OpenSUSE Install :: Adding Another NIC Card?

May 23, 2010

I want to add a 2nd NIC to an existing install of 11.2 acting as a LAMP server to so that I can add an internal zone for firewall reasons. Will it just find the card when I start the computer?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Acpi Better / Card Went To Legacy What Version Still Has Ati Drivers For Card

Dec 6, 2009

i have a little experience with ubuntu but i have had bugs that are not resolvable at this time in ubuntu. so instead of giving wild bill back my pc i am looking for a new distro. my concerns with ubuntu revolve around acpi. no fan control and high temp. the 2nd problem that is almost overlookable is the ata1 softreset error. it usually is no problem but occasionally have to do manual fsck to fix. so heres my laptop specs. toshiba a305d-s6848. amd turion x2 ati x1250 integrated. 3gb ram. 500gb hd vista and ubuntu 9.04 dual boot grub with 100gb ubuntu and the rest vista. so q1= what suse version would be best?

q2= is suse's acpi better? ubuntu runs all features but fan control
q3= is suse as easy to install? or harder
q4= ati graphics i know for my card went to legacy what version still has the ati drivers for my card
q5= is suse easier or harder to work with and get everything working.

i know no linux is or opsys is perfect. im just looking for one that is stable and works the pc correctly. i know its a big thing to ask. i know no one can tell me that. but just looking for suggestions. im thinking of downloading suse and does all the downloads support live sessions.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Adding Window7 Boot To Opensuse 11.1?

Jan 16, 2010

I am newbie to linux so please understand. My boot loader was overwritten by windows 7. so I inserted the boot cd and repaired the boot using YAST. now I am able to login to suse but when I select windows it says bootmgr missing. I read thru some of the board and added the following lines to menu.1st:

###Windows 7
title Windows 7
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
chainloader +1
linux-d8a4:~ # fdisk -l


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OpenSUSE Install :: Adding Os's To The Grub?

Nov 29, 2009

I have just done a fresh install of OpenSuse 11.2 over 11.1 (and I love it). Grub has the options of booting into Opensuse and windows but has missed Mint.It normally wouldn't bother me, but I use Mint for a few things I can't get working in Suse.
I was just wanting to manually add Mint to the Grub menue.I would like it to be added to the Suse grub as I prefer the look of it to the Mint grub.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Adding A New Partition?

Mar 6, 2010

I want to upgrade to 11.2 from 10.3. I was looking at disk usage and noticed the last time I set up my system, I allocated too much space to the / partition. It's only 50% used, while /home is 83% used. Rather than resizing and messing up /home, I thought about just adding a new partition created from the / partition. Call it say /data or something and put music, pics, pdf files and such there. But, would it be automatically mounted and what about permissions?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Adding A New Physical HD?

Jul 2, 2010

I've opensuse 11.2 installed and running. I have separate mount points for /, home, srv. I have two physical HDs of total 160gb in my system. Now my / partition is nearly full 91-93%. I'm thinking of adding another HD. I cannot figure out how to transfer data after installing the new drive. I plan to move /srv and /home from the main physical disk to the new disk and then add the space freed from under /srv and /home to the / partition. I understand the procedure how to add the drive, how to partition it and so on. I need some help in understanding how to shift the data from one physical drive to the other without losing any simlinks and data of course. I have a virtual host web server running on my machine, so you can understand how difficult it would be if I'd need to do all the linking manually again or worst case if I'd lose any data.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Adding DVD's To Repository List?

Feb 7, 2010

I just purchased openSUSE 11.2 x64 on DVD from, as well as the 5 x64 repository DVD's. The base install went fine, but when I try to add thos's to my software repositories using yast they all have the same listed name, "repository" - I can change that to show "repository disk 1" etc, but when I go to install stuff and the software installer asks for "repository disk 1" I put that in the dvd drive, and it cannot recognise it, spits it out and asks for the same disk again...hmmmm. Should I not change the default name that comes up when each DVD is added to the list? If I leave them unchanged will I be told which is the correct disk to insert, remembering that in the list they all have the same name

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OpenSUSE Install :: Adding A PackMan Repo?

Mar 2, 2010

Tried about every repo, listed on Additional package repositories - openSUSE but all give the same permission denied problem on some repom.xml and fail to add the repo.I want to install lame, on suse 11.0.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot Very Slow After Adding HD To Fstab

Dec 15, 2009

I have an external hard drive that I use with my laptop and I want it to be mounted at boot. I used YaST to do this by using the Partitioner. I selected the volume, then edited then chose to have the partition mounted at boot.

On next book the computer booted up and mounted the device as I expected but the boot up process took a long time. When I would usually get the desktop I got only a black screen for about one minute, the the desktop finally loads. I tried to reboot a number of times but I still get the same delay.

When I go back and choose to have the hard drive not auto mount and then reboot there is no delay in loading the desktop. So it seems like mounting this device is delaying the loading of my desktop on boot somehow.

Below is the line that is added to my fstab file to auto mount the drive:

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OpenSUSE Install :: Adding Installation Sources In SuSE11.2?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm a new linux user and I'm trying to install some files from a .tar.gz archive. I have successfully created a repository in a directory using createrepo, but I can't figure out how to add am installation source to YaST.How is it done in 11.2?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Adding More OS To Dual Boot System?

Jul 9, 2010

I wish to add more OS to my dual boot system with suse (sda) and windows7 (sda). The plan is to add Linux Mint(sda), PC BSD (sda), Fedora (sdb) and Solaris (sdb). I wish to remove grub2 from mint and install grub legacy, not sure whether it will work or not. I will be reinstalling grub from suse dvd. It gives me a free hand for adding boot entries. I wish to know whether I can remove grub2 and install grub legacy. In grub2 all boot related folders are stored in more than 1 place like /boot and /etc and subfolders.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Adding Ubuntu Section To Grub On 11.4

Mar 22, 2011

Trying to add a section in grub to boot a Ubuntu 10.10 from a partition, and can enter all the info OK, but it won't save it. It has an issue with the kernel and ram files not being where configured, but I tell it to save them anyway. When I go back in the section hasn't been saved...??

Have tried in YAST (cli) and Yast2 - same result.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Adding To The Boo/grub/menu But It Doesn't Seem To Be Working

Dec 19, 2009

I just installed OpenSuse 11.1 alongside of Ubuntu 9.10. After finishing up the installation I find that I can't get into Ubuntu. I have tried adding Ubuntu to the OpenSuse /boo/grub/menu.lst but it doesn't seem to be working.

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OpenSUSE Install :: GRUB Freezes After Adding SATA Drive?

Jan 15, 2010

So I installed SUSE 11.1 a few weeks back with two SATA drives andit's been working great. I recently received another SATA drive and wanted to add the space to my /home directory. I installed the drive and then booted up my computer. It goes through BIOS and POST just fine but when I get to GRUB my computer just hangs there. It doesn't throw any errors, it just sits until I hard reboot it. If I disconnect the extra SATA drive and then try to boot again everything starts successfully. I've done a little bit of searchingbut couldn't find much on this problem.pretty new to linux so I could definitely be missing something. Let me know if more details are needed.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Adding Extracted ISO To Grub From Hard Drive?

Dec 7, 2010

When I first installed the openSUSE, I had to extract whole iso to sda4, because there was some kind of with CD (scratched or something like that), Now I want to add this part to grub, so that when I want to reinstall it, it will be ready for me. I tried doing this with yast, but could't figure out whole thing.

My current setup:
kernel image: (hd0,4)/boot/i386/vmlinuz-xen
initial ram disk : (hd0,4)/boot/initrd-xen
vga-mod:1024x768, 24 bits (mode 0x318)
optional parameters: resume=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-TOSHIBA_MK8032GAX_76HE0769T-part4 splash=silent quiet showopts

This tries to do it, but gives error while trying to boot.

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OpenSUSE :: Attempt To Install VLC By Simply Adding The VideoLAN Repository To YAST?

Sep 22, 2010

If you attempt to install VLC by simply adding the VideoLAN repository to YAST, the version that's installed won't have audio.Follow the Zypper instructions on the VideoLAN website (bottom of the page)VideoLAN - VLC media player for openSUSE Be sure to specify 11.3 as described, and VLC will install fine.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub Can't Boot Into Suse After Adding A Hard Drive?

Feb 6, 2010

With the generous help from caf4926 and please_try_again, i was able to boot into Ubuntu 9.10 with suse's grub legacy.Now I have another problem that i'd need help on, I added a new IDE hard drive for storage and it became sda and the original sda with 3 OSes changed to sdb. Grub can't boot into any OSes except windows 7. Well, i can still boot into Ubuntu if i change the boot option from

root=/dev/sda2 ro quiet splash


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OpenSUSE Install :: Automatically Adding Local User To Xhost List?

Jun 8, 2011

On Ubuntu, the local user is automatically added the xhost list when logging in (via a script in /etc/X11/Xsession.d).

Is there a way to enable this in OpenSUSE?

(My original problem is that I cannot interact with a running X session when loggin in via SSH, since newer GDM versions don't create $HOME/.Xauthority any longer.)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Lose By Adding The X11failsafe Option In Menu.lst / NVidia Drivers?

Jul 21, 2011

My install of 11.4 (& 12.1) won't load unless I add the X11failsafe option to the loading of 11.4 (& 12.1) in the Grub menu.lst file. They bomb out after resetting the video when booting. I don't need to do this with my 11.3 install. Upon closer inspection 11.3 is using the nouveau nVidia driver, whereas both 11.4 & 12.1 are using the fbdev nVidia driver. My Hardware is a GEForce 6150SE and a Samsung SyncMaster 933SN. I have a couple of questions

1) What do I lose by adding the X11failsafe option in Menu.lst?

2) Can I, should I, replace the fbdev driver with something else. If yes, What? Nouveau?

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General :: Adding A Network Card?

Mar 5, 2010

I'd like to add another network card to my linux box. I've plugged in the hardware and rebooted, but I do not see a second network config file under network-scripts. Also, if I hit ifconfig -a, I only see one network listing. How do I proceed?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot See Router After Adding New LAN Card

Jun 15, 2010

My on-board LAN died so I added a realtek RTL-8029.I modified the BIOS so it used the PCI network card.I restarted the network using networking restart.But i still cannot ping router.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Adding New Network Card

Apr 17, 2010

I've switched to a new motherboard, an Asus P6T SE one, and now I don't have any cable connections in Networkmanager anymore.

I see the new card when I run "ifconfig", it's called "eth2", but I have no idea where to go from here without messing up networkmanager.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Install Video Card Of Netbook With Widescreen Resolution

Jan 3, 2010

How can I install the video card of this netbook with widescreen resolution?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Partitioning & Booting - (grub Won't Install On The Pci Express Card As It Is A Raid0 Array)

Jun 11, 2011

I am currently running all my applications off a HD as I was unable to install the grub bootloader on my ocz pci express card (grub won't install on the pci express card as it is a raid0 array). I would like to use the HD for backup only and run everything off the ocz card - with the exception of booting (which is unfortunate but I didn't manage to make the pci express card boot). How is it possible to tell suse during the installation to create the /boot on the HD and the rest on the pci express card and also to allocate the remainder of the HD as empty storage area??

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OpenSUSE Install :: Ethernet Card Found But Not Connected, New Install?

May 21, 2010

I've been using Suse on my 7 year old computer for years but now have a shiny new Dell Inspiron 570 MT with AMD Athlon? II X4 630.I thought that I should try the 64 bit version of Suse 11.2 on the new machine and it now dual boots, but I have an ethernet problem.Yast tells me:NetLink BCM57788 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe (Not connected)BusID : 0000:02:00.0Unable to configure the network card because the kernel device (eth0, wlan0) is not present. This is mostly caused by missing firmware (for wlan devices). See dmesg output for details.I searched for 'eth' in dmesg output without success but found 'net' in this section:

[ 0.380308] pci_bus 0000:03: resource 3 io: [0x00-0xffff]
[ 0.380310] pci_bus 0000:03: resource 4 mem: [0x000000-0xffffffffffffffff]
[ 0.380401] NET: Registered protocol family 2


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Adding Nvidia GeForce 210 Video Card?

Jan 5, 2010

I have a 64 bit computer with a 64 bit distribution of Ubuntu. The driver for the onboard video card wasn't supported beyond 8.04, so I didn't upgrade. Yesterday, I bought a NVIDIA GeForce 210 video card. I installed it and Ubuntu detected it and worked, but the resolution was limited to 640x480 (I think). I figured this would be corrected by updating, so I updated to 9.04. When I had to restart, the option to select which OS (Linux or Win) came up, I selected 9.04, and the ubuntu symbol came on. The status bar went to the end and the screen turned black, flickered 5 times, turned black and stopped progressing. The xorg.conf file is:

Identifier "Configured Video Device"
Driver "vesa"
Identifier "Configured Monitor"


I tried changing the driver from "vesa" to "nv" without any effect. Does anyone have any idea what I should do to get this to work?

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OpenSUSE Install :: SD Card Not Getting Partitioned With 11.0?

Jun 15, 2011

I have a brand new 4GB SD Card from Sandisk, and I am trying to partition & configure this (for using with Pandaboard and minimalfs), with commands detailed here: PandaBoard Minimal-FS SD Configuration - OMAPpedia.

My configuration is openSUSE 11.0 (i586) & I am connecting a USB based card reader. I could never partition the SD Card. I do not get an error with any of the commands. I tried running partprobe as well as a system reboot, My output is copied here[URL]..

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OpenSUSE Install :: Graphics Card Malfunction With Glx

Dec 21, 2009

I was looking to get glx to work with direct rendering. So i installed the nvidia drivers from the openSuSe Sight. I installed because /var/log/Xorg.O.log Said that the Nvidia card was not loaded. Long story short looks like the card is loaded but X windows... I guess GLX is not running and neither is Opengl. I still have output to the monitor. here is


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OpenSUSE Install :: Graphics Card Driver For GMA HD?

Jun 25, 2010

I have unfortunately found myself unable to properly boot up openSUSE because I decided to buy the Acer Aspire with the i5 Processor.

I have the Intel Graphics Media Accelerator HD (GMA HD) graphics card, and unfortunately from all my searching online and on openSUSE, I have been unable to find a driver for this that works for linux, and in addition I don't know how to install a driver outside of a GUI.

My openSUSE boots up to the boot choosing screen (regular openSUSE or failsafe), and then that nice list of functions being done is displayed, but as soon as the daemon has started, suddenly my screen goes blank and I am unable to do anything about it. Beyond this point, my OS loses all functionability, and while I can hear it computing, I am unable to actually tell WHAT it is computing. get a driver for this and to install this driver and get this GUI running, that would be great.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Get Xgi/sis Graphics Card Working

Jul 30, 2010

I have a z9 volari Graphics card that opensuse 1.2 is recognising but the xgi driver is not present. I get the following when I startx:

auth: creating new authority file /root/.serverauth.4650

X.Org X Server 1.6.5
Release Date: 2009-10-11
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: openSUSE SUSE LINUX


Perhaps my last post about this was too long and hence why nobody responded. So i will try and keep it simple and let the experts advise me.

I have tried installing an rpm that I got from rpm search. Namely xorg-x11-driver-video-xgi-1.5.0-6.1.i586 which seemed to install but when I did a query it said it was not installed, but when I tried to do an install again it said it was already installed ??

There is also a file called xserver-xorg-video-sis_0.9.3.orig.tar.gz which i got from this site. I have not managed to extract it properly yet but will look into that myself. It appears to have in it a makefile, so I presume it is source files and I could really do with some help in that.

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