OpenSUSE Network :: RFC 1918 Response From Internet?

Oct 19, 2010

i have this EM in /var/log/messages:

Oct 19 10:37:38 hoofdkwartier named[319]: client RFC 1918 response from Internet for

I tried al lot of things trying to get rid of this, including blocking the host with denyhosts, removing it from dhcp.leases and adding entry's in /etc/named.conf,
following instructions I found on [URL]

Other info I found on the internet are too complicated for me.

We are running an OpenSuse 11.1 server, clients are both Linux and Windows

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OpenSUSE Network :: Serial Response Timeout With Huawei E169

Jan 4, 2009

I would like to get my Huawei E169 (aka. Vodafone Mobile Connect K3520, E620 etc.) USB UMTS/3G modem running with my openSUSE 11.1 x86 installation on my MSI Wind U100. The GPRS/UMTS connection works perfectly fine with the stand-alone application Vodafone Mobile Connect for Linux. However, there's the drawback that this app overwrites /etc/resolv.conf (leads to DNS issues if I would like to connect via NetworkManager again) and doesn't disable the off-line mode for Firefox automatically. Consequently, I would like to use NetworkManager for the GPRS/UMTS connection, too.

The NetworkManager configuration dialogue (I'm using the GNOME applet) seems to recognize the plugged USB stick without any issues (I get a radio button for "Huawei E620 USB Modem" in the respective add connection wizard). So I've created the configuration for my provider and saved it. After that I've tried to connect via the applet. However, approx. 2 seconds after I selected the connection, the applet says "Network disconnected" (German: Netzwerkverbindung getrennt) and the stick also obviously doesn't get connected (visible via LED). I created several new connections with different names, replugged the stick, rebooted with and without the stick plugged, but without any success. I also installed the special RPM package which is recommended in Huawei UMTS USB Stick - openSUSE, but - of course - the corresponding 11.1 package. I also used the application manually and got the following result: Looking up for HUAWEI modem and switching modem to BBO 06


Can this time out of the serial command be the reason for the unsuccessful connection? And if yes, how can I force the system to wait longer here? Moreover, I'm wondering, that the GNOME NetworkManager applet doesn't allow me to enter the DNS entries for my GPRS/UMTS connection. Where can I add these entries manually or is that not needed?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Slow Internet And No DNS Response?

Jul 18, 2011

I have an Ubuntu 10.04 server here, and this week internet sharing got too slow... i dunno if it is a squid problem... but it's too slow. And when i try to registar a domain for that server, bind gives do response. If i dig my server inside lan, it's working pretty well.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Masquerad Internet Using Knetwork Manager - Share The Internet Connection To A Desktop

Jul 5, 2011

OpenSuse 11.4 Asus Netbook 1000H Following other members in the forums I have installed Opensuse 11.4 on the Netbook. In the early days Ubuntu Netbook Remix worked well for me. But this has been discarded, and the "one size fits all" Ubuntu had become slow and cumbersome. So..... onto my post. Opensuse is working well. The install went beautifully.

It detected the Wireless Internet and I am able to get on line. I also need to share the Internet connection to a desktop. This is done via a small network switch. Thus far I cannot do this. I tried to use ifup to configure a static ip but this busted my Wireless configuration. I went back to knetwork manager. Then I tried to set up the wired network using knetwork manager and under IPV4 "share" the connection. But this blanks out any possiblity of a static address and substitutes dhcp. My desktop cannot ping the this dhcp address. Ubuntu had this thing called Firestarter? - from memory. This configured the system to sharing the network.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Internet Connecttion - Cannot Connect To The Internet?

Apr 12, 2010

I installed Suse 11.2 on clean HD. I cannot connect to the internet. Seems like Suse didn't install drivers for on board ethernet card. It is a Marvell Yukon 88E8056. I'm new to this and don't know how to install the drivers.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Cable Internet To 4G Internet Conversion

Sep 10, 2011

I have SUSE 11.0 set up to act as a router/firewall for my home network to the internet through a cable modem attached to an Ethernet card. When I was laid off several years back, I found information that let me connect my network to an ISP via a standard serial modem. I am considering going to the Sprint U1901 4G USB modem and dropping cable internet. Sprint claims the U1901 is Linux compatible. My thoughts are that using the 4G modem should be similar to the old dialup modem. I had a script that connected to the internet whenever internet traffic was detected. Unfortunately, I did not save notes on what I had done to setup the modem to dial automatically, and I have been unable to locate information that seems good to set this up again. I already know that all I had to do to get routing working was simply replace the internet port in the firewall/routing script with the port for the modem. So I assume that is rather trivial.

Would you please point me to a doc, perhaps SuSE specific, that gives reasonable directions on how to set up a "dial on demand" ISP connection? I assume that the 4G modem will be very similar to my old serial modem so that a dial on demand script will work. I did find a dial on demand howto, however, it did not seem to apply.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Network - Browsing The Internet With Domain Names Does Not Work

Jun 25, 2010

In short: browsing the internet with domain names does not work. The long version: I've configured my network with DHCP and ifup. Ping works on my internal net and with servers in the internet. Dig work's too! I get the right IP to the requested domain. When i try to access the internet using firefox or even wget i get an DNS error. For example wget is showing the following error: Resolving failed: Name or service not known. wget: unable to resolve host address ''

Again dig show me the right IP and if i add the entry to /etc/hosts it work's too! I've even tried it with manually setup of ip address, nameserver and default gateway but with the same result. Switching off the firewall has no effect on this problem, too.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Network Not Work \ After Install All Packet On Test Internet / Update Was Error?

Jan 5, 2011

I install from openSUSE-11.3-NET-x86_64.iso. Installation was succesfull, but after install all packet on test internet / update was error. And after log in in installed system internet not work. I use router with DHCP

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OpenSUSE Network :: Create Network Bridge / Device Hooked Up Via Ethernet Had No Internet Connectivity?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm on opensuse 11.4 (11.3 won't work with my monitor).

My computer gets internet through wireless and I want to share that internet through its ethernet port. So far I've tried using Knetworkmanager to create a network bridge between my wireless and wired connections. I created a new wired connection and shared it using the ip address settings. I was able to get both connections active, but the device hooked up via ethernet had no internet connectivity.

I also tried this command:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

but another test resulted in the same fashion (no internet on wired). I believe anything I add to /proc should have an immediate effect, correct?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Two Network Cards With Different Settings For Internet Access

Feb 9, 2010

I have a desktop computer running OpenSUSE 11.2 with two network cards installed. I would like to use both cards for connecting to the internet using different networks. The setting would be the following: eth0 is the main (default) card, almost all programs should use this NIC for connecting to the internet. eth1 is used only by a few programs, which have setting for selecting which network interface to use. The two NIC's are connected to different networks, so the IP address of the NIC's, the related subnet masks and gateways are also different.

Saying short, I would like to have the two NIC's as they would be in two separate computers. I can set the IP address and subnet mask of the NIC's. The main problem is that I can only declare one gateway. How can i setup this? I do not use network manager, I configure network cards using yast, but if needed I can of course use ifconfig directly.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Network / DNS - Can't Access Any Internet Resources Or Router

Jul 30, 2010

I'm having a strange problem with my network connection/DNS. I turn computer the on and it recognizes and connects to wireless or wired but I can't access any Internet resources or my router. If I ping the default gateway, I get no response and I get DNS errors from any network services that run at start up. If I stop and start the network daemon then it all works fine until the next time I turn on my laptop. It does this for both wireless and wired connection.

I've tried to edit the network interface information in YaST but it says that configuration is handled by knetworkmanager and I have no idea where that information is accessed. I should point out that it all worked fine until I tried to connect to open WAP at my school and couldn't so I connected to the wired network. Next morning I had this problem when connecting to my home network. My questions are 1. What could be the cause of this error and 2. where does one configure the network interfaces when using knetworkmanager

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OpenSUSE Network :: Keep WiFi Internet While A PC-to-PC Ethernet Network Is Active?

Jan 31, 2011

I often use an Ethernet cable to connect my computer to another computer for various purposes. But when I do that, I cannot use the internet even though I'm still connected to a WiFi access point. I'm presuming that's because openSUSE is trying to reach the internet through the Ethernet cable, which has precedence over WiFi.Is there a way to enable internet usage via WiFi while I'm connected to another computer over Ethernet?

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OpenSUSE Network :: No Internet After Install Of 11.4 Network Connections Fine

Mar 12, 2011

I have no Internet Access with Firefox

I first tried an upgrade from 11.3 to 11.4 and lost Internet Access, so i re-loaded 11.4 from scratch on clean partitions.

I am connected to my wireless WPA2/PSK connection, have an IP, am able to see the network.

I turned off and disabled the SUSE firewall.

I tried setting Firefox proxy settings to auto and to none, i dont use proxy.

I am currently posting this through an SSH connection to my 11.1 server from the new install of 11.4 on a Dell latitude D600 laptop (not using the on-board Broadcomm that is an issue for a later date).

I am running out of ideas anyone got a clue.

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OpenSUSE Network :: How To Connect Network Data Card To Run Internet

May 21, 2011

how to connect my network data card to run internet on openSuse..

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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't Use Network Manager To Connect To Internet

Jan 10, 2010

the thing is that I cant use Network Manager to connect to Internet, because it simply do not connect. The connection, although, awailable throught yast when i choose "traditional method with ifup", so everything is just fine, but if i need to reconnect, i have to reboot. How do I setup a !working! connection through Network Manager, or maybe i do not do something properly.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Establish Connection To Network But Can't Get To Internet

May 16, 2011

I'm new in SUSE 11.4. My problem is: I'm using Alfa AWUS036H card. It's recognised and I can establish connection to my network, but cant get to Internet. I can't surf the web cos Firefox tell me that connection is timed out. Now I'm confused why I can't surf the web even if I'm connected. Also, I trayed to instal linux drivers for this card folloving Ubuntu "how to" and it just dont work.

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Networking :: ICMP Response Not Sent To A Local Network Ip?

Aug 19, 2010

icmp request from an ip that is in the same network as one of the local interfaces is not responded to, if the ping request is received via an interface in a different network. Is this some security feature?

Consider the below network

RTR - Router
x.1 -> 192.168.x.1
LNX - Linux machine


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Networking :: Very Slow Network Response Time / Only On Linux Box

Mar 14, 2010

I've noticed over the past few months that my internet connection speed (D/Ls, browsing) are getting incredibly slow, but only on my linux box (my laptop, for instance, is fine - in fact, I'm dual-booting with WinXP and it isn't happening there, so I think I've managed to narrow it down to the OS alone):

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Server :: Apache Response "HTTP Request Sent; Waiting For Response" Too Long

Jul 19, 2011

when I try to access any page even small html pages it stays like 3 seconds in HTTP request sent; waiting for response. state..even when I use Lynx locally on the server..bypassing any possible network issues..logs dont show a thing..the server itself is a high end server with nothing running on it apart from apache which is not serving anny clients now, firewall is disabled and hostnamelookups are set to OFF.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Cannot Connection Internet On Opensuse 11.3

Aug 18, 2010

I have problems in connecting to the internet.I have a new desktop.I installed the opensuse 11.3 64bit.I connect to the internet without any problems.I've installed the necessary update files.I continue to use it without problems.But today I cannot connect to the internet.I opened my desktop with Ubuntu CD and I could connect to the internet.I installed the opensuse 11.3 64bit again.Problems continued.I've written a static IP.

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OpenSUSE Network :: How To Connect To Internet

Dec 17, 2009

I am trying Open Suse 11.2 KDE Live CD and don't know how to connect to the Internet. What do I do?

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OpenSUSE Network :: OS 11.2: Cannot Now Access Internet

Feb 4, 2010

Is there a network trouble shooting guide for OS 11.2 that I could follow? I've shot myself in the foot so I should try to fix it.

I changed the DNS server addresses and the number of IP addresses on my router. I then set my Linux system to use static IP addressing and edited the network settings for my network adapter accordingly. I can now no longer get to any web-site.

By contrast, I also updated 1 of my Windows computers in a similar way; it continues to work without problem.

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OpenSUSE Network :: No Internet Access 11.2

Feb 17, 2010

I am trying to get internet connection on Open Suse 11.2 through my wireless connection. I can connect to my network but there is no internet connection. The internet connection does work with other Linux distros and with Windows 7 laptop and Windows XP machines. I tried turning off the firewall but still no connection. What is even stranger is I can ping Google but in Firefox I cannot go to Google.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Installed 11.2 And There Is No Internet?

Jun 7, 2010

i just installed opensuse 11.2 and there is no internet and i have no idea how to get using a comtrend dsl modem and i figured it would just auto detect but i did not.

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OpenSUSE Network :: How To Use 3G Internet Connection

Jun 10, 2010

It is just 3 days that I am using Linux Opensuse 11.2. I got a problem with Internet connection: I have HUWAEI E1550 3G Modem, but I have no idea about using it on Linux OpenSuse 11.2. Now I use it Windows7, there is no problem, because there is a program and driver for modem.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't Get Internet Access?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm kinda new to this, and usually i get help from a computor technician at school. BUT sins its Saturday, i cant get any help, and i realy need it. Well my problem is that i cant get any internet access using eth0 at my computer. I dont know what i have done wrong, if i have done anything wrong, it just reinstalled. ANd i dont know how to config it.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Got Internet But No Shares?

May 27, 2011

Was enjoying my new experiences until I tried to access/see my OpenSuse 11.4 install (Within VirtualBox on Windows 7)I can surf the net and download packages etc but from Windows 7 the Virtual OpenSuse7 does not show up.I know the windows network works because I also have Ubuntu10.4 on VirtualBox and that I can see and access fine.Change to OpenSuse and it all goes down the tubes, doesnt even show up in the Network on Winsows 7With Ubuntu I have etho setup to use DHCP automatically.I've tried numberous settings unsuccessfully on Suse and I think in the process have probably changed something incorrectly, but it didnt show up in Network places even before I started fiddling.Settings within Network Settings are:

1) Global options
Network Setup method: Tradional with ifup
IPv6 Protocol - Enabled


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OpenSUSE Network :: No Internet After Installation

May 30, 2011

Originally, i had tried to run Gnome on Live Dvd, and I could ping and others, but my browsers could not find the servers.Then I installed openSUSE 11.4 and now it is even worse; ping is unsuccessful, even when specifying the ip number.I connected with ethernet wire, but it didn't help. My other computers connect fine, both wirelessly and with ethernet cable.How do I trouble shoot this problem?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Ssh Through A VPN Internet Client?

Jul 2, 2011

I have an obstacle to login remotely to my server. When I used DHCP internet connection, I simply worked with the ssh (scp) commands without any problem. Now, however, I need to use the VPN client to access to internet. After I log on by VPN, I can use the Firefox browser, but the ssh (scp) commands do not work at all from the command prompt. It looks that ssh does not go through the VPN client. I have tried putty.exe with wine, but that also does not work.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Connection TV Through The PC To Internet?

Aug 29, 2011

I have bought a TV which has possibility to connect via LAN to Internet. At this moment I have no router but I suppose it should work also via PC where is 2nd net card. (of course PC must be ON)

So I connect TV to PC to one net card and from 2nd to internet (provider socket). But how should I set the PC to work it? Allow both cards, it is clear but is it enough? I dont suppose

PS: if important, KDE and oS 11.3

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