This question concerns the system panel/launcher panel / the panel with the launcher that normally appears across the top or bottom of the screen. The default system panel layout was nice, but, I screwed it up by accidentally deleting the task manager. I put the task manager back but now my clock & system tray are to the left of the task manager, and, I can't just drag things around. Is there a trick to organizing the widgets on this panel or is it broken? Every time I try to move something, it basically ignores me and adds it to the right of everything else.
When I uncheck "expand" in a panels properties, everything works fine. But when I restart my computer, all the panel's widgets are rearranged. I locked them all in place, but it still moves them around after restart.
When Ubuntu 11.04 beta appeared I've read an article describing the way to move Unity Launcher to the bottom of the screen by editing some config files. Now I've upgraded to 11.04 and can't find the article anywhere.
I was just wondering how I could reorder/drag n drop/move the unity-2d (qt version) icons in ubuntu 10.10, like you would in the mutter version unity. I can move the launcher up and down, I just can't pull them off the launcher and drag them around. Is this a bug or has it just not been implemented yet? Other than this, I love unity 2d and can't wait for the compiz-based unity 3D to use in 11.04
On Xubuntu, I right click something like I did on Ubuntu, to add to panel.. It just clicks the program. There is NO options when I right click a program in Applications. It's frustrating.. re's an incredibly unnecessary way that is different than Ubuntu to put an application to my panel.
I accidentally removed my little speaker (volume control) and internet buttons from my launch panel. I can't seem to figure how to put them back. They are not listed in the 'Add to panel' right click option.
I using gnome on Debian.How can I add seach box to launcher panel like gnome-dictionary.The gnome-dictionary add only a button to panel when I right-click to application icon in application menu.But when i right-clicked on to panel and click to add to panel and select to gnome-dictionary on add to panel window, appear a search box on launcher panel.I want to same thing I am writing an application with python and I want an interactive search-box e with my application.
My brother runs storage server over our LAN,I connect to it via smb.(I'm not sure if it's called Samba or just pronounced that way) Rather than hitting ctrl+l in a file browser window, and typing smb:// each time, I'd like to know how I can add a launcher to the gnome panel which will do that for me I know this is possible, because I have done it before, I just forget how. I was going to try creating a launcher application in terminal, but I'm not sure what code to use.
I upgraded to 11.04 already. Everything worked fine but after a few reboots suddenly the launcher and the top & bottom panel have disappeared. Anyone an idea how to solve this?
I just updated from 10.10 to 11.04 about an hour ago and I've already managed to crash it. (currently running from my old 10.04 Live CD) the first restart from the update worked fine. i had a look around and tried to orientate myself to the new dash etc. this is where the problem comes in. All i did was open the control center and have a look at the new Unity and Gnome 3 settings etc. My computer froze and so i had to force shutdown and restart.
I then discover my two main problems. - the new grub menu/splash screen is displaying at too high a frequency for my monitor to display (if i wait long enough it loads 11.04's login screen by default.) - upon login, all i can see is my desktop background and my cairo dock from 10.10 but nothing else. (no panel or app launcher side bar)
Before upgrade to 11.04, I can drag and drop some *bin or *sh file to taskbar as quick launcher. So, I want to drag these applications to the launcher panel in ubuntu 11.04, but it's rejected. I searched and only found that I can drag an application from app list to the launcher instead of.
Very new installation of openSuse 11.3 on T42 laptop. I was having trouble with a persistent notification and in trying to remove it have lost several important widgets including the speaker volume, wifi connection and upgrade notification icons.I cannot identify some of these from the add widgets option. Even tried a new installation with re format of root, (but retaining /home,) thinking that I would get all back to how it was, but no, the fresh installation has the widgets still missing. Is it possible the desktop configuration is on /home partition?
I installed Suse 11.3 a couple days ago. I have been using Ubuntu for the last 2 years and wanted to try something new. Everything has been working great so far except the widgets.
To add a widget, I click the icon on the right of the toolbar, click "Add Widget", and drag the widget to the desktop. When the widget appears it is stretched to the full width of the display and everything is scrunched vertically. A screenshot of the problem is below.
I'm running xfce and I'm trying to create a launcher on the panel that will open a document directly. Is there any way to do this? Do I just need the way to open that document from a terminal?
I played a bit with plasma widgets and every once in a while everything crashes, I see only black screen and have to restart. After restarting everything worked normal. I found some tutorials for opensuse, and started with some basic shortcuts, such as showing active windows and activities. Then I had black screen again (which I've come accustomed to) and restarted pc expecting everything will be just fine like it was after previous reboots.
But then I saw that all activities are identical and everything I worked on has been deleted. I found in activities window that I have 20 or more activities and I didn't know where they had come from. I am stuck and I didn't see any activity that will restore my desktops to original state, and in my searching through activities I also had a lot of black screens. I use opensuse 11.4 x64 and kde 4.6.
I've had this problem before in Ubuntu but I don't remember how I fixed it. I have buttons for the open applications on the bottom panel. If I move from one to the other with the mouse, the button highlight doesn't follow. I have to go out of the panel and back in to a different button. I removed and reinstalled the applet to no effect.
This seems like it should be simple to do. I have a fresh F13 install running Gnome, and the gnome panel is on the left-hand side of the monitor. I want it on the righthand side. So far I have been unable to achieve this. I can't drag the panel (even with ALT held down), and if I try to set orientation to "Right" it changes back the "Left" again
Everytime i restart the panel elements are shifted and i have to rearrange them all over again:this is the usual arrangement:and this is what i get after every restart:
I have a very annoying problem. I cannot move any panel items to the upper right hand corner... But I can move them to any other panel, right or left.I right click the item.Then I click Move.Then I click the upper right hand corner.Then nothing happens, except if there is a group of buttons side-by-side then the right-clicked item will move to the far right of the group
I right clicked on the panel and clicked "New Panel". This actually did nothing the first few times. Eventually it produced a panel on the right side of the screen. When I tried to alt+drag it to move it to my other screen, it won't move. The top and bottom panel do move appropriately.
Downloaded Ubuntu to try it out. It currently dual boots with with Windows XP on my Dell. Everything seemed to be going fine, until this problem: I started tweaking the panel (with the shortcuts). Put on the bottom with the Auto hide feature enabled. As soon as it hid, the bottom panel start glitching out, and this was followed by the desktop freezing. My media player continued to play and mouse was still moving, but I couldn't do anything. Had to manually shut down the computer. Turned it on and logged in - same problem. I think creating a new account by logging as "root" would fix this, but I have alot of preferences set up, passwords saved, etc on my account.