OpenSUSE :: Scim Japanese Input Stopped Working In KWrite?
May 11, 2010
I can't input Japanese charactersn KWriteough the input works in all other applications as far as I know). Does anyone have an idea what the cause might be, or what I should be looking at?The point is not that can't see the characters (but e.g. gibberish instead), but that the characters that I type in the input bar are not transfered into KWrite upon commit.
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May 5, 2010
I would like to use Japanese kana (hiragana, katakana, kanji) on Ubuntu but everything that I've tried to get it set up and running isn't working. The Spanish that I have set up is working perfectly so far.
I've read, the SCIM input program should start up automatically when loading a program, it doesn't. When I have it loaded I cannot seem to get the input working.
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Nov 11, 2010
I can't seem to get Japanese input working with scim-anthy. I have scim 1.4.9 installed and the daemon running. I have the scim-anthy 1.3.1 package installed as well. I can open and modify the scim-settings, but I can't get the anthy dialog to appear. Apparently, ctrl-space should bring up the dialog, but nothing happens. I tried following the instructions on this page under "Open a program with japanese input enabled - via command line", but still no dialog. After starting the daemon, I tried:
Code: XMODIFIERS='@im=SCIM' LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 gvim And no luck. Note that I don't really understand what that command is supposed to do. Should it be something different?
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Jan 24, 2010
I have what seems to be an incomplete or incompletely configured configuration of SCIM on my Netbook running Linux Mint(Gloria).To tell the truth, I am not even sure SCIM is the best choice, since I see claims (in LQ forums) that SCIM has been discontinued, and I cannot connect to the SCIM website.So what I want to do is get SOME Japanese Input Method working under this installation of Gloria, for now, I presume SCIM is the right choice for its front end. But I am certainly open to other suggestions.But I must shrink from the idea of installing language support for all languages, which is what Control Center>Language Support seems to threaten to do: it is only a Netbook, I can't afford to waste that much space.
what I see is the above Control Center option, and one other that must be relevant: ControlCenter>SCIM Input MethodSetup. But I don't see any documentation for this, and the menu item names are vaguely suggestive of their functions, not descriptive. So I am quite unsure which of them I need to use to get it working. Is it true, for example, that SCIM itself does not include the Input Methods? I have to download a Japanese IME from somewhere else? Which one? Is that what Control Center>Language Support will do? What DO they mean by "Front end module"? Why does SCIM only recognize an English keyboard layout and a "RAW CODE" (in IM Engine Global Setup)? have Greek and Russian layouts enabled on this machine, too.So now that you have a pretty good idea how disorienting I find the current situation, please point me to something that will clear up the confusion and possibly even give a list of step-by-step directions for getting a Japanese IME working on this machine.
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Sep 8, 2015
I use scim to input Chinese in Libreoffice-writer. It worked on one of my computers until a couple of days ago.
Normally to start scim I press Ctrl and the space bar at the same time. Then I use the input method Cangjie to input Chinese.
Now when I do so in Libreoffice-writer "English/European" appears in the scim panel. The other choice is "English/Keyboard". The choice of either doesn't enable me to input Chinese.
In all other software scim works as before.
The computer runs Debian sid. On another computer that runs Debian sid too I don't have the same problem. I have version 5 of Libreoffice on both computers.
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Mar 6, 2010
upgrading to9.10 I suddenly was unable use SCIM to switch language input methods.After searching around, I discovered that with Ubuntu 9.10 Ibus was being used in place of SCIM. That's all fine and good, but I can't get Ibus to work. Specifically, when I open the Ibus settings pane and add my desired languages, the settings aren't saved when I exit.So I tried switching back to SCIM. I changed my bashrc settings and set the keyboard input in language settings back to SCIM. No nice.Honestly, I just want to be able to swich language input methods--I don't care if I use SCIM or Ibus.
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Apr 8, 2010
I was recently surprised by this SCIM stuff that seems to screw around with my normal text input. I try to be curious and approach my issues with an open mind, so before I try to remove SCIM, I want to know what the hell it's supposed to do.but it's not obvious to me
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Mar 10, 2011
I've installed 11.4 KDE x86-64,which downloaded last night,a GM version. Things working great except 2 thing : SCIM & wifi.SCIM Chinese input works great when 11.3 KDE,but in 11.4 KDE it ONLY works in Dolphin,not works in Firefox.........
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Feb 11, 2010
I know it is possible, and I have been trying everything I can find, but I can't seem to get it to work. I went to languages in YaST and enabled Japanese as a second language, and I have tried adding japanese as a secondary keyboard layout under configure desktop-> regional and language settings. I have a little flag in the system tray that I can click to change from US to Japanese, but all that does is change what the punctuation buttons do.
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Apr 27, 2010
Steps to reproduce:
Set the system keyboard layout to Polish qwertz
Allow switching to US keyboard layout
Start Kwrite
Switch to US keyboard layout
Note: Firefox does not have this problem.
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Jun 8, 2011
I finished my installation of Slackware 13.37, but I found I cannot input chinese using pinyin in KDE. Of course, I started "scim input method", I mean I can see the icon of keyboard in the tray bar, but I cannot swith input method into chinese with "Control + Space".
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Jul 14, 2011
I originally made this post in Linux-General, but only one person was really answering the question and now he hasn't been responding, so I've come here since Scim is also Slackware related.Simply put, I need to be able to use Scim to input the Korean language.Here's the original thread:[URL]
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Jun 1, 2010
Yesterday my Japanese input on F11x64 broke horribly. I have been using iBus all along, and didn't think I did any upgrades, but maybe there was a restart that picked up something previous. As soon as I hit the key to turn on the input method to type Japanese there would be a python process using 100% cpu, but no keyboard input. After fiddling about reinstalling python, iBus, scim and anthy and anything I else I could think of, I decided to upgrade to F13 to see if it would fix it. (trying to use scim instead of iBus hung the machine during start-up after login (I'm using KDE too if that makes any difference)). I did an upgrade instead of a fresh install fyi...
F13 is no better, and has the same issues with the python process. I have tried reinstalling everything again, as well as trying to avoid scim altogether, and just running iBus and Anthy. (The only other issue that I can think of (that prompted the initial restart) was that my .xsession-errors file in my home directory became huge -> 1.7gb!) Japanese input is crucial to my work (It doesn't even work if the default language of the system is set to Japanese), so hope someone has some ideas on how to resolve this, or even just knowing tha japanese is working for someone on a x64 KDE install would be encouraging...
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Dec 1, 2010
I am running KDE 4.5.1 on Ubuntu and came to Ubuntu from Windows, On Windows they have a very sophisticated Input Method for typing foreign characters especially symbolic ones like Japanese.
I find that while Linux makes a lot of things so much easier than any other system, I have yet to figure out how to get any sort of input method running on Ubuntu (KDE Desktop).
It's important for me to be able to type hiragana, katakana, and kanji as I'm learning the Japanese language. I've browsed forums for about 2 weeks giving examples on Ibus, uuim, and some others but even though Ibus works a little buggy on Gnome I really need an alternative that's works well and with the KDE desktop.
Additionally, I have never seen any method (that did or didn't work) with installing Japanese font, everybody just said it was tricky.
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Feb 16, 2010
While I can find my way around most things, terminals and desktop managers are different than I remember. One of the biggest problems that I am encountering today is that when running a gnome terminal (this is Suse 10.0 enterprise), I'm getting behavior in the window that I don't want. Specifically, when I type, my typing is underlined as if something is trying to spell check my window. Further, it seems as if when running vi or less, my keystrokes are only processed by these apps when I hit 'return'. I.e. if I'm running less and want to go back a page, I'll hit b, but nothing happens until I hit 'return'.
I seem to have tracked this down to the 'input method". Right clicking in the Gnome terminal allows me to set my input method to one of a dozen values. It seems that currently, it's set to "SCIM Input Method". If I then select 'default' or 'X Input Method', apps (i.e. things like less, vi, and even the bash shell) behave as I would expect.
a) what is this SCIM input method
b) how can I make it so that it is not the default?
I've poked around various configuration files in my home directory as well as in /etc, but I can't see to find how this is set.
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Mar 4, 2011
For years I have been using scim-anthy for Japanese input under Linux. However just moving to ubuntu 10.10 I noticed that the development for scim has ceased and lots of people recommend moving to ibus. So I tried: I got ibus and ibus-anthy installed. I choose ibus as keyboard method input system under System->Adminsitration->Language Support ibus is up and running. I can see the icon. In ibus opreferences I added anthy under Input methods. I restarted X resp. the whole computer. I can choose Japanese-Anthy when clicking on the ibus icon. But nothing happens. I am still writing latin characters, no anthy popped up (like it used with scim), nothing.
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Mar 17, 2010
Anyone knows a good input method for japanese writing in openSuSE 11.2 ? I tried to find something that works well (like microsoft IME) but unfortunately couldn't find anything...
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Jan 19, 2014
I've tried installing both ibus-anthy and ibus-mozc in Jessie but I still cannot input Japanese.
By contrast, In Wheezy, when using anthy for example, I can see ibus preferences icon where I can configure ibus and anthy. This doesn't show up in Jessie.
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Jan 12, 2010
Before I upgraded to Karmic, I had Japanese text input set up on my system, but since the upgrade it no longer works. I can still read Japanese text, and when I press Ctrl+SPACE I still get the ANTHY box in the bottom right-hand corner, but Japanese is no longer on the list of supported languages. how to get Japanese back?
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Sep 23, 2010
I am learning japanese and I would like to be able to switch between english and japanese input while keeping an english interface. How would I achieve that? I am using KDE, by the way.
In the Kiten documentation I read that pressing Shift+Space would enable japanese input (built-in in Kiten, according to the documentation). But that does not seem to work in my system.
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Feb 10, 2010
I have a permissions question that I'm sure has a simple answer but one I can't find. When saving files through SSH using kate or kwrite, the permissions always reset to 644 when I want them to stay at 666/777. When using notepad (not sure what this is, it's just in my right click contex menu under "open with...") the permissions persisted after I saved. Permissions also persist with kate and kwrite on my local machine.
Is this something I need to configure on the server? Using Opensuse 11.2, kde 4.3, kwrite 4.3.1-5.6.3, kate 4.3.1-3.7
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Aug 26, 2010
I need to change attributes in my /etc/fstab file.
I cant change my fstab file because apparently Kwrite only crashes when accessed by Konsole in SU mode.
I type this input/output:
linux-mg28:/home/me # kdesu kwrite /etc/fstab
kdesu(13370): Session bus not found
KCrash: Application 'kdesu' crashing...
I have a dual XP/suse11.3 system. I even removed my old Suse along with all its partitions, leaving only the NTFS XP, re-downloaded the 11.3 ISO image, burned a new fresh install disk and reinstalled 11.3. I updated the software in YaST.
I still can't modify my fstab file. But I can locate the file in Dolphin and click it to open in a Kwrite window. Read only of course.
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Jul 17, 2010
I'm trying to teach myself Japanese.So, naturally, I signed up at a Japanese social website for language practice. Now, all I need is to be able to type in Japanese. I followed the instructions at this site, and everything seems to work. Everything, that is, except kate. Every other app works fine (even the terminal). But when I press enter to confirm my choice of hiragana/katakana/kanji in kate, the characters just vanish as though they were never there
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Feb 6, 2010
scim-anthy seems to have been installed perfectly... however, ctrl-space or any other combinations that i'm use to don't activate it... i see the keyboard icon, i can go in set up the environment in it but... i can't get the japanese language bar to show up so I can type in Japanese.
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May 2, 2011
I can't type in hangul (korean) because SCIM isn't working. It's installed and configured to work.
Anyone else having this problem in 11.04?
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Mar 21, 2011
After upgrading to firefox 4 rc, scim stop working. When ctrl+space pressed, nothing happened. (with latest scim package:
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Aug 3, 2011
I am new to Opensuse, I used Fedora for more than a year and installed OS 11.4 64bit to experience the awesome KDE that Opensuse offers. I added KDE 4.6 Stable: Index of /repositories/KDE:/Release:/46/openSUSE_11.4/x86_64 It worked fine since the install(I installed 11.4 this Saturday), suddenly yesterday I don't remember what I did, KDE stopped working. What happens is I login using kdm, then all the stuff loads up but when I try to open anything the whole KDE freezes. If I clicked the launcher on bottom bar it opens only at the beginning, then if I press anything inside the launcher things freeze. Then even the launcher freezes too.I rememeber doing 2 things I did before restart:1) I did sudo zypper dup2) I changed my theme to Qtcurve gtk look. I thought the problem might be because of the QTCurve theme and even uninstalled using alt+f2 command line restarted, no change
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Aug 2, 2011
After upgrading to KDE4.7 I would get the error message, "A KDE text-editor component could not be found. Please check your KDE installation.", when I clicked on text files. The all knowing Google provided no answer so I am leaving my solution here in case others are as unfortunate.
For some reason kdelibs3-32bit is pulled in when I upgraded to kde 4.7, removing it fixed the problem.
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Aug 8, 2010
My setup:
- scanner - Canon MP640
- sane 1.0.21
- xsane 0.997
Problem: xsane recognizes my scanner, but when I try to "Acquire Preview" or scan it doesn't do anything. It's like it can't communicate with the scanner. It waits till I click cancel.Sane is setup correctly - I tried skanlite and it works just fine
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Aug 16, 2010
I recently upgraded to 11.3 and must say am highly disappointed. Between the multitude of problems, and sudden lack of long standing tools ( Sax2, system repair, loss of functionality in software installer), this to me has been a major step backward.
Now I have found out Samba as well has stopped working, sort of. I can still copy from windows share to my Suse box, however copying from Suse to the windows share now results in an error, the details for which just say invalid argument. Also note there are no logs in /var/logs/samba so I don't really have a clue whats happening.
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