I finished my installation of Slackware 13.37, but I found I cannot input chinese using pinyin in KDE. Of course, I started "scim input method", I mean I can see the icon of keyboard in the tray bar, but I cannot swith input method into chinese with "Control + Space".
I've installed 11.4 KDE x86-64,which downloaded last night,a GM version. Things working great except 2 thing : SCIM & wifi.SCIM Chinese input works great when 11.3 KDE,but in 11.4 KDE it ONLY works in Dolphin,not works in Firefox.........
I can't seem to get Japanese input working with scim-anthy. I have scim 1.4.9 installed and the daemon running. I have the scim-anthy 1.3.1 package installed as well. I can open and modify the scim-settings, but I can't get the anthy dialog to appear. Apparently, ctrl-space should bring up the dialog, but nothing happens. I tried following the instructions on this page under "Open a program with japanese input enabled - via command line", but still no dialog. After starting the daemon, I tried:
Code: XMODIFIERS='@im=SCIM' LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 gvim And no luck. Note that I don't really understand what that command is supposed to do. Should it be something different?
I originally made this post in Linux-General, but only one person was really answering the question and now he hasn't been responding, so I've come here since Scim is also Slackware related.Simply put, I need to be able to use Scim to input the Korean language.Here's the original thread:[URL]
try xface in my slackware(I updated my slackware from 12.0 to 13.0 a few days before). But, i don't know how to configure the xface windows environment like KDE(i used this before, but found it's very slow in my my new slack). I browsed all the information on the slackbook but found nothing. Googled, failed too
I would like to use Japanese kana (hiragana, katakana, kanji) on Ubuntu but everything that I've tried to get it set up and running isn't working. The Spanish that I have set up is working perfectly so far.
I've read, the SCIM input program should start up automatically when loading a program, it doesn't. When I have it loaded I cannot seem to get the input working.
I was recently surprised by this SCIM stuff that seems to screw around with my normal text input. I try to be curious and approach my issues with an open mind, so before I try to remove SCIM, I want to know what the hell it's supposed to do.but it's not obvious to me
I can't input Japanese charactersn KWriteough the input works in all other applications as far as I know). Does anyone have an idea what the cause might be, or what I should be looking at?The point is not that can't see the characters (but e.g. gibberish instead), but that the characters that I type in the input bar are not transfered into KWrite upon commit.
While I can find my way around most things, terminals and desktop managers are different than I remember. One of the biggest problems that I am encountering today is that when running a gnome terminal (this is Suse 10.0 enterprise), I'm getting behavior in the window that I don't want. Specifically, when I type, my typing is underlined as if something is trying to spell check my window. Further, it seems as if when running vi or less, my keystrokes are only processed by these apps when I hit 'return'. I.e. if I'm running less and want to go back a page, I'll hit b, but nothing happens until I hit 'return'.
I seem to have tracked this down to the 'input method". Right clicking in the Gnome terminal allows me to set my input method to one of a dozen values. It seems that currently, it's set to "SCIM Input Method". If I then select 'default' or 'X Input Method', apps (i.e. things like less, vi, and even the bash shell) behave as I would expect.
a) what is this SCIM input method
b) how can I make it so that it is not the default?
I've poked around various configuration files in my home directory as well as in /etc, but I can't see to find how this is set.
display Chinese using gnome terminal I can input Chinese using VI thru gnome terminal but I can not input Chinese(Big 5) correctly on the command line I use scim/bridge as my input method
We would like to type simplified Chinese characters on FC11. gcim is installed, and it is selected as input method. We see that with ctrl-space input method changes, and we can select types with ctrl-shift. However, we cannot find a "normal" simplified Chinese,. If we type "WO" it pops up with 7 possibilities, witch is not enough as it suppose to drop over 50 .
I'm looking for a current primer on the options for Chinese input available for Karmic (9.10). I'm new to Linux, but have been using Chinese input method editors for Windows and Mac for some time. I found some info in these forums, but most of it is several years old.
Some specific questions:
1) I have enabled Chinese input through system>administration>language support, but it seems there is no option for traditional Chinese input via Pinyin, only through some of the other methods, like ˇ.
2) I take is IBus is a general name for Asian language input in Linux, but I don't quite understand if it's the only option out there. Also, did it replace SCIM?
3) This being open source, I'm guessing there are tons of input method editors out there to try. Is there some sort of repository I can search.
My installation of slakware linux 12.0 seemed Ok, I can see the beautiful KDE Window and I can also read Chinese homepages by Foxfire browser. But I don't know how I can input Chinese characters. I in fact installed everything from the DVD-package. It appeared that SCIM was installed, and I don't know if I have CLE.
This happens under slackware 13.1 32 bit and 64 bit. If scim-bridge is running, firefox will freeze the whole XWindows, especially when a pop-up window appears within firefox. Replacing scim with fcitx (Chinese only) input method solveed this problem. This annoyed me for quite a period even when I was using slackware-current because I did not know what caused firefox to behave strangely. Why no one reported this problem? I think no one uses scim and firefox at the same time here.
when i removepkg scim-bridge and exec firefox3.6 it show: (firefox-bin:11378): Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/immodules/im-scim-bridge.so: — now,all ok. when i install pkg scim-bridge it no response. Finally found that the / etc / profile.d / The following scim.sh remove executable permissions, problem-solving! last. i slackpkg installpkg scim-bridge.
The magic key Ctrl+Space doesnt always work with SCIM. Too tired with SCIM, I decided to remove it and install ibus, ibus-qt, ibus-unikey (for typing Vietnamese).
Then, I start it with:
Then I try press Ctrl+Space to trigger but it doesnt work, even it quits itself sometimes.
The hotkey problem also occurs with KNotes. I have set Global Shortcut for some functions such as New Note, Show All Notes. And it works only once in that session. If restart machine, those shortcut is useless.
I built and installed the latest 3.3.2 and also the Chinese language pack from SlackBuild. [URL]... whenever I open a file whose path has Chinese characters, the LibreOffice always tell me that the file does not exist. What's worse, I can not use SCIM in it, so I can not even enter a Chinese character. what goes wrong? LibOffice or my KDE(4.5.5)? And how to solve it?
Using Fluxbox, have tried this in XFCE and KDE. Chinese characters display properly in whatever browser I use online. I do need to see some in the file manager and this is not working.
I have installed the following chinese display files from Slack -
I recently installed Slackware Linux 13.1 , and my Wireless is down. I've only installed 3 Linux disto's on my main laptop (Ubuntu 9.10 , 10.04 , and Crunchbang Linux 9.04 , just had Crunchbang), and they all had the same problem. In all three , I was able to enable Windows Wireless drivers and every thing worked. Now , I'm assuming I have to the same ting in Slackware? Sorry , but I have no idea what my wireless card is. But I know that my laptop is a Dell Insprion E1705. One last thing , I did ifconfig and that wlan0 is my Wi-Fi interface. I typed ifconfig wlan0 up to see if that was the problem. After I did that , I got and error message. Then I typed ifconfig wlan0 down to see if it was down and it made wlan0 down. I tried bringing it up again , but I got an error saying it couldn't find the device specified. Also , how do I install XFCE? I really don't like KDE for some reason and would like to install XFCE. I chose XFCE over GNOME (my favorite) because I want to try something new.
how to on enable ling separate X sessions with dual monitors in slackware? In rhel all I have to do is enable it under the nvidia-settings... In slackware it does not work that well... to what I understand you have to configure a separate x session...
i'm a Chinese student, after I upgraded slackware13.1 to slakcware13.37, I find that I can't use the fcitx input method in emacs to type Chinese. One method is to comment parts of the font path in /etc/X11/xorg.conf-vesa file. I can use fcitx input method in the first emacs that I opened and then when I open a new emacs, I can't use fcitx input method and it indicates that the Ctrl+Space key combination is the Mark command. What's wrong with this problem?
Since 13.37 I notice that vi needs the 'home' key to switch from input to command mode. I think this is only when I connect via Putty to the machine. When I am on local console it is still ESCape like it used to be. Does anyone know how to set it so that vi will switch from input to command mode using the ESCAPE key when using Putty?
Another vi question : When you edit htm files, vi goes automagically into some sort of html display mode. Ofcourse I never want that since all I do is edit the html in vi. So I need to go to command mode and type :normal everytime I want to edit html files. Where can you configure that vi (or vim) default to normal mode always?
<I see that vi links to elvis : > # ls -al /usr/bin/vi lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 Oct 3 2009 /usr/bin/vi -> elvis*
I just implemented dracut on my Slack. It works well, but for this also I had to rebuild the kernel. Everything works as it should beside KDM. When KDM start mouse/keyboard don't work. I check the logs and I don't actually see any errors.Note: Im using Slack in VirtualBox with fbdev or vesa driver and it doesn't work with neither of the drivers. I suppose its something missing in the kernel, but don't know what.Before rebuilding the kernel and implementing dracut, everything work with fbdev and/or vesa
I am having getting bluetooth working. I am using a home built computer, AMD Athalon 64, 1.5 gig ram, Slackware 13_64, up to date. I have bluez-firmware-1.2-x86_64-1, bluez-hcidump-1.42-x86_64-2, bluez-libs-3.36-x86_64-2, bluez-utils-3.36-x86_64-7 installed. I have a USB Micro Adapter 2.1 from IOGear and a Motorola S9-HD stereo headset.
This is what happens when I try to connect: root|/home/john # hcitool scan Scanning ... 00:23:D7:DE:8D:DFGravity 00:0D:FD:2A:BB:42Motorola S9-HD root|/home/john # hcitool cc 00:0D:FD:2A:BB:42 Can't create connection: Input/output error
I am finding the headset but can't connect to it. I have the password from the headset in the default file of /etc/bluetooth/passkeys.
I just recently installed Slackware onto a virtual machine(I'm planning on buying a new disc drive and 1 TB HDD with-in the next couple of months and plan on Slackware being my primary OS[right now Mac OS X 10.6 is]), and everything went great.
I then went onto edit the /etc/inittab file in emacs and changed the run-level to 4. I don't know why it's decided that I'd want to boot into KDE when XFCE is installed and in the configuration I selected XFCE but it's not really relevant(I have a WM guide thing open in another tab and will probably be able to change it).
The problem is, as the vague title may suggest, is that it basically freezes when I'm at the log-in screen. The input field for the username is highlighted and blinking, and the cursor it self is visible in the centre of the screen, but it simply doesn't pick up on any input from my keyboard or mouse.
I tried booting up the install CD and logging in as root, mounting sda4(which is the root partition) and editing said file but sudo isn't installed(to my knowledge) on the install disc and when I do the command,
I am modifying the the xf86-input-summa driver to work with my older Bitpad One digitizer (the Sketchpad uses a slightly different communication, two more bits resolution, etc), but i hve a problem building. I ran configure and it reported no errors, but when I make I get missing header files, like:
xf86Summa.c:33:25: error: xf86Version.h: No such file or directory xf86Summa.c:122:24: error: xf86Config.h: No such file or directory xf86Summa.c:124:24: error: atKeynames.h: No such file or directory