Ubuntu :: Move The Launcher To Another Edge?

May 1, 2011

Is there a way to move the launcher to another edge(bottom for example)? I get that this is not possible by default, but some hack?

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Ubuntu :: Sidebar Thing Very Erratic - Move Mouse To The Left Edge Of The Screen - It Doesn't Always Appear

May 3, 2011

I'm not sure what to call the semi-transparent sidebar with a random collection of unconfigurable icons, but I don't think it's working properly.

1. When I move my mouse to the left edge of the screen, it doesn't always appear. Sometimes I have to move my mouse back and forth, back and forth, several times.

2. What it's doing right now is even worse... it appears, but as soon as I move the mouse a *little* bit to the right to actually click an icon, it disappears.

What is causing this? Surely it's a bug? How do I make the sidebar the absolute top priority for the screen edge so that it always catches it and appears? how do I configure it? I can't right-click on the sidebar itself. I can right-click and remove some icons. Other icons, like the grayed-out (but still active) "recent files" thing cannot be removed.

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Ubuntu :: Move Unity Launcher Down?

May 1, 2011

When Ubuntu 11.04 beta appeared I've read an article describing the way to move Unity Launcher to the bottom of the screen by editing some config files. Now I've upgraded to 11.04 and can't find the article anywhere.

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Ubuntu :: Unity 2d 10.10 - How Does One Move The Launcher Icons

Mar 17, 2011

I was just wondering how I could reorder/drag n drop/move the unity-2d (qt version) icons in ubuntu 10.10, like you would in the mutter version unity. I can move the launcher up and down, I just can't pull them off the launcher and drag them around. Is this a bug or has it just not been implemented yet? Other than this, I love unity 2d and can't wait for the compiz-based unity 3D to use in 11.04

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OpenSUSE :: Move Widgets On Launcher Panel?

Jun 2, 2011

This question concerns the system panel/launcher panel / the panel with the launcher that normally appears across the top or bottom of the screen. The default system panel layout was nice, but, I screwed it up by accidentally deleting the task manager. I put the task manager back but now my clock & system tray are to the left of the task manager, and, I can't just drag things around. Is there a trick to organizing the widgets on this panel or is it broken? Every time I try to move something, it basically ignores me and adds it to the right of everything else.

KDE 4.6.3
Opensuse 11.4 x86_64

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Ubuntu :: How To Restore The General App Launcher Button On The Unity Launcher

Apr 29, 2011

For some reason the general launcher button (+ in circle) in the unity menu has disappeared. I do not know how to restore it. Which means I have great problems to start al apps that are not standard in the menu.

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Ubuntu :: Unity Launcher Configuration - Changing Size Of The Launcher Bar Or Icon Size

Apr 28, 2011

How do you access preferences for changing size of the launcher bar or icon size, etc? I looked through system settings and could not find it.

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Ubuntu :: Panel Applet - If Right-click Doesn't Include Move - How To Move That Icon

Sep 19, 2010

For Ubuntu 10.04 LTS / Gnome 2.30.2.

I have two applets on my Gnome panel -- NetworkManager Applet 0.8, and Klipper (it works better than Glipper) -- that I want to move.

HOWEVER, right-clicking the panel icons does not enable me to move these applets, as follows:

- NetworkManager Applet 0.8 does not include a Move item in its list of options.

- Klipper displays a long list of Klipper options but no Move option.

How I can move these items to new locations on the Gnome panel?

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Ubuntu :: HDMI Output Cut Off At The Edge?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a on-board video card (ATI Radeon HD4200) that capable to output HDMI as well as VGA.I connected both into my TV (which also have VGA input as well as HDMI). Here is the weird thing:IF I reboot my computer (9.10 64bit) with my TV set to display HDMI, then after I login at my workspace, my HDMI display got cut off at the edge! BUT my VGA display correctly when I switch to it on my TV.HOWEVER, IF I reboot my computer with my TV set to display VGA, then after I login at my workspace, my VGA display correctly AND my HDMI display correctly.What's the deal here? I am trying to use only HDMI connection and eliminate the VGA as well as the analog audio wire (which the HDMI audio is another big problem but for another post).

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Edge Scrolling Stopped Working?

Apr 30, 2010

i have the 64 bit version (my computer is 64 bit) of lucid lynx and my edge scrolling doesnt work.

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Ubuntu :: Emulate Windows 7 Edge Actions?

May 3, 2010

I would really like to configure compiz to emulate the Windows 7 edge actions. In case you haven't used Windows 7, the actions I'm interested in are: Drag window to top of the screen - maximize Drag window to left side of screen - take up the left half of the screen Drag window to right side of screen - take up the right half of the screen

Those are really the only ones I care about. I know I used to be able to do this in Karmic, but I forgot to back up my compiz settings when installing Lucid, and I can't remember how I had it configured before.

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Ubuntu :: Cursor Drags Itself Towards The Screen Edge?

Jul 12, 2010

a few days ago i had posted a note expressing my disgruntled reactions about numerous bugs in 10.04. since then i have been typing a good amount of on OO writer. and this has thrown up more issues with 10.04. after every few minutes of typing, pointer simply drags itself to one side of the screen ! sometimes this is towards the right end, sometimes towards the lower left etc. when i try to move it away from the edge, there is constant pulling back effect and it drags itself to the edge of the screen the moment i stop dragging in another direction. i had experienced this before but it didn't seem serious so i left it at that.
now doing any typing work is fast becoming irritating. the problem of course is rectified by a re-boot using which i am able to do using the keyboard. needless to say i had never experienced this problem with earlier ubuntu versions. comments anyone ? am i the only one with this issue ? how do i file a bug report ?

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Ubuntu :: Grabbing Edge Of Windows When Resizing

Aug 17, 2010

I've got a basic install (i.e., nothing fancy, no compwiz or whatever) of 10.4 (64 bit) on my computer, running gnome desktop. I find it very difficult to "grab" the edge of a window, when I want to resize it longer or wider and frequently I just wind up selecting the window below it when I try to drag it wider or longer. Is there a way to increase the border area in which that arrow-pointing-to-edge (as opposed to the usual cursor) appears to make it easier to grab the damn thing?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Edge Of Image Artifacts?

Feb 13, 2011

The attachment shows little black artefacts around the edges of some images. I don't often see this, but have done since installing Meerkat. If you visit:


you will see that the first image certainly does not have any black broken edges.If I step away from the page and return to it, the artefacts does not always disappear.I've got an ATI X1300 card that I've had to switch modesetting off for, otherwise starting wine apps or totem will cause the screen to flash black briefly.

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Ubuntu :: Top Panel Icons Disappear Behind The Right Edge Of Screen

Oct 14, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 Gnome: I have about 5 PCs at home, and all of them have this problem.

The default ubuntu install places top panel icons in the following order:

.... john_doe, power |

The power button completely scrolls off the edge, and half of the user-id scrolls off as well, to look like this:

..................... john_|

I suspect this is a very common problem. How do I combat it?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Microphone On Thinkpad Edge On Maverick?

Oct 30, 2010

I have a Thinkpad edge. I am travelling right now, and will be for the next 2 weeks, and just discovered that my thinkpad's internam microphone won't work. Plugging in an external one won't work either.This means that I won't be able to communicate with friends & family for 2 weeks... any help to patch this problem will be IMMENSELY welcome.

Symptoms are strange: I can go to Sound Preferences, select Analog Stereo Duplex as hardware, click on "Input", change the input volume, mute it, unmute it... everything works fine. However, if I tap against the mike, the input level bit doesn't move at all. Needless to say, nothing sees it.

Here is the output of the ALSA Information script... which looks like greek to me! Help...

!!ALSA Information Script v 0.4.59
!!Script ran on: Sat Oct 30 13:28:44 UTC 2010
!!Linux Distribution


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Ubuntu :: Disable Window Resizing When Dragged To An Edge?

May 9, 2011

In 11.04, how can I disable windows automatically resizing when they're dragged to an edge? It's incredibly irritating.

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Fedora :: Desktop Is Off The Edge Of The Screen?

Oct 28, 2010

I put together a little computer recently to hook to a TV.The problem I'm having is that when I start the computer up and get to the desktop... the desktop is off the edges of the screen. I checked the resolution and it's 1920x1080.I can't see the panels my applications menu, as they're both off the edge of the screen. Is there anything that can be done to correct this? Also, the TV has no settings to correct this problem.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Some Applications Not Starting - Virtualbox Just Flickers The Edge Of The Screen

Oct 24, 2010

I have a strange problem with some applications in 10.10. This applies so far to virtualbox and skype. When I try to start them, nothing happens. Virtualbox just flickers the edge of the screen. Virtualbox has worked before, and i'm reluctant to delete it as I have another machine installed. Skype has never worked, and even when I have reinstalled, the same happens.

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Ubuntu :: Change 'line Width' For Window Edge Resizing?

Dec 2, 2010

This has bugged me forever.....and I mean really bugged me. The 'pixel width' is too low, such that trying to get my mouse to line up just perfectly on the window edge to get the resize icon, is very difficult. After a bit of searching, I discovered Alt F8, which, for those that don't know, is a resize shortcut and works very well, however, I will still use the 'edge resizing' option quite a bit, and would like to widen the 'line' a few pixels. Is this possible in a user settings file, or is this hardcoded? I am learning to develop, so I wouldn't mind looking into this one as a beginning project. If that's the case, could someone point me to the appropriate package?

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Ubuntu :: HDAPS (Hard Disk Protection) On Thinkpad Edge 15

Apr 13, 2011

I am trying to use my accelerometer as joystick just so I know it's working, but I can't figure out how. To my surprise, Ubuntu doesn't seem to have a nice GTK joystick testing dialog. There used to be hdaps-gl out there for testing, but this was for very old models and is only released for Ubuntu 8.04 afaik. So I tried installing neverball for that purpose. It doesn't have options for joystick selection, but apparently it works out of the box with a Thinkpad T61.

sudo aptitude install tp-smapi-dkms
sudo modprobe tp_smapi
sudo modprobe hdaps

[720.093604] thinkpad_ec: thinkpad_ec 0.40 loaded.
[720.095348] tp_smapi 0.40 loading...
[720.095786] tp_smapi successfully loaded (smapi_port=0xb2).
[842.860767] thinkpad_ec: thinkpad_ec_read_row: failed waiting for data: (0x13:0x00)->0xfffffff0
[842.860773] hdaps init failed at: hdaps_get_ec_mode failed
[842.861321] input: ThinkPad HDAPS joystick emulation as /devices/virtual/input/input10
[842.861696] input: ThinkPad HDAPS accelerometer data as /devices/virtual/input/input11
[842.861883] hdaps: driver successfully loaded.

Module Size Used by
hdaps 10772 0
tp_smapi 26194 0
thinkpad_ec 5842 2 hdaps,tp_smapi

I've also tried to use jstest with
/devices/virtual/input/input10/[many things]
But the former gives static 0 for both axes and the second gives error messages (you're probably not supposed to use it like this).

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Debian :: High End (But Not Bleeding Edge) Build?

Sep 10, 2011

Some searches seemed to indicate that it's been awhile since there's been a build thread, so I thought I'd start one. I'm looking to replace a six-year old machine (Athlon XP 3200+ processor (introduced in 2003), integrated graphics with no dedicated graphics card). I'm rocking Windows XP Home Edition (32 bit).

I'm not a "computer hobbyist," far from it. I use my machine mainly for browsing, word processing, and business (QuickBooks and Turbo Tax). It is a tool. I don't really enjoy fiddling around with computers. My current machine is now barely able to support a good research session on the 'Net anymore, the little processor seemingly gagging on the heavy flash content you see everywhere nowadays, the 2GB (the most she'll take) of RAM easily filled.

I'm planning some rough travel international motorcycle trips (see my motorcycle build thread here (don't worry about registering on this motorcycle forum.....they are good folks and I've never gotten any spam from them) and purchased, a while back, an Asus eee PC 901 with the OEM Xandros (a bastardized offshoot of Etch) loaded to use with those trips. From learning that OS, I saw for myself the benefits of Linux (vs. Windows). Of all the distros, Debian is the most attractive to me (even though I'm currently rocking Puppeee (new version) on the 901.....it makes that little machine zoooooom!) as I really like the package management system, the logic, and the stability. I also like the feeling of personal responsibility that comes with Debian.

So, back to the build. I'm currently planning on it being a pure Debian machine. I'm ready to move on from Windows, for reasons I don't have to explain here. I stated that I don't particularly care to "play" with computers, but I'm willing to put in some front end labor in order to enjoy a long-term, low-maintenance relationship with my new machine. With that philosophy in mind, I'm looking to build a machine that will serve my simple needs for ten years(!) So, since the costs will be spread out so far, I'm ready to drop some serious (for me) coin on this project in order to avoid having to go through what is, for me, a rather painful process of research again any time soon.

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General :: Advantages Of Using Bleeding Edge Kernel

Dec 21, 2010

I have AMD Athlon 3500+ (x86_64) CPU and I am okay with the Ubuntu package maintainer's kernel version (as of now it is 2.6.35-24-generic). What will I gain if I update to latest stable kernel ( A fraction of performance?

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Slackware :: Cannot Suspend And Resume - ThinkPad Edge 13 (AMD-ATI)

Jan 19, 2011

Slackware 13.1 installed clean on a new ThinkPad Edge (version 13 inch with AMD Processor and ATI graphics). I can get most of what I want working fine except for suspend and resume. I read somewhere that I should be using generic rather than huge kernel, so I have done that and scrapped ATI proprietary driver in case that was causing problems, but nothing so far has allowed me to suspend and resume with pm-suspend, acpitool suspend or with KDE suspend command. In all cases the screen blanks and the single ThinkPad red LED goes from on to blinking, but nothing seems to wake the machine up again. I had both suspend and hibernate working fine with Slack 13.1 on an older Lenovo laptop and ubuntu users report on their forums that this laptop does suspend and resume "out of the box" so I feel it must be possible.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Logitech Dinovo Edge - Usb Keyboard - Fail On 10.04 Upgrade

Aug 7, 2010

I had a hell of a time getting 10.04 to work, because I only have a Logitech Dinovo Edge keyboard, and it stopped working after I upgraded. After grub, I'd get to the login screen, and the keyboard wouldn't do anything.

First, I dug up a mouse that did work. Then I logged in by clicking the Human Accessibility icon on the login screen. Somewhere in there, I was able to bring up an on screen keyboard. With the on screen keyboard, I could now login. Under system>preferences>bluetooth, I was able to, after some fiddling and plugging and unplugging, get the keyboard paired to the bluetooth dongle. Anyway, it seems pretty obvious now that my original bluetooth pairing was lost with the 10.04 upgrade, and I just needed to re-pair. I don't remember having such problems on previous upgrades, though.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Clever Coding In 10.04 / Get It Back To Where It Is Not So Bleeding Edge And Broken?

Oct 10, 2010

I hesitated on the title, generally can solve problems w/o this (20+ year *nix/linux experience).

hardware Dell 1505, ATI X1400 (nVidia went south replaced with ATI, used at this stage of life for this laptop).Acer x221w external monitor.

Recently upgraded to 10.04 (should have waited, but hadn't upgraded in a long time).

No real fixes found for the ati X1400 in searches (fixed it on 9.04 and 9.10).

So to troubleshoot, wanted to go to console mode, and start X manually and hopefully debug the config to get the thing working.

So, I get ready to take it down off of X only to find, there are no more consoles???

To work this out and to even come to an end result, when X does not work, you need a console to debug it. There is code in /etc/init.d/console-screen.sh for starting consoles...

Yet they do not start, notices some comments about doing it 'clever' in there, all I can say is 'clever' is more risky than workable, it worked before, why change it? It did not make it better, it made it harder, so now, to get it to work, I have to go debug someone else's 'clever' code? BTW, there are 'getty' running - but still no console.

Not so clever... We need a fix to get (at least at this level), the consoles running, so, where are you 'clever coder', tell us how to turn them back on.

Why in /etc/init/tty*.conf do they not start?

I really find it hard to say anything critical to something that is free, in general, I will not even comment, but just go ahead and find the fix myself, But to even address this, we (IMO) need pretty much a fix for the broken console access, before we can even address X in certain configurations.

A long time user of RH, even back to Yygdrasil, Soft Landing days, I was VERY impressed with ubuntu over the others for a desktop (got it on the Dell), but now, at 10.04, it has become cumbersome and broken.

It is a good product, but we need to get it back to where it is not so bleeding edge and broken.

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Debian Hardware :: Synaptics TouchPad Jumps To Right Edge?

Feb 10, 2010

after finally being able to find the right configuration file for the Synaptics driver (I still think the change from HAL to udev was too silent...), I have gained the ability to configure my TouchPad. One Issue has been bothering me for a long time now: When moving the cursor from left to the right, at a certain position the mouse cursor jumps to the right edge of the screen.Here is the output of synclient while moving the finger constantly from left to right to illustrate the issue:


Note that the value of RightEdge was changed by me in order to see if it has something to do with the issue. It has not, the cursor jumps at the same position, regardless of this value.

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Debian Hardware :: Bluetooth Keyboard - Logitech Edge?

Jun 1, 2011

Used to be it worked fine natively in 'direct' mode. I didn't need to do any bluetooth setup, I just booted and it worked in BIOS and in Debian. Then one day after a dist-upgrade it quit. I fussed with it for two days, finally installing the Bluez software and trying to make it work as a true bluetooth keyboard/mouse. That's how it's been for six months.


It will not hardware pair once X is started. I've tried it with the bluetooth service started and stopped. Something is preventing it from pairing.

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Fedora Hardware :: Lenovo Thinkpad Edge And BCM43224?

Jul 28, 2011

I bought a thinkpad Edge 13" with AMD CPU (NV338) and installed f15 on it. First boot : no WiFi...


lspci -n
08:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation Device [14e4:0576] (rev 01)
14e4:0576 is actually BCM43224 broadcom chip, supposed to work with broadcom-wl driver (non-free...)

So I installed broadcom-wl + kmod-wl, reboot, check if it really get installed :


lsmod | grep wl
wl 1954479 0
lib80211 4103 1 wl

Ok but... no WiFi interface visible... Few dmesg :


dmesg |grep radio
[ 22.289176] thinkpad_acpi: radio switch found; radios are enabled
[ 22.310166] thinkpad_acpi: rfkill switch tpacpi_bluetooth_sw: radio is blocked
(wifi toogle seems not working btw)


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OpenSUSE :: KDE4 Screen Edge Actions With Two Displays?

Jun 8, 2011

Are KDE4 Screen Edge Actions supposed to not work in multi-display setup? I have two displays and Screen Edge Actions define and nothing happens when I move the pointer to an edge or a corner of the main display.

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