OpenSUSE Network :: 11.3 - Samba Client Update Windows DNS

Aug 18, 2010

I'd like to have my Samba client update Windows DNS then join in domain. Computer join in domain but DNS not update.
OS: OpenSUSE 11.3
Try after join in domain:
net ads dns register -d 3

[2010/08/18 20:47:17, 3] param/loadparm.c:9158(lp_load_ex)
lp_load_ex: refreshing parameters
[2010/08/18 20:47:17, 3] param/loadparm.c:4929(init_globals)
Initialising global parameters
[2010/08/18 20:47:17, 2] param/loadparm.c:4788(max_open_files)
rlimit_max: rlimit_max (1024) below minimum Windows limit (16384)
[2010/08/18 20:47:17.871064, 3] ../lib/util/params.c:550(pm_process)
params.cm_process() - Processing configuration file "/etc/samba/smb.conf"
[2010/08/18 20:47:17.874091, 3] param/loadparm.c:7842(do_section)
Processing section "[global]" .....

Windows Workstation update DNS this domain. DNS resolved.

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OpenSUSE Network :: SAMBA As PDC On SLES 10.2 - Error When Users On Windows Client Try To Change Password

Oct 11, 2010

I installed SLES 10.2 with SAMBA to retire our old Microsoft Windows 2000 Server and save some money. All was fine until last week when our chief asked to me to set password expiration for all clients. This morning, all users cannot logon because, when they logon, windows asks to change password and then it gives error error "Access Denied".


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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba Config For DHCP Client Laptop?

Jan 11, 2010

I'll try not to be too wordy. Want to get my openSUSE 11.2 (fresh install) laptop to see my network shares ...not to be a server or share any files. I've looked at 50 websites and everything seems to be "server" and "share" oriented. Maybe I (newb) am confused by the terminology...

I have a router that provides DHCP. My LAN PC's consist of a Vista laptop, an XP DAW, and a Kubuntu file server. Somehow I got Kubuntu configured properly, all of the Windows machines can access it and vice-versa. The Kubuntu smb.conf does not work on this laptop, and it seems overkill -no shares needed here. And yes, I get DHCP and interweb on the laptop -posted this with it.

All I want is access to my (other) network drives from this (openSUSE 11.2) laptop. Not a server, not to share. This is easy... right? It's driving me nuts Is there a Samba configuration that will let me jump onto networks and surf Windows/Samba shares like any old Windoze box browsing Network Neighborhood? Do I have to be a Samba guru?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba Security Update / Lost Access To Network

Mar 25, 2010

Installed a security update for samba tonight via Opensuse updater.Now, when trying to access my home network an authentication box pops up (never used to)Asks me to enter authentication for my home network.I enter my username and password and hit enter. After a few seconds the authentication box pops up again askingfor the same indicating I have entered the wrong username / password combination (which I know I have not).

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OpenSUSE Network :: Windows 7 And Windows LiveID Sign-In Assistant Working With SAMBA?

Dec 10, 2010

I have 3 computers. One running openSuse 11.3 with SAMBA and the other 2 are Windows 7 Professional boxes. I have the same user name and passwords for all three boxes.

From the Linux box I can access one of the Windows 7 boxes but the other won't accept my user name and password. The one that won't accept has Windows LiveID Sign-In Assistant installed. Apparantly that's an automatic install now.

I've read that there is a bug with the SAMBA libsmbclient [URL].

I tried updating via YAST but still end up with version 3.5.4-5.1.2 and this doesn't work.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Access Windows User Profile In AD Env From Client?

Feb 23, 2010

I have already windows 2003 server with active directory, with 200 + user accounts and each user has allocated a specific disk quota. Now i want to install suse on client side so that it can do all same things as windows clients does(active directory login and disk quota). I have downloaded 11.2 suse linux and installed all samba required pakages and also joined the windows domain (2003 server). how can i access my user space located on win 2003 server from my linux client machine.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba And Windows Vista

May 25, 2009

I am having problems with samba, I went to the yast samba setup and thought I configured it but now I am stuck. I just want to really set up sharing my printer and one folder. any help will be appriciated I have a linksys router, windows vista home 32 on a laptop, opensuse 11.1 64 with windows xp home 32bit running in seemless mode on a virtualbox.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba - Windows Share - SVN

Oct 10, 2010

System: openSUSE 11.3, Gnome

In the Windows network, there are 2 or more shares as follows:

I can access both shares in nautilus e.g. "smb:// $". The shares are mounted then in "home/user/.gvfs/". ok.

In one of shares, is a file-based repo, which I can access easily with svn.

Unfortunately when I try to checkout any normal folder from a share (as in MS$ with Tortoise), I fail...

What's more in the file-based repo, external references exist to other shares in the network, the name is as "file:///X:/folder/file.txt". SVN gives error messages about such references and does not access files (where "X:/" is also mounted, but as a "test$ to smb://$" in "home/user/.gvfs/ ").

My questions:
- what is the best solution to mount shares, so I can access all the SVN repos?
- How can I access normal files and folders from a share with svn?
- How can the problem with external file references in a file-based SVN repo can be solved? without to checkout/commit files "manually"...
- Some checkouted scripts (Perl, etc.) use libs from shares:
"Use lib qw(r:/tools/perl/lib/). how to get around this as well?
- How can I change mount-names: "test$ on smb://$" to something like "share-test$?
- How can I change the mount location? in "home/user/SAMBA/" instead of "/home/user/.gvfs/"..

I had tried to use "fuse-smb": installed, created config, but when I run "fusesmb /home/user/SHARES/", i get an error message: smb.conf is missing.. Where can I get this config?

And one last question: Can someone recommend me a svn-gui? i have tried tried rabbitcvs, esvn and some others .. but all either do not work or crash.

I'm not sure, but maybe I can use svn and tortoise in wine, and checkout/commit the necessary files from/to "home/user/project/"? there raises the questions whether it is possible to install tortoise in wine and how to mount the shares on the wine? How to manage the hard-coded lib-names in some scripts...

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba Does Not See Windows Workgroup / Resolve This?

Aug 15, 2009

After installing Samba as per procedure, Samba does not see Windows "workgroup".

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba Windows Domain Membership?

Mar 9, 2010

I have sucessfully joined my machine to Windows Active Directory (it wasn't all that complicated ). I was wondering where the uid information for users that login is located and managed? The reason I ask is because we are going to set up a separate NFS server and NFS relies on the uids of the users. I know there are numerous ways I can view the uid for a user (through the use of the id <username> command, do an ls on the /home directory displaying the uid instead of the translated name, etc), but is there a way to have this readily available (almost as the /etc/passwd file is)?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba Can Find Windows 7 PC Can't Access

Mar 22, 2010

I am trying to connect to a Windows 7 PC through Samba, and while samba can find the Windows 7 PC, it cannot access it, asking for a username and password instead. However, I can access the another Windows XP share perfectly fine.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Does Not Finds Shares - Samba - Windows Ok

Oct 14, 2010

I can't for the life of me figure out why I cannot browse my own shares from my linux boxes. both run OpenSuSE 11.3 I follow swerdna's tutorials and reboot several times but don't have a clue as to whats going on to prevent me from viewing localhost shares or 2nd linux box shares. I get 'unable to mount location, Failed to retrieve share list from server' error when I click on my workgroup icon in nautilus.

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OpenSUSE Network :: X11 Forwarding - Windows Client Works But It's Doesn't - Cannot Connect To X Server

Jan 20, 2010

I have x11 forwarding enabled in /etc/ssh/sshd_config on a suse 11.2 32 bit box running kde I can open x apps on a windows machine using xming and putty just fine, but when I boot the same machine into suse 11.2 64 bit using kde and try using konsole I get: cannot connect to x server

The command I'm using to log in is: ssh -X -l username host I doubt the problem is with the server I'm logging into or it wouldn't work in windows, not really sure what to look for as I've never had a problem using x11 forwarding from a linux client before only windows ones

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OpenSUSE Network :: Windows 7 Cannot Connect To Samba-shared Printer?

Mar 23, 2010

My USB printer is connected to an OpenSUSE 11.2 desktop on a home network. I shared the printer with samba and can print from a Windows XP notebook connected to the network, but whenever I try to connect a Windows 7 machine, I always get the message that Windows cannot connect to the printer.

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OpenSUSE Network :: SAMBA: Can Mount Windows Shares But They Are Read-only

Apr 1, 2010

I am using the mount command to mount Windows shared folders are another machine on my LAN, to have them show up in the Linux filesystem. The command mounts the folders just fine, however the access is read-only.

In the command, I am also using the -o option to specify a username and password that should have full access. Also, I have used this identical command on my other distros and it seems to work fine. I've Googled high and low, trying to find a way to specify a Samba user/password for authentication. I know one of the other distros had a program that I could specify a Samba user/password to simulate a Windows login.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba And Windows XP - Unable To Find Any Workgroups

Sep 18, 2010

I want to share files from my opensuse 11.3 laptop and Windows XP desktop. It works well between Vista and XP. The domain name is WORKGROUP I checked everything: firewall Opensuse (open ports), firewall XP (disabled), XP workgroup name (WORKGROUP), opensuse Samba workgroup name (WORKGROUP) And my domain controller is set to "Not a DC" Still when I launch network in Dolphin I get "Unable to find any workgroups in your local network"

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setting Up 11.3 To Access Printers On Windows Server 2003 Via Samba?

Sep 7, 2010

I'm trying to set my openSUSE desktop up to use the printers on my office network via Samba. I managed to get it working in 11.2 but 11.3 is giving me some trouble.I am able to access the printers and use them but I have to enter my network credentials each time I print. In 11.2 I was able to "save" my username/password and was not required to do this. Are there any Samba packages I need to add in addition to the basic ones? There seems to be a lack of documentation on this particular subject, most is concerning Windows clients printing on Linux print servers.

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Server :: Joining Windows 7 Client To Samba PDC V 3.4.3

Jun 19, 2010

I have a very nice SUSE 11.2 Samba PDC that runs well with Windows XP clients. I am using NETBIOS for name resolution since I dont want to put in a DNS server because my router already has one, Im pretty sure it would make things more complicated. I enabled wins support in smb.conf and made the name resolve order with lmhosts first. lmhosts lists all the ip adresses with their computer names in capitals. I hope thats right. I set up my windows 7 with the reg file from the samba wiki on windows 7 [URL].

That's great now I get the old screen from XP in windows 7 when joining the domain. I gave the machine netbios name MAINPC a smb trust account MAINPC and added the unix user MAINPC$ that should all work. I manage to successfully join it says welcome to domain, afterwards an error appears "changing the dns name of this computer to "" failed" and something bout not finding the domain controller. although I joined. then I resatart and when I try to log on it says "trust relationship failed". How to make it join and logon properly.

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OpenSUSE Network :: SAMBA - Changing Default Permissions On Files And Directories Created From Windows Clients

Mar 9, 2010

I have a fileserver running openSUSE 11.2 and samba services for file access from MS Windows based workstations. My question relates to changing default permissions on files and directories created from the windows clients.

Following are extracts of the /etc/samba/smb.conf file :

Even with the above entries, sometimes there are files and directories created by the windows clients having permission

Probably my lack of understanding in ACLS.

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Fedora Networking :: Unknown Samba Password - Use Samba For File Sharing Like On A Windows Home Network

Jul 17, 2010

I want to use samba for file sharing like on a Windows home network. Actually they are all Linux machines but nfs is too complicated. On my host machine I installed samba and system-config-samba. I created a new share for /home, check marked writable and visible and put access to everybody. For preferences-->server settings--> security the "authentication mode" is set to user, encrypt passwords is no, and guest account is no guest account. Under preferences-->samba users I added myself as a user with the same windows user name as my Linux user name and the same password.

My client is a virtualbox fedora (used for testing purposes but actual clients will be real computers on my home network). I entered the address smb:// When asked for the user name and password I put my regular user name and password since that was what I set in samba users. However, the password dialog keeps coming up and won't let met into my own computer. If I quit it says something like access is denied. How can I get my home network back? I liked this feature when my home computers ran XP but I switched them to Fedora 12.

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Debian :: File Sharing On Windows Client Using Samba

Oct 1, 2010

I am new to debian. How to configure debian 5 on file sharing on windows client.

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General :: Roaming Profile With Samba As Pdc And Windows As Client?

Jan 21, 2010

i m working on roaming profile where linux is the server & windows is the client... i m implementing it using samba as pdc my linux version is but my samba server is not working windows is not authenticating my domain name following is the copy of my smb.conf file


# This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the
# smb.conf(5) manual page in order to understand the options listed
# here. Samba has a huge number of configurable options (perhaps too
# many!) most of which are not shown in this example


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Server :: Samba Openldap PDC Cannot Change Password From Windows XP Client

Jul 24, 2010

I finished setup Samba PDC with Openldap backend. I can joint Winxp client to domain but can not change pass by press Ctrl + Alt + Delete and choose Change password button

This is my conf.
I used
openldap 2.3.43

access to attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange,sambaNTPassword,sambaLMPassword
by dn="cn=Manager,dc=microhdesk,dc=net" write
by anonymous auth
by self write
by * none


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Networking :: Winbindd Run On Box Client On Network With Samba Ldap Server Configured As PDC?

Oct 28, 2010

Does winbindd must run on linux box client on network with samba ldap server configured as PDC.

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Networking :: Configure Nfs Mount Disk To Samba Share For Windows Client ?

Nov 8, 2010

I am not able to configure nfs mounted disk for shareing samba. i have a server X. which configure samba for windows XP client this is done. now i have export X server samba share disk to mount Y server using nfs. this is mount and ok. but i don't share this disk using Y server samba configure.

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Networking :: Samba Client Accessing Windows Shares On Secondary Subnet

Sep 13, 2009

I have a machine acting as a gateway for a private network. While it can ping hosts on that private network, I can't use samba (smbclient or smbmount) to access shares on hosts on the private network from that machine. Other machines on the private network can access shares on other machines - just not the gateway server.

Here's how the gateway is configured:

When I try to connect to ports 139 or 445 (via smbclient or smbmount) the mount() system call times out. As I mentioned above, I can ping those hosts, so UDP packets work but TCP packets seem to get blocked or lost.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Openvpn Connect To Samba Share From Windows XP Client?

Sep 15, 2009

I'm trying to set up a VPN connection between our CentOS 5.3 server at work and my bosses XP computer at home. At this point, we are kinda locked into Quickbooks. I'm testing the connection from my XP boot at home to see if it works. I can log into our servicemanuals easily enough from XP at home however, the windows takes forever to update. I have the Samba server only listening on port 445 because is seems to work more efficiently at work. I connect to the Samba shares via linux from home and everything works well but, when I try to do anything with the shares from Windows client at home, it's very slow!

I'm thinking that it must have something either to do with the Windows OpenVPN client or the client.conf file. Is there anything I should look at in the .conf file for answers?

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Fedora Networking :: Connect The Network Where The Openvpn Client Is,throught The Computer With The Client To The Other Network?

May 20, 2009

I have the following problem:I have to networks in remote places.I have an opnvpn client in one network that connects to the the router (openvpn server).My question is,can i connect the network where the openvpn client is,throught the computer with the client to the other network.If yes,how? (please make it an idiot proof anwser because i have limited knowledge about iptables). I was thinking like forwarding (the router in the network with the openvpn client is also firewalling with iptables) the request of the ip class of the openvpn network to the computer with the client,which masquarades the interface

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setup As A Network Boot Server To Install Solaris 10 On A Sun Ultra 10 Client?

May 12, 2011

I have an opensuse 11.3 install which I want to set up as a network boot server to install Solaris 10 on a Sun Ultra 10 client. According to what I've read, this requires rarpd and tftpd which I've set up on opensuse, but also bootparamd which I can't find for 11.3. It seems it was last included with opensuse 9.2. Does anyone know if it's available, if I could use the suse 9.2 version, or any alternative?

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Server :: CentOS /Samba Server- XP Windows Client File Sharing?

Nov 3, 2009

I have a CentOS + Samba server and Windows XP client machines. Users, passwords and permissions are entered on the server machine.users and passwords ( same as on the server ) are entered in the XP client machine.When attempting to access a public file on the server using a XP client machine and the IP address of my server, I am asked a user name and password and none of the already entered seem to work. I cannot access the server file (prompted again and again to enter user name and password). What did i miss

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