Debian Configuration :: Install A Mail Server

Jan 12, 2011

i need to install a mail server with the following requirements: smtp, imap, web administration interface (users management to be done by a non-specialist) and ... to be easy enough to install/implement on debian (this is one time deal for me ...)

i used until now Xmail, phpxmail and nocc, very easy to install and it was working flawlessly, but unfortunately nocc is a too poor webmail client be cause is based only on pop3 literally the requirement is that on the web[client] mails sent must be saved and from what i see on webmail that only can be done with imap and (this is the big problem) Xmail does not support imap so i cannot install a good webmail client

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Debian Configuration :: Install A Multi-core System And Configure It To Run Several VMs, One Each For A Firewall, A Caching Proxy Server, A Mail Server, A Web Server?

Jan 25, 2011

I will be relocating to a permanent residence sometime in the next year or two. I've recently begun thinking about the best way to implement a home-based network. It occurred to me that the most elegant solution might be the use of VM technology to eliminate as much hardware and wiring as possible.My thinking is this: Install a multi-core system and configure it to run several VMs, one each for a firewall, a caching proxy server, a mail server, a web server. Additionally, I would like to run 2-4 VMs as remote (RDP)workstations, using diskless workstations to boot the VMs over powerline ethernet.The latest powerline technology (available later this year) will allow multiple devices on a residential circuit operating at near gigabit speed, just like legacy wired networks.

In theory, the above would allow me to consolidate everything but the disklessworkstations on a single server and eliminate all wired (and wireless) connections except the broadband connection to the Internet and the cabling to the nearest power outlets. It appears technically possible, but I'm not sure about the various virtual connections among VMs. In theory, each VM should be able to communicate with the other as if it was on the same network via the server data bus, but what about setting up firewall zones? Any internal I/O bandwidth bottlenecks? Any other potential "gotchas", caveats, issues? (Other than the obvious requirement of having enough CPU and RAM).Any thoughts or observations welcome, especially if they are from real world experience in a VM environment. BTW--in case you're wondering why I'm posting here, it's because I run Debian on all my workstations/servers (running VirtualBox as a VM for Windows XP on one workstation).

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Debian Configuration :: Setting Up A Mail Server?

Jan 5, 2011

I would like to run a mailing daemon on my system that would receive incoming mail and forwards it to my Gmail account. I have no experience in mail services and forwarding mail at all. where to start reading and/or look for clues?

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Debian Configuration :: Optimal Setup For A Mail Server?

Apr 16, 2010

I would like to discuss setting up a mail server and its implications and alternatives. First, let us see if I have understood this correctly: A mail server consists of many different components. First, a server to listen to any mail inbound for a specific domain (say postfix), and then a POP3/IMAP server (say dovecot). Then, I should somehow configure the rules by which all mail is forwarded to their respective owners. This should be fairly simple by using debians package managers and dselect or whatever program it is that sets up right packages by use cases at the install.

But now lets assume a more complicated environment, where there are multiple users with different domains and needs. First, we need to send mail to ourselves from webapps for instance for backup purposes. So let's say we have a domain called setup, and we want to send mail to Unfortunately, some configuration issue makes the application get confused, because it is trying to send mail to itself, but doesn't quite understand what it should do. How can this problem can be solved?

Second, how could I configure different domains with different rules. For instance, if I want one domain to have a catch-all account, where random email sent to erroneous accounts is captured? Or if I want to create accounts which are not based on actual Debian accounts, but instead just random usernames (say,,, etc.)?

Finally, which are the best web-guis for doing such configuration? What if the customer wants to himself add accounts? I cannot require him to edit text files - especially if he can thus break the whole configuration for other customers as well.. postfix-admin is one, but it is quite crude-looking. Is there something which integrates both postfix, apache and dovecot configuration? How about Webmin?

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Debian Configuration :: Email Encryption - How To Setup Mail Server

Feb 8, 2010

Could anyone point me to some simple articles that explain what email encryption is and how to set up a mail server (e.g. Exim) that can send secure emails? I know nothing about networks, mail servers, encryption, etc., but I have to be an expert on it before I walk into work tomorrow morning.

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Debian Configuration :: Anti-spam Proxy For Mail On Server?

Jun 20, 2010

I was wondering if there was some kind of anti-spam proxy available for debian, that could serve as a layer between my ISP's mailserver and my email client. Something light, as it needs to be installed to a guruplug server with not much storage available. It would be great if I don't need to configure a fully fledged mail server but if it can function on it's own, only filtering spam messages. I already found assp and qpsmtp, but I find these very difficult to setup and assp is like huge.

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Server :: Mail Server Configuration - Send Mail To External Domain(internet)

Feb 22, 2011

There is an requirement, intranet people they may not have internet access but they want to send mail to external domain(internet),but in that intranet network one machine can have internet access. Is there any solution for this requirement.

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Debian Configuration :: Exim Doesn't Deliver Local Mail; Files In /var/mail Empty?

Jan 28, 2010

I cannot get exim4 to actually deliver any "local delivery only; not on a network".But whatever I do in the config, all mail gets frozen with entries in the log file like:"root@empty R=nonlocal: Mailing to remote domains not supported"Maybe the problem is that there is no fqdn for the computer (and will never be). How can I enable local mail delivery?

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Software :: Install - Configure And Run Mail Server On Debian

Aug 7, 2010

I want to install configure and run my own mail server in my debain box, but I don't know which programs to install(This is my first mail server installation). I found on internet some how-tos for install postfix-dovecot-squirrel mail, but I am not sure that I want dovecot(I prefer courier email server if it is the same).

As I understand I need
smtp mail server -> postfix Mail Transfer Agent
imap and pop3 -> dovecot / courier email server?
webapplication -> squirrel mail

For squirrel mail I am sure that i will install it(I used it on other server and I like it), but don't know for other parts. I read that postfix is good choice, but what other options I have for dovecot?

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General :: Debian Mail Server As A User Send A Mail With Attachment Maximum Wight Is 5 Mb

Jun 8, 2011

How to configure a Debian mail server as a user send a mail with attachment maximum wight is 5 Mb.

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Software :: Debian Mail Server Won't Send Or Receive Mail

Apr 22, 2010

i basically had this system installed for our mail system.The setup is as follows:

1. Operating system installed is Debian ver. 5.0.3

2. Roundcube is installed as a webmail(if its right for me to say that)

3. The server is hosted right here at our offices

4.The server uses relay system to send mail i.e. relays all our mails to our ISP

That all i can say about the configurations becuase thats as much as i understand it.The problem now is that we are not able to send or recieve emails from both internal and external.I tried to send mail to a collegue in the office who is on our local LAN,Roundcube says sent successfully but the person does not recieve the mail.i tried to send to my yahoo address but nothing.I dont know where these mails have been trapped.

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Server :: (OpenSuse 11.2) Installation And Configuration Of Web / Mail Server?

Feb 16, 2010

I am hoping to find some much needed help here. I have been to various other sites and am beginning to think that I am not meant to have a server of my own.

I was told that OpenSuSE was good for beginners. So far, I am wondering.I am trying to set up a home network ( 2 laptops, 1 desktop. The laptops are wireless )

I'd like to set up a web server to run a personal webpage or two and maybe a forum, shoutcast server and IRC at some point down the road after I figure out the first two.

I found a guide, but it was for 64 bit and wanted me to install ISPConfig 3 ( Which, obviously I don't need )

I would like some basic, beginner help on installation, configuration and whatnot on setting up a web-server and mail server.

Yes. I have a static IP ( leasing an IP block from my ISP ). Yes, they allow me a web-server and mail server ( I had to get the IP block to do so ) and I have my own domain name to use.

On the various attempts, I managed to get apache working. ( When I visit my domain name, it says "IT WORKS!" which is nice and all, but I am use to using Cpanel and have no clue how to setup / edit a website outside of a panel ( or even FTP )

I think I got the mail server installed, but again ( as with the web server ) have no clue how to setup / configure and use it.

I either am using the wrong search words for help or asking incorrectly or something. This is my final stop. I am at the point of just forgetting it, chalking it up to a lost cause.

I do hope someone here is willing to be patient with me and help me through it all. I will even give link backs and Kudos to this site if it all works out.

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Debian Configuration :: Nfs-kernel-server Can't Install ?

Sep 28, 2010

I'm trying to install nfs-kernel-server on my squeeze and have strange error.

Here the console output:

The following NEW packages will be installed:

I tried to google for this errors and find that manually restarting nfs-common, portmap should help but no luck.

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General :: Fetchmail Configuration - Mail And ISP Server

Jun 21, 2010

I am trying to configure the fetchmail and I have this line on the configuration file

poll other.mail.server interval 4
user "otherusername" there with password "otherpasswd"

How I do it? Is "mail.server" my isp server? and after configuration how do I fetch mail?

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General :: Debian & Exim4 Configuration Php Mail

Aug 27, 2010

Linux [URL] 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Wed Feb 10 08:59:21 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux Currently I have exim4 configured to use my mail server as a relay to send php emails. Though I don�t think I want this setup. My goal is to be able to track emails sent out to make sure that nothing happened and they got bounced back. I need to be able to find the emails that are bounced.

If I configure exim4 to send emails from the current (apache2 / php) server any emails that bounce will end up there, correct? We have clients that are expecting emails and are complaining they do not always get them so something is not 100% configured correctly. I am going to re-run #dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config

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Server :: Configuration Documents Of FTP/DNS/MAIL/Appache/SAMBA?

Apr 14, 2010

Being a New user of Red Hat Ent. Linux 5.1, I need Step by step configuration documents of FTP/DNS/MAIL/Appache/SAMBA individually and individual Test of each configuration after configuration. I had gone thru' RHEL Documents but there is no step by step configuration

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Debian Configuration :: Smdadm Sends No Mail While Booting

Oct 13, 2015

It's hard to understand the whole systemd stuff. Specially in combination with mdadm and sendmail. My goal is to get a mail every boot about the state of the RAID. Also get a mail when someone is wrong with the RAID while my computer is running. How I can reach this target I don't care especially. It just has to be a Debian package and stable

OK, to the story: I made a while ago an dist-upgrade from wheezy to jessie. Before, everything works fine. I boot my computer, the RAID gets checked and a mail was sent to my email-address with the state of my RAID and the disks of it. For this I followed a HowTo from [URL] .... After the upgrade, I dont get a mail anymore.

Here some details.

Actually installed: Debian 8.2 Jessie

Code: Select allsystemctl status mdadm-raid -l
● mdadm-raid.service - LSB: MD array assembly
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/mdadm-raid)
   Active: active (exited) since Son 2015-10-11 16:11:34 CEST; 21min ago
  Process: 281 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/mdadm-raid start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Okt 11 16:11:34 xy-server mdadm-raid[281]: Generating udev events for MD arrays...done.

[Code] ....

When I execute

Code: Select allecho "This is a test e-mail from my server using msmtp" | msmtp -d
Code: Select allmdadm --monitor --scan --test --oneshot

Everything works. I get the mails like I need it. In my opinion it's not a problem of the mail configuration. It seems, there is no network when the RAID get's started and the mails want to be send.

What I'm wondering is also, that obviously the

is ignored by systemd and only the
/lib/systemd/system/mdmonitor.service is executed. But while booting the RAID get's startet with /etc/init.d/mdadm-raid and this should read the /etc/default/mdadm. Right? Confusing!

Anyway, is there a way, how I can easy change the order (without any side-effects) of the startup for the network and the RAID. I can't figure out, which unit I have to change, that it will work. Or maybe is there another solution? Like I mentioned, it's just have to work with Debian stable packages

There are various units who sounds nice, but wich one is the correct one?

- system-ifup.slice
- ifup@eth0.service

- mdadm-raid.service
- mdmonitor.service
- -.mount

And how can I be sure, that every dependency of the network units doesn't depend on a filesystem unit?

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Debian Configuration :: Popcon Mail Notification Fails?

Mar 5, 2011

I would like to use debian's popularity contest utility as I think it's an important tool for the developers and packagers, but it seems to be broken. I received the following notification after a recent full-upgrade from Lenny to Squeeze:

From MAILER-DAEMON Thu Nov 18 19:14:25 2010
Envelope-to: root@mediacenter.local
Delivery-date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 19:14:25 +0200
Auto-Submitted: auto-replied


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Debian Configuration :: Getting Lot Of Mail Delivery Failed - Exim 4.72

Jun 15, 2011

I run a mailserver and this is bothering me quite abit. Being going on for about a month now. Running exim4 and dovecot with exim4u. This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
retry time not reached for any host after a long failure period

This is a copy of the message, including all the headers.
Return-path: <>
Received: from ([] helo=holly5)
by with esmtpa (Exim 4.72)
(envelope-from <>)
id 1QWpUO-0000yy-ML
for; Wed, 15 Jun 2011 14:46:32 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 14:44:16 +0200
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Content-Type: text/plain;
Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?lizzie_VIAGRA_=C2=AE_-61%_discount?=
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Reply-To: "RE: Your Recent Job" <Posting>
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180
Message-ID: <CHILKAT-MID-3b7cf1d5-b3e7-3d78-5c1d-713c0e381cb9@holly5>
X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 110615-0, 15.06.2011), Outbound message
X-Antivirus-Status: Clean
X-Scanned-By: unscanned primary on (; Wed, 15 Jun 2011 14:46:32 +0200
Then alot of random text

I run OSX on my everyday computer so this is not me sending out stuff since the above mail says Microsoft Outlook express has sent it (?) Running a Debian Squeeze server. And I really dont get any other spam due to exim4u setup and spamassasin.

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Debian Configuration :: Install Open Connect On Server Machine

Sep 23, 2015

I'm trying to install the openconnect VPN client on a server machine, Debian 7 Wheezy, and APT is trying to install a lot of dependencies. I think it's trying to install the whole desktop environment.I was searching the web but all articles are for desktop machines and nobody mentions my problem with the dependencies. I also have openconnect installed in two Gnome desktop machines without problems.

This is the output:

Code: Select all# apt-get install openconnect
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done


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Ubuntu Servers :: Where To Find Mail Server Configuration For Dummies?

Nov 28, 2010

Where to find Mail Server Configuration Howto for Dummies?

Autoreply is supported?
User Accounts and other configs in MySQL database..

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Server :: Postfix Configuration To Split Mail Between Apps On Same Host?

Jul 19, 2010

I have an OpenSuse 11.2 system that is running 2 BBS systems independently, both of which are capable of receiving smtp mail on prot 25. What I would like to do is set up Postfix on the OpenSuse OS to receive all mail for both those domains and then send the relevant mail to the correct BBS. I would therefore have Postfix listening on Port 25 External and the 2 BBS applications listening on different ports on the localhost address. At least that is the plan.

how to do this. I want to do it and still make sure Postfix is secure and not accidentally open up any nasty relay holes etc etc.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: RDNS For E-mail Server Configuration - NAT Involved?

Aug 24, 2009

I'm having an issue with an e-mail server (with an IP of which is behind NAT (Cisco ASA) which in turn of course has it's own external IP (let's say - IP Both IPs are public.Now, if i wanted to set up a correct RDNS configuration for my domain, what should be the IP address entry for the PTR record in this case?

I know this is strictly network configuration related question (not Linux, or CentOS for that matter), but I wouldn't be asking if I didn't get a few bouncing e-mails every once in a while (i.e. NDRs) with messages like: You do not have permission to send to this recipient. For assistance, contact your system administrator.


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Debian Configuration :: Sieve Mail Filter For Domain Isn't Working

Sep 18, 2015

The first filter does not work, the second does...why?

Code: Select allelsif allof (
                body :contains ["some text", "Some Text"],
                address :domain :is "From" ""
                redirect "";
elsif allof (
                body :contains ["some text", "Some Text"],
                address :domain :is "From" "yellowstone.bohlsen.lan"
                redirect "";

I even saved the email from thunderbird as .eml and used it as a testmail to check the second filter

Code: Select allcat /tmp/amazon-main | mail mylocalusername@yellowstone.bohlsen.lan

that worked without problems.

the amazon email address that is sending me mails is:

Code: Select

#hostname -f

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Debian Configuration :: Postfix To Block Fake Mail From Own Email

Mar 22, 2016

The problem I have is so simple yet difficult for me to resolve. My Postfix MTA allow fake mails from to How can I block them?

For example, if I do "telnet 25", as I write the MAIL FROM command I get the alert "Authentication required". How can I achieve that?

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Debian Configuration :: Can't Send Email From Command Line Using Mail

Mar 17, 2010

I'm running a desktop-less version of Debian via Sun VirtualBox. The reason I'm doing this is because I don't have enough graphics or RAM power to have a desktop environment running on top of my current desktop; also, I want to learn Linux through the command prompt. I'm running the AMD64 version of Debian; I'm not sure if that's relevant.

My main goal is to be able to email useful files from the virtual Debian to my main computer, so that I can save them for later if I ever decide to do a "real" installation of Debian on this computer. I realize now that there's probably some "easy" way to do this by reading the virtual machine's hard drive, but at this point, my curiosity wants to see this issue resolved. I started off wanting to find a command-line program to send my email with, and one was built-in. The syntax ~$ sudo mail -s "Subject" "This is a test email."

Cc:C^D ~$

is what I found. I tried it, and (unsurprisingly), it failed. I then learned that the mail command calls exim4, or something along those lines, so I needed to configure exim4. Soon thereafter, I learned that Yahoo's SMTP wasn't public, but Google's was. So, I found this web page which described how to configure exim4 to allow for email to be sent to a Gmail account. I made one, and followed the page word-for-word.

I sudo-mailled a test email to my Gmail account, and nothing happened. I waited a bit longer, and still, nothing happened. Finally, I started looking around, and found out about the exim4 logs in /var/log/exim4. In my mainlog, I think that it's telling me that Google denied my connection: <date><time><random numbers and letters> == ********** R=send_via_gmail t=gmail_smtp defer (111): Connection refused

So, now, I'm just stuck. I don't know what I did wrong, I checked my exim4.conf.template twice for spelling errors, but I don't think I made any. At this point, I can only hope that someone else has had a similar problem, or knows what I'm doing wrong (or haven't done yet).

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Debian Configuration :: Adding Router For Mail Service Function?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm building a Debian based router, I want to add to this router a mail service function. I don't want mail to be sent outside of the network, what I want is the ability for services to send mail to the Debian server and for me to then pick them up from this server via pop3 into my normal mail application. Given I'm not looking for mail to be sent outside of the network and its strictly for services to log notifications via. What of the various mail applications should I setup? i.e. just looking for SMTP + POP3 internally.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Broadband Modem Stops After Mail Server Configuration

Aug 27, 2010

I just configured my system to be a mail server after following this howto URL...Normally before the configuration i use a huawei E1550 to browse on it but now it no longer works.It connects to the internet but refuses to browse.I cannot open any webapge or site for now.I suspect it has to do with the shorewall configuration i must have changed that has caused this.

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Debian Configuration :: Send Mail From System Commandline As Root User?

Jul 26, 2011

I tried to send mail from my debian system commandline as root user But i did not get the mail in the destination email inbox No errors was shown

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OpenSUSE Network :: Mail Server Configuration - Postfix To Send Incoming Emails To A Php Script Or Perl

Aug 13, 2010

I have a server with a domain running and im trying to resolve the mail server but i can't see where to start. I use OpenSuse 11.2. Basically, for starting, i want postfix to send incoming emails to a php script or perl. for outgoing emails i guess that i could use php mail function and i will see what else to have. I configured the dns. I do a dig.mydomain.tld MX and i get the following:

mydomain.tld3600INMX0 mail.mydomain.tld
mail.mydomain.tld 3600INAmyNumericalIp

So now my system is receiving MX content but i dont know what to do.

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