OpenSUSE :: Getting Japanese Input On US Keyboard?
Feb 11, 2010
I know it is possible, and I have been trying everything I can find, but I can't seem to get it to work. I went to languages in YaST and enabled Japanese as a second language, and I have tried adding japanese as a secondary keyboard layout under configure desktop-> regional and language settings. I have a little flag in the system tray that I can click to change from US to Japanese, but all that does is change what the punctuation buttons do.
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May 11, 2010
I can't input Japanese charactersn KWriteough the input works in all other applications as far as I know). Does anyone have an idea what the cause might be, or what I should be looking at?The point is not that can't see the characters (but e.g. gibberish instead), but that the characters that I type in the input bar are not transfered into KWrite upon commit.
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Feb 8, 2010
I am trying to find a good virtual keyboard that is in Japanese. there doesn't seem to be much options for virtual keyboards, let alone one in japanese. The only one I have found is xvkbd, but it is very limited and somewhat glitchy. I tried setting it to Japanese, but all that does is add a button to switch to japanese that you annoyingly have to hit every time you want to enter a character. And not only that, even though the keyboard is in hiragana, it inputs katakana. Are there any other options for a virtual Japanese keyboard, or at least a way to get xvkbd to input hiragana?
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May 5, 2010
I would like to use Japanese kana (hiragana, katakana, kanji) on Ubuntu but everything that I've tried to get it set up and running isn't working. The Spanish that I have set up is working perfectly so far.
I've read, the SCIM input program should start up automatically when loading a program, it doesn't. When I have it loaded I cannot seem to get the input working.
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Jun 1, 2010
Yesterday my Japanese input on F11x64 broke horribly. I have been using iBus all along, and didn't think I did any upgrades, but maybe there was a restart that picked up something previous. As soon as I hit the key to turn on the input method to type Japanese there would be a python process using 100% cpu, but no keyboard input. After fiddling about reinstalling python, iBus, scim and anthy and anything I else I could think of, I decided to upgrade to F13 to see if it would fix it. (trying to use scim instead of iBus hung the machine during start-up after login (I'm using KDE too if that makes any difference)). I did an upgrade instead of a fresh install fyi...
F13 is no better, and has the same issues with the python process. I have tried reinstalling everything again, as well as trying to avoid scim altogether, and just running iBus and Anthy. (The only other issue that I can think of (that prompted the initial restart) was that my .xsession-errors file in my home directory became huge -> 1.7gb!) Japanese input is crucial to my work (It doesn't even work if the default language of the system is set to Japanese), so hope someone has some ideas on how to resolve this, or even just knowing tha japanese is working for someone on a x64 KDE install would be encouraging...
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Dec 1, 2010
I am running KDE 4.5.1 on Ubuntu and came to Ubuntu from Windows, On Windows they have a very sophisticated Input Method for typing foreign characters especially symbolic ones like Japanese.
I find that while Linux makes a lot of things so much easier than any other system, I have yet to figure out how to get any sort of input method running on Ubuntu (KDE Desktop).
It's important for me to be able to type hiragana, katakana, and kanji as I'm learning the Japanese language. I've browsed forums for about 2 weeks giving examples on Ibus, uuim, and some others but even though Ibus works a little buggy on Gnome I really need an alternative that's works well and with the KDE desktop.
Additionally, I have never seen any method (that did or didn't work) with installing Japanese font, everybody just said it was tricky.
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Mar 4, 2011
For years I have been using scim-anthy for Japanese input under Linux. However just moving to ubuntu 10.10 I noticed that the development for scim has ceased and lots of people recommend moving to ibus. So I tried: I got ibus and ibus-anthy installed. I choose ibus as keyboard method input system under System->Adminsitration->Language Support ibus is up and running. I can see the icon. In ibus opreferences I added anthy under Input methods. I restarted X resp. the whole computer. I can choose Japanese-Anthy when clicking on the ibus icon. But nothing happens. I am still writing latin characters, no anthy popped up (like it used with scim), nothing.
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Nov 11, 2010
I can't seem to get Japanese input working with scim-anthy. I have scim 1.4.9 installed and the daemon running. I have the scim-anthy 1.3.1 package installed as well. I can open and modify the scim-settings, but I can't get the anthy dialog to appear. Apparently, ctrl-space should bring up the dialog, but nothing happens. I tried following the instructions on this page under "Open a program with japanese input enabled - via command line", but still no dialog. After starting the daemon, I tried:
Code: XMODIFIERS='@im=SCIM' LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 gvim And no luck. Note that I don't really understand what that command is supposed to do. Should it be something different?
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Mar 17, 2010
Anyone knows a good input method for japanese writing in openSuSE 11.2 ? I tried to find something that works well (like microsoft IME) but unfortunately couldn't find anything...
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Jan 19, 2014
I've tried installing both ibus-anthy and ibus-mozc in Jessie but I still cannot input Japanese.
By contrast, In Wheezy, when using anthy for example, I can see ibus preferences icon where I can configure ibus and anthy. This doesn't show up in Jessie.
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Jan 12, 2010
Before I upgraded to Karmic, I had Japanese text input set up on my system, but since the upgrade it no longer works. I can still read Japanese text, and when I press Ctrl+SPACE I still get the ANTHY box in the bottom right-hand corner, but Japanese is no longer on the list of supported languages. how to get Japanese back?
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Feb 8, 2010
I am trying to find a good virtual keyboard that is in Japanese. there doesn't seem to be much options for virtual keyboards, let alone one in japanese. The only one I have found is xvkbd, but it is very limited and somewhat glitchy. I tried setting it to Japanese, but all that does is add a button to switch to japanese that you annoyingly have to hit every time you want to enter a character. And not only that, even though the keyboard is in hiragana, it inputs katakana. Are there any other options for a virtual Japanese keyboard, or at least a way to get xvkbd to input hiragana?
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Dec 18, 2009
openSuse v11.1
Linux x86_64
VirtualBox v3.1.0
One user account completely ignores all keyboard input. No other account demonstrates this bizarre behavior. The faulty account has had occasional keyboard difficulty but it has always been related to the Virtual Machines (VirtualBox); the hosting account always functioned correctly.
Then the ban on keyboard input. Poof! "Keyboard? What keyboard? I don't see no stinking keyboard!"
It is not the physical keyboard. Three different hardware exhibit the same fault. It is not the motherboard; two mb's show the same fault. It is only that one account. And I even took the Windows route of re-installing the OS (what a waste of time that was).
If something changed, I am not aware of it (although something must have).
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Jun 28, 2011
has bash a command that reads the keyboard status and exits? I want to write a loop of this form:
while [ 1 ] do
sleep (1)
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Sep 23, 2010
I am learning japanese and I would like to be able to switch between english and japanese input while keeping an english interface. How would I achieve that? I am using KDE, by the way.
In the Kiten documentation I read that pressing Shift+Space would enable japanese input (built-in in Kiten, according to the documentation). But that does not seem to work in my system.
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Feb 6, 2010
scim-anthy seems to have been installed perfectly... however, ctrl-space or any other combinations that i'm use to don't activate it... i see the keyboard icon, i can go in set up the environment in it but... i can't get the japanese language bar to show up so I can type in Japanese.
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May 4, 2010
Actually I want to log a bug but I don't really know what package to log it against. The problem is that by default Pango is choosing the AR PL UMing CN as the font to render Japanese text when the current font doesn't have Japanese glyphs. But AR PL UMing CN is a Chinese font, so Chinese glyphs for kanji characters (e.g., 覚) are displayed. This is jarring and confusing for Japanese readers.
This situation mostly arises when you have mixed English and Japanese text. Some applications (for instance Firefox) will allow you to select a font for Asian text. Thus if the text contains only Asian characters it will use the font you select, rather than what Pango would have selected. But if it is a mix of English and Japanese, you end up with the wrong glyphs.
Other environments (like gnome-terminal, or a gedit) have difficulties as well. Since the primary interface requires mono spaced roman characters you run into difficulty selecting fonts. Most Japanese fonts only have proportional roman characters. This means that if use a nice roman font and use Japanese text (for instance file names), you end up with Chinese glyphs. What I want is a mechanism that will work across all of Gnome for selecting the font I want to use for Chinese characters. That way I can choose either Japanese or Chinese glyphs.
I realize this is low priority. It only bugs me a little, but many of my Japanese colleagues are put off from using Ubuntu because they are confused by the Chinese glyphs that pop up on my screen from time to time. As I said, I'd like to file a bug, but I'm not sure against what package...
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Sep 3, 2009
I installed SuSe Linux. By the installation I forgot to set the key-board to German. How can I change it now? I don't think I have to re-install the Linux again, right
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Mar 10, 2010
The issue I've been having is with Flash on websites; most notably, Livestream's Flash-based browser viewer, and Adult Swim's flash-based games. Clicking works perfectly fine, but the keyboard input is entirely disabled for the Flash area. Text boxes, or game controls, won't respond at all, even when everything else is still working.The only way to input any text into Flash-based text boxes is to write it somewhere else (Firefox's URL or Search bar, or in GEDIT), then copy+paste into the tect box (again, Ctrl+V won't work, only right-clicking and pasting will go through).
I've tried multiple versions of the Adobe Flash player, including the installer directly from Adobe's site, the adobe-flashplugin package in Synaptic, the flashplugin-installer package, and I believe I tried GNASH as well (although I'm not sure if that did anything).I haven't had a chance to attempt to downgrade either one yet, however, nor have I been able to test another browser.I've seen a few other issues of this sort pop up here before, but they've all either gotten no solutions, or they're a year or two old, or they're running into 64-bit-specific issues. Hopefully this is posted in the correct location, and fingers crossed someone has an answer (or better yet, a solution).
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May 4, 2010
I have done a clean install of Ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop. However I don't like Evolution mail client and installed Thunderbird from the repositories. It installed fine and comes up with the wizard to fill account details in but for some reason you can't input anything from the keyboard - it seems greyed out. I tried uninstalling and re-installing but it's still the same. Everything else is fine and working.
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Oct 27, 2010
how to change my input language (the way typing in accents affects the output character).
Currently I am on a Brazilian abnt keyboard and an English system (which is what I want), but I am unable to output accented characters - which I sometimes want, when I am not programming. I need something to switch around, but cannot find where to configure additional languages (not keyboards) neither where to switch.
I am on 10.04 with a gnome desktop.
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Feb 10, 2011
I want to create a script to send input to an already open window from the command line. The reason that I want to do this is to automatically control a game running on a emulator screen. So, for example, I want to send commands like "up" "up" "w" "s" ..
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Jun 2, 2011
I switched to pure LXDE desktop in my Ubuntu and now my Keyboard Input Methods dialog doesn't show up. When I click on the menu item nothing happens. The Preferences menu item in the keyboard icon in the panel doesn't work either.
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Aug 8, 2011
Running natty. Main user account. In Ubuntu & Ubuntu Classic, both gnome, no keyboard or on-screen keyboard input. Compiz & metacity both bad. Mouse okay. Other user accounts okay. KDE okay.
Tracked problem to /home/{user}/.gconf/desktop/gnome/session/required_components/%gconf.xml. Removed file, problem goes away.
File contents:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entry name="windowmanager" mtime="1303412016" type="string">
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Oct 16, 2009
I just made a script to read out /dev/input/event3 into a file (My keyboard is identified here [ Machine is a laptop which runs on slax-atma distro ]). Then used a hexdump to convert the binary into hex. After that used a gwak script to print out the keys corresponding to each keyboard input. So now when I put this in my rc.local , It is taking down all the keys I press. Including login passwords (In short, each and every keys I press).Isn't this a big security risk, because intruder who has a physical access to my machine or has root password can put this file in rc.local and run a script to mail him all the details like my passwords, account and PIN numbers.
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Jan 25, 2011
I have a C program that may finish in seconds or weeks depending on the data. For the longer jobs I want to be able to press a key and get an intermediate result printed.
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Dec 17, 2010
When I want to play my japanese mp3 files, amarok only display? for the song title. I think it's because the title was write in japanese character. Is there any ways to display id3tag which is using japanese character in amarok?
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Dec 17, 2010
is there any ways to type japanese character in Linux Application like OpenOffice, Kwrite, terminal, and other application? I'm using OpenSuse 11.3 and I think I've install Japanese character support for my OpenSuse. But, I didn't know how type a japanese character in Linux Application. When using Windows, I only need to change the language bar to japanese to type in japanese character, but I didn't know how to do this in Linux.
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Oct 4, 2010
I am using gpg keys with passphrases set to connect to different jabber accounts. When I restore from hibernate I am prompted by two pinentry dialogs for these passphrases. But very often one of these dialogs that is not in focus steals keyboard input from the other dialog. Even worse, they steal keyboard input from fluxbox and other applications and I am unable to do anything until I enter it or click cancel if I do not want to input password right now. How can I forbid pinentry to steal keyboard input and to get it only if it is in focus? I am using pinentry-0.8.0 on Gentoo amd64 with USE="ncurses qt4" (/usr/bin/pinentry is a symlink pointing to pinentry-qt4).UPDATE:After some research, I found that pinentry accepts --no-global-grab option, which, according to the info page, should be used only by developers. Still unsure how to make it default: having#!/bin/zshexec /usr/bin/pinentry-qt4 --no-global-grab $@in place of /usr/bin/pinentry symlink does not work (this script is launched, but option is ignored), if I place it into /usr/local/bin it is not launched at all though I have /usr/local/bin in $PATH before /usr/bin.
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Mar 31, 2010
Been a long time since I was on ubuntu again. Saw the new 9.10 version and decided I should take it up again. Only problem is, and I've come across it quite alot, (but never a working solution). That my ctrl key isn't doing anything at all, therefor making every keyboard shortcut (copy/paste/new tab in firefox...etc) not working. It's not compiz his fault, i've had the same issue before i installed it.
Also i tried switching keyboard layouts, when i key press i don't see the ctrl key light up on screen, BUT when i press shift+ctrl, it does Anyone got a clue in how to revive my loving and overused ctrl button again ?
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