want to copy a file from my 2nd computer to my local computer. Local PC:-

Remote PC:-
[root@localhost root]#scp file1.txt
root@ password:
scp: /home not a regular file
[root@localhost root]

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Debian :: Kernel Panic On New Install - Computer Goes To Black Screen

Feb 27, 2011

I recently installed Debian squeeze on one of my older pcs. I have had this computer for a long time with windows so I know there is no hardware issue. About half an hour after being turned on in Debian the computer goes to a black screen and the num lock caps lock and scroll lock keys flash.

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Debian Installation :: Computer Hangs After Install On External Hard Drive With Flashing

Apr 4, 2016

I have spend way too much time on this and it still fails. I installed the debian 8.3.0 AMD64 CD1 iso image on an empty external USB 1TB Western digital My passport Ultra. I use the graphical install method and the installation process of Debian appears to go fine, except it informs me at one point I am missing some nonfree firmware for something with wifi, but that shouldn't relate to this.

*FYI I put GRUB on the external hdd, sdb in this case.
*windows 7 is on the internal hard drive and I excluded it from the boot sequence
* using laptop lenovo t410

I reboot my computer and it hangs with a flashing - in the upper right corner. Never even gets to GRUB. For awhile I thought I might have partitioned something wrong, but I am now convinced that isn't likely. I tried countless number of different partition configs. Separate /boot partition and I also tried using guided partitioning.

I mounted the partitions of the external hard drive using another OS and GRUB appears to be there. So it is there.

I know some Western digital hard drives have added priopertary firmware crap, so I tried installing on a external Seagate drive and it still hangs. I tried installing linux mint on the Western Digital drive and it works fine!

BIOS settings fine. USB settings fine. I tried booting via the boot menu and moving the USB HDD to the top of the list.

I also tried installing with Debian Live on a USB, but that actually has more problems for some reason. I can never get passed the partitioning phase because it fails to create /boot or /swap partitions saying something about how they are still in use and another thing about how the partition table hasn't been updated in the kernal yet.

It seems I might be having this same issue, not sure: [URL] ...

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Debian Configuration :: Install A Multi-core System And Configure It To Run Several VMs, One Each For A Firewall, A Caching Proxy Server, A Mail Server, A Web Server?

Jan 25, 2011

I will be relocating to a permanent residence sometime in the next year or two. I've recently begun thinking about the best way to implement a home-based network. It occurred to me that the most elegant solution might be the use of VM technology to eliminate as much hardware and wiring as possible.My thinking is this: Install a multi-core system and configure it to run several VMs, one each for a firewall, a caching proxy server, a mail server, a web server. Additionally, I would like to run 2-4 VMs as remote (RDP)workstations, using diskless workstations to boot the VMs over powerline ethernet.The latest powerline technology (available later this year) will allow multiple devices on a residential circuit operating at near gigabit speed, just like legacy wired networks.

In theory, the above would allow me to consolidate everything but the disklessworkstations on a single server and eliminate all wired (and wireless) connections except the broadband connection to the Internet and the cabling to the nearest power outlets. It appears technically possible, but I'm not sure about the various virtual connections among VMs. In theory, each VM should be able to communicate with the other as if it was on the same network via the server data bus, but what about setting up firewall zones? Any internal I/O bandwidth bottlenecks? Any other potential "gotchas", caveats, issues? (Other than the obvious requirement of having enough CPU and RAM).Any thoughts or observations welcome, especially if they are from real world experience in a VM environment. BTW--in case you're wondering why I'm posting here, it's because I run Debian on all my workstations/servers (running VirtualBox as a VM for Windows XP on one workstation).

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Debian :: File Transfer Will Be Constant As The Minecraft Server Will Constantly Updates Files On The Web Server

Aug 27, 2011

I have 2 computers on the same network that i need to link together to transfer files 1 is a web server the other is a minecraft server. the problem is that the file transfer will be constant as the minecraft server will constantly updates files on the web server and I dont want it to go to the router then to come back to the web server. I want to add a second network card to each computer and link them together and use this second connection to transfer the files is it possible?

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Ubuntu :: Install Windows Xp On Computer In Virtual Machine - Watch Netflix On Computer

Jun 30, 2010

so here's my problem. I am trying to install windows xp on my computer in virtual machine so i can watch netflix on my computer. The disk will not start up, if I restart and try to boot from load i just sits there and says boot from cd. The disk drive plays music cd's fine, so i dont really know what the issue is.

I dont know that much aboutut ubuntu. a tech friend put it on hard drive he gave me after mine crashed. also i should ad that i took the disk to someone else's house that haswidnows installed and the disk worked just fine, so its not a disk problem

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Debian :: Install A File That Username Is Not In Sudoers File?

Jun 3, 2010

Is it possible to disable all passwords in debian. I do not need any security usernames and passwords. I don't want type sudo all the times and i want free acces all the time. With debian i allways have some premission problems and why i need a password for my home computer?

1. For example today when i tried to install a file debian told me that my username is not in sudoers file. How can i fix this? 2. Is it possible to disable all passwords and asking admin premission, i dont need that kind of ??? for my home computer. (including the login screen user/password asking) And i am sorry for my grammar errors, i hope you can still understand what i have tried to say.

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General :: Manually Install A Debian File For Debian?

Sep 17, 2009

I cant install programs that end with .deb automatically... how to install them manually on konsole?

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OpenSUSE :: Install Mumble And Create A Mumble-server On Computer

Apr 10, 2011

A few days ago I decided to install mumble and create a mumble-server on my computer. So far the network requirements have been met, I have forwarded the necessary ports, etc.. etc... The only problem is mumble-server. As soon as I install it, if I restart my computer and run the terminal command

Code: $ murmurd The servers starts and the database (murmur.sqlite) and log (murmur.log) files are created. As for the ini file, I am able to specify an ini file found in my /home/MYUSERNAME directory, it will use that ini file. The server will be up, and me and my friends will be able to use it. I can kill the server and restart it without a problem. As soon as my computer is restarted, if i run the murmurd command this appears, whereas before nothing appeared unless i forced the server to stay attached to the terminal.


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Server :: Install Symantec Endpoint - Error: Unpacking Of Archive Failed On File - Cpio: Mkdir Failed - No Such File Or Directory

Nov 23, 2010

i am trying to install symantec endpoint on a linux server by this command rpm -ivh sav-1.0.3-8.i386.rpm but it gives me the following error error: unpacking of archive failed on file /opt/Symantec/bin/navdefutil;4ceb8d6b: cpio: mkdir failed - No such file or directory

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General :: Put A File In Ftp://.... And Run It From Computer To Creat Another File?

Dec 1, 2010

i made a site www.##.comi want to put a program file in that and run it from my computer to create another file, not create file in my computer then send to the host.

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Debian :: Hibernating Home File Server Possible?

Aug 24, 2010

Does Debian support Hibernation? I have a home file server, I'd like it to hibernate (and use least power as possible) when not in use. To access remotely we'd use wake on lan. I couldn't find any how tos on the wiki.

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Server :: Debian File Access Monitoring

Sep 16, 2010

I'm running a Debian/Samba PDC on a Windows network. We desire to monitor a few network shares, so that whenever a change is made to a file in those, we have a log of who did it and when. Some capability of seeing what the change was, or a way of reverting it, would be nice luxuries. But username and timestamp are most important, if possible.

On the debian forums, someone advised using Tripwire for this purpose. didn't give much other advice about it so I kind of struck out on my own researching tripwire. got it installed, played wth it, and found it problematic, to say the least. It seems a bit much on the complexity and security side, and it seems more oriented towards maintaining system integrity, than monitoring documents. So far I've not managed to get a policy update working on account of a cascade of errors about a few hundred files under /proc disappearing, despite no changes to the I'm wondering if anyone here has advice.

1. Does debian have this sort of functionality built in? is there a system log I can parse to get this information?
2. Is tripwire the right application for our purpose?
3. Is there anything better suited, more user-friendly or more parsimonious. I don't need something to monitor all system files, guard against intrusion, and make me cups of tea, just to monitor a few folders that I specify

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Server :: SVN Passwd File On Debian 5.0.7 And Apache2

Dec 31, 2010

I have a Debian 5.0.7 installed to my server. I try to install Apache and SVN to this server. I use this tutorial:
But is unfortunately not working.

My apache virtual host configuration file is:


This passwd file containing 1 user:


The rights for the passwd file:


And apache2 is running like this:


And if I try to login to my page I got an "Internal Server Error" page.

And my error is in the apache log is this:


So I'm a little bit confused about it. The apache2 should have rights to open this file. I checked it, the file is exist and the apache2 is have rights for it. I don't understand it.

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Debian :: Downloaded Utorrent Server - Extract A Tar.gz File?

Sep 9, 2011

I just downloaded Utorrent server for Linux but I don,t know what to use to extract a tar.gz file..?! Or where to extract it to...

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Debian Configuration :: Setting Up Home File Server?

Jan 3, 2011

I have 2 windows pc's in my home and an office computer that have my files strewn about. I wanted to have them all in one central location that keeps a backup copy, so i used an old machine to start building a file server. I installed debian 5.0 on the machine, command line interface only. I have gotten ssh working so that i can do all my work on the box from one of my windows pc's by logging in with current problem is how to easily use the box hard drive for storing my files in an easily accessible way. i'm still working on getting samba to work so that i could map the /home directory to a drive letter on my two home pc's, but i'd also like to access files from my work pc. Before i do that, though, i wanted to know if this is safe and secure to map a drive on a remote machine through the internet? Are there any other security concerns I need to be addressing by having this file server set up?

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Server :: Open File Limit On Debian Squeeze ( 6.0.1)?

Apr 28, 2011

I have a problem with open file limit. The software I'm installing claims "Open file limit (ulimit -H -n) too low (1014), need at least 6311" but when I check the linit I get the following

# uname -a
Linux server 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Mar 7 21:35:22 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux


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Debian Installation :: Install With .iso File ?

Aug 12, 2011

I want to install Debian and make dualboot (Windows 7 and Debian), but I not have any CD, USB, or Floppy. I has EasyBCD, where I added to my boot manager option to run .iso image. I boot from iso image, but installation need to CD.

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Debian :: Failed To Install File

Mar 8, 2016

I downloaded a package from Debian's website with using wireless since I use a Macbook and currently I can only connect through wireless to get internet working. URLs....

When I try to open this with package install it gives me the following error:

Failed to install file..A unspecified transaction error has occurred. More information is available in the detailed report.

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Debian :: Install A .run File As Root?

Sep 5, 2010

person can set permissions on a .run file to 'execute as program', though this then returns response that the file needs to be run as root.

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Debian :: How To Install A .run File From The Terminal

Sep 6, 2010

I have this file and rather than executing it in the terminal from changing properties, I want to just install it from the terminal, since Debian always insists for a super user privilege, and I can't login as root in the X-Server. This is a catch 22 imo, though nevermind that. It seems that in attempt to replace the .exe files of Windows OS, other safety features impede such. This leaves beginners with such a disposition, how do I get this dam .run file to run... hihi. This is not the first time I've 'run' into such a similar issue, and the pro geni of this system seem to think that these issues are slight.

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Debian :: How To Install A File In /etc/init.d/

Sep 10, 2010

use command dpkg -i ****.deb let my deb install a file in /etc/init.d/ what i need to change in debin/rules file?

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Debian :: Install Iso File On Vmware?

Jan 28, 2011

When I install debian iso file on vmware, it have a error message. (about can't find disc)

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