Red Hat / Fedora :: RAID And Disk Transfer For Copying Contents

May 5, 2011

I had used DELL 1950 with 300 GB raid disk. Now, I purchased Dell 2950 with 450 GB (6 disk - 3 pairs of raid). I wanted to pull out old 300 GB from 1950 and put it in 2950 (temporarily) to copy all contents to the new system. How do I know which HDDs I need to pull out from 2950 so that I can replace them with 300 GB HDD to mount. I do not know how raid setup (I know unix alone - not raid commands). Is this possible? How to do it?

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General :: Scsi RAID Jbod And Arrays - Disk Utilization And The Corresponding Low Data Transfer

Jul 6, 2010

So I have a system that is about 6 years old running Redhat 7.2 that is supporting a very old app that cannot be replaced at the moment. The jbod has 7 Raid1 arrays in it, 6 of which are for database storage and another for the OS storage. We've recently run into some bad slowdowns and drive failures causing nearly a week in downtime. Apparently none of the people involved, including the so-called hardware experts could really shed any light on the matter. Out of curiosity I ran iostat one day for a while and saw numbers similar to below:


Some of these kinda weird me out, especially the disk utilization and the corresponding low data transfer. I'm not a disk IO expert so if there are any gurus out there willing to help explain what it is I'm seeing here. As a side note, the system is back up and running it just runs sluggish and neither the database folks nor the hardware guys can make heads or tails of it. Ive sent them the same graphs from iostat but so far no response.

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Fedora Hardware :: Low Transfer Rate When Copying Large Files Over Wireless

Jan 11, 2010

I just bought a HP 3085dx laptop with an intel 5100 agn wireless card.
The problem: copying a big file over the wireless to a gigabit hardwired to the router computer only gives an average 3.5MB/Second transfer rate. If I do the same copy from my wireless-n macbook pro to the same computer. I get a transfer rate of about 11MB/sec. Why the big difference? I noticed the HP always connects to the 2.4 GHZ band instead of the 5GHZ bands...

On the HPL
[jerry@bigbox ~]$ ifconfig wlan0
wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:246:36:AC4
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::224:d6ff:fe36:acc4/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:639243 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1293049 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:53832795 (51.3 MiB) TX bytes:1888619922 (1.7 GiB)

[jerry@bigbox ~]$ iwconfig wlan0
wlan0 IEEE 802.11abgn ESSID:"<censored>"
Mode: Managed Frequency:2.412 GHz
Access Point: 00:24:36:A7:27:A3
Bit Rate=0 kb/s Tx-Power=15 dBm
Retry long limit: 7 RTS thr: off Fragment thr:off
Power Management: off
Link Quality=70/70 Signal level=-8 dBm Noise level=-87 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0

I am not getting any errors. I don't know why the bit rate is not known. My airport extreme base station typically reports that the 'rate' for the hp is typically 250~300MBi and about the same for the MacBook Pro. The hp is about 6 inchs away from the base station. Is there anyway to get the rascal to go mo'faster? Is there anyway to get the rascal to use the 5GHZ band.

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Ubuntu :: Copying Contents Through Ssh?

Jun 30, 2011

I want to copy the contents of a directory through ssh. The problem I'm having is that I can use the cp -r terminal function, but that would cause the directory itself to also be copied. I just simply want whats inside to be copied to another directory. Because of the way I have my server laid out, I would have to copy the entire directory, then copy each element one by one inside that directory into the specified folder. This is really tedious. So, is there a way I can just copy its contents? I was thinking of zipping it, the unzipping it, but when you extract, it once again just creates a new directory, not the contents inside.

If this is confusing, this is what I'm trying to do:
Directory: ../random/
Currently after scp -r:


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Hardware :: Fedora 11 RAID 1 - Disk Failure - Boot From The Single Working Disk?

Oct 16, 2009

my Fedora 11 system is not starting anylonger. It stops with the message:


VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem on dev dm-0

The system told me since a while, that a lot of the sectors of one disk of the (software) RAID compound are failed already. So tried to disconnect each of the disks and start them separately. Unfortunaltly this is not working (for one its is not working at all, the other wents the same far as with both), when I tried to recover the system with the Fedora DVD, it said no distribution found. I am quite new and do not know so much about linux system, so i do not know what further information you could need. Maybe it can be important, that both disks are encryped (the system wents so far, that I can type in the password).

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Ubuntu :: Copying Contents Of /home Failed

Feb 7, 2011

I tried to use cp -r from root to copy the contents of /home to a different partition, but nothing got moved.

Here is my situation: I am maintaining a "public" (family) computer. On this computer I have a separate partition called "Family" that is a samba share for everyone on the network. Also on this computer I have the default /home directory.

Ideally, all files should be saved on the "family" share. The problem is that the home directory is called "family" (because the user is "family") and the share is also "family." That's a little too confusing for everyone.

So I'd like to copy everything to the share, and set that as the new home directory, so that all files by default are saved on the share, and can be accessed by everyone on our network.

What happened is that I first tried to set up the share as the home directory by following an ibm tutorial [URL]. Just after pressing enter on "cp -ax", I realized that the -ax might mean I was going to lose all the files in the current destination. The file transfer process took forever (keeping me biting my nails to see if I had really lost everything in the drive), but in the end the screen went blank, and the HD light stopped blinking, so I restarted, and everything was there. Completely unchanged, and not copied, either.

So I went back and copied it with cp -r. Same thing. Took a few minutes, but when all was said and done, nothing was changed.

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Debian :: Contents Of Directory Gone After Accidentally Copying Symlin / Fix It?

Jan 17, 2011

While doing some tidying up, in the process of moving some directories off my temporary mint kde desktop, I lost the contents of an important data directory on my data partition. Just to try to explain a bit of background, I have been using mint kde4 as a stopgap measure until I got squeeze working again ( i have been having graphics problems) and had a symlink on the desktop to a /data directory on my data partition. As I just got squeeze working again, I was moving stuff that had accumulated on the mint desktop to a directory named /2010 in the /data directory on the data partition, but accidently copied/pasted the /data symlink along with the 3 other directories I had highlighted. So effectively, I was accidentally copying the /data symlink to /data/2010. For reasons I don't understand, the whole of the contents of the /data directory disappeared, and it is now totally empty. I thought, that cannot happen can it? So I opened gparted and sure enough, that partition, which previously had about 70 gb of data in the /data directory was empty apart from /lost+found and an odd text file I had stored there. The /data directory is still there, but empty. I shut down Mint and booted into squeeze, thinking it must be a mistake, but gparted shows it has all gone. How on earth can this happen? I have some of the data backed up but a fair bit of the recent stuff isn't, so I need to recover it. I hoped the file system check that happened when I booted back into squeeze would maybe repair anything that got broke, but it showed as clean during boot.

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Ubuntu :: Merge Directories - Transfer Contents Of All Folders Into One

May 4, 2010

I recently had to rescue files from a dying hard drive using Photorec. However, it dumped the files randomly in many different directories. Is there a way I can transfer the contents of these directories into one master directory without the file structure. For example, I have folders 1 through 10 as subdirectories in folder X. How can I transfer the contents of all those folders into folder Y while getting rid of the subdirectories 1 - 10?

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Server :: Possible To Copy Directory Contents For Data Transfer

May 2, 2010

I have a server that I wanted to transfer it to a newer one both of them have CentOS but the newer one kernel is more up to date I wanted to know is it possible just to copy some directory contents exactly to another for transferring the server data (for example /var /usr /bin /home /etc). I have one website on my server with its mysql database

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Fedora Installation :: Error W/ F13 Install To HD During Copying Of Live Image To Disk

Aug 25, 2010

I'm a Linux newbie and are trying to install F13 from bootable USB onto the HD of a DELL mini netbook. I've followed the install wizard's defaults including the "Use All Space option." The install errors out at about 20% of progress during the "Copying live image to hard drive" process. The error dialog is as followed:"There was an error installing the live image to your hard drive. This could be due to bad media. Please verify your installation media..." and it comes with options to Exit installer or Retry. I have since retried and restarted several times and still came to the same error. FYI, I've initially attempted to install F13 to the HD over an existing Windows XP.

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Fedora :: RAID Be Implemented On A Single Hard Disk?

Mar 25, 2010

Can RAID be implemented on a single hard disk ? If yes, plz give a link for it.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Moving Install From Single Disk To RAID 1

Oct 27, 2009

If you want a full run down as to WHY I want to do this, read here:, my ISP could not get my server running stable on a simple raid 1 (or raid 5) so what it came down to was having them install my system on a single disk. I don't exactly like this, main reason being, if the system (or HDD) crashes, I'll end up with another several hours of down time..

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General :: Copy Folder Hierarchy / Recreate All Folders From One Directory Without Copying Over Contents Of Folder?

Jul 2, 2010

Is there a way to recreate all the folders from one directory to another without copying over the contents of the folder? I've been trying to do something like this,

Code:for i in `ls $X`; do mkdir $PATH/$i; doneUnfortunately $i is deliminated by whitespaces in the filenames and not the actual folders.

$X contains only other folders so I dont have to worry about regular files but any kind of more "advanced" solution would work.

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Fedora Servers :: RAID 6-like Setup With Dissimilar Disk Sizes?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm looking to set up a bit of a home server, and am wondering about storage. What I'd like is something like RAID 6, which has good redundancy built-in, but with this being a home server, I'd prefer to start a little smaller and leave room to build it up in future. I'd been looking at commercial products like the 'drobo', which seems fairly ideal, but I'd really like to see if I can do it myself. I understand that throwing the RAID into an LVM will allow for some expansion, but the last time I checked, most RAID setups called for the same sized disks, or at least limited the array by the size of the smallest disk present.

What I'd like is the ability to build a basic framework with a few cheap disks, and then as things start filling up, to be able to add larger ones (perhaps eventually pulling out smaller ones as though they'd failed and replacing them with big ones)

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Fedora Hardware :: RAID 0 With 4 Hard Disk - Adding New Partitions?

Jul 27, 2010

We have a server with RAID 0 with 4 hard disks on it each 250 GB. Linux kernel must find one hard disk named: /dev/sda with 1TB capacity. right? And also we have 2 partitions on sda: sda1 and sda2. We want to add another partition but we don't have enough space.

Now the problem:
If we add another hard disk and run
fdisk -l
Will the /dev/sda space incremented automatically so we can add new partitions or we must do something?

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Fedora Installation :: Install F13 On A Server That Has A 2-disk RAID Setup In The BIOS?

Jul 8, 2010

I'm attempting to install F13 on a server that has a 2-disk RAID setup in the BIOS. When I get to the screen where I select what drive to install on, there are no drives listed. The hard drives were completely formatted before starting the 13 installation. Do I need to put something on them before Fedora will install?

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Ubuntu Servers :: HW RAID Disk Shows Up In Fstab But Not In /dev/disk/by-uuid?

Jun 28, 2010

I have an SiI hardware SATA RAID card, with two 500GB disks in mirrored RAID configuration. When I first plugged them in and set it up, things seemed to work ok, but on boot the raid controller told me that the RAID needed rebuilding, and it would happen automatically after POST. So I didn't worry about it, and the drive mounted fine, and it's been that way for years. I just went in and manually on-line rebuilt the RAID in the controller's BIOS, and now when I boot into Ubuntu, both disks show up in fdisk, but neither show up in /dev/disk/by-uuid. Am I missing something?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Migrate Working Single Disk System To Existing RAID Array Using Disk UUIDs

Aug 1, 2010

I had done a new lucid install to a 1 TB RAID 1 array using the alternate CD a few weeks back. I messed up that system trying to some hardware working that lucid doesn't have drivers for yet, so I gave up on it and reinstalled to a single 80 GB disk that I now want to move over to the RAID array.

I moved all of the existing files on the array to a single folder, then copied all of the folders from the 80 GB disk over to the array with permissions and symlinks (minus the contents of /proc and /sys, which I created empty).

These are the commands I used:


p -a -d -R -v -t /media/raid_array /b*
cp -a -d -R -v -t /media/raid_array /d*
cp -a -d -R -v -t /media/raid_array /e*
cp -a -d -R -v -t /media/raid_array /h*


I tried to change fstab to use the 689a... for root, but when I try to boot, it's still trying to open /dev/disk/by-uuid/412d...

So then I booted from the single disk again and chrooted into the array, then ran update-initramfs -u. I got 3 "grep: /proc/modules: No such file or directory" errors, and "cat: /proc/cmdline: No such file or directory"- so I created directory /proc/modules, created an empty file /proc/cmdline, and ran the initramfs update again. Then I tried to shut down, which hung (probably because I was doing all of this from a terminal window in Gnome), so I killed the power after a couple of minutes.

It's still trying to use /dev/disk/by-uuid/412d... to boot.

What am I missing? I assume I just have to change the UUID to mount as root, but I don't know how.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot Raid 0 - Either On The Partitioning Or The Files Copying The Installer Crashes

May 16, 2010

hey guys i am trying "again" to dual boot on my gaming computer, and i am failing miserably. i boot the cd, it detects the hard drive i set the partitions and press finish and either on the partitioning or the files copying the installer crashes. what can i do to make it work with raid 0 (nvidia chipset).

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Contents Of 5.4 In Disk-1

Dec 18, 2009

I've downloaded the CentOS-5.4-i386-bin-1of6.iso

But it's size shows in Nautilus is 223.1 MB.

and in the Archive Mounter selecting all files/folders shows

Totaling 654 items and 622.1 MB.

Did got everything of Disk-1 ?

Top view of it shows:

Odd way because of my slow Internet download speed.

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Ubuntu :: How To Read Contents Of A Floppy Disk

Jan 8, 2011

I'm trying to read contents of a floppy disk, can't even find the disk, much less contents.

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Ubuntu :: Rapid Disk Contents Analysis (command Line)?

Mar 11, 2011

Second : I need to have a rapid way to exstract some simple raw informations from any hard disk.Something like ls -latr /*.* | sort(by extension/type) The goal I' m looking for is something like

.exe 1034 last creation date
.jpg 2437 "
.xxx 365 "

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Server :: Mysql Optimization -- Copying To Tmp Table On Disk?

Nov 16, 2010

we had a CENTOS 5.5 x86_64 machine with 8ered with MySQL 5.0.91-community.Currently we had a very high number of Created_tmp_disk_tables (31k in 4,5 hours!!!).I've read suggestion that we need to increase tmp_table_size, and we've set tmp_table_size to 64M, but this drupal modul's query still cause mysql create tmp table on disk

SELECT DISTINCT node.nid AS nid,
comments.subject AS comments_subject,


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OpenSUSE :: Make Files On CD Writable When Copying To Hard Disk

Jan 3, 2011

I've set up my parents' machine running KDE 4.5 and want them to use the Gwenview import function from the Device Manager popup when transferring image files off photo CDs or other inserted media, since it's the easiest method for them to comprehend. All the files on their photo discs are r-xr-xr-x by default so they're unable to rotate or modify the images once copied to their hard disk. I want to set one specific images folder on their system to automatically force any files placed there to be rw-r--r-- (and rw-rw-r-- for another shared images directory elsewhere). It seems that umask won't work since that can only take permissions away and not add them, and I'd rather avoid getting into messy ACL configuration. Is there a way to achieve this either generically or some hidden config in Gwenview itself? I use KRename myself for such tasks but this is way too complex for my parents to understand so I need something that works without them having to do anything.

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General :: Read The Contents Of A Physical Disk That Was Part Of A Larger Logical Volume?

Mar 17, 2010

how easy it would be to read the contents of a physical disk that was part of a larger logical volume. The disk contains a "Linux LVM" partition that spans its entire size. My problem is that one of my disks died, and I have to send it back for a warranty replacement. However, the disk is dead, and I can't zero it out. I'm just trying to assess how difficult it would be (or at least how likely it would be) for a tech that's checking out the disk to get at the data.

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Ubuntu :: Copying Large File Blocks Externally Causes Disk Full

Oct 15, 2010

This has happened several times now, with 9.10 and 10.04. I back up my photos periodically to external drives, using Nautilus. At the next attempted login Gnome won't start and sometimes gives power manager incorrect installation error.

First time this happened I was stumped and eventually did a clean install. Second time, I found advice elsewhere in this forum to solve this by emptying root trash, which did the trick. This time, however, root trash has nothing in it and 2 users trash were insignificant (I emptied them all anyway with rm -r). Tried looking for enormous directories but couldn't find a smoking gun. I would rather not end up doing another clean install - a painful and extreme solution. I'm continuing to look for solutions to the immediate problem, but my question really is, what causes this and how do I prevent it in the future? I've run Computer Janitor regularly and ran apt-get clean but no help. Should I do all my large scale copying from terminal? I'm not a total noob, but close.

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Ubuntu :: Installer Encountered Error Copying Files To Hard Disk

Oct 18, 2010

I have about 170 Gigabyte free at the last of my hard. I have windows 7 and suse linux installed on the machine. When I try to install ubunto. I start to create the partitions manually because I want to add it as a third operating system on my PC. Anyway I create the 4 partitions /boot - / - /var - /home. Automatically it choose to install the boot on sda not sda 9 as the /boot was sda9. I click install.

It gives me this message "The installer encountered an error copying files to the hard disk:
[Errno 5] Input/output error

This is often due to a faulty CD/DVD disk or drive, or a faulty hard disk. It may help to clean the CD/DVD, to burn the CD/DVD at a lower speed, to clean the CD/DVD drive lens (cleaning kits are often available from electronics suppliers), to check whether the hard disk is old and in need of replacement, or to move the system to a cooler environment." I burn another cd and do the same ... the same problem.

I try to create the partitions at the end of the hard disk not the beginning although I am sure that there is no error in the hardware but the same message. Lastly I change the boot to be created in sda 9. The same problem, when I do everything. I download Linux mint another operating system and do the same points. The same error message appeared by the way the boot is being damaged after restarting and I have to fix it from suse linux cd.

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Software :: Verify Hard Disk After Copying Using DCFLDD Utility With MD5 Hash?

Apr 19, 2010

i wrote the following script for copy one source harddisk to 5 destination harddisk simultaneously.

dcfldd if=/dev/sda5 hash=md5 hashwindow=1000M md5log=md5.txt hashconv=after bs=512 conv=noerror,sync of=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sdc of=/dev/sdd of=/dev/sde of=/dev/sdf

after finising to run this command the image was trasfered to all harddirve. But no verfication message. i saw the hash value entry in md5 log. how to check the source and destination clone properly

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Software :: How To Write Shell Script For DC3DD Disk Copying Utility

Apr 17, 2010

I run the following command for disk duplicating from one source to 5 destination harddisk.
dc3dd progress=on conv=sync,noerror iflag=direct bs=262144 hash=md5 log=sda_log.txt if=/dev/sda | tee >(dc3dd of=/dev/sdb) >(dc3dd of=/dev/sdc) >(dc3dd of=/dev/sdd) >(dc3dd of=/dev/sde) | dc3dd of=/dev/sdf
When I run the command in shell prompt it is working fine. But I want to write a shell script for this task. When I wrote and run the shell script it gives the error message syntax error near unexpected token.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Encountered An Eror Copying Files To The Hard Disk

Jan 17, 2010

"The installer encountered an eror copying files to the hard disk: [Errno 30] Read-only file system

This is often due to a faulty CD/DVD disk or drive, or a faulty hard disk. ..."

Before I try changing CD drives, re-formatting the hard drive (again), or cleaning the CD drive, I must add that Xubuntu did open. I got rid of all traces of the previous operating system (WinME), and Xubuntu seems to work pretty well. The installation stopped at 41% of copying files. Should I aim for a finished installation or is this fine?

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