Networking :: Tcp_probe Doesn't Work?

Feb 4, 2010

I'm using ubuntu 9.10 with kernel 2.6.33.I want to plot the cwnd of some tcp connections over the time.So I activate the module (as root) with:modprobe tcp_probeand after that I did:cat /proc/net/tcpprobe > test.log &And than I do a little bit surfing or other things, which use tcp - but the file test.log is empty

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Networking :: Tcp_probe Doesn't Collect All The Data?

May 2, 2011

I'm trying to plot the TCP congestion window and the slow start threshold using iperf and the tcp_probe module. I do exactly what is told here:

to obtain the data:

modprobe tcp_probe port=5001
chmod 444 /proc/net/tcpprobe
cat /proc/net/tcpprobe >/tmp/tcpprobe.out &


I did the test with iperf for 10, 20, 40 100 and 200 seconds but the plot only showed the first 20 seconds in all of the tests. I checked the tcpprobet.out log and y saw that 2048 entries are registered, no matter if the test was for 20 or 200 seconds.

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Networking :: DNS Lookup Doesn't Work, Ping, Firefox Will Not Work Properly?

Apr 23, 2009

I have this annoying problem since day one.I am testing out Red Hat RHEL5, everything is fine except DNS look up.If I ping, it doesn't work, ping ip address it all works;if I bring up browser, put it doesn't work, can't find the name, however, simply put ip address there it works.My DNS seeting seems ok, and the DNS works from Windows box.

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Fedora Networking :: Networking On F11 Doesn't Work On Various Machines

Aug 25, 2009

Networking on Fedora 11 doesn't work for me on various machines. Fedora 10 does, but only if you don't do an update.Why does Fedora get worse the more you keep it up-to-date?

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Networking :: Ip Forwarding Doesn't Work?

Feb 15, 2011

I have 2 guest machines on 1 VBox host installed : - one guest with hostname 'debian' is configured as follows and has IP Forwarding enabled to be able to route traffic from eht1 to eth0.

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 08:00:27:f1:ef:5f
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:fef1:ef5f/64 Scope:Link


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Networking :: Ip Route Mtu Doesn't Work?

Feb 26, 2010

I'm trying to troubleshoot some networking issues I'm having between my Linux servers connecting to a server at another location after a Cisco ASA firewall has been installed at my location. I can make the connection work if I lower the mtu on the NIC (ifconfig eth0 mth 1000) - however that supposedly can break the local network if I don't set everything else's mtu to match. Supposedly I can use the iproute package (debian etch) to lower the mtu on a per-route basis, but it doesn't seem to work for me.

ip route delete default
ip route add default via X.X.X.X mtu 1000

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Networking :: My Internet Doesn't Work

Mar 13, 2010


I've openSUSE 11.2, 64-bit version, with GNOME desktop.

My hardware is a Conceptronic c150ru.

Well, I configured it with Ndiswrapper (, and I hadn't problems.

Then, I tried to enable Internet with the terminal. Firstly, I wrote iwconfig wlan0 mode managed. Well.

Secondly, I wrote iwconfig wlan0 essid (my essid). Well.

Then, I wrote iwconfig wlan0 key (my key wep). An error message appears. How can I write my key wep?

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Networking :: Second Interface Doesn't Work?

Jul 3, 2010

I have two simultaneous active mobile connections through my two mobile phones and USB data cables. Yet I can only send/receive with one connection.

Each of the phone modems have a node in /dev, namely ttyACM0 and ttyACM0. So the modems are detected correctly. After setting up two dial-up connections with the two modems I have two ip's. Ifconfig-a confirms this:

ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
inet addr: P-t-P: Mask:
RX packets:15209 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0


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Fedora Networking :: Traceroute Doesn't Work

Mar 14, 2011

I am trying to traceroute to

When i do it looks like this


It does this no matter what site I go to. also the is the untangle server

The command does work for local Ips


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Ubuntu Networking :: Ekiga Doesn't Work With 10.04

Jun 9, 2010

I have recently installed ubuntu 10.04. After some days of trying I can say that ekiga doesn't work with 10.04. With the same computer I was perfectly able to use ekiga with ubuntu 8.1, the 10.04 gives me connections problems.... it simply say says "Could not register (Failed)".I'm trying to connect with my voip provider ( but it seems that I can't. I have even tried other programs like empathy, Twinkle, QuteCom but with none of them I can connect with my voIP provider. I think there are some connection problems but I really don't know how to face them. We have to configure router in 10.04 for sip connection? Actually I can't phone at all.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Netcat Doesn't Seem To Work

Jul 27, 2010

I've tried to use netcat in the past and assumed it was my stupidity that was preventing it from working... but this is getting ridiculous. I'll execute nc -l 3333 on a server at (after opening it on the firewall of course) then I run nc 3333 on my laptop (from and nothing happens... i start typing and nothing comes up on the terminal.

I run nc -z 80 which should ideally do a port scan of port 80 on that server (of which I'm running a web server that clearly works) but it doesnt even give me any feedback. Nothing happens. Now when I use the verbose flag i see that I am indeed connecting to the specified port on the server successfully (so the port scan one is a success but only with the verbose flag... which shouldnt be the case I believe). But still once I have the server listening and the laptop connected... I type in both windows and nothing happens...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Set Up JVJ 3G Modem - URL Doesn't Work

Aug 30, 2010

I have JVJ 3G modem,one from Singapore. I have try out as [URL]... But it doesn't work. Has anyone try it before?

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Ubuntu Networking :: HP Printer Doesn't Work?

Aug 31, 2010

I am networked to a Windows machine. I can see and open files across the network. I can see and add my HP 6000 printer (it is on the Windows machine). On my Ubuntu machine this printer has a check mark by "Enabled" and "shared" but I cannot set it as default (that option is ghosted) and when I try to print a test page it says "unable to connect to CIFS host" I downloaded the HP Linux setup program. That program cannot locate the networked printer at all.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Doesn't Always Work

Nov 15, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop. Up until about a week ago, my wireless worked fine, but now it rarely connects. Sometimes the connection indicator shows that I am connected, but when I click on it it doesn't show any active networks. Even when I use a wired connection it doesn't always work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Bluetooth On 10.04 Doesn't Work?

Dec 22, 2010

i have had my bluetooth keyboard and mouse working fine for a little while now, then one day.. seemingly out of the blue (no pun intended) it stopped. heres what i deduced:

Mouse works fine, always keyboard doesnt.

I'm using a logitech dinovo edge

and i can manually force the keyboard to connect by putting the keyboard into discoverable mode (press the button on the back of it) and using hidd:

hidd --connect XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX
but who the heck wants to do that on every reboot or resume from sleep! yikes..
firstly, i noticed that bluetoothd was segfaulting alot:
ec 22 17:26:09 hostname kernel: [21329.811149] usb 2-6.2: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 6


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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.4 Network Doesn't Work Due To DNS

Jun 15, 2011

i've installed it on my parents old computer, mostly for downloading. But wired internet did work all the time but then i had to reset our router because of some problems and now it doesn't work anymore! But the strange thing is, if i put the cable on my own laptop with windows on it, then it works as normal.

So i guess its some kind of DNS problem, but i'm very new with ubuntu and also not so good with computers. Our network is simple just an modem connected to an router: Sitecome WL-341.

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Networking :: Second Network Interface Doesn't Work?

Jul 3, 2010

I have two simultaneous active mobile connections through my two mobile phones and USB data cables. Yet I can only send/receive with one connection.Each of the phone modems have a node in /dev, namely ttyACM0 and ttyACM0. So the modems are detected correctly.After setting up two dial-up connections with the two modems I have two ip's. Ifconfig-a confirms this:

ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
inet addr: P-t-P: Mask:


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Networking :: Iptables Doesn't Work Well Without OpenVPN?

May 31, 2011

my problem is following: I'm running a bridged OpenVPN on my Debian. If the service is running, everything works fine: local and Internet, ftp, mailing from in and outside etc. But, when stopping OpenVPN, sending mails from inside (LAN) fails: I cannot reach smtp (postfix) listening on port 465. And even reaching mailboxes using IMAP gets horribly slow eg. in Thunderbird. Here is my script.


echo "
IPTABLES FIREWALL inicializalasa - szures"
# Enter the designation for the Internal Interface's


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CentOS 5 Networking :: UCD-SNMP-MIB Doesn't Seem To Work

Aug 20, 2009

I am trying to monitor a Centos 5.3 box using SNMP and I am having a lot of trouble getting the data that i need from it. Everytime I try to get information from the UCD-SNMP MIB it returns "End of MIB". It is my understanding that UCD-SNMP is a standard package when Net-SNMP is installed and should always be there. Then why can't I access it? I have tried removing the reinstalling Net-SNMP, but that hasn't worked. My server is update date on all it's patches as well. It is quite old hardware, but I don't believe that should affect SNMP from being gathered. Iptables is down, and I cant' even get it from the local machine.

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Fedora Networking :: Aspire One - Wlan Doesn't Work?

Feb 12, 2009

I installed F10 today. From live-usb wlan worked fine, but after installing it doesn't find any networks. I tried to google this problem, but everybody says wifi works out of the box. Not for me.

Solved: I disappled wireless networking and appled it again. It found all networks.

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Fedora Networking :: Wlan Doesn't Work After Reboot?

Dec 7, 2009

I have installed Fedora 12 on my laptop.Installing my Broadcom BCM 4312 wireless drivers works just fine, but after a reboot I have to reinstall them. modprobe wl, modprobe wlan0 etc doesn't work either. I need to reinstall them every time I reboot.

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Fedora Networking :: Internet Doesn't Seem To Work Properly

Nov 1, 2010

I'm runnig f 13 on my laptop, and it runs like a charm. But once in a while, the internet doesn't seem to work properly. It mostly works, but right now i am unable to reach certain pages such at google (which is annoying), whereas other pages like yahoo and this one works perfectly well.

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Fedora Networking :: NetworkManager-vpnc Doesn't Work

Jun 27, 2011

how nobody else could have run into this in the meantime. [URL] Two friends of mine are having the same issue on Ubuntu-11.4-machines. In short: Connecting to the Cisco-VPN via shell-command "vpnc" works flawlessly, whereas NetworkManager just doesn't connect at all. We had this working in older versions of Fedora/Ubuntu about some months ago...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Doesn't Work After Upgrade

Jan 4, 2010

I just upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10. When I restarted, I admired the new login menu, then went to Firefox. I noticed that my wireless didn't work (it did in 9.04) Thinking I'd just need to reinstall the drivers, I plugged in the computer to a working Ethernet outlet with a working cord. I noticed that Ubuntu didn't tell me that Auto eth0 was connected. It didn't tell me anything. And then I went to Google and realized that the wired connection didn't work either. Then I came here on an iPod Touch and you know the rest.

Edit: And other devices work too on the network.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Doesn't Work On MSI U130?

Jan 10, 2010

I really want to convert over to ubuntu and use ubuntu netbook remix on my new netbook but I've had a hell of a time trying to get it to access the internet, I've tried installing drivers but I don't really know how.

My Netbook Details:

MSI U130
1.66 Intel Atom N450
1GB DDR2 Ram
Windows 7 Starter
802.11 bgn 1r1t Mini Card Wireless Adapter

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Ubuntu Networking :: Gvfs-mount Doesn't Work Through Ssh?

Jan 26, 2010

setup consist of three machines: 2 servers (A and B)(ubuntu) and my local laptop Server A is a company controlled server which holds project data Server B is our office local server, which we use for development purposes. The problem occurs when i ssh from my local laptop to server B. After loggin in, i execute a script to transfer data from A to B. This script mounts server A using gvfs-mount. It fails to mount completely and gives me the following error


Error mounting location: volume doesn't implement mount

However if i log onto server B, using the servers keyboard and monitor (using a gnome session) i can execute the line. To verify that it's something related to the ssh login, i tried the following: (My local laptop is also running ubuntu) from laptop open a terminal. See the gvfs mount work as expected. open another terminal and ssh localhost tried to execute gvfs-mount from the local ssh session and i get the above mentioned error. After googling a bit, i found that it might related to dbus (which i know _nothing_ about) and i tried


dbus-launch gvfs-mount and then tried to gvfs-mount server A, but it fails again.

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Ubuntu Networking :: WLAN Doesn't Work Under VirtualBox?

Feb 21, 2010

On my HP TX2500 laptop, dual-booting Vista and 9.04, Ubuntu installation found the WLAN and it works fine.I installed VirtualBox with Vista as the host and 9.04 as the guest. Wired Ethernet works fine but it didn't seem to find my WLAN. What more do I need to do?

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Ubuntu Networking :: TP-LINK TL-322G Doesn't Work?

Feb 26, 2010

I try to do wireless man-in-the middle attack with my ASUS laptop and I've alreay got two wlan adaptors, a built-in Atheros NE-785H and a TP-LINK TL-W322G USB wireless adaptor. Either of them is to act as a rogue access point (soft AP). The biult-in adaptor works well but I just can't get the TP-LINK working properly.

I have alreay visited the threads below No Wireless with TP-LINK TL-WN322G found Problems with a TP-LINK TL-WN322G 54g Wireless USB Adapter (ZyDAS zd1211b Chipset ) HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsTP-Link tp-link WN322G Wlan mit TP-LINK TL-WN322G

I'm running Karmic with 2.6.31-19, according to the Ubuntu help page it should work out of the box, but it just wouldn't work for me. I only got it working with ndiswrapper, which is clearly not what I want to use since it's not supported by aircrack-ng.

Here are results after running modprobe -v zd1211rw

WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.31-19-generic/updates/cw/zd1211rw.ko
then lsmod | grep zd


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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Doesn't Work, Except Skype?

Mar 10, 2010

I have a desktop pc with xubuntu 9.10 32bit installed. I don't have direct access to this machine, but they told me that internet is not working (firefox, synaptic,etc...), but only skype works! If they reboot on windows, everything works well, so it's not a matter of connection or dns.It's very important because they work with that computer. How can i solve the problem? and what could be the cause of this strange anomaly

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Ubuntu Networking :: .04 - Wired Network Doesn't Work

May 4, 2010

I installed Ubuntu10.04, It cannot driver Wired network and wireless. Later I installed linuxMint9, wireless is ok, but wired network doesn't work. I am sure the lan cable is ok. It works in Windows.

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